path: root/puppet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet')
-rw-r--r--puppet/services/sshd.yaml (renamed from puppet/services/neutron-compute-plugin-opencontrail.yaml)13
110 files changed, 2447 insertions, 715 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/controller-role.yaml b/puppet/controller-role.yaml
index 9e35af5f..d3268ee2 100644
--- a/puppet/controller-role.yaml
+++ b/puppet/controller-role.yaml
@@ -458,9 +458,7 @@ resources:
- all_nodes # provided by allNodesConfig
- vip_data # provided by allNodesConfig
- '"%{::osfamily}"'
- - cinder_dellsc_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
- cinder_netapp_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
- - cinder_eqlx_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
- neutron_bigswitch_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
- neutron_cisco_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
- cisco_n1kv_data # Optionally provided by ControllerExtraConfigPre
diff --git a/puppet/extraconfig/all_nodes/neutron-ml2-cisco-nexus-ucsm.yaml b/puppet/extraconfig/all_nodes/neutron-ml2-cisco-nexus-ucsm.yaml
index cb8d498c..9b900bc4 100644
--- a/puppet/extraconfig/all_nodes/neutron-ml2-cisco-nexus-ucsm.yaml
+++ b/puppet/extraconfig/all_nodes/neutron-ml2-cisco-nexus-ucsm.yaml
@@ -245,7 +245,9 @@ resources:
for map_name in mappings:
f_name = '/root/' + map_name
map_data = os.getenv(map_name, "Nada")
- with open(f_name, 'a') as f:
+ with os.fdopen(os.open(f_name,
+ os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o644),
+ 'w') as f:
if map_data is not "Nada":
if map_name is not 'nexus_config':
@@ -260,7 +262,9 @@ resources:
for mac in vals[1:]:
mac2host[mac.lower()] = vals[0]
- with open('/root/mac2host', 'a') as f:
+ with os.fdopen(os.open('/root/mac2host',
+ os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o644),
+ 'w') as f:
# now we have mac to host, map host to switchport in hieradata
diff --git a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/compute/neutron-opencontrail.yaml b/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/compute/neutron-opencontrail.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 66252f1f..00000000
--- a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/compute/neutron-opencontrail.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: ocata
-description: Compute node hieradata for Neutron OpenContrail configuration
- server:
- description: ID of the compute node to apply this config to
- type: string
- ContrailApiServerIp:
- description: IP address of the OpenContrail API server
- type: string
- ContrailApiServerPort:
- description: Port of the OpenContrail API
- type: string
- default: 8082
- ComputeContrailConfig:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
- properties:
- group: os-apply-config
- config:
- hiera:
- datafiles:
- neutron_opencontrail_data:
- mapped_data:
- nova::network::neutron::network_api_class: nova.network.neutronv2.api.API
- contrail::vrouter::provision_vrouter::api_address: {get_input: contrail_api_server_ip}
- contrail::vrouter::provision_vrouter::api_port: {get_input: contrail_api_server_port}
- contrail::vrouter::provision_vrouter::keystone_admin_user: admin
- contrail::vrouter::provision_vrouter::keystone_admin_tenant_name: admin
- contrail::vrouter::provision_vrouter::keystone_admin_password: '"%{::admin_password}"'
- contrail::vnc_api::vnc_api_config:
- 'auth/AUTHN_TYPE':
- value: keystone
- value: http
- 'auth/AUTHN_SERVER':
- value: "%{hiera('keystone_admin_api_vip')}"
- 'auth/AUTHN_PORT':
- value: 35357
- 'auth/AUTHN_URL':
- value: '/v2.0/tokens'
- ComputeContrailDeployment:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
- properties:
- config: {get_resource: ComputeContrailConfig}
- server: {get_param: server}
- input_values:
- contrail_api_server_ip: {get_param: ContrailApiServerIp}
- contrail_api_server_port: {get_param: ContrailApiServerPort}
- deploy_stdout:
- description: Output of the extra hiera data deployment
- value: {get_attr: [ComputeContrailDeployment, deploy_stdout]}
diff --git a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-dellsc.yaml b/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-dellsc.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d639883..00000000
--- a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-dellsc.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: ocata
-description: Configure hieradata for Cinder Dell Storage Center configuration
- server:
- description: ID of the controller node to apply this config to
- type: string
- # Config specific parameters, to be provided via parameter_defaults
- CinderEnableDellScBackend:
- type: boolean
- default: true
- CinderDellScBackendName:
- type: string
- default: 'tripleo_dellsc'
- CinderDellScSanIp:
- type: string
- CinderDellScSanLogin:
- type: string
- default: 'Admin'
- CinderDellScSanPassword:
- type: string
- hidden: true
- CinderDellScSsn:
- type: string
- default: '64702'
- CinderDellScIscsiIpAddress:
- type: string
- default: ''
- CinderDellScIscsiPort:
- type: string
- default: '3260'
- CinderDellScApiPort:
- type: string
- default: '3033'
- CinderDellScServerFolder:
- type: string
- default: 'dellsc_server'
- CinderDellScVolumeFolder:
- type: string
- default: 'dellsc_volume'
- CinderDellScConfig:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
- properties:
- group: os-apply-config
- config:
- hiera:
- datafiles:
- cinder_dellsc_data:
- mapped_data:
- tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_dellsc_backend: {get_input: EnableDellScBackend}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::volume_backend_name: {get_input: DellScBackendName}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_ip: {get_input: DellScSanIp}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_login: {get_input: DellScSanLogin}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_password: {get_input: DellScSanPassword}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_ssn: {get_input: DellScSsn}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::iscsi_ip_address: {get_input: DellScIscsiIpAddress}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::iscsi_port: {get_input: DellScIscsiPort}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_api_port: {get_input: DellScApiPort}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_server_folder: {get_input: DellScServerFolder}
- cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_volume_folder: {get_input: DellScVolumeFolder}
- CinderDellScDeployment:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
- properties:
- config: {get_resource: CinderDellScConfig}
- server: {get_param: server}
- input_values:
- EnableDellScBackend: {get_param: CinderEnableDellScBackend}
- DellScBackendName: {get_param: CinderDellScBackendName}
- DellScSanIp: {get_param: CinderDellScSanIp}
- DellScSanLogin: {get_param: CinderDellScSanLogin}
- DellScSanPassword: {get_param: CinderDellScSanPassword}
- DellScSsn: {get_param: CinderDellScSsn}
- DellScIscsiIpAddress: {get_param: CinderDellScIscsiIpAddress}
- DellScIscsiPort: {get_param: CinderDellScIscsiPort}
- DellScApiPort: {get_param: CinderDellScApiPort}
- DellScServerFolder: {get_param: CinderDellScServerFolder}
- DellScVolumeFolder: {get_param: CinderDellScVolumeFolder}
- deploy_stdout:
- description: Deployment reference, used to trigger puppet apply on changes
- value: {get_attr: [CinderDellScDeployment, deploy_stdout]}
diff --git a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-eqlx.yaml b/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-eqlx.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 30509044..00000000
--- a/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/cinder-eqlx.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: ocata
-description: Configure hieradata for Cinder Eqlx configuration
- server:
- description: ID of the controller node to apply this config to
- type: string
- # Config specific parameters, to be provided via parameter_defaults
- CinderEnableEqlxBackend:
- type: boolean
- default: true
- CinderEqlxBackendName:
- type: string
- default: 'tripleo_eqlx'
- CinderEqlxSanIp:
- type: string
- CinderEqlxSanLogin:
- type: string
- CinderEqlxSanPassword:
- type: string
- hidden: true
- CinderEqlxSanThinProvision:
- type: boolean
- default: true
- CinderEqlxGroupname:
- type: string
- default: 'group-0'
- CinderEqlxPool:
- type: string
- default: 'default'
- CinderEqlxChapLogin:
- type: string
- default: ''
- CinderEqlxChapPassword:
- type: string
- default: ''
- CinderEqlxUseChap:
- type: boolean
- default: false
- CinderEqlxConfig:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
- properties:
- group: os-apply-config
- config:
- hiera:
- datafiles:
- cinder_eqlx_data:
- mapped_data:
- tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_eqlx_backend: {get_input: EnableEqlxBackend}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::volume_backend_name: {get_input: EqlxBackendName}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::san_ip: {get_input: EqlxSanIp}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::san_login: {get_input: EqlxSanLogin}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::san_password: {get_input: EqlxSanPassword}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::san_thin_provision: {get_input: EqlxSanThinProvision}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_group_name: {get_input: EqlxGroupname}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_pool: {get_input: EqlxPool}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_use_chap: {get_input: EqlxUseChap}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_chap_login: {get_input: EqlxChapLogin}
- cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_chap_password: {get_input: EqlxChapPassword}
- CinderEqlxDeployment:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
- properties:
- config: {get_resource: CinderEqlxConfig}
- server: {get_param: server}
- input_values:
- EnableEqlxBackend: {get_param: CinderEnableEqlxBackend}
- EqlxBackendName: {get_param: CinderEqlxBackendName}
- EqlxSanIp: {get_param: CinderEqlxSanIp}
- EqlxSanLogin: {get_param: CinderEqlxSanLogin}
- EqlxSanPassword: {get_param: CinderEqlxSanPassword}
- EqlxSanThinProvision: {get_param: CinderEqlxSanThinProvision}
- EqlxGroupname: {get_param: CinderEqlxGroupname}
- EqlxPool: {get_param: CinderEqlxPool}
- EqlxUseChap: {get_param: CinderEqlxUseChap}
- EqlxChapLogin: {get_param: CinderEqlxChapLogin}
- EqlxChapPassword: {get_param: CinderEqlxChapPassword}
- deploy_stdout:
- description: Deployment reference, used to trigger puppet apply on changes
- value: {get_attr: [CinderEqlxDeployment, deploy_stdout]}
diff --git a/puppet/major_upgrade_steps.j2.yaml b/puppet/major_upgrade_steps.j2.yaml
index 433b03a0..3362a01f 100644
--- a/puppet/major_upgrade_steps.j2.yaml
+++ b/puppet/major_upgrade_steps.j2.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+{% set enabled_roles = roles|rejectattr('disable_upgrade_deployment')|list -%}
+{% set batch_upgrade_steps_max = 3 -%}
+{% set upgrade_steps_max = 6 -%}
+{% set deliver_script = {'deliver': False} -%}
heat_template_version: ocata
description: 'Upgrade steps for all roles'
@@ -14,42 +18,192 @@ parameters:
description: >
Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger
the Upgrade resources to re-run on all roles.
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
+ NovaPassword:
+ description: The password for the nova service and db account, used by nova-api.
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ # Conditions to disable any steps where the task list is empty
+{%- for role in roles %}
+ {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfigEnabled:
+ not:
+ equals:
+ - {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, upgrade_batch_tasks]}
+ - []
+ {{role.name}}UpgradeConfigEnabled:
+ not:
+ equals:
+ - {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, upgrade_tasks]}
+ - []
+{%- endfor %}
+{% for role in roles if role.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
+ {{role.name}}DeliverUpgradeScriptConfig:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
+ properties:
+ group: script
+ config:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - "#!/bin/bash\n\n"
+ - "set -eu\n\n"
+ - "if hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml service_names | grep nova_compute ; then\n\n"
+ - " crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_type password\n\n"
+ - " crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement username placement\n\n"
+ - " crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_domain_name Default\n\n"
+ - " crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement user_domain_name Default\n\n"
+ - " crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_name service\n\n"
+ - " systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute\n\n"
+ - "fi\n\n"
+ - str_replace:
+ template: |
+ crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement password 'SERVICE_PASSWORD'
+ crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement region_name 'REGION_NAME'
+ crudini --set /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_url 'AUTH_URL'
+ params:
+ SERVICE_PASSWORD: { get_param: NovaPassword }
+ REGION_NAME: { get_param: KeystoneRegion }
+ AUTH_URL: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ ROLE_NAME: {{role.name}}
+ - get_file: ../extraconfig/tasks/pacemaker_common_functions.sh
+ - get_file: ../extraconfig/tasks/tripleo_upgrade_node.sh
+ {{role.name}}DeliverUpgradeScriptDeployment:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}DeliverUpgradeScriptConfig}
+{% endfor %}
+# Upgrade Steps for all roles, batched updates
+# The UpgradeConfig resources could actually be created without
+# serialization, but the event output is easier to follow if we
+# do, and there should be minimal performance hit (creating the
+# config is cheap compared to the time to apply the deployment).
+{% for step in range(0, batch_upgrade_steps_max) %}
+ # Batch config resources step {{step}}
+ {%- for role in roles %}
+ {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfig_Step{{step}}:
+ type: OS::TripleO::UpgradeConfig
+ {%- if step > 0 %}
+ condition: {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfigEnabled
+ {% if role.name in enabled_roles %}
+ depends_on:
+ - {{role.name}}UpgradeBatch_Step{{step -1}}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% for role in roles if role.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
+ {% if deliver_script.update({'deliver': True}) %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% if deliver_script.deliver %}
+ depends_on:
+ {% endif %}
+ {% for dep in roles if dep.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
+ - {{dep.name}}DeliverUpgradeScriptDeployment
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ properties:
+ UpgradeStepConfig: {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, upgrade_batch_tasks]}
+ step: {{step}}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ # Batch deployment resources for step {{step}} (only for enabled roles)
+ {%- for role in enabled_roles %}
+ {{role.name}}UpgradeBatch_Step{{step}}:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
+ condition: {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfigEnabled
+ {%- if step > 0 %}
+ depends_on:
+ - {{role.name}}UpgradeBatch_Step{{step -1}}
+ {% else %}
+ depends_on:
+ - {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfig_Step{{step}}
+ {%- endif %}
+ update_policy:
+ batch_create:
+ max_batch_size: {{role.upgrade_batch_size|default(1)}}
+ rolling_update:
+ max_batch_size: {{role.upgrade_batch_size|default(1)}}
+ properties:
+ name: {{role.name}}UpgradeBatch_Step{{step}}
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}UpgradeBatchConfig_Step{{step}}}
+ input_values:
+ role: {{role.name}}
+ update_identifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endfor %}
+# Dump the puppet manifests to be apply later when disable_upgrade_deployment
+# is to true
+{% for role in roles if role.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
+ {{role.name}}DeliverPuppetConfig:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
+ properties:
+ group: script
+ config:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - str_replace:
+ template: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ cat > /root/{{role.name}}_puppet_config.pp << ENDOFCAT
+ params:
+ PUPPET_CLASSES: {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, step_config]}
+ {{role.name}}DeliverPuppetDeployment:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}DeliverPuppetConfig}
+{% endfor %}
# Upgrade Steps for all roles
-# FIXME(shardy): would be nice to make the number of steps configurable
-{% for step in range(0, 8) %}
- {% for role in roles %}
- # Step {{step}} resources
+{%- for step in range(0, upgrade_steps_max) %}
+ # Config resources for step {{step}}
+ {%- for role in roles %}
type: OS::TripleO::UpgradeConfig
# The UpgradeConfig resources could actually be created without
# serialization, but the event output is easier to follow if we
# do, and there should be minimal performance hit (creating the
# config is cheap compared to the time to apply the deployment).
- {% if step > 0 %}
+ {%- if step > 0 %}
+ condition: {{role.name}}UpgradeConfigEnabled
+ {% if role.name in enabled_roles %}
- {% for dep in roles %}
- {% if not dep.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
- - {{dep.name}}Upgrade_Step{{step -1}}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
+ - {{role.name}}Upgrade_Step{{step -1}}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- endif %}
UpgradeStepConfig: {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, upgrade_tasks]}
step: {{step}}
- {% if not role.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ # Deployment resources for step {{step}} (only for enabled roles)
+ {%- for role in enabled_roles %}
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeploymentGroup
- {% if step > 0 %}
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
+ {%- if step > 0 %}
+ condition: {{role.name}}UpgradeConfigEnabled
- {% for dep in roles %}
- {% if not dep.disable_upgrade_deployment|default(false) %}
- - {{dep.name}}Upgrade_Step{{step -1}}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
+ - {{role.name}}Upgrade_Step{{step -1}}
+ {%- endif %}
name: {{role.name}}Upgrade_Step{{step}}
servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
@@ -57,9 +211,21 @@ resources:
role: {{role.name}}
update_identifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endfor %}
+ # Post upgrade deployment steps for all roles
+ # This runs the normal configuration (e.g puppet) steps unless upgrade
+ # is disabled for the role
+ AllNodesPostUpgradeSteps:
+ type: OS::TripleO::PostUpgradeSteps
+ depends_on:
+{%- for dep in enabled_roles %}
+ - {{dep.name}}Upgrade_Step{{upgrade_steps_max - 1}}
+{%- endfor %}
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: servers}
+ role_data: {get_param: role_data}
# Output the config for each role, just use Step1 as the config should be
@@ -70,4 +236,3 @@ outputs:
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name.lower()}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}UpgradeConfig_Step1, upgrade_config]}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/puppet/post-upgrade.j2.yaml b/puppet/post-upgrade.j2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b84039de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/post-upgrade.j2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Post-upgrade configuration steps via puppet for all roles
+ where upgrade is not disabled as defined in ../roles_data.yaml
+ servers:
+ type: json
+ description: Mapping of Role name e.g Controller to a list of servers
+ role_data:
+ type: json
+ description: Mapping of Role name e.g Controller to the per-role data
+ DeployIdentifier:
+ default: ''
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which
+ perform configuration on a Heat stack-update.
+# Note the include here is the same as post.j2.yaml but the data used at
+# the time of rendering is different if any roles disable upgrades
+{% set roles = roles|rejectattr('disable_upgrade_deployment')|list -%}
+{% include 'puppet-steps.j2' %}
diff --git a/puppet/post.j2.yaml b/puppet/post.j2.yaml
index 83c32868..21202775 100644
--- a/puppet/post.j2.yaml
+++ b/puppet/post.j2.yaml
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ parameters:
type: json
description: Mapping of Role name e.g Controller to the per-role data
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
default: ''
type: string
@@ -21,92 +25,4 @@ parameters:
perform configuration on a Heat stack-update.
- # Post deployment steps for all roles
- # A single config is re-applied with an incrementing step number
-{% for role in roles %}
- # {{role.name}} Role post deploy steps
- {{role.name}}ArtifactsConfig:
- type: deploy-artifacts.yaml
- {{role.name}}ArtifactsDeploy:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
- config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}ArtifactsConfig}
- {{role.name}}PreConfig:
- type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::{{role.name}}PreConfig
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
- input_values:
- update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
- {{role.name}}Config:
- type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}Config
- properties:
- StepConfig: {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, step_config]}
- {% if role.name == 'Controller' %}
- ControllerPrePuppet:
- type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::ControllerPrePuppet
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: [servers, Controller]}
- input_values:
- update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
- {% endif %}
- # Step through a series of configuration steps
-{% for step in range(1, 6) %}
- {{role.name}}Deployment_Step{{step}}:
- type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeploymentGroup
- {% if step == 1 %}
- depends_on: [{{role.name}}PreConfig, {{role.name}}ArtifactsDeploy]
- {% else %}
- depends_on:
- {% for dep in roles %}
- - {{dep.name}}Deployment_Step{{step -1}}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
- properties:
- name: {{role.name}}Deployment_Step{{step}}
- servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
- config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}Config}
- input_values:
- step: {{step}}
- update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
-{% endfor %}
- {{role.name}}PostConfig:
- type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::{{role.name}}PostConfig
- depends_on:
- {% for dep in roles %}
- - {{dep.name}}Deployment_Step5
- {% endfor %}
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: servers}
- input_values:
- update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
- # Note, this should come last, so use depends_on to ensure
- # this is created after any other resources.
- {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPost:
- depends_on:
- {% for dep in roles %}
- - {{dep.name}}PostConfig
- {% endfor %}
- type: OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
- {% if role.name == 'Controller' %}
- ControllerPostPuppet:
- depends_on:
- - ControllerExtraConfigPost
- type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::ControllerPostPuppet
- properties:
- servers: {get_param: [servers, Controller]}
- input_values:
- update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
- {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% include 'puppet-steps.j2' %}
diff --git a/puppet/puppet-steps.j2 b/puppet/puppet-steps.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3b54ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/puppet-steps.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ # Post deployment steps for all roles
+ # A single config is re-applied with an incrementing step number
+{% for role in roles %}
+ # {{role.name}} Role post-deploy steps
+ {{role.name}}ArtifactsConfig:
+ type: deploy-artifacts.yaml
+ {{role.name}}ArtifactsDeploy:
+ type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}ArtifactsConfig}
+ {{role.name}}PreConfig:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::{{role.name}}PreConfig
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ input_values:
+ update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ {{role.name}}Config:
+ type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}Config
+ properties:
+ StepConfig: {get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, step_config]}
+ {% if role.name == 'Controller' %}
+ ControllerPrePuppet:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::ControllerPrePuppet
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, Controller]}
+ input_values:
+ update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ {% endif %}
+ # Step through a series of configuration steps
+{% for step in range(1, 6) %}
+ {{role.name}}Deployment_Step{{step}}:
+ type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeploymentGroup
+ {% if step == 1 %}
+ depends_on: [{{role.name}}PreConfig, {{role.name}}ArtifactsDeploy]
+ {% else %}
+ depends_on:
+ {% for dep in roles %}
+ - {{dep.name}}Deployment_Step{{step -1}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ properties:
+ name: {{role.name}}Deployment_Step{{step}}
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}Config}
+ input_values:
+ step: {{step}}
+ update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+{% endfor %}
+ {{role.name}}PostConfig:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::{{role.name}}PostConfig
+ depends_on:
+ {% for dep in roles %}
+ - {{dep.name}}Deployment_Step5
+ {% endfor %}
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: servers}
+ input_values:
+ update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ # Note, this should come last, so use depends_on to ensure
+ # this is created after any other resources.
+ {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPost:
+ depends_on:
+ {% for dep in roles %}
+ - {{dep.name}}PostConfig
+ {% endfor %}
+ type: OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]}
+ {% if role.name == 'Controller' %}
+ ControllerPostPuppet:
+ depends_on:
+ - ControllerExtraConfigPost
+ type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::ControllerPostPuppet
+ properties:
+ servers: {get_param: [servers, Controller]}
+ input_values:
+ update_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/puppet/services/README.rst b/puppet/services/README.rst
index 6e4e9c1d..9c2d8c5c 100644
--- a/puppet/services/README.rst
+++ b/puppet/services/README.rst
@@ -49,6 +49,32 @@ are re-asserted when applying latter ones.
5) Service activation (Pacemaker)
+Batch Upgrade Steps
+Each service template may optionally define a `upgrade_batch_tasks` key, which
+is a list of ansible tasks to be performed during the upgrade process.
+Similar to the step_config, we allow a series of steps for the per-service
+upgrade sequence, defined as ansible tasks with a tag e.g "step1" for the first
+step, "step2" for the second, etc (currently only two steps are supported, but
+more may be added when required as additional services get converted to batched
+Note that each step is performed in batches, then we move on to the next step
+which is also performed in batches (we don't perform all steps on one node,
+then move on to the next one which means you can sequence rolling upgrades of
+dependent services via the step value).
+The tasks performed at each step is service specific, but note that all batch
+upgrade steps are performed before the `upgrade_tasks` described below. This
+means that all services that support rolling upgrades can be upgraded without
+downtime during `upgrade_batch_tasks`, then any remaining services are stopped
+and upgraded during `upgrade_tasks`
+The default batch size is 1, but this can be overridden for each role via the
+`upgrade_batch_size` option in roles_data.yaml
Upgrade Steps
@@ -71,9 +97,9 @@ step, "step2" for the second, etc.
5) Perform any migration tasks, e.g DB sync commands
- 6) Start control-plane services
- 7) Any additional online migration tasks (e.g data migrations)
+Note that the services are not started in the upgrade tasks - we instead re-run
+puppet which does any reconfiguration required for the new version, then starts
+the services.
Nova Server Metadata Settings
diff --git a/puppet/services/aodh-api.yaml b/puppet/services/aodh-api.yaml
index 4e735b45..4bd9fc47 100644
--- a/puppet/services/aodh-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/aodh-api.yaml
@@ -83,3 +83,9 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [AodhBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::aodh::api
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop aodh_api service (running under httpd)
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=httpd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/aodh-base.yaml b/puppet/services/aodh-base.yaml
index 8648a971..f5ca329e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/aodh-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/aodh-base.yaml
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ outputs:
aodh::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
aodh::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: AodhPassword}
aodh::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- aodh::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ aodh::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
aodh::auth::auth_password: {get_param: AodhPassword}
aodh::auth::auth_region: 'regionOne'
aodh::auth::auth_tenant_name: 'service'
diff --git a/puppet/services/aodh-evaluator.yaml b/puppet/services/aodh-evaluator.yaml
index 61f8c23f..56dbb558 100644
--- a/puppet/services/aodh-evaluator.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/aodh-evaluator.yaml
@@ -40,3 +40,10 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [AodhBase, role_data, config_settings]
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::aodh::evaluator
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-aodh-evaluator is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-aodh-evaluator' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop aodh_evaluator service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-aodh-evaluator state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/aodh-listener.yaml b/puppet/services/aodh-listener.yaml
index 715165b3..76db0ca8 100644
--- a/puppet/services/aodh-listener.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/aodh-listener.yaml
@@ -40,3 +40,10 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [AodhBase, role_data, config_settings]
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::aodh::listener
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-aodh-listener is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-aodh-listener' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop aodh_listener service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-aodh-listener state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/aodh-notifier.yaml b/puppet/services/aodh-notifier.yaml
index da85581b..30c67635 100644
--- a/puppet/services/aodh-notifier.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/aodh-notifier.yaml
@@ -40,3 +40,10 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [AodhBase, role_data, config_settings]
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::aodh::notifier
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-aodh-notifier is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-aodh-notifier' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop aodh_notifier service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-aodh-notifier state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/apache-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml b/puppet/services/apache-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
index 07ec1b3c..4c21e02a 100644
--- a/puppet/services/apache-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/apache-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
@@ -21,6 +21,22 @@ parameters:
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
+ ApacheNetworks:
+ type: OS::Heat::Value
+ properties:
+ value:
+ # NOTE(jaosorior) Get unique network names to create
+ # certificates for those. We skip the tenant network since
+ # we don't need a certificate for that, and the external
+ # network will be handled in another template.
+ yaql:
+ expression: list($.data.map.items().map($1[1])).distinct().where($ != external and $ != tenant)
+ data:
+ map:
+ get_param: ServiceNetMap
description: Role data for the Apache role.
@@ -38,13 +54,16 @@ outputs:
hostname: "%{hiera('fqdn_NETWORK')}"
principal: "HTTP/%{hiera('fqdn_NETWORK')}"
- # NOTE(jaosorior) Get unique network names to create
- # certificates for those. We skip the tenant network since
- # we don't need a certificate for that, and the external
- # network will be handled in another template.
- yaql:
- expression: list($.data.map.items().map($1[1])).distinct().where($ != external and $ != tenant)
- data:
- map:
- get_param: ServiceNetMap
+ NETWORK: {get_attr: [ApacheNetworks, value]}
+ metadata_settings:
+ repeat:
+ template:
+ - service: HTTP
+ network: $NETWORK
+ type: node
+ for_each:
+ $NETWORK: {get_attr: [ApacheNetworks, value]}
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service httpd is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'httpd' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
diff --git a/puppet/services/apache.yaml b/puppet/services/apache.yaml
index 2e95dcb0..74ddbde8 100644
--- a/puppet/services/apache.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/apache.yaml
@@ -64,3 +64,9 @@ outputs:
apache::mod::prefork::serverlimit: { get_param: ApacheServerLimit }
- "%{hiera('apache_remote_proxy_ips_network')}"
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheTLS, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service httpd is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'httpd' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
diff --git a/puppet/services/auditd.yaml b/puppet/services/auditd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..639631e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/auditd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ AuditD configured with Puppet
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ AuditdRules:
+ description: Mapping of auditd rules
+ type: json
+ default: {}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the auditd service
+ value:
+ service_name: auditd
+ config_settings:
+ auditd::rules: {get_param: AuditdRules}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::auditd
diff --git a/puppet/services/barbican-api.yaml b/puppet/services/barbican-api.yaml
index 000a744c..239b6ca9 100644
--- a/puppet/services/barbican-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/barbican-api.yaml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, config_settings]
- barbican::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: BarbicanPassword}
barbican::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- barbican::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ barbican::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
barbican::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
barbican::api::host_href: {get_param: [EndpointMap, BarbicanPublic, uri]}
barbican::api::db_auto_create: false
@@ -136,11 +136,17 @@ outputs:
get_param: [EndpointMap, BarbicanInternal, uri]
- get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Internal, uri]
+ get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Internal, uri_no_suffix]
cinder::api::keymgr_api_class: >
get_param: [EndpointMap, BarbicanInternal, uri]
- get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Internal, uri]
+ get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Internal, uri_no_suffix]
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-barbican-api is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-barbican-api' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-central.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-central.yaml
index b9d8966c..cf8a8a8e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-central.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-central.yaml
@@ -54,3 +54,10 @@ outputs:
- ceilometer_redis_password: {get_param: RedisPassword}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::central
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-ceilometer-central is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-ceilometer-central' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop ceilometer_agent_central service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ceilometer-central state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-compute.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-compute.yaml
index b666b86b..00042914 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-compute.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-compute.yaml
@@ -48,3 +48,10 @@ outputs:
- ceilometer::agent::compute::instance_discovery_method: {get_param: InstanceDiscoveryMethod}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::compute
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-ceilometer-compute is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-ceilometer-compute' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop ceilometer_agent_compute service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ceilometer-compute state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-notification.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-notification.yaml
index 9c9a3bd9..760acd65 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-notification.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-agent-notification.yaml
@@ -49,3 +49,10 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [CeilometerServiceBase, role_data, config_settings]
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::notification
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-ceilometer-notification is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-ceilometer-notification' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop ceilometer_agent_notification service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ceilometer-notification state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-api.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-api.yaml
index 63e02d4f..741f8da1 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-api.yaml
@@ -90,3 +90,9 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [CeilometerServiceBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::api
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop ceilometer_api service (running under httpd)
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=httpd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-base.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-base.yaml
index a86a0cdf..17588dc6 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-base.yaml
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ outputs:
ceilometer::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
ceilometer::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: CeilometerPassword}
ceilometer::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- ceilometer::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ ceilometer::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
ceilometer::agent::auth::auth_password: {get_param: CeilometerPassword}
ceilometer::agent::auth::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
ceilometer::agent::notification::event_pipeline_publishers: {get_param: EventPipelinePublishers}
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceilometer-collector.yaml b/puppet/services/ceilometer-collector.yaml
index 88e7d781..a219f9eb 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceilometer-collector.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceilometer-collector.yaml
@@ -59,3 +59,10 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [CeilometerServiceBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::collector
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-ceilometer-collector is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-ceilometer-collector' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop ceilometer_collector service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ceilometer-collector state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml b/puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml
index aaa9b039..134f47c4 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml
@@ -89,23 +89,23 @@ outputs:
ceph::profile::params::fsid: {get_param: CephClusterFSID}
ceph::profile::params::rbd_default_features: {get_param: RbdDefaultFeatures}
- str_replace:
- template: "{
- client.CLIENT_USER: {
- secret: 'CLIENT_KEY',
- mode: '0644',
- cap_mon: 'allow r',
- cap_osd: 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=CINDER_POOL, allow rwx pool=CINDERBACKUP_POOL, allow rwx pool=NOVA_POOL, allow rwx pool=GLANCE_POOL, allow rwx pool=GNOCCHI_POOL'
- }
- }"
- params:
- CLIENT_USER: {get_param: CephClientUserName}
- CLIENT_KEY: {get_param: CephClientKey}
- NOVA_POOL: {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName}
- CINDER_POOL: {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName}
- CINDERBACKUP_POOL: {get_param: CinderBackupRbdPoolName}
- GLANCE_POOL: {get_param: GlanceRbdPoolName}
- GNOCCHI_POOL: {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName}
+ map_replace:
+ secret: {get_param: CephClientKey}
+ mode: '0644'
+ cap_mon: 'allow r'
+ cap_osd:
+ str_replace:
+ template: 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=CINDER_POOL, allow rwx pool=CINDERBACKUP_POOL, allow rwx pool=NOVA_POOL, allow rwx pool=GLANCE_POOL, allow rwx pool=GNOCCHI_POOL'
+ params:
+ NOVA_POOL: {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName}
+ CINDER_POOL: {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName}
+ CINDERBACKUP_POOL: {get_param: CinderBackupRbdPoolName}
+ GLANCE_POOL: {get_param: GlanceRbdPoolName}
+ GNOCCHI_POOL: {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName}
+ - keys:
+ list_join: ['.', ['client', {get_param: CephClientUserName}]]
ceph::profile::params::manage_repo: false
# FIXME(gfidente): we should not have to list the packages explicitly in
# the templates, but this should stay until the following is fixed:
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceph-mon.yaml b/puppet/services/ceph-mon.yaml
index 68ad69b7..1ce58335 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceph-mon.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceph-mon.yaml
@@ -113,3 +113,27 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [CephBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceph::mon
+ upgrade_batch_tasks:
+ # Note we perform these tasks in list order, but they are all step0 so
+ # we can perform a rolling upgrade of all mon nodes in step0, then a
+ # rolling upgrade of all osd nodes in step1
+ - name: Check status
+ tags: step0,validation
+ shell: ceph health | grep -qv HEALTH_ERR
+ # FIXME(shardy) I suspect we can use heat or ansible facts here instead?
+ - name: Get hostname
+ tags: step0
+ shell: hostname -s
+ register: mon_id
+ - name: Stop Ceph Mon
+ tags: step0
+ service: name=ceph-mon@{{mon_id.stdout}} pattern=ceph-mon state=stopped
+ - name: Update ceph packages
+ tags: step0
+ yum: name=ceph-mon state=latest
+ - name: Start ceph-mon service
+ tags: step0
+ service: name=ceph-mon@{{mon_id.stdout}} state=started
+ - name: ceph osd crush tunables default
+ tags: step0
+ shell: ceph osd crush tunables default
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceph-osd.yaml b/puppet/services/ceph-osd.yaml
index df0ee6c3..9bd83aab 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceph-osd.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceph-osd.yaml
@@ -45,3 +45,47 @@ outputs:
- '6800-7300'
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceph::osd
+ upgrade_batch_tasks:
+ - name: Check status
+ tags: step1,validation
+ shell: ceph health | grep -qv HEALTH_ERR
+ - name: Get OSD IDs
+ tags: step1
+ shell: ls /var/lib/ceph/osd | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "-" } ; { print $2 }'
+ register: osd_ids
+ # "so that mirrors aren't rebalanced as if the OSD died" - gfidente / leseb
+ - name: ceph osd set noout
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd set noout
+ - name: ceph osd set norebalance
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd set norebalance
+ - name: ceph osd set nodeep-scrub
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd set nodeep-scrub
+ - name: ceph osd set noscrub
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd set noscrub
+ - name: Stop Ceph OSD
+ tags: step1
+ service: name=ceph-osd@{{ item }} state=stopped
+ with_items: "{{osd_ids.stdout.strip().split()}}"
+ - name: Update ceph OSD packages
+ tags: step1
+ yum: name=ceph-osd state=latest
+ - name: Start ceph-osd service
+ tags: step1
+ service: name=ceph-osd@{{ item }} state=started
+ with_items: "{{osd_ids.stdout.strip().split()}}"
+ - name: ceph osd unset noout
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd unset noout
+ - name: ceph osd unset norebalance
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd unset norebalance
+ - name: ceph osd unset nodeep-scrub
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd unset nodeep-scrub
+ - name: ceph osd unset noscrub
+ tags: step1
+ command: ceph osd unset noscrub
diff --git a/puppet/services/ceph-rgw.yaml b/puppet/services/ceph-rgw.yaml
index 92536994..d7014e54 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ceph-rgw.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ceph-rgw.yaml
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [CephBase, role_data, config_settings]
- tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::rgw_key: {get_param: CephRgwKey}
tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::keystone_admin_token: {get_param: AdminToken}
- tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::keystone_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::keystone_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::civetweb_bind_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, CephRgwNetwork]}
tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::civetweb_bind_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, CephRgwInternal, port]}
tripleo::profile::base::ceph::rgw::rgw_keystone_version: v3
@@ -77,3 +77,14 @@ outputs:
ceph::rgw::keystone::auth::tenant: service
ceph::rgw::keystone::auth::user: swift
ceph::rgw::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: SwiftPassword}
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Gather RGW instance ID
+ tags: step0
+ shell: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml ceph::profile::params::rgw_name radosgw.gateway
+ register: rgw_id
+ - name: Check status
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show ceph-radosgw@{{rgw_id.stdout}} --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop RGW instance
+ tags: step1
+ service: name=ceph-radosgw@{{rgw_id.stdout}} state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-api.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-api.yaml
index eee04ce0..8c5a07ac 100644
--- a/puppet/services/cinder-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-api.yaml
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [CinderBase, role_data, config_settings]
- get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, config_settings]
- cinder::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- cinder::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ cinder::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
cinder::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: CinderPassword}
cinder::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
cinder::api::enable_proxy_headers_parsing: true
@@ -146,7 +146,12 @@ outputs:
- '%'
- "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-cinder-api is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-cinder-api' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: check for cinder running under apache (post upgrade)
tags: step2
shell: "apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS | grep -q cinder"
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellps.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellps.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f15c53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellps.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Openstack Cinder Dell EMC PS Series backend
+ CinderEnableDellPsBackend:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ CinderDellPsBackendName:
+ type: string
+ default: 'tripleo_dellps'
+ CinderDellPsSanIp:
+ type: string
+ CinderDellPsSanLogin:
+ type: string
+ CinderDellPsSanPassword:
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ CinderDellPsSanThinProvision:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ CinderDellPsGroupname:
+ type: string
+ default: 'group-0'
+ CinderDellPsPool:
+ type: string
+ default: 'default'
+ CinderDellPsChapLogin:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderDellPsChapPassword:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderDellPsUseChap:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Cinder Dell EMC PS Series backend.
+ value:
+ service_name: cinder_backend_dellps
+ config_settings:
+ tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_dellps_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableDellPsBackend}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::volume_backend_name: {get_param: CinderDellPsBackendName}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::san_ip: {get_param: CinderDellPsSanIp}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::san_login: {get_param: CinderDellPsSanLogin}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::san_password: {get_param: CinderDellPsSanPassword}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::san_thin_provision: {get_param: CinderDellPsSanThinProvision}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_group_name: {get_param: CinderDellPsGroupname}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_pool: {get_param: CinderDellPsPool}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_use_chap: {get_param: CinderDellPsUseChap}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_chap_login: {get_param: CinderDellPsChapLogin}
+ cinder::backend::eqlx::eqlx_chap_password: {get_param: CinderDellPsChapPassword}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellsc.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellsc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a6196ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-dellsc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Dell Inc, or its subsidiaries.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Openstack Cinder Dell EMC Storage Center backend
+ CinderEnableDellScBackend:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ CinderDellScBackendName:
+ type: string
+ default: 'tripleo_dellsc'
+ CinderDellScSanIp:
+ type: string
+ CinderDellScSanLogin:
+ type: string
+ default: 'Admin'
+ CinderDellScSanPassword:
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ CinderDellScSsn:
+ type: number
+ default: 64702
+ CinderDellScIscsiIpAddress:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderDellScIscsiPort:
+ type: number
+ default: 3260
+ CinderDellScApiPort:
+ type: number
+ default: 3033
+ CinderDellScServerFolder:
+ type: string
+ default: 'dellsc_server'
+ CinderDellScVolumeFolder:
+ type: string
+ default: 'dellsc_volume'
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Cinder Dell EMC Storage Center backend.
+ value:
+ service_name: cinder_backend_dellsc
+ config_settings:
+ tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_dellsc_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableDellScBackend}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::volume_backend_name: {get_param: CinderDellScBackendName}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_ip: {get_param: CinderDellScSanIp}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_login: {get_param: CinderDellScSanLogin}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::san_password: {get_param: CinderDellScSanPassword}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_ssn: {get_param: CinderDellScSsn}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::iscsi_ip_address: {get_param: CinderDellScIscsiIpAddress}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::iscsi_port: {get_param: CinderDellScIscsiPort}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_api_port: {get_param: CinderDellScApiPort}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_server_folder: {get_param: CinderDellScServerFolder}
+ cinder::backend::dellsc_iscsi::dell_sc_volume_folder: {get_param: CinderDellScVolumeFolder}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-backend-scaleio.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-scaleio.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb709cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-backend-scaleio.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Dell Inc, or its subsidiaries.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Openstack Cinder Dell EMC ScaleIO backend
+ CinderEnableScaleIOBackend:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ CinderScaleIOBackendName:
+ type: string
+ default: 'tripleo_scaleio'
+ CinderScaleIOSanIp:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOSanLogin:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOSanPassword:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ hidden: true
+ CinderScaleIORestServerPort:
+ type: number
+ default: 443
+ CinderScaleIOVerifyServerCertificate:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ CinderScaleIOServerCertificatePath:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOProtectionDomainId:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOProtectionDomainName:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOStoragePoolId:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOStoragePoolName:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOStoragePools:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIORoundVolumeCapacity:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ CinderScaleIOUnmapVolumeBeforeDeletion:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ CinderScaleIOMaxOverSubscriptionRatio:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ CinderScaleIOSanThinProvision:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Cinder Dell EMC ScaleIO backend.
+ value:
+ service_name: cinder_backend_scaleio
+ config_settings:
+ tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_scaleio_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableScaleIOBackend}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::volume_backend_name: {get_param: CinderScaleIOBackendName}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_login: {get_param: CinderScaleIOSanLogin}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_password: {get_param: CinderScaleIOSanPassword}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_server_hostname: {get_param: CinderScaleIOSanIp}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_server_port: {get_param: CinderScaleIORestServerPort}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_verify_server_certificate: {get_param: CinderScaleIOVerifyServerCertificate}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_server_certificate_path: {get_param: CinderScaleIOServerCertificatePath}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_protection_domain_name: {get_param: CinderScaleIOProtectionDomainName}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_protection_domain_id: {get_param: CinderScaleIOProtectionDomainId}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_storage_pool_id: {get_param: CinderScaleIOStoragePoolId}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_storage_pool_name: {get_param: CinderScaleIOStoragePoolName}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_storage_pools: {get_param: CinderScaleIOStoragePools}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_round_volume_capacity: {get_param: CinderScaleIORoundVolumeCapacity}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_unmap_volume_before_deletion: {get_param: CinderScaleIOUnmapVolumeBeforeDeletion}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_max_over_subscription_ratio: {get_param: CinderScaleIOMaxOverSubscriptionRatio}
+ cinder::backend::scaleio::sio_thin_provision: {get_param: CinderScaleIOThinProvision}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-scheduler.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-scheduler.yaml
index 6a0b1f24..f102810e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/cinder-scheduler.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-scheduler.yaml
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::scheduler
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-cinder-scheduler is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-cinder-scheduler' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop cinder_scheduler service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-cinder-scheduler state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/cinder-volume.yaml b/puppet/services/cinder-volume.yaml
index 8834eaa5..3a06afb8 100644
--- a/puppet/services/cinder-volume.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/cinder-volume.yaml
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-cinder-volume is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-cinder-volume' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop cinder_volume service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-cinder-volume state=stopped
- - name: Sync cinder_volume DB
- tags: step5
- command: cinder-manage db sync
diff --git a/puppet/services/congress.yaml b/puppet/services/congress.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b82f55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/congress.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Congress service configured with Puppet
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ CongressPassword:
+ description: The password for the congress service account.
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ Debug:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
+ RabbitPassword:
+ description: The password for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ RabbitUserName:
+ default: guest
+ description: The username for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientUseSSL:
+ default: false
+ description: >
+ Rabbit client subscriber parameter to specify
+ an SSL connection to the RabbitMQ host.
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientPort:
+ default: 5672
+ description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL
+ type: number
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Congress role.
+ value:
+ service_name: congress
+ config_settings:
+ congress_password: {get_param: CongressPassword}
+ congress::db::database_connection:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, protocol]}
+ - '://congress:'
+ - {get_param: CongressPassword}
+ - '@'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
+ - '/congress'
+ - '?bind_address='
+ - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
+ congress::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
+ congress::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: CongressPassword}
+ congress::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
+ congress::debug: {get_param: Debug}
+ congress::rpc_backend: rabbit
+ congress::rabbit_userid: {get_param: RabbitUserName}
+ congress::rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword}
+ congress::rabbit_use_ssl: {get_param: RabbitClientUseSSL}
+ congress::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
+ congress::server::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, CongressApiNetwork]}
+ congress::db::mysql::password: {get_param: CongressPassword}
+ congress::db::mysql::user: congress
+ congress::db::mysql::host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ congress::db::mysql::dbname: congress
+ congress::db::mysql::allowed_hosts:
+ - '%'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::congress
diff --git a/puppet/services/database/mongodb.yaml b/puppet/services/database/mongodb.yaml
index 8290cae7..63ec4446 100644
--- a/puppet/services/database/mongodb.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/database/mongodb.yaml
@@ -66,3 +66,10 @@ outputs:
mongodb::server::bind_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, MongodbNetwork]}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::database::mongodb
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop mongodb service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=mongod state=stopped
+ - name: Start mongodb service
+ tags: step4
+ service: name=mongod state=started
diff --git a/puppet/services/database/mysql-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml b/puppet/services/database/mysql-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
index 56d037e7..9f7eaf57 100644
--- a/puppet/services/database/mysql-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/database/mysql-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
@@ -41,3 +41,7 @@ outputs:
template: "mysql/%{hiera('cloud_name_NETWORK')}"
NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, MysqlNetwork]}
+ metadata_settings:
+ - service: mysql
+ network: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, MysqlNetwork]}
+ type: vip
diff --git a/puppet/services/database/mysql.yaml b/puppet/services/database/mysql.yaml
index 7e12894f..8c4042d9 100644
--- a/puppet/services/database/mysql.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/database/mysql.yaml
@@ -104,4 +104,6 @@ outputs:
- name: Start service
tags: step4
service: name=mariadb state=started
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [MySQLTLS, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/ec2-api.yaml b/puppet/services/ec2-api.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..002342b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/ec2-api.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack EC2-API service configured with Puppet
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ Ec2ApiWorkers:
+ default: 0
+ description: Number of workers for EC2-API service.
+ type: number
+ Ec2ApiPassword:
+ description: The password for the nova service and db account, used by nova-api.
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
+ MonitoringSubscriptionEc2Api:
+ default: 'overcloud-ec2-api'
+ type: string
+ Ec2ApiLoggingSource:
+ type: json
+ default:
+ tag: openstack.ec2.api
+ path: /var/log/ec2api/ec2api.log
+ EnablePackageInstall:
+ default: 'false'
+ description: Set to true to enable package installation via Puppet
+ type: boolean
+ nova_workers_zero: {equals : [{get_param: Ec2ApiWorkers}, 0]}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the EC2-API service.
+ value:
+ service_name: ec2_api
+ monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionEc2Api}
+ logging_source: {get_param: Ec2ApiLoggingSource}
+ logging_groups:
+ - nova
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - tripleo.ec2_api.firewall_rules:
+ '113 ec2_api':
+ dport:
+ - 8788
+ - 13788
+ ec2api::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
+ ec2api::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: Ec2ApiPassword}
+ ec2api::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
+ ec2api::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
+ ec2api::api::enabled: true
+ ec2api::package_manage: {get_param: EnablePackageInstall}
+ ec2api::api::ec2api_listen:
+ str_replace:
+ template:
+ '"%{::fqdn_$NETWORK}"'
+ params:
+ $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, Ec2ApiNetwork]}
+ ec2api::metadata::metadata_listen:
+ str_replace:
+ template:
+ '"%{::fqdn_$NETWORK}"'
+ params:
+ $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, Ec2ApiMetadataNetwork]}
+ ec2api::db::database_connection:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, protocol]}
+ - '://ec2_api:'
+ - {get_param: Ec2ApiPassword}
+ - '@'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
+ - '/ec2_api'
+ - '?bind_address='
+ - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
+ -
+ if:
+ - nova_workers_zero
+ - {}
+ - ec2api::api::ec2api_workers: {get_param: Ec2ApiWorkers}
+ ec2api::metadata::metadata_workers: {get_param: Ec2ApiWorkers}
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::profile::base::nova::ec2api
+ service_config_settings:
+ keystone:
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::public_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, Ec2ApiPublic, uri]}
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::internal_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, Ec2ApiInternal, uri]}
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::admin_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, Ec2ApiAdmin, uri]}
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: Ec2ApiPassword}
+ ec2api::keystone::auth::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ mysql:
+ ec2api::db::mysql::password: {get_param: Ec2ApiPassword}
+ ec2api::db::mysql::user: ec2_api
+ ec2api::db::mysql::host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ ec2api::db::mysql::dbname: ec2_api
+ ec2api::db::mysql::allowed_hosts:
+ - '%'
+ - "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
diff --git a/puppet/services/glance-api.yaml b/puppet/services/glance-api.yaml
index 09ea5d22..c4f97d54 100644
--- a/puppet/services/glance-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/glance-api.yaml
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ outputs:
- "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
glance::api::bind_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, GlanceInternal, port]}
glance::api::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- glance::api::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ glance::api::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
glance::api::enable_v1_api: false
glance::api::enable_v2_api: true
glance::api::authtoken::password: {get_param: GlancePassword}
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [GlanceBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-glance-api is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-glance-api' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop glance_api service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-glance-api state=stopped
- name: Stop and disable glance registry (removed for Ocata)
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-glance-registry state=stopped enabled=no
- - name: Sync glance_api DB
- tags: step5
- command: glance-manage --config-file=/etc/glance/glance-api.conf db_sync
diff --git a/puppet/services/gnocchi-api.yaml b/puppet/services/gnocchi-api.yaml
index 3929e005..22c0967e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/gnocchi-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/gnocchi-api.yaml
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ outputs:
gnocchi::api::enable_proxy_headers_parsing: true
gnocchi::api::service_name: 'httpd'
gnocchi::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- gnocchi::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ gnocchi::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
gnocchi::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: GnocchiPassword}
gnocchi::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
gnocchi::wsgi::apache::ssl: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
@@ -103,15 +103,9 @@ outputs:
# internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR
gnocchi::wsgi::apache::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, GnocchiApiNetwork]}
gnocchi::wsgi::apache::wsgi_process_display_name: 'gnocchi_wsgi'
- gnocchi::api::host:
- str_replace:
- template:
- "%{hiera('fqdn_$NETWORK')}"
- params:
- $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, GnocchiApiNetwork]}
gnocchi::api::keystone_auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- gnocchi::api::keystone_identity_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ gnocchi::api::keystone_identity_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
gnocchi::storage::swift::swift_authurl: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::gnocchi::api
@@ -131,3 +125,9 @@ outputs:
- '%'
- "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop gnocchi_api service (running under httpd)
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=httpd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/gnocchi-base.yaml b/puppet/services/gnocchi-base.yaml
index d92b1766..8fddae4b 100644
--- a/puppet/services/gnocchi-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/gnocchi-base.yaml
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ outputs:
- '/gnocchi'
- '?bind_address='
- "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
- gnocchi::db::sync::extra_opts: '--skip-storage --create-legacy-resource-types'
+ gnocchi::db::sync::extra_opts: '--skip-storage'
gnocchi::storage::swift::swift_user: 'service:gnocchi'
gnocchi::storage::swift::swift_auth_version: 2
gnocchi::storage::swift::swift_key: {get_param: GnocchiPassword}
diff --git a/puppet/services/gnocchi-metricd.yaml b/puppet/services/gnocchi-metricd.yaml
index e5f9a8e7..1337b0cb 100644
--- a/puppet/services/gnocchi-metricd.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/gnocchi-metricd.yaml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ parameters:
default: 'overcloud-gnocchi-metricd'
type: string
- default: ''
+ default: '%{::os_workers}'
description: Number of workers for Gnocchi MetricD
type: string
@@ -46,3 +46,10 @@ outputs:
- gnocchi::metricd::workers: {get_param: GnocchiMetricdWorkers}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::gnocchi::metricd
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-gnocchi-metricd is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-gnocchi-metricd' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop gnocchi_metricd service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-gnocchi-metricd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/gnocchi-statsd.yaml b/puppet/services/gnocchi-statsd.yaml
index df438b37..41222a79 100644
--- a/puppet/services/gnocchi-statsd.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/gnocchi-statsd.yaml
@@ -45,3 +45,10 @@ outputs:
proto: 'udp'
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::gnocchi::statsd
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-gnocchi-statsd is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-gnocchi-statsd' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
+ - name: Stop gnocchi_statsd service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-gnocchi-statsd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml b/puppet/services/haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
index 77457593..ae226163 100644
--- a/puppet/services/haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,22 @@ parameters:
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
+ HAProxyNetworks:
+ type: OS::Heat::Value
+ properties:
+ value:
+ # NOTE(jaosorior) Get unique network names to create
+ # certificates for those. We skip the tenant network since
+ # we don't need a certificate for that, and the external
+ # network will be handled in another template.
+ yaql:
+ expression: list($.data.map.items().map($1[1])).distinct().where($ != external and $ != tenant)
+ data:
+ map:
+ get_param: ServiceNetMap
description: Role data for the HAProxy internal TLS via certmonger role.
@@ -39,13 +55,12 @@ outputs:
postsave_cmd: "" # TODO
principal: "haproxy/%{hiera('cloud_name_NETWORK')}"
- # NOTE(jaosorior) Get unique network names to create
- # certificates for those. We skip the tenant network since
- # we don't need a certificate for that, and the external
- # network will be handled in another template.
- yaql:
- expression: list($.data.map.items().map($1[1])).distinct().where($ != external and $ != tenant)
- data:
- map:
- get_param: ServiceNetMap
+ NETWORK: {get_attr: [HAProxyNetworks, value]}
+ metadata_settings:
+ repeat:
+ template:
+ - service: haproxy
+ network: $NETWORK
+ type: vip
+ for_each:
+ $NETWORK: {get_attr: [HAProxyNetworks, value]}
diff --git a/puppet/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml b/puppet/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml
index 227697b9..6013b026 100644
--- a/puppet/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml
@@ -35,3 +35,7 @@ outputs:
hostname: "%{hiera('cloud_name_external')}"
postsave_cmd: "" # TODO
principal: "haproxy/%{hiera('cloud_name_external')}"
+ metadata_settings:
+ - service: haproxy
+ network: external
+ type: vip
diff --git a/puppet/services/haproxy.yaml b/puppet/services/haproxy.yaml
index 9049c901..358698dd 100644
--- a/puppet/services/haproxy.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/haproxy.yaml
@@ -78,9 +78,18 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::haproxy
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service haproxy is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'haproxy' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop haproxy service
tags: step1
service: name=haproxy state=stopped
- name: Start haproxy service
tags: step4 # Needed at step 4 for mysql
service: name=haproxy state=started
+ metadata_settings:
+ yaql:
+ expression: '[].concat(coalesce($.data.internal, []), coalesce($.data.public, []))'
+ data:
+ public: {get_attr: [HAProxyPublicTLS, role_data, metadata_settings]}
+ internal: {get_attr: [HAProxyInternalTLS, role_data, metadata_settings]}
diff --git a/puppet/services/heat-api-cfn.yaml b/puppet/services/heat-api-cfn.yaml
index 28317dd3..7bd2fcf1 100644
--- a/puppet/services/heat-api-cfn.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/heat-api-cfn.yaml
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ outputs:
heat::keystone::auth_cfn::password: {get_param: HeatPassword}
heat::keystone::auth_cfn::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-heat-api-cfn is running"
+ shell: echo o/ #TODO uncomment when /#/c/423302/ : /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-heat-api-cfn' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop heat_api_cfn service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-heat-api-cfn state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/heat-api-cloudwatch.yaml b/puppet/services/heat-api-cloudwatch.yaml
index 5de25ab8..0954ad19 100644
--- a/puppet/services/heat-api-cloudwatch.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/heat-api-cloudwatch.yaml
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::heat::api_cloudwatch
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch is running"
+ shell: echo o/ #TODO uncomment when /#/c/423302/ : /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop heat_api_cloudwatch service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/heat-api.yaml b/puppet/services/heat-api.yaml
index 0ce8e1fa..ae656b1e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/heat-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/heat-api.yaml
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ outputs:
heat::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: HeatPassword}
heat::keystone::auth::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-heat-api is running"
+ shell: echo o/ #TODO uncomment when /#/c/423302/ : /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-heat-api' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop heat_api service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-heat-api state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/heat-base.yaml b/puppet/services/heat-base.yaml
index 90943751..b4d314f4 100644
--- a/puppet/services/heat-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/heat-base.yaml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ outputs:
heat::rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold: 60
heat::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
heat::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- heat::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ heat::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
heat::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: HeatPassword}
heat::keystone::domain::domain_name: 'heat_stack'
heat::keystone::domain::domain_admin: 'heat_stack_domain_admin'
diff --git a/puppet/services/heat-engine.yaml b/puppet/services/heat-engine.yaml
index 976d413c..e85b7537 100644
--- a/puppet/services/heat-engine.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/heat-engine.yaml
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ outputs:
# This is needed because the keystone profile handles creating the domain
tripleo::profile::base::keystone::heat_admin_password: {get_param: HeatStackDomainAdminPassword}
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service openstack-heat-engine is running"
+ shell: echo o/ #TODO uncomment when /#/c/423302/ : /usr/bin/systemctl show 'openstack-heat-engine' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop heat_engine service
tags: step2
service: name=openstack-heat-engine state=stopped
- - name: Sync heat_engine DB
- tags: step5
- command: heat-manage --config-file /etc/heat/heat.conf db_sync
diff --git a/puppet/services/horizon.yaml b/puppet/services/horizon.yaml
index cf35d202..2111021b 100644
--- a/puppet/services/horizon.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/horizon.yaml
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ parameters:
description: A list of IP/Hostname for the server Horizon is running on.
Used for header checks.
type: comma_delimited_list
+ HorizonPasswordValidator:
+ description: Regex for password validation
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ HorizonPasswordValidatorHelp:
+ description: Help text for password validation
+ type: string
+ default: ''
description: Secret key for Django
type: string
@@ -71,6 +79,8 @@ outputs:
options: ['FollowSymLinks','MultiViews']
horizon::bind_address: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, HorizonNetwork]}
horizon::keystone_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
+ horizon::password_validator: {get_param: [HorizonPasswordValidator]}
+ horizon::password_validator_help: {get_param: [HorizonPasswordValidatorHelp]}
expression: $.data.passwords.where($ != '').first()
diff --git a/puppet/services/ironic-api.yaml b/puppet/services/ironic-api.yaml
index aebb37b2..a84df538 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ironic-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ironic-api.yaml
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ parameters:
default: 'overcloud-ironic-api'
type: string
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ outputs:
ironic::api::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
ironic::api::authtoken::username: 'ironic'
ironic::api::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- ironic::api::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ ironic::api::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
# NOTE: bind IP is found in Heat replacing the network name with the
# local node IP for the given network; replacement examples
# (eg. for internal_api):
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ outputs:
ironic::keystone::auth::auth_name: 'ironic'
ironic::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: IronicPassword }
ironic::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
+ ironic::keystone::auth::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
ironic::db::mysql::password: {get_param: IronicPassword}
ironic::db::mysql::user: ironic
@@ -81,3 +86,7 @@ outputs:
- '%'
- "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop ironic_api service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ironic-api state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml b/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
index 194afec7..739db13c 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ parameters:
"full" for full cleaning, "metadata" to clean only disk
metadata (partition table).
type: string
+ IronicCleaningNetwork:
+ default: 'provisioning'
+ description: Name or UUID of the *overcloud* network used for cleaning
+ bare metal nodes. The default value of "provisioning" can be
+ left during the initial deployment (when no networks are
+ created yet) and should be changed to an actual UUID in
+ a post-deployment stack update.
+ type: string
default: ['pxe_ipmitool', 'pxe_drac', 'pxe_ilo']
description: Enabled Ironic drivers
@@ -61,6 +69,7 @@ outputs:
- ironic::api::neutron_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NeutronInternal, uri]}
ironic::conductor::api_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, IronicInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
ironic::conductor::cleaning_disk_erase: {get_param: IronicCleaningDiskErase}
+ ironic::conductor::cleaning_network: {get_param: IronicCleaningNetwork}
ironic::conductor::enabled_drivers: {get_param: IronicEnabledDrivers}
# We need an endpoint containing a real IP, not a VIP here
ironic_conductor_http_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, IronicNetwork]}
@@ -98,3 +107,7 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ironic::conductor
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop ironic_conductor service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=openstack-ironic-conductor state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/keystone.yaml b/puppet/services/keystone.yaml
index 434f0a33..b2374ec4 100644
--- a/puppet/services/keystone.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/keystone.yaml
@@ -310,6 +310,5 @@ outputs:
- name: Stop keystone service (running under httpd)
tags: step2
service: name=httpd state=stopped
- - name: Sync keystone DB
- tags: step5
- command: keystone-manage db_sync
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/manila-api.yaml b/puppet/services/manila-api.yaml
index f1cddbd0..7b78c82e 100644
--- a/puppet/services/manila-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/manila-api.yaml
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ManilaBase, role_data, config_settings]
- manila::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: ManilaPassword}
manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
manila::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
'150 manila':
diff --git a/puppet/services/manila-share.yaml b/puppet/services/manila-share.yaml
index e38fe675..6ac0d2cf 100644
--- a/puppet/services/manila-share.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/manila-share.yaml
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ outputs:
- manila::volume::cinder::cinder_admin_tenant_name: 'service'
manila::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: ManilaPassword}
manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
manila::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
get_attr: [ManilaBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/memcached.yaml b/puppet/services/memcached.yaml
index ffa969e0..eba8a58b 100644
--- a/puppet/services/memcached.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/memcached.yaml
@@ -40,3 +40,11 @@ outputs:
dport: 11211
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::memcached
+ service_config_settings:
+ collectd:
+ tripleo.collectd.plugins.memcached:
+ - memcached
+ collectd::plugin::memcached::instances:
+ local:
+ host: "%{hiera('memcached::listen_ip')}"
+ port: 11211
diff --git a/puppet/services/metrics/collectd.yaml b/puppet/services/metrics/collectd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4e7dac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/metrics/collectd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: Collectd client service
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ CollectdDefaultPlugins:
+ default:
+ - disk
+ - interface
+ - load
+ - memory
+ - processes
+ - tcpconns
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ description: >
+ List of collectd plugins to activate on all overcloud hosts. See
+ the documentation for the puppet-collectd module for a list plugins
+ supported by the module (https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-collectd).
+ Set this key to override the default list of plugins. Use
+ CollectdExtraPlugins if you want to load additional plugins without
+ overriding the defaults.
+ CollectdExtraPlugins:
+ default: []
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ description: >
+ List of collectd plugins to activate on all overcloud hosts. See
+ the documentation for the puppet-collectd module for a list plugins
+ supported by the module (https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-collectd).
+ Set this key to load plugins in addition to those in
+ CollectdDefaultPlugins.
+ CollectdServer:
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Address of remote collectd server to which we will send
+ metrics.
+ default: ''
+ CollectdServerPort:
+ type: number
+ default: 25826
+ description: >
+ Port on remote collectd server to which we will send
+ metrics.
+ CollectdUsername:
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Username for authenticating to the remote collectd server. The default
+ is to not configure any authentication.
+ default: ''
+ CollectdPassword:
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ description: >
+ Password for authenticating to the remote collectd server. The
+ default is to not configure any authentication.
+ default: ''
+ CollectdSecurityLevel:
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Security level setting for remote collectd connection.
+ default: 'None'
+ constraints:
+ - allowed_values:
+ - None
+ - Sign
+ - Encrypt
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Collectd client role.
+ value:
+ service_name: collectd
+ config_settings:
+ collectd::manage_repo: false
+ collectd::purge: true
+ collectd::recurse: true
+ collectd::purge_config: true
+ collectd::minimum_version: "5.7"
+ tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_server:
+ get_param: CollectdServer
+ tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_port:
+ get_param: CollectdServerPort
+ tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_username:
+ get_param: CollectdUsername
+ tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_password:
+ get_param: CollectdPassword
+ tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_securitylevel:
+ get_param: CollectdSecurityLevel
+ tripleo.collectd.plugins.collectd:
+ yaql:
+ data:
+ default_plugins: {get_param: CollectdDefaultPlugins}
+ extra_plugins: {get_param: CollectdExtraPlugins}
+ expression: >
+ ($.data.default_plugins + $.data.extra_plugins)
+ .flatten().distinct()
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd
diff --git a/puppet/services/mistral-base.yaml b/puppet/services/mistral-base.yaml
index e678b14f..4d020498 100644
--- a/puppet/services/mistral-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/mistral-base.yaml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ outputs:
mistral::keystone_tenant: 'service'
mistral::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
mistral::keystone_ec2_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneEC2, uri]}
- mistral::identity_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ mistral::identity_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
mistral::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics-database.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics-database.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67341ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics-database.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Contrail Analytics Database service deployment using puppet, this YAML file
+ creates the interface between the HOT template
+ and the puppet manifest that actually installs
+ and configures Contrail Analytics Database.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role Contrail Analytics Database using composable services.
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_analytics_database
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - contrail::analytics::database::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailAnalyticsDatabaseNetwork]}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::analyticsdatabase
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics.yaml
index ad14d315..e3e0ec4b 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-analytics.yaml
@@ -21,44 +21,6 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
- ContrailAnalyticsHostIP:
- description: host IP address of Analytics
- type: string
- ContrailAnalyticsRedisServerIp:
- description: Redis server ip address
- type: string
- ContrailAnalyticsCollectorServerHttpPort:
- description: Collector http port
- type: number
- default: 8089
- ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshPort:
- description: Collector sandesh port
- type: number
- default: 8086
- ContrailAnalyticsHttpServerPort:
- description: Analytics http port
- type: number
- default: 8090
- ContrailAnalyticsListenAddress:
- default: ''
- description: IP address Config API is listening on
- type: string
- ContrailAnalyticsListenPort:
- default: 8082
- description: Port Config API is listening on
- type: number
- ContrailAnalyticsRedisServerPort:
- description: Redis server port
- type: number
- default: 6379
- ContrailAnalyticsRestApiIp:
- description: IP address Analytics rest interface listens on
- type: string
- default: ''
- ContrailAnalyticsRestApiPort:
- description: Analytics rest port
- type: number
- default: 8081
@@ -76,15 +38,14 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - contrail::analytics::collector_http_server_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsCollectorServerHttpPort}
- contrail::analytics::collector_sandesh_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshPort}
- contrail::analytics::host_ip: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsHostIP}
- contrail::analytics::http_server_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsHttpServerPort}
- contrail::analytics::listen_ip_address: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsListenAddress}
- contrail::analytics::listen_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsListenPort}
- contrail::analytics::redis_server: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsRedisServerIp}
- contrail::analytics::redis_server_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsRedisServerPort}
- contrail::analytics::rest_api_ip: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsRestApiIp}
- contrail::analytics::rest_api_port: {get_param: ContrailAnalyticsRestApiPort}
+ - contrail::analytics::collector_http_server_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailAnalyticsCollectorHttpInternal, port]}
+ contrail::analytics::collector_sandesh_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailAnalyticsCollectorSandeshInternal, port]}
+ contrail::analytics::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailAnalyticsNetwork]}
+ contrail::analytics::http_server_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailAnalyticsHttpInternal, port]}
+ contrail::analytics::listen_ip_address: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailAnalyticsNetwork]}
+ contrail::analytics::redis_server: ''
+ contrail::analytics::redis_server_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailAnalyticsRedisInternal, port]}
+ contrail::analytics::rest_api_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailAnalyticsNetwork]}
+ contrail::analytics::rest_api_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailAnalyticsApiInternal, port]}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::network::contrail::analytics
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-base.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-base.yaml
index b49b2add..bc56a3ca 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-base.yaml
@@ -18,47 +18,42 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
+ ContrailAAAMode:
+ description: AAAmode can be no-auth, cloud-admin or rbac
+ type: string
+ default: 'rbac'
+ ContrailAAAModeAnalytics:
+ description: AAAmode for analytics can be no-auth, cloud-admin or rbac
+ type: string
+ default: 'no-auth'
description: Keystone admin user password
type: string
+ hidden: true
description: Keystone admin tenant name
type: string
+ default: 'admin'
description: Keystone admin token
type: string
+ hidden: true
description: Keystone admin user name
type: string
- AuthHost:
- description: Keystone host IP address
- type: string
- AuthPort:
- default: 35357
- description: Keystone port
+ default: 'admin'
+ AuthPortSSL:
+ default: 13357
+ description: Keystone SSL port
+ type: number
+ AuthPortSSLPublic:
+ default: 13000
+ description: Keystone Public SSL port
type: number
- AuthProtocol:
- default: 'http'
- description: Keystone authentication protocol
- type: string
- ContrailDiscoveryServerIp:
- description: Discovery server ip address
- type: string
- ContrailKafkaBrokerList:
- description: List of kafka servers
- type: comma_delimited_list
default: 'keystone'
description: Keystone authentication method
type: string
- ContrailCassandraServerList:
- default: []
- description: List of cassandra servers
- type: comma_delimited_list
- ContrailDiscoveryServerPort:
- description: Discovery server port
- type: number
- default: 5998
default: false
description: Keystone insecure mode
@@ -67,14 +62,18 @@ parameters:
default: ''
description: Memcached server
type: string
- ContrailMultiTenancy:
- default: true
- description: Turn on/off multi-tenancy
- type: boolean
- ContrailZkServerIp:
- default: []
- description: List of zookeeper servers
- type: comma_delimited_list
+ RabbitPassword:
+ description: The password for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ RabbitUserName:
+ default: guest
+ description: The username for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientPort:
+ default: 5672
+ description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL
+ type: number
@@ -82,19 +81,23 @@ outputs:
service_name: contrail_base
+ contrail::aaa_mode: {get_param: ContrailAAAMode}
+ contrail::analytics_aaa_mode: {get_param: ContrailAAAModeAnalytics}
contrail::admin_password: {get_param: AdminPassword}
contrail::admin_tenant_name: {get_param: AdminTenantName}
contrail::admin_token: {get_param: AdminToken}
contrail::admin_user: {get_param: AdminUser}
- contrail::auth_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, host] }
- contrail::auth_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, port] }
- contrail::auth_protocol: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, protocol] }
- contrail::disc_server_ip: {get_param: ContrailDiscoveryServerIp}
- contrail::kafka_broker_list: {get_param: ContrailKafkaBrokerList}
contrail::auth: {get_param: ContrailAuth}
- contrail::cassandra_server_list: {get_param: ContrailCassandraServerList}
- contrail::disc_server_port: {get_param: ContrailDiscoveryServerPort}
+ contrail::auth_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystonePublic, host] }
+ contrail::auth_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, port] }
+ contrail::auth_port_ssl: {get_param: AuthPortSSL }
+ contrail::auth_port_public: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystonePublic, port] }
+ contrail::auth_port_ssl_public: {get_param: AuthPortSSLPublic }
+ contrail::auth_protocol: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, protocol] }
+ contrail::api_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailConfigInternal, port] }
+ contrail::disc_server_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailDiscoveryInternal, port] }
contrail::insecure: {get_param: ContrailInsecure}
contrail::memcached_server: {get_param: ContrailMemcachedServer}
- contrail::multi_tenancy: {get_param: ContrailMultiTenancy}
- contrail::zk_server_ip: {get_param: ContrailZkServerIp}
+ contrail::rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword}
+ contrail::rabbit_user: {get_param: RabbitUserName}
+ contrail::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-config.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-config.yaml
index 03774480..185b6094 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-config.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-config.yaml
@@ -21,29 +21,14 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
- ContrailConfigIfmapServerIp:
- description: Ifmap server ip address
- type: string
description: Ifmap user name
type: string
+ default: 'api-server'
description: Ifmap user password
type: string
- ContrailConfigRabbitServerIp:
- description: RabbitMq server ip address
- type: string
- ContrailConfigRedisServerIp:
- description: Redis server ip address
- type: string
- ContrailConfigListenAddress:
- default: ''
- description: IP address Config API is listening on
- type: string
- ContrailConfigListenPort:
- default: 8082
- description: Port Config API is listening on
- type: number
+ default: 'api-server'
@@ -62,11 +47,10 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
- contrail::config::ifmap_password: {get_param: ContrailConfigIfmapUserPassword}
- contrail::config::ifmap_server_ip: {get_param: ContrailConfigIfmapServerIp}
contrail::config::ifmap_username: {get_param: ContrailConfigIfmapUserName}
- contrail::config::listen_ip_address: {get_param: ContrailConfigListenAddress}
- contrail::config::listen_port: {get_param: ContrailConfigListenPort}
- contrail::config::rabbit_server: {get_param: ContrailConfigRabbitServerIp}
- contrail::config::redis_server: {get_param: ContrailConfigRedisServerIp}
+ contrail::config::listen_ip_address: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailConfigNetwork]}
+ contrail::config::listen_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailConfigInternal, port] }
+ contrail::config::redis_server: ''
+ contrail::config::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailConfigNetwork] }
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::network::contrail::config
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-control.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-control.yaml
index 7c28d283..0964989b 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-control.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-control.yaml
@@ -21,15 +21,14 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
- ContrailControlHostIP:
- description: host IP address of Analytics
- type: string
- ContrailControlIfmapUserName:
- description: Ifmap user name
- type: string
- ContrailControlIfmapUserPassword:
- description: Ifmap user password
+ ContrailControlASN:
+ description: Autonomous System Number
+ type: number
+ default: 64512
+ ContrailControlRNDCSecret:
+ description: sda1/256 hmac key, e.g. echo -n "values" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac key -binary | base64
type: string
+ hidden: true
@@ -47,8 +46,8 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - contrail::control::host_ip: {get_param: ContrailControlHostIP}
- contrail::control::ifmap_username: {get_param: ContrailControlIfmapUserName}
- contrail::control::ifmap_password: {get_param: ContrailControlIfmapUserPassword}
+ - contrail::control::asn: {get_param: ContrailControlASN }
+ contrail::control::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailControlNetwork]}
+ contrail::control::rndc_secret: {get_param: ContrailControlRNDCSecret}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::network::contrail::control
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-database.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-database.yaml
index c56b90a2..b47c2c36 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-database.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-database.yaml
@@ -21,13 +21,6 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
- ContrailDatabaseHostIP:
- description: host IP address of Database node
- type: string
- ContrailDatabaseMinDisk:
- description: Minimum disk size for database
- type: number
- default: 64
@@ -45,7 +38,6 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - contrail::database::host_ip: {get_param: ContrailDatabaseHostIP}
- contrail::database::minimum_diskGB: {get_param: ContrailDatabaseMinDisk}
+ - contrail::database::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ContrailDatabaseNetwork]}
step_config: |
- include ::tripleo::profile::contrail::database
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::database
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-heat.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-heat.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dfc6579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-heat.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Contrail Heat plugin adds Contrail specific heat resources enabling heat
+ to orchestrate Contrail
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Contrail Heat plugin
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_heat
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::heat
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-neutron-plugin.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-neutron-plugin.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f2ceb37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-neutron-plugin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Neutron Opencontrail plugin
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ ContrailExtensions:
+ description: List of OpenContrail extensions to be enabled
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ default: ''
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Neutron Opencontrail plugin
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_neutron_plugin
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - neutron::api_extensions_path: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron_plugin_contrail/extensions
+ contrail::vrouter::contrail_extensions: {get_param: ContrailExtensions}
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::network::contrail::neutron_plugin
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-provision.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-provision.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..765be9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-provision.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Provision Contrail services after deployment
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Contrail provisioning role
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_provision
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::provision
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-tsn.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-tsn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88adc4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-tsn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Contrail TSN Service
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret:
+ description: Metadata Secret
+ type: string
+ VrouterPhysicalInterface:
+ default: 'eth0'
+ description: vRouter physical interface
+ type: string
+ VrouterGateway:
+ default: ''
+ description: vRouter default gateway
+ type: string
+ VrouterNetmask:
+ default: ''
+ description: vRouter netmask
+ type: string
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Contrail TSN Service
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_tsn
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - contrail::vrouter::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronCorePluginOpencontrailNetwork]}
+ contrail::vrouter::physical_interface: {get_param: VrouterPhysicalInterface}
+ contrail::vrouter::gateway: {get_param: VrouterGateway}
+ contrail::vrouter::netmask: {get_param: VrouterNetmask}
+ contrail::vrouter::metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret}
+ contrail::vrouter::is_tsn: 'true'
+ tripleo.neutron_compute_plugin_opencontrail.firewall_rules:
+ '111 neutron_compute_plugin_opencontrail proxy':
+ dport: 8097
+ proto: tcp
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::vrouter
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-vrouter.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-vrouter.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db9f0836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-vrouter.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Neutron Compute OpenContrail plugin
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret:
+ description: Metadata Secret
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ ContrailVrouterPhysicalInterface:
+ default: 'eth0'
+ description: vRouter physical interface
+ type: string
+ ContrailVrouterGateway:
+ default: ''
+ description: vRouter default gateway
+ type: string
+ ContrailVrouterNetmask:
+ default: ''
+ description: vRouter netmask
+ type: string
+ ContrailBase:
+ type: ./contrail-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Neutron Compute OpenContrail plugin
+ value:
+ service_name: contrail_vrouter
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - contrail::vrouter::host_ip: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronCorePluginOpencontrailNetwork]}
+ contrail::vrouter::physical_interface: {get_param: ContrailVrouterPhysicalInterface}
+ contrail::vrouter::gateway: {get_param: ContrailVrouterGateway}
+ contrail::vrouter::netmask: {get_param: ContrailVrouterNetmask}
+ contrail::vrouter::metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret}
+ tripleo.neutron_compute_plugin_opencontrail.firewall_rules:
+ '111 neutron_compute_plugin_opencontrail proxy':
+ dport: 8097
+ proto: tcp
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::network::contrail::vrouter
diff --git a/puppet/services/network/contrail-webui.yaml b/puppet/services/network/contrail-webui.yaml
index 72cc6fa5..3786cdd1 100644
--- a/puppet/services/network/contrail-webui.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/network/contrail-webui.yaml
@@ -21,27 +21,6 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
- ContrailWebUiAnalyticsVip:
- description: Contrail Analytics VIP
- type: string
- ContrailWebUiConfigVip:
- description: Contrail Config VIP
- type: string
- ContrailWebUiNeutronVip:
- description: Neutron VIP
- type: string
- ContrailWebuiHttpPort:
- default: 8080
- description: HTTP Port of Webui
- type: number
- ContrailWebuiHttpsPort:
- default: 8143
- description: HTTPS Port of Webui
- type: number
- ContrailWebUiRedisIp:
- description: Redis IP
- type: string
- default: ''
@@ -59,11 +38,8 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [ContrailBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - contrail::webui::contrail_analytics_vip: {get_param: ContrailWebUiAnalyticsVip}
- contrail::webui::contrail_config_vip: {get_param: ContrailWebUiConfigVip}
- contrail::webui::contrail_webui_http_port: {get_param: ContrailWebuiHttpPort}
- contrail::webui::contrail_webui_https_port: {get_param: ContrailWebuiHttpsPort}
- contrail::webui::neutron_vip: {get_param: ContrailWebUiNeutronVip}
- contrail::webui::redis_ip: {get_param: ContrailWebUiRedisIp}
+ - contrail::webui::http_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailWebuiHttpInternal, port] }
+ contrail::webui::https_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ContrailWebuiHttpsInternal, port] }
+ contrail::webui::redis_ip: ''
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::network::contrail::webui
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml
index cf444215..48e53f4c 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ parameters:
removed in Ocata. Future releases will enable L3 HA by default if it is
appropriate for the deployment type. Alternate mechanisms will be
available to override.
+ EnableInternalTLS:
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
- label: deprecated
@@ -82,8 +85,19 @@ parameter_groups:
- NeutronL3HA
+ use_tls_proxy: {equals : [{get_param: EnableInternalTLS}, true]}
+ TLSProxyBase:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Services::TLSProxyBase
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ EnableInternalTLS: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
type: ./neutron-base.yaml
@@ -103,6 +117,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [NeutronBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [TLSProxyBase, role_data, config_settings]
- neutron::server::database_connection:
- ''
@@ -115,7 +130,7 @@ outputs:
- '?bind_address='
- "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
neutron::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- neutron::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ neutron::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
neutron::server::api_workers: {get_param: NeutronWorkers}
neutron::server::rpc_workers: {get_param: NeutronWorkers}
neutron::server::allow_automatic_l3agent_failover: {get_param: NeutronAllowL3AgentFailover}
@@ -140,7 +155,23 @@ outputs:
# internal_api -> IP
# internal_api_uri -> [IP]
# internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR
- neutron::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronApiNetwork]}
+ tripleo::profile::base::neutron::server::tls_proxy_bind_ip:
+ get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronApiNetwork]
+ tripleo::profile::base::neutron::server::tls_proxy_fqdn:
+ str_replace:
+ template:
+ "%{hiera('fqdn_$NETWORK')}"
+ params:
+ $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronApiNetwork]}
+ tripleo::profile::base::neutron::server::tls_proxy_port:
+ get_param: [EndpointMap, NeutronInternal, port]
+ # Bind to localhost if internal TLS is enabled, since we put a TLS
+ # proxy in front.
+ neutron::bind_host:
+ if:
+ - use_tls_proxy
+ - 'localhost'
+ - {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NeutronApiNetwork]}
tripleo::profile::base::neutron::server::l3_ha_override: {get_param: NeutronL3HA}
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::neutron::server
@@ -161,9 +192,9 @@ outputs:
- '%'
- "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service neutron-server is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'neutron-server' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop neutron_api service
tags: step2
service: name=neutron-server state=stopped
- - name: Sync neutron_api DB
- tags: step5
- command: neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-dhcp.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-dhcp.yaml
index 5e7de18e..062edaa4 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-dhcp.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-dhcp.yaml
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ parameters:
tag: openstack.neutron.agent.dhcp
path: /var/log/neutron/dhcp-agent.log
+ NeutronDhcpAgentDnsmasqDnsServers:
+ default: []
+ description: List of servers to use as dnsmasq forwarders
+ type: comma_delimited_list
@@ -64,6 +68,7 @@ outputs:
- neutron::agents::dhcp::enable_isolated_metadata: {get_param: NeutronEnableIsolatedMetadata}
neutron::agents::dhcp::enable_force_metadata: {get_param: NeutronEnableForceMetadata}
neutron::agents::dhcp::enable_metadata_network: {get_param: NeutronEnableMetadataNetwork}
+ neutron::agents::dhcp::dnsmasq_dns_servers: {get_param: NeutronDhcpAgentDnsmasqDnsServers}
'115 neutron dhcp input':
proto: 'udp'
@@ -75,6 +80,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::neutron::dhcp
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service neutron-dhcp-agent is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'neutron-dhcp-agent' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop neutron_dhcp service
tags: step2
service: name=neutron-dhcp-agent state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-l3.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-l3.yaml
index 9d858441..69803551 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-l3.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-l3.yaml
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::neutron::l3
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service neutron-l3-agent is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'neutron-l3-agent' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop neutron_l3 service
tags: step2
service: name=neutron-l3-agent state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml
index 43066767..6f5debdd 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml
@@ -70,12 +70,15 @@ outputs:
- neutron::agents::metadata::shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret}
neutron::agents::metadata::metadata_workers: {get_param: NeutronWorkers}
neutron::agents::metadata::auth_password: {get_param: NeutronPassword}
- neutron::agents::metadata::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ neutron::agents::metadata::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
neutron::agents::metadata::auth_tenant: 'service'
neutron::agents::metadata::metadata_ip: "%{hiera('nova_metadata_vip')}"
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::neutron::metadata
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service neutron-metadata-agent is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'neutron-metadata-agent' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop neutron_metadata service
tags: step2
service: name=neutron-metadata-agent state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-agent.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-agent.yaml
index baeb0c66..c27bb909 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-agent.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-agent.yaml
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ outputs:
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::neutron::ovs
+ - name: "PreUpgrade step0,validation: Check service neutron-openvswitch-agent is running"
+ shell: /usr/bin/systemctl show 'neutron-openvswitch-agent' --property ActiveState | grep '\bactive\b'
+ tags: step0,validation
- name: Stop neutron_ovs_agent service
tags: step2
service: name=neutron-openvswitch-agent state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent.yaml
index 5c77e35d..e25bc495 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent.yaml
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
+ HostCpusList:
+ description: List of cores to be used for host process
+ type: string
+ constraints:
+ - allowed_pattern: "'[0-9,-]+'"
description: List of cores to be used for DPDK Poll Mode Driver
type: string
@@ -68,7 +73,8 @@ outputs:
- neutron::agents::ml2::ovs::enable_dpdk: true
neutron::agents::ml2::ovs::datapath_type: {get_param: NeutronDatapathType}
neutron::agents::ml2::ovs::vhostuser_socket_dir: {get_param: NeutronVhostuserSocketDir}
- vswitch::dpdk::core_list: {get_param: NeutronDpdkCoreList}
+ vswitch::dpdk::host_core_list: {get_param: HostCpusList}
+ vswitch::dpdk::pmd_core_list: {get_param: NeutronDpdkCoreList}
vswitch::dpdk::memory_channels: {get_param: NeutronDpdkMemoryChannels}
vswitch::dpdk::socket_mem: {get_param: NeutronDpdkSocketMemory}
vswitch::dpdk::driver_type: {get_param: NeutronDpdkDriverType}
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2.yaml
index 407ce6ba..3abd04f3 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2.yaml
@@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ parameters:
default: 'vxlan'
description: The tenant network type for Neutron.
type: comma_delimited_list
- NeutronSupportedPCIVendorDevs:
- description: |
- List of supported pci vendor devices in the format VendorID:ProductID.
- By default Intel & Mellanox SR-IOV capable NICs are supported.
- type: comma_delimited_list
- default: ['15b3:1004','8086:10ca']
@@ -91,7 +85,9 @@ outputs:
neutron::plugins::ml2::tunnel_id_ranges: {get_param: NeutronTunnelIdRanges}
neutron::plugins::ml2::vni_ranges: {get_param: NeutronVniRanges}
neutron::plugins::ml2::tenant_network_types: {get_param: NeutronNetworkType}
- neutron::plugins::ml2::supported_pci_vendor_devs: {get_param: NeutronSupportedPCIVendorDevs}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::neutron::plugins::ml2
+ service_config_settings:
+ horizon:
+ neutron::plugins::ml2::mechanism_drivers: {get_param: NeutronMechanismDrivers}
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-opencontrail.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-opencontrail.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 976e5f19..00000000
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-opencontrail.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: ocata
-description: >
- OpenStack Neutron Opencontrail plugin
- ServiceNetMap:
- default: {}
- description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
- via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
- mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
- type: json
- DefaultPasswords:
- default: {}
- type: json
- EndpointMap:
- default: {}
- description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
- via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
- type: json
- AdminPassword:
- description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc.
- type: string
- hidden: true
- AdminToken:
- description: The keystone auth secret and db password.
- type: string
- hidden: true
- ContrailApiServerIp:
- description: IP address of the OpenContrail API server
- type: string
- ContrailApiServerPort:
- description: Port of the OpenContrail API
- type: string
- default: 8082
- ContrailMultiTenancy:
- description: Whether to enable multi tenancy
- type: boolean
- default: false
- ContrailExtensions:
- description: List of OpenContrail extensions to be enabled
- type: comma_delimited_list
- default: ''
- NeutronBase:
- type: ./neutron-base.yaml
- properties:
- ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
- DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
- EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
- role_data:
- description: Role data for the Neutron Opencontrail plugin
- value:
- service_name: neutron_plugin_opencontrail
- config_settings:
- map_merge:
- - get_attr: [NeutronBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - neutron::api_extensions_path: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron_plugin_contrail/extensions,/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutron_lbaas/extensions
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::api_server_ip: {get_param: ContrailApiServerIp}
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::api_server_port: {get_param: ContrailApiServerPort}
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::multi_tenancy: {get_param: ContrailMultiTenancy}
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::contrail_extensions: {get_param: ContrailExtensions}
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::keystone_auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::keystone_admin_user: admin
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::keystone_admin_tenant_name: admin
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::keystone_admin_password: {get_param: AdminPassword}
- neutron::plugins::opencontrail::keystone_admin_token: {get_param: AdminToken}
- step_config: |
- include tripleo::profile::base::neutron::plugins::opencontrail
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-plumgrid.yaml b/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-plumgrid.yaml
index bd078074..ad1dcfb0 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-plumgrid.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/neutron-plugin-plumgrid.yaml
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ outputs:
- '/ovs_neutron'
- '?bind_address='
- "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
- neutron::plugins::plumgrid::controller_priv_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, host]}
+ neutron::plugins::plumgrid::controller_priv_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, host]}
neutron::plugins::plumgrid::admin_password: {get_param: AdminPassword}
neutron::plugins::plumgrid::metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret}
neutron::plugins::plumgrid::director_server: {get_param: PLUMgridDirectorServer}
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-api.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-api.yaml
index 36ac3e08..18c790e6 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-api.yaml
@@ -63,13 +63,15 @@ conditions:
nova_workers_zero: {equals : [{get_param: NovaWorkers}, 0]}
- ApacheServiceBase:
- type: ./apache.yaml
- properties:
- ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
- DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
- EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
- EnableInternalTLS: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
+ # Temporarily disable Nova API deployed in WSGI
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1661360
+ # ApacheServiceBase:
+ # type: ./apache.yaml
+ # properties:
+ # ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ # DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ # EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ # EnableInternalTLS: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
type: ./nova-base.yaml
@@ -90,7 +92,9 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [NovaBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ # Temporarily disable Nova API deployed in WSGI
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1661360
+ # - get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, config_settings]
- nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows::hour: '*/12'
nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows::destination: '/dev/null'
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ outputs:
nova::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
nova::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: NovaPassword}
nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
nova::api::enabled: true
nova::api::default_floating_pool: {get_param: NovaDefaultFloatingPool}
nova::api::sync_db_api: true
@@ -115,20 +119,23 @@ outputs:
$NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
- nova::api::service_name: 'httpd'
- nova::wsgi::apache_api::ssl: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
+ # Temporarily disable Nova API deployed in WSGI
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1661360
+ nova_wsgi_enabled: false
+ # nova::api::service_name: 'httpd'
+ # nova::wsgi::apache_api::ssl: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS}
# NOTE: bind IP is found in Heat replacing the network name with the local node IP
# for the given network; replacement examples (eg. for internal_api):
# internal_api -> IP
# internal_api_uri -> [IP]
# internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR
- nova::wsgi::apache_api::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
- nova::wsgi::apache_api::servername:
- str_replace:
- template:
- "%{hiera('fqdn_$NETWORK')}"
- params:
- $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
+ # nova::wsgi::apache_api::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
+ # nova::wsgi::apache_api::servername:
+ # str_replace:
+ # template:
+ # "%{hiera('fqdn_$NETWORK')}"
+ # params:
+ # $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
nova::api::neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret}
nova::api::instance_name_template: {get_param: InstanceNameTemplate}
nova_enable_db_purge: {get_param: NovaEnableDBPurge}
@@ -137,7 +144,9 @@ outputs:
- nova_workers_zero
- {}
- nova::api::osapi_compute_workers: {get_param: NovaWorkers}
- nova::wsgi::apache_api::workers: {get_param: NovaWorkers}
+ # Temporarily disable Nova API deployed in WSGI
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1661360
+ # nova::wsgi::apache_api::workers: {get_param: NovaWorkers}
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::nova::api
@@ -165,3 +174,7 @@ outputs:
nova::keystone::auth::admin_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NovaAdmin, uri]}
nova::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: NovaPassword}
nova::keystone::auth::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ # Temporarily disable Nova API deployed in WSGI
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1661360
+ # metadata_settings:
+ # get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-base.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-base.yaml
index c448bf49..26d05cc9 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-base.yaml
@@ -115,6 +115,11 @@ parameters:
description: >
Cron to move deleted instances to another table - Until complete
default: false
+ NovaPlacementAPIInterface:
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Endpoint interface to be used for the placement API.
+ default: 'internal'
@@ -134,8 +139,9 @@ outputs:
nova::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
nova::placement::project_name: 'service'
nova::placement::password: {get_param: NovaPassword}
- nova::placement::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ nova::placement::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
nova::placement::os_region_name: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ nova::placement::os_interface: {get_param: NovaPlacementAPIInterface}
- ''
@@ -145,8 +151,6 @@ outputs:
- '@'
- {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
- '/nova'
- - '?bind_address='
- - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
- ''
@@ -156,8 +160,6 @@ outputs:
- '@'
- {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
- '/nova_api'
- - '?bind_address='
- - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
- ''
@@ -167,12 +169,11 @@ outputs:
- '@'
- {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
- '/nova_placement'
- - '?bind_address='
- - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
nova::debug: {get_param: Debug}
nova::purge_config: {get_param: EnableConfigPurge}
nova::network::neutron::neutron_project_name: 'service'
nova::network::neutron::neutron_username: 'neutron'
+ nova::network::neutron::neutron_region_name: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
nova::network::neutron::dhcp_domain: ''
nova::network::neutron::neutron_password: {get_param: NeutronPassword}
nova::network::neutron::neutron_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NeutronInternal, uri]}
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-compute.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-compute.yaml
index 2312b635..f7484da2 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-compute.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-compute.yaml
@@ -141,3 +141,8 @@ outputs:
# We'll probably treat it like we do with Neutron plugins.
# Until then, just include it in the default nova-compute role.
include tripleo::profile::base::nova::compute::libvirt
+ service_config_settings:
+ collectd:
+ tripleo.collectd.plugins.nova_compute:
+ - virt
+ collectd::plugins::virt::connection: "qemu:///system"
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-ironic.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-ironic.yaml
index 306c6b6f..5eb2170a 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-ironic.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-ironic.yaml
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ outputs:
- nova::compute::force_config_drive: true
nova::compute::reserved_host_memory: '0'
nova::compute::vnc_enabled: false
- nova::ironic::common::admin_password: {get_param: IronicPassword}
- nova::ironic::common::admin_tenant_name: 'service'
- nova::ironic::common::admin_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri]}
- nova::ironic::common::admin_username: 'ironic'
+ nova::ironic::common::password: {get_param: IronicPassword}
+ nova::ironic::common::project_name: 'service'
+ nova::ironic::common::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
+ nova::ironic::common::username: 'ironic'
nova::ironic::common::api_endpoint: {get_param: [EndpointMap, IronicInternal, uri]}
nova::network::neutron::dhcp_domain: ''
nova::scheduler::filter::scheduler_host_manager: 'ironic_host_manager'
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-libvirt.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-libvirt.yaml
index a9b2b3f9..faf1ae48 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-libvirt.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-libvirt.yaml
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ outputs:
nova::compute::libvirt::qemu::configure_qemu: true
nova::compute::libvirt::qemu::max_files: 32768
nova::compute::libvirt::qemu::max_processes: 131072
+ nova::compute::libvirt::vncserver_listen: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaLibvirtNetwork]}
'200 nova_libvirt':
diff --git a/puppet/services/nova-placement.yaml b/puppet/services/nova-placement.yaml
index 82b83561..5564c1b3 100644
--- a/puppet/services/nova-placement.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/nova-placement.yaml
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ outputs:
# internal_api -> IP
# internal_api_uri -> [IP]
# internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR
- nova::wsgi::apache_placement::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
+ nova::wsgi::apache_placement::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaPlacementNetwork]}
- $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaApiNetwork]}
+ $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaPlacementNetwork]}
- nova_workers_zero
@@ -118,3 +118,7 @@ outputs:
- '%'
- "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop nova_placement service (running under httpd)
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=httpd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/octavia-api.yaml b/puppet/services/octavia-api.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37ba1f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/octavia-api.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Octavia API service.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ OctaviaPassword:
+ description: The password for the Octavia's database account.
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
+ MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaApi:
+ default: 'overcloud-octavia-api'
+ type: string
+ OctaviaApiLoggingSource:
+ type: json
+ default:
+ tag: openstack.octavia.api
+ path: /var/log/octavia/api.log
+ OctaviaBase:
+ type: ./octavia-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Octavia API service.
+ value:
+ service_name: octavia_api
+ monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaApi}
+ logging_source: {get_param: OctaviaApiLoggingSource}
+ logging_groups:
+ - octavia
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [OctaviaBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - octavia::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
+ octavia::db::database_connection:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, protocol]}
+ - '://octavia:'
+ - {get_param: OctaviaPassword}
+ - '@'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
+ - '/octavia'
+ - '?bind_address='
+ - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
+ octavia::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
+ octavia::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
+ octavia::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: OctaviaPassword}
+ octavia::api::sync_db: true
+ tripleo.octavia_api.firewall_rules:
+ '120 octavia api':
+ dport:
+ - 9876
+ - 13876
+ octavia::api::host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, OctaviaApiNetwork]}
+ neutron::server::service_providers: ['LOADBALANCERV2:Octavia:neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver:default']
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::profile::base::octavia::api
+ service_config_settings:
+ keystone:
+ octavia::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
+ octavia::keystone::auth::public_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, OctaviaPublic, uri]}
+ octavia::keystone::auth::internal_url: { get_param: [ EndpointMap, OctaviaInternal, uri ] }
+ octavia::keystone::auth::admin_url: { get_param: [ EndpointMap, OctaviaAdmin, uri ] }
+ octavia::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: OctaviaPassword}
+ octavia::keystone::auth::region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion}
+ mysql:
+ octavia::db::mysql::password: {get_param: OctaviaPassword}
+ octavia::db::mysql::user: octavia
+ octavia::db::mysql::host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ octavia::db::mysql::dbname: octavia
+ octavia::db::mysql::allowed_hosts:
+ - '%'
+ - "%{hiera('mysql_bind_host')}"
diff --git a/puppet/services/octavia-base.yaml b/puppet/services/octavia-base.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b537a2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/octavia-base.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Octavia base service. Shared for all Octavia services
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ Debug:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ description: Set to True to enable debugging on all services.
+ EnableConfigPurge:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ description: >
+ Remove configuration that is not generated by TripleO. Setting
+ to false may result in configuration remnants after updates/upgrades.
+ RabbitPassword:
+ description: The password for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ RabbitUserName:
+ default: guest
+ description: The username for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientUseSSL:
+ default: false
+ description: >
+ Rabbit client subscriber parameter to specify
+ an SSL connection to the RabbitMQ host.
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientPort:
+ default: 5672
+ description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL
+ type: number
+ role_data:
+ description: Base role data for Octavia services
+ value:
+ service_name: octavia_base
+ config_settings:
+ octavia::debug: {get_param: Debug}
+ octavia::purge_config: {get_param: EnableConfigPurge}
+ octavia::rabbit_use_ssl: {get_param: RabbitClientUseSSL}
+ tripleo::profile::base::octavia::rabbit_user: {get_param: RabbitUserName}
+ tripleo::profile::base::octavia::rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword}
+ tripleo::profile::base::octavia::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
diff --git a/puppet/services/octavia-health-manager.yaml b/puppet/services/octavia-health-manager.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51d32f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/octavia-health-manager.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Octavia Health Manager service.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaHealthManager:
+ default: 'overcloud-octavia-health-manager'
+ type: string
+ OctaviaHealthManagerLoggingSource:
+ type: json
+ default:
+ tag: openstack.octavia.health-manager
+ path: /var/log/octavia/health-manager.log
+ OctaviaHeartbeatKey:
+ type: string
+ description: Key to identify heartbeat messages for amphorae.
+ hidden: true
+ OctaviaBase:
+ type: ./octavia-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Octavia Health Manager service.
+ value:
+ service_name: octavia_health_manager
+ monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaHealthManager}
+ logging_source: {get_param: OctaviaHealthManagerLoggingSource}
+ logging_groups:
+ - octavia
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [OctaviaBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - octavia::health_manager::heartbeat_key: {get_param: OctaviaHeartbeatKey}
+ octavia::health_manager::event_streamer_driver: 'queue_event_streamer'
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::profile::base::octavia::health_manager
diff --git a/puppet/services/octavia-housekeeping.yaml b/puppet/services/octavia-housekeeping.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84c33433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/octavia-housekeeping.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Octavia Housekeeping service.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ OctaviaAmphoraExpiryAge:
+ default: 0
+ description: The interval in seconds after which an unused Amphora will
+ be considered expired and cleaned up. If left to 0, the
+ configuration will not be set and the system will use
+ the service defaults.
+ type: number
+ MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaHousekeeping:
+ default: 'overcloud-octavia-housekeeping'
+ type: string
+ OctaviaHousekeepingLoggingSource:
+ type: json
+ default:
+ tag: openstack.octavia.housekeeping
+ path: /var/log/octavia/housekeeping.log
+ amphora_expiry_is_zero: {equals: [{get_param: OctaviaAmphoraExpiryAge}, 0]}
+ OctaviaBase:
+ type: ./octavia-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Octavia Housekeeping service.
+ value:
+ service_name: octavia_housekeeping
+ monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaHousekeeping}
+ logging_source: {get_param: OctaviaHousekeepingLoggingSource}
+ logging_groups:
+ - octavia
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [OctaviaBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ -
+ if:
+ - amphora_expiry_is_zero
+ - {}
+ - octavia::worker::amphora_expiry_age: {get_param: OctaviaAmphoraExpiryAge}
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::profile::base::octavia::housekeeping
diff --git a/puppet/services/octavia-worker.yaml b/puppet/services/octavia-worker.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9212b76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/octavia-worker.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Octavia Worker service.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaWorker:
+ default: 'overcloud-octavia-worker'
+ type: string
+ OctaviaWorkerLoggingSource:
+ type: json
+ default:
+ tag: openstack.octavia.worker
+ path: /var/log/octavia/worker.log
+ OctaviaAmphoraImageTag:
+ default: ''
+ description: Glance image tag for identifying the amphora image.
+ type: string
+ OctaviaAmphoraNetworkList:
+ default: []
+ description: List of networks to attach to amphorae.
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ OctaviaLoadBalancerTopology:
+ default: ''
+ description: Load balancer topology configuration.
+ type: string
+ OctaviaFlavorId:
+ default: 65
+ description: Nova flavor ID to be used when creating the nova flavor for
+ amphora.
+ type: number
+ OctaviaFlavorProperties:
+ default: {}
+ description: Dictionary describing the nova flavor for amphora.
+ type: json
+ OctaviaManageNovaFlavor:
+ default: false
+ description: Configure the nova flavor for the amphora.
+ type: boolean
+ OctaviaSSHKeyName:
+ default: 'octavia-ssh-key'
+ description: name for ssh key to be configured so the amphora can
+ be logged into.
+ type: string
+ octavia_topology_unset: {equals : [{get_param: OctaviaLoadBalancerTopology}, ""]}
+ octavia_amphora_tag_unset: {equals: [{get_param: OctaviaAmphoraImageTag}, ""]}
+ OctaviaBase:
+ type: ./octavia-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Octavia WoWorker service.
+ value:
+ service_name: octavia_worker
+ monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionOctaviaWorker}
+ logging_source: {get_param: OctaviaWorkerLoggingSource}
+ logging_groups:
+ -octavia
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [OctaviaBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - octavia::worker::amp_boot_network_list: {get_param: OctaviaAmphoraNetworkList}
+ octavia::worker::amp_flavor_id: {get_param: OctaviaFlavorId}
+ octavia::worker::nova_flavor_config: {get_param: OctaviaFlavorProperties}
+ octavia::worker::manage_nova_flavor: {get_param: OctaviaManageNovaFlavor}
+ octavia::worker::ssh_key_name: {get_param: OctaviaSSHKeyName}
+ -
+ if:
+ - octavia_amphora_tag_unset
+ - {}
+ - octavia::worker::amp_image_tag: {get_param: OctaviaAmphoraImageTag}
+ -
+ if:
+ - octavia_topology_unset
+ - {}
+ - octavia::worker::loadbalancer_topology: {get_param: OctaviaLoadBalancerTopology}
+ step_config: |
+ include tripleo::profile::base::octavia::worker
diff --git a/puppet/services/pacemaker.yaml b/puppet/services/pacemaker.yaml
index a8a9fb99..ca21cfbe 100644
--- a/puppet/services/pacemaker.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/pacemaker.yaml
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ parameters:
description: The password for the 'pcsd' user for pacemaker.
hidden: true
default: ''
+ CorosyncSettleTries:
+ type: number
+ description: Number of tries for cluster settling. This has the
+ same default as the pacemaker puppet module. Override
+ to a smaller value when in need to replace a controller node.
+ default: 360
default: {}
description: |
@@ -81,6 +87,10 @@ parameters:
\[(?<pid>[^ ]*)\]
(?<host>[^ ]*)
+ PacemakerResources:
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ description: List of resources managed by pacemaker
+ default: ['rabbitmq','haproxy']
@@ -97,6 +107,7 @@ outputs:
resource-stickiness: { value: INFINITY }
corosync_token_timeout: 10000
+ pacemaker::corosync::settle_tries: {get_param: CorosyncSettleTries}
'130 pacemaker tcp':
proto: 'tcp'
@@ -120,3 +131,17 @@ outputs:
tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker::remote_authkey: {get_param: PacemakerRemoteAuthkey}
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Check pacemaker cluster running before upgrade
+ tags: step0,validation
+ pacemaker_cluster: state=online check_and_fail=true
+ - name: Stop pacemaker cluster
+ tags: step1
+ pacemaker_cluster: state=offline
+ - name: Start pacemaker cluster
+ tags: step4
+ pacemaker_cluster: state=online
+ - name: Check pacemaker resource
+ tags: step4
+ pacemaker_resource: state=started resource={{item}} check_mode=true wait_for_resource=true timeout=200
+ with_items: {get_param: PacemakerResources}
diff --git a/puppet/services/pacemaker/ceph-rbdmirror.yaml b/puppet/services/pacemaker/ceph-rbdmirror.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7686028d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/pacemaker/ceph-rbdmirror.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ Ceph RBD mirror service.
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ CephClientUserName:
+ default: openstack
+ type: string
+ CephBase:
+ type: ../ceph-base.yaml
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
+ EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Ceph RBD mirrror service.
+ value:
+ service_name: ceph_rbdmirror
+ config_settings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [CephBase, role_data, config_settings]
+ - tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ceph::rbdmirror::client_name: {get_param: CephClientUserName}
+ tripleo.ceph_rbdmirror.firewall_rules:
+ '113 ceph_rbdmirror':
+ dport:
+ - '6800-7300'
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ceph::rbdmirror \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml b/puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml
index 511a01ab..93bf5967 100644
--- a/puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ outputs:
get_param: [ServiceNetMap, MysqlNetwork]
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [MysqlBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
- name: Check for galera root password
tags: step0
diff --git a/puppet/services/pacemaker/haproxy.yaml b/puppet/services/pacemaker/haproxy.yaml
index 50da4119..598deaef 100644
--- a/puppet/services/pacemaker/haproxy.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/pacemaker/haproxy.yaml
@@ -40,3 +40,5 @@ outputs:
tripleo::haproxy::mysql_clustercheck: true
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [LoadbalancerServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/panko-api.yaml b/puppet/services/panko-api.yaml
index 06284fb2..4b74ad45 100644
--- a/puppet/services/panko-api.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/panko-api.yaml
@@ -82,3 +82,5 @@ outputs:
get_attr: [PankoBase, role_data, service_config_settings]
step_config: |
include tripleo::profile::base::panko::api
+ metadata_settings:
+ get_attr: [ApacheServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/panko-base.yaml b/puppet/services/panko-base.yaml
index 6e25d796..2c2586af 100644
--- a/puppet/services/panko-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/panko-base.yaml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ outputs:
panko::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
panko::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: PankoPassword}
panko::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- panko::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ panko::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
panko::auth::auth_password: {get_param: PankoPassword}
panko::auth::auth_region: 'regionOne'
panko::auth::auth_tenant_name: 'service'
diff --git a/puppet/services/sahara-base.yaml b/puppet/services/sahara-base.yaml
index b4307053..e2084186 100644
--- a/puppet/services/sahara-base.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/sahara-base.yaml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ outputs:
sahara::debug: {get_param: Debug}
sahara::admin_password: {get_param: SaharaPassword}
sahara::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri] }
- sahara::identity_uri: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix] }
+ sahara::identity_uri: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] }
sahara::use_neutron: true
sahara::plugins: {get_param: SaharaPlugins}
sahara::rpc_backend: rabbit
diff --git a/puppet/services/services.yaml b/puppet/services/services.yaml
index 90268c78..80da5352 100644
--- a/puppet/services/services.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/services.yaml
@@ -118,4 +118,9 @@ outputs:
# Note we use distinct() here to filter any identical tasks, e.g yum update for all services
expression: $.data.where($ != null).select($.get('upgrade_tasks')).where($ != null).flatten().distinct()
data: {get_attr: [ServiceChain, role_data]}
+ upgrade_batch_tasks:
+ yaql:
+ # Note we use distinct() here to filter any identical tasks, e.g yum update for all services
+ expression: $.data.where($ != null).select($.get('upgrade_batch_tasks')).where($ != null).flatten().distinct()
+ data: {get_attr: [ServiceChain, role_data]}
service_metadata_settings: {get_attr: [ServiceServerMetadataHook, metadata]}
diff --git a/puppet/services/snmp.yaml b/puppet/services/snmp.yaml
index be9d143e..fd6ed818 100644
--- a/puppet/services/snmp.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/snmp.yaml
@@ -43,3 +43,7 @@ outputs:
proto: 'udp'
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::base::snmp
+ upgrade_tasks:
+ - name: Stop snmp service
+ tags: step2
+ service: name=snmpd state=stopped
diff --git a/puppet/services/neutron-compute-plugin-opencontrail.yaml b/puppet/services/sshd.yaml
index bbe4a051..41e144a0 100644
--- a/puppet/services/neutron-compute-plugin-opencontrail.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/sshd.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
heat_template_version: ocata
description: >
- OpenStack Neutron Compute OpenContrail plugin
+ Configure sshd_config
@@ -18,12 +18,17 @@ parameters:
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
+ BannerText:
+ default: ''
+ description: Configures Banner text in sshd_config
+ type: string
- description: Role data for the Neutron Compute OpenContrail plugin
+ description: Role data for the ssh
- service_name: neutron_compute_plugin_opencontrail
+ service_name: sshd
+ BannerText: {get_param: BannerText}
step_config: |
- include ::tripleo::profile::base::neutron::opencontrail::vrouter
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::sshd
diff --git a/puppet/services/swift-proxy.yaml b/puppet/services/swift-proxy.yaml
index 62d227a2..526fa888 100644
--- a/puppet/services/swift-proxy.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/swift-proxy.yaml
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ parameters:
default: 5672
description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL
type: number
+ RabbitClientUseSSL:
+ default: false
+ description: >
+ Rabbit client subscriber parameter to specify
+ an SSL connection to the RabbitMQ host.
+ type: string
@@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [SwiftBase, role_data, config_settings]
- swift::proxy::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
- swift::proxy::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ swift::proxy::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
swift::proxy::authtoken::password: {get_param: SwiftPassword}
swift::proxy::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
swift::proxy::node_timeout: {get_param: SwiftProxyNodeTimeout}
@@ -91,6 +97,7 @@ outputs:
swift::proxy::staticweb::url_base: {get_param: [EndpointMap, SwiftPublic, uri_no_suffix]}
swift::proxy::ceilometer::nonblocking_notify: true
tripleo::profile::base::swift::proxy::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
+ tripleo::profile::base::swift::proxy::ceilometer_messaging_use_ssl: {get_param: RabbitClientUseSSL}
tripleo::profile::base::swift::proxy::ceilometer_enabled: {get_param: SwiftCeilometerPipelineEnabled}
'122 swift proxy':
diff --git a/puppet/services/swift-ringbuilder.yaml b/puppet/services/swift-ringbuilder.yaml
index a7ba7bad..2e3c818f 100644
--- a/puppet/services/swift-ringbuilder.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/swift-ringbuilder.yaml
@@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ parameters:
description: 'Use a local directory for Swift storage services when building rings'
type: boolean
+ swift_use_local_dir:
+ and:
+ - equals:
+ - get_param: SwiftUseLocalDir
+ - true
+ - equals:
+ - get_param: SwiftRawDisks
+ - {}
description: Role data for Swift Ringbuilder configuration.
@@ -59,7 +69,7 @@ outputs:
expression: $.data.raw_disk_lists.flatten()
- - {if: [{get_param: SwiftUseLocalDir}, [':%PORT%/d1'], []]}
+ - {if: [swift_use_local_dir, [':%PORT%/d1'], []]}
- repeat:
template: ':%PORT%/DEVICE'
diff --git a/puppet/services/swift-storage.yaml b/puppet/services/swift-storage.yaml
index 08df928d..247b23ff 100644
--- a/puppet/services/swift-storage.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/swift-storage.yaml
@@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ resources:
DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
+ swift_mount_check:
+ or:
+ - equals:
+ - get_param: SwiftMountCheck
+ - true
+ - not:
+ equals:
+ - get_param: SwiftRawDisks
+ - {}
description: Role data for the Swift Proxy role.
@@ -65,7 +76,7 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [SwiftBase, role_data, config_settings]
- - swift::storage::all::mount_check: {get_param: SwiftMountCheck}
+ - swift::storage::all::mount_check: {if: [swift_mount_check, true, false]}
tripleo::profile::base::swift::storage::enable_swift_storage: {get_param: ControllerEnableSwiftStorage}
'123 swift storage':
diff --git a/puppet/services/tacker.yaml b/puppet/services/tacker.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cf09a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/services/tacker.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+heat_template_version: ocata
+description: >
+ OpenStack Tacker service configured with Puppet
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
+ mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
+ type: json
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ default: {}
+ type: json
+ EndpointMap:
+ default: {}
+ description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
+ via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
+ type: json
+ TackerPassword:
+ description: The password for the tacker service account.
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ Debug:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ KeystoneRegion:
+ type: string
+ default: 'regionOne'
+ description: Keystone region for endpoint
+ RabbitPassword:
+ description: The password for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ hidden: true
+ RabbitUserName:
+ default: guest
+ description: The username for RabbitMQ
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientUseSSL:
+ default: false
+ description: >
+ Rabbit client subscriber parameter to specify
+ an SSL connection to the RabbitMQ host.
+ type: string
+ RabbitClientPort:
+ default: 5672
+ description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL
+ type: number
+ role_data:
+ description: Role data for the Tacker role.
+ value:
+ service_name: tacker
+ config_settings:
+ tacker_password: {get_param: TackerPassword}
+ tacker::db::database_connection:
+ list_join:
+ - ''
+ - - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, protocol]}
+ - '://tacker:'
+ - {get_param: TackerPassword}
+ - '@'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host]}
+ - '/tacker'
+ - '?bind_address='
+ - "%{hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client_bind_address')}"
+ tacker::keystone::auth::tenant: 'service'
+ tacker::keystone::auth::password: {get_param: TackerPassword}
+ tacker::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
+ tacker::debug: {get_param: Debug}
+ tacker::rpc_backend: rabbit
+ tacker::rabbit_userid: {get_param: RabbitUserName}
+ tacker::rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword}
+ tacker::rabbit_use_ssl: {get_param: RabbitClientUseSSL}
+ tacker::rabbit_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort}
+ tacker::server::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, TackerApiNetwork]}
+ tacker::db::mysql::password: {get_param: TackerPassword}
+ tacker::db::mysql::user: tacker
+ tacker::db::mysql::host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ tacker::db::mysql::dbname: tacker
+ tacker::db::mysql::allowed_hosts:
+ - '%'
+ - {get_param: [EndpointMap, MysqlInternal, host_nobrackets]}
+ step_config: |
+ include ::tripleo::profile::base::tacker
diff --git a/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml b/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
index 0224ac13..cb860fa8 100644
--- a/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ outputs:
zaqar::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: ZaqarPassword}
zaqar::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service'
- zaqar::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneAdmin, uri_no_suffix]}
+ zaqar::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
zaqar::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
zaqar::debug: {get_param: Debug}
zaqar::transport::websocket::bind: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ZaqarInternal, host]}
diff --git a/puppet/upgrade_config.yaml b/puppet/upgrade_config.yaml
index e892d813..c37cc033 100644
--- a/puppet/upgrade_config.yaml
+++ b/puppet/upgrade_config.yaml
@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ parameters:
type: string
description: Step number of the upgrade
+ SkipUpgradeConfigTags:
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ description: Ansible tags to skip during upgrade, e.g validation skips pre-upgrade validations
+ default: []
@@ -30,6 +35,10 @@ resources:
group: ansible
+ skip_tags:
+ list_join:
+ - ","
+ - {get_param: SkipUpgradeConfigTags}
template: "stepSTEP"