path: root/puppet
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Diffstat (limited to 'puppet')
4 files changed, 13 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml b/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
index 666967b9..83e2b850 100644
--- a/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@ parameters:
created yet) and should be changed to an actual UUID in
a post-deployment stack update.
type: string
+ IronicDefaultBootOption:
+ default: 'local'
+ description: How to boot the bare metal instances. Set to 'local' (the
+ default) to use local bootloader (requires grub2 for partition
+ images). Set to 'netboot' to make the instances boot from
+ controllers using PXE/iPXE.
+ type: string
default: 'flat'
description: Network interface implementation to use by default.
@@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ outputs:
ironic::conductor::cleaning_disk_erase: {get_param: IronicCleaningDiskErase}
ironic::conductor::cleaning_network: {get_param: IronicCleaningNetwork}
ironic::conductor::provisioning_network: {get_param: IronicProvisioningNetwork}
+ ironic::conductor::default_boot_option: {get_param: IronicDefaultBootOption}
ironic::conductor::enabled_drivers: {get_param: IronicEnabledDrivers}
ironic::conductor::enabled_hardware_types: {get_param: IronicEnabledHardwareTypes}
# We need an endpoint containing a real IP, not a VIP here
diff --git a/puppet/services/pacemaker/rabbitmq.yaml b/puppet/services/pacemaker/rabbitmq.yaml
index caada950..30ea6d6c 100644
--- a/puppet/services/pacemaker/rabbitmq.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/pacemaker/rabbitmq.yaml
@@ -39,34 +39,5 @@ outputs:
- rabbitmq::service_manage: false
step_config: |
include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::rabbitmq
- upgrade_tasks:
- - name: get bootstrap nodeid
- tags: common
- command: hiera bootstrap_nodeid
- register: bootstrap_node
- - name: set is_bootstrap_node fact
- tags: common
- set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout == ansible_hostname}}
- - name: get rabbitmq policy
- tags: common
- shell: pcs resource show rabbitmq | grep -q -E "Attributes:.*\"ha-mode\":\"all\""
- register: rabbit_ha_mode
- when: is_bootstrap_node
- ignore_errors: true
- - name: set migrate_rabbit_ha_mode fact
- tags: common
- set_fact: migrate_rabbit_ha_mode={{rabbit_ha_mode.rc == 0}}
- when: is_bootstrap_node
- - name: Fixup for rabbitmq ha-queues LP#1668600
- tags: step0,pre-upgrade
- shell: |
- nr_controllers=$(($(hiera controller_node_names | grep -o "," |wc -l) + 1))
- nr_queues=$(($nr_controllers / 2 + ($nr_controllers % 2)))
- if ! [ $nr_queues -gt 0 -a $nr_queues -le $nr_controllers ]; then
- echo "ERROR: The nr. of HA queues during the rabbit upgrade is out of range: $nr_queues"
- exit 1
- fi
- pcs resource update rabbitmq set_policy='ha-all ^(?!amq\\.).* {"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-params":'"$nr_queues}" --wait=600
- when: is_bootstrap_node and migrate_rabbit_ha_mode
get_attr: [RabbitMQServiceBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
diff --git a/puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml b/puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml
index 47479783..d69da3e1 100644
--- a/puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ parameters:
hidden: true
- The number of HA queues to be configured in rabbit. The default is 0 which will
- be automatically overridden to CEIL(N/2) where N is the number of nodes running
- rabbitmq.
- default: 0
+ The number of HA queues to be configured in rabbit. The default is -1 which
+ translates to "ha-mode all". The special value 0 will be automatically
+ overridden to CEIL(N/2) where N is the number of nodes running rabbitmq.
+ default: -1
type: number
default: 'overcloud-rabbitmq'
diff --git a/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml b/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
index 3bdd3253..2a38e2c0 100644
--- a/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
+++ b/puppet/services/zaqar.yaml
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ outputs:
zaqar::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}
zaqar::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]}
zaqar::debug: {get_param: Debug}
+ zaqar::server::service_name: 'httpd'
zaqar::transport::websocket::bind: {get_param: [EndpointMap, ZaqarInternal, host]}
zaqar::wsgi::apache::ssl: false
zaqar::wsgi::apache::bind_host: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ZaqarApiNetwork]}