path: root/environments/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml
blob: e6608b57f9f5481c9d8df4ca3c5b4d426d684746 (plain)
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# Use this environment when deploying an overcloud where all the endpoints are
# DNS names and there's TLS in all endpoint types.
    AodhAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8042', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    AodhInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8042', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    AodhPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13042', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    BarbicanAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '9311', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    BarbicanInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '9311', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    BarbicanPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13311', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CeilometerAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8777', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CeilometerInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8777', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CeilometerPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13777', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CephRgwAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CephRgwInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CephRgwPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13808', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CinderAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8776', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CinderInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8776', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CinderPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13776', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CongressAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '1789', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CongressInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '1789', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    CongressPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13789', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ContrailAnalyticsApiAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8081', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsApiInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8081', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsApiPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8081', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorHttpAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8089',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorHttpInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8089',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorHttpPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8089',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8086',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8086',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8086',
      host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsHttpAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8090', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsHttpInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8090', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsHttpPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8090', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsRedisAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '6379', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsRedisInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '6379', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailAnalyticsRedisPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '6379', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailConfigAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8082', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailConfigInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8082', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailConfigPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8082', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailDiscoveryAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '5998', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailDiscoveryInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '5998', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailDiscoveryPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '5998', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8080', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8080', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8080', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpsAdmin: {protocol: 'http', port: '8143', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpsInternal: {protocol: 'http', port: '8143', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    ContrailWebuiHttpsPublic: {protocol: 'http', port: '8143', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    Ec2ApiAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8788', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    Ec2ApiInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8788', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    Ec2ApiPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13788', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GlanceAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '9292', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GlanceInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '9292', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GlancePublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13292', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GnocchiAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8041', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GnocchiInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8041', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    GnocchiPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13041', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8004', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8004', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13004', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatCfnAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatCfnInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HeatCfnPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13005', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    HorizonPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '443', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    IronicAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '6385', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    IronicInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '6385', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    IronicPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13385', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    KeystoneAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '35357', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    KeystoneInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '5000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    KeystonePublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ManilaAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8786', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ManilaInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8786', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ManilaPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13786', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    MistralAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8989', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    MistralInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8989', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    MistralPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13989', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    MysqlInternal: {protocol: 'mysql+pymysql', port: '3306', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NeutronAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '9696', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NeutronInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '9696', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NeutronPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13696', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8774', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8774', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13774', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaPlacementAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8778', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaPlacementInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8778', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaPlacementPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13778', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaVNCProxyAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '6080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaVNCProxyInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '6080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    NovaVNCProxyPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    OctaviaAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '9876', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    OctaviaInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '9876', host: 'IP_ADDRESS'}
    OctaviaPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13876', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    PankoAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8779', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    PankoInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8779', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    PankoPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13779', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SaharaAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8386', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SaharaInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8386', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SaharaPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13386', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SwiftAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SwiftInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8080', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    SwiftPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13808', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    TackerAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '9890', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    TackerInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '9890', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    TackerPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13989', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarAdmin: {protocol: 'https', port: '8888', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarInternal: {protocol: 'https', port: '8888', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarPublic: {protocol: 'https', port: '13888', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarWebSocketAdmin: {protocol: 'wss', port: '9000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarWebSocketInternal: {protocol: 'wss', port: '9000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}
    ZaqarWebSocketPublic: {protocol: 'wss', port: '9000', host: 'CLOUDNAME'}