path: root/puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller.pp')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller.pp b/puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4801107b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/manifests/overcloud_controller.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+if !str2bool(hiera('enable_package_install', 'false')) {
+ case $::osfamily {
+ 'RedHat': {
+ Package { provider => 'norpm' } # provided by tripleo-puppet
+ }
+ default: {
+ warning('enable_package_install option not supported.')
+ }
+ }
+if hiera('step') >= 1 {
+ if count(hiera('ntp::servers')) > 0 {
+ include ::ntp
+ }
+ # TODO Galara
+ class { 'mysql::server':
+ override_options => {
+ 'mysqld' => {
+ 'bind-address' => hiera('controller_host')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # FIXME: this should only occur on the bootstrap host (ditto for db syncs)
+ # Create all the database schemas
+ # Example DSN format: mysql://user:password@host/dbname
+ $allowed_hosts = ['%',hiera('controller_host')]
+ $keystone_dsn = split(hiera('keystone::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'keystone::db::mysql':
+ user => $keystone_dsn[3],
+ password => $keystone_dsn[4],
+ host => $keystone_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $keystone_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $glance_dsn = split(hiera('glance::api::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'glance::db::mysql':
+ user => $glance_dsn[3],
+ password => $glance_dsn[4],
+ host => $glance_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $glance_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $nova_dsn = split(hiera('nova::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'nova::db::mysql':
+ user => $nova_dsn[3],
+ password => $nova_dsn[4],
+ host => $nova_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $nova_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $neutron_dsn = split(hiera('neutron::server::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'neutron::db::mysql':
+ user => $neutron_dsn[3],
+ password => $neutron_dsn[4],
+ host => $neutron_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $neutron_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $cinder_dsn = split(hiera('cinder::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'cinder::db::mysql':
+ user => $cinder_dsn[3],
+ password => $cinder_dsn[4],
+ host => $cinder_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $cinder_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $heat_dsn = split(hiera('heat::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'heat::db::mysql':
+ user => $heat_dsn[3],
+ password => $heat_dsn[4],
+ host => $heat_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $heat_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ $ceilometer_dsn = split(hiera('ceilometer::db::database_connection'), '[@:/?]')
+ class { 'ceilometer::db::mysql':
+ user => $ceilometer_dsn[3],
+ password => $ceilometer_dsn[4],
+ host => $ceilometer_dsn[5],
+ dbname => $ceilometer_dsn[6],
+ allowed_hosts => $allowed_hosts,
+ }
+ if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
+ $rabbit_provider = 'yum'
+ } else {
+ $rabbit_provider = undef
+ }
+ Class['rabbitmq'] -> Rabbitmq_vhost <| |>
+ Class['rabbitmq'] -> Rabbitmq_user <| |>
+ Class['rabbitmq'] -> Rabbitmq_user_permissions <| |>
+ # TODO Rabbit HA
+ class { 'rabbitmq':
+ package_provider => $rabbit_provider,
+ config_cluster => false,
+ node_ip_address => hiera('controller_host'),
+ }
+ rabbitmq_vhost { '/':
+ provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
+ }
+ rabbitmq_user { ['nova','glance','neutron','cinder','ceilometer','heat']:
+ admin => true,
+ password => hiera('rabbit_password'),
+ provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
+ }
+ rabbitmq_user_permissions {[
+ 'nova@/',
+ 'glance@/',
+ 'neutron@/',
+ 'cinder@/',
+ 'ceilometer@/',
+ 'heat@/',
+ ]:
+ configure_permission => '.*',
+ write_permission => '.*',
+ read_permission => '.*',
+ provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
+ }
+ # pre-install swift here so we can build rings
+ include ::swift
+} #END STEP 1
+if hiera('step') >= 2 {
+ include ::keystone
+ #TODO: need a solution here
+ keystone_config {
+ 'ec2/driver': value => 'keystone.contrib.ec2.backends.sql.Ec2';
+ }
+ file { [ '/etc/keystone/ssl', '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs', '/etc/keystone/ssl/private' ]:
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ owner => 'keystone',
+ group => 'keystone',
+ require => Package['keystone'],
+ }
+ file { '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem':
+ content => hiera('keystone_signing_certificate'),
+ owner => 'keystone',
+ group => 'keystone',
+ notify => Service['keystone'],
+ require => File['/etc/keystone/ssl/certs'],
+ }
+ file { '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem':
+ content => hiera('keystone_signing_key'),
+ owner => 'keystone',
+ group => 'keystone',
+ notify => Service['keystone'],
+ require => File['/etc/keystone/ssl/private'],
+ }
+ file { '/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem':
+ content => hiera('keystone_ca_certificate'),
+ owner => 'keystone',
+ group => 'keystone',
+ notify => Service['keystone'],
+ require => File['/etc/keystone/ssl/certs'],
+ }
+ # TODO: notifications, scrubber, etc.
+ include ::glance::api
+ include ::glance::registry
+ #class { 'glance::backend::swift':
+ #swift_store_auth_address => join(['http://', hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), ':5000/v2.0']),
+ #}
+ class { 'nova':
+ rabbit_hosts => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip')],
+ glance_api_servers => join([hiera('glance_protocol'), '://', hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), ':', hiera('glance_port')]),
+ }
+ include ::nova::api
+ include ::nova::cert
+ include ::nova::conductor
+ include ::nova::consoleauth
+ include ::nova::vncproxy
+ include ::nova::scheduler
+ class {'neutron':
+ rabbit_hosts => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip')],
+ }
+ include ::neutron::server
+ include ::neutron::agents::dhcp
+ include ::neutron::agents::l3
+ file { '/etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf':
+ content => hiera('neutron_dnsmasq_options'),
+ owner => 'neutron',
+ group => 'neutron',
+ notify => Service['neutron-dhcp-service'],
+ require => Package['neutron'],
+ }
+ class { 'neutron::plugins::ml2':
+ flat_networks => split(hiera('neutron_flat_networks'), ','),
+ tenant_network_types => [hiera('neutron_tenant_network_type')],
+ type_drivers => [hiera('neutron_tenant_network_type')],
+ }
+ class { 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs':
+ bridge_mappings => split(hiera('neutron_bridge_mappings'), ','),
+ tunnel_types => split(hiera('neutron_tunnel_types'), ','),
+ }
+ class { 'neutron::agents::metadata':
+ auth_url => join(['http://', hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), ':35357/v2.0']),
+ }
+ class {'cinder':
+ rabbit_hosts => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip')],
+ }
+ include ::cinder::api
+ include ::cinder::scheduler
+ include ::cinder::volume
+ include ::cinder::volume::iscsi
+ class {'cinder::setup_test_volume':
+ size => join([hiera('cinder_lvm_loop_device_size'), 'M']),
+ }
+ # swift proxy
+ include ::memcached
+ #include ::swift::proxy
+ #include ::swift::proxy::proxy_logging
+ #include ::swift::proxy::healthcheck
+ #include ::swift::proxy::cache
+ #include ::swift::proxy::keystone
+ #include ::swift::proxy::authtoken
+ #include ::swift::proxy::staticweb
+ #include ::swift::proxy::ceilometer
+ #include ::swift::proxy::ratelimit
+ #include ::swift::proxy::catch_errors
+ #include ::swift::proxy::tempurl
+ #include ::swift::proxy::formpost
+ # swift storage
+ class {'swift::storage::all':
+ mount_check => str2bool(hiera('swift_mount_check'))
+ }
+ if(!defined(File['/srv/node'])) {
+ file { '/srv/node':
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => 'swift',
+ group => 'swift',
+ require => Package['openstack-swift'],
+ }
+ }
+ $swift_components = ['account', 'container', 'object']
+ swift::storage::filter::recon { $swift_components : }
+ swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $swift_components : }
+ # Ceilometer
+ include ::ceilometer
+ include ::ceilometer::api
+ include ::ceilometer::db
+ include ::ceilometer::agent::notification
+ include ::ceilometer::agent::central
+ include ::ceilometer::alarm::notifier
+ include ::ceilometer::alarm::evaluator
+ include ::ceilometer::expirer
+ include ::ceilometer::collector
+ class { 'ceilometer::agent::auth':
+ auth_url => join(['http://', hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), ':5000/v2.0']),
+ }
+ Cron <| title == 'ceilometer-expirer' |> { command => "sleep $((\$(od -A n -t d -N 3 /dev/urandom) % 86400)) && ${::ceilometer::params::expirer_command}" }
+ # Heat
+ include ::heat
+ include ::heat::api
+ include ::heat::api_cfn
+ include ::heat::api_cloudwatch
+ include ::heat::engine
+ heat_config {
+ 'DEFAULT/instance_user': value => 'heat-admin';
+ }
+ $snmpd_user = hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name')
+ snmp::snmpv3_user { $snmpd_user:
+ authtype => 'MD5',
+ authpass => hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_password'),
+ }
+ class { 'snmp':
+ agentaddress => ['udp:161','udp6:[::1]:161'],
+ snmpd_config => [ join(['rouser ', hiera('snmpd_readonly_user_name')]), 'proc cron', 'includeAllDisks 10%', 'master agentx', 'trapsink localhost public', 'iquerySecName internalUser', 'rouser internalUser', 'defaultMonitors yes', 'linkUpDownNotifications yes' ],
+ }
+} #END STEP 2