path: root/overcloud.j2.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'overcloud.j2.yaml')
1 files changed, 803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/overcloud.j2.yaml b/overcloud.j2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec6f052d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overcloud.j2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+heat_template_version: 2016-10-14
+description: >
+ Deploy an OpenStack environment, consisting of several node types (roles),
+ Controller, Compute, BlockStorage, SwiftStorage and CephStorage. The Storage
+ roles enable independent scaling of the storage components, but the minimal
+ deployment is one Controller and one Compute node.
+# TODO(shadower): we should probably use the parameter groups to put
+# some order in here.
+ # Common parameters (not specific to a role)
+ CloudName:
+ default: overcloud.localdomain
+ description: The DNS name of this cloud. E.g. ci-overcloud.tripleo.org
+ type: string
+ CloudNameInternal:
+ default: overcloud.internalapi.localdomain
+ description: >
+ The DNS name of this cloud's internal API endpoint. E.g.
+ 'ci-overcloud.internalapi.tripleo.org'.
+ type: string
+ CloudNameStorage:
+ default: overcloud.storage.localdomain
+ description: >
+ The DNS name of this cloud's storage endpoint. E.g.
+ 'ci-overcloud.storage.tripleo.org'.
+ type: string
+ CloudNameStorageManagement:
+ default: overcloud.storagemgmt.localdomain
+ description: >
+ The DNS name of this cloud's storage management endpoint. E.g.
+ 'ci-overcloud.storagemgmt.tripleo.org'.
+ type: string
+ CloudNameCtlplane:
+ default: overcloud.ctlplane.localdomain
+ description: >
+ The DNS name of this cloud's storage management endpoint. E.g.
+ 'ci-overcloud.management.tripleo.org'.
+ type: string
+ ControlFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: Should be used for arbitrary ips.
+ type: json
+ InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: >
+ Control the IP allocation for the InternalApiVirtualInterface port. E.g.
+ [{'ip_address':''}]
+ type: json
+ NeutronControlPlaneID:
+ default: 'ctlplane'
+ type: string
+ description: Neutron ID or name for ctlplane network.
+ NeutronPublicInterface:
+ default: nic1
+ description: What interface to bridge onto br-ex for network nodes.
+ type: string
+ PublicVirtualFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: >
+ Control the IP allocation for the PublicVirtualInterface port. E.g.
+ [{'ip_address':''}]
+ type: json
+ RabbitCookieSalt:
+ type: string
+ default: unset
+ description: Salt for the rabbit cookie, change this to force the randomly generated rabbit cookie to change.
+ StorageVirtualFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: >
+ Control the IP allocation for the StorageVirtualInterface port. E.g.
+ [{'ip_address':''}]
+ type: json
+ StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: >
+ Control the IP allocation for the StorageMgmgVirtualInterface port. E.g.
+ [{'ip_address':''}]
+ type: json
+ RedisVirtualFixedIPs:
+ default: []
+ description: >
+ Control the IP allocation for the virtual IP used by Redis. E.g.
+ [{'ip_address':''}]
+ type: json
+ CloudDomain:
+ default: 'localdomain'
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ The DNS domain used for the hosts. This should match the dhcp_domain
+ configured in the Undercloud neutron. Defaults to localdomain.
+ ServerMetadata:
+ default: {}
+ description: >
+ Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in
+ the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API.
+ type: json
+ # Controller-specific params
+ ControllerCount:
+ type: number
+ default: 1
+# Compute-specific params
+ ComputeCount:
+ type: number
+ default: 1
+ HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge:
+ default: 'br-ex'
+ description: >
+ An OVS bridge to create on each hypervisor. This defaults to br-ex the
+ same as the control plane nodes, as we have a uniform configuration of
+ the openvswitch agent. Typically should not need to be changed.
+ type: string
+ HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface:
+ default: nic1
+ description: What interface to add to the HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge.
+ type: string
+ # Jinja loop for Role in role_data.yaml
+{% for role in roles %}
+ # Resources generated for {{role.name}} Role
+ {{role.name}}Services:
+ description: A list of service resources (configured in the Heat
+ resource_registry) which represent nested stacks
+ for each service that should get installed on the {{role.name}} role.
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ {% if role.ServicesDefault %}
+ default: {{role.ServicesDefault}}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+# Block storage specific parameters
+ BlockStorageCount:
+ type: number
+ default: 0
+# Object storage specific parameters
+ ObjectStorageCount:
+ type: number
+ default: 0
+# Ceph storage specific parameters
+ CephStorageCount:
+ type: number
+ default: 0
+ # Hostname format for each role
+ # Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc
+ # and %stackname% is replaced with OS::stack_name in the template below.
+ # If you want to use the heat generated names, pass '' (empty string).
+ ControllerHostnameFormat:
+ type: string
+ description: Format for Controller node hostnames
+ default: '%stackname%-controller-%index%'
+ ComputeHostnameFormat:
+ type: string
+ description: Format for Compute node hostnames
+ default: '%stackname%-novacompute-%index%'
+ BlockStorageHostnameFormat:
+ type: string
+ description: Format for BlockStorage node hostnames
+ default: '%stackname%-blockstorage-%index%'
+ ObjectStorageHostnameFormat:
+ type: string
+ description: Format for SwiftStorage node hostnames
+ default: '%stackname%-objectstorage-%index%'
+ CephStorageHostnameFormat:
+ type: string
+ description: Format for CephStorage node hostnames
+ default: '%stackname%-cephstorage-%index%'
+ # Identifiers to trigger tasks on nodes
+ UpdateIdentifier:
+ default: ''
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger
+ package update on all nodes
+ DeployIdentifier:
+ default: ''
+ type: string
+ description: >
+ Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which
+ perform configuration on a Heat stack-update.
+ # If you want to remove a specific node from a resource group, you can pass
+ # the node name or id as a <Group>RemovalPolicies parameter, for example:
+ # ComputeRemovalPolicies: [{'resource_list': ['0']}]
+ ControllerRemovalPolicies:
+ default: []
+ type: json
+ description: >
+ List of resources to be removed from ControllerResourceGroup when
+ doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
+ ComputeRemovalPolicies:
+ default: []
+ type: json
+ description: >
+ List of resources to be removed from ComputeResourceGroup when
+ doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
+ BlockStorageRemovalPolicies:
+ default: []
+ type: json
+ description: >
+ List of resources to be removed from BlockStorageResourceGroup when
+ doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
+ ObjectStorageRemovalPolicies:
+ default: []
+ type: json
+ description: >
+ List of resources to be removed from ObjectStorageResourceGroup when
+ doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
+ CephStorageRemovalPolicies:
+ default: []
+ type: json
+ description: >
+ List of resources to be removed from CephStorageResourceGroup when
+ doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
+ HeatAuthEncryptionKey:
+ type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ PcsdPassword:
+ type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ properties:
+ length: 16
+ HorizonSecret:
+ type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ properties:
+ length: 10
+ ServiceNetMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::ServiceNetMap
+ EndpointMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::EndpointMap
+ properties:
+ CloudEndpoints:
+ external: {get_param: CloudName}
+ internal_api: {get_param: CloudNameInternal}
+ storage: {get_param: CloudNameStorage}
+ storage_mgmt: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}
+ ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}
+ NetIpMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ # Jinja loop for Role in roles_data.yaml
+{% for role in roles %}
+ # Resources generated for {{role.name}} Role
+ {{role.name}}ServiceChain:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Services
+ properties:
+ Services:
+ get_param: {{role.name}}Services
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
+ DefaultPasswords: {get_attr: [DefaultPasswords, passwords]}
+ {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment:
+ type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
+ properties:
+ name: {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
+ config: {get_attr: [allNodesConfig, config_id]}
+ servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ input_values:
+ bootstrap_nodeid: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, resource.0.hostname]}
+ bootstrap_nodeid_ip: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, resource.0.ip_address]}
+ {{role.name}}AllNodesValidationDeployment:
+ type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
+ depends_on: {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
+ properties:
+ name: {{role.name}}AllNodesValidationDeployment
+ config: {get_resource: AllNodesValidationConfig}
+ servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+{% endfor %}
+ Controller:
+ type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ count: {get_param: ControllerCount}
+ removal_policies: {get_param: ControllerRemovalPolicies}
+ resource_def:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Controller
+ properties:
+ CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
+ Hostname:
+ str_replace:
+ template: {get_param: ControllerHostnameFormat}
+ params:
+ '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
+ NodeIndex: '%index%'
+ ServiceConfigSettings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ ServiceNames: {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
+ Compute:
+ type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ count: {get_param: ComputeCount}
+ removal_policies: {get_param: ComputeRemovalPolicies}
+ resource_def:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Compute
+ properties:
+ CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
+ NeutronPhysicalBridge: {get_param: HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge}
+ NeutronPublicInterface: {get_param: HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
+ Hostname:
+ str_replace:
+ template: {get_param: ComputeHostnameFormat}
+ params:
+ '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
+ NodeIndex: '%index%'
+ ServiceConfigSettings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ ServiceNames: {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
+ BlockStorage:
+ type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ count: {get_param: BlockStorageCount}
+ removal_policies: {get_param: BlockStorageRemovalPolicies}
+ resource_def:
+ type: OS::TripleO::BlockStorage
+ properties:
+ UpdateIdentifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ Hostname:
+ str_replace:
+ template: {get_param: BlockStorageHostnameFormat}
+ params:
+ '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
+ ServerMetadata: {get_param: ServerMetadata}
+ NodeIndex: '%index%'
+ ServiceConfigSettings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ ServiceNames: {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
+ ObjectStorage:
+ type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ count: {get_param: ObjectStorageCount}
+ removal_policies: {get_param: ObjectStorageRemovalPolicies}
+ resource_def:
+ type: OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage
+ properties:
+ UpdateIdentifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ Hostname:
+ str_replace:
+ template: {get_param: ObjectStorageHostnameFormat}
+ params:
+ '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
+ CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
+ ServerMetadata: {get_param: ServerMetadata}
+ NodeIndex: '%index%'
+ ServiceConfigSettings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ ServiceNames: {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
+ CephStorage:
+ type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ count: {get_param: CephStorageCount}
+ removal_policies: {get_param: CephStorageRemovalPolicies}
+ resource_def:
+ type: OS::TripleO::CephStorage
+ properties:
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
+ UpdateIdentifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ Hostname:
+ str_replace:
+ template: {get_param: CephStorageHostnameFormat}
+ params:
+ '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
+ CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
+ ServerMetadata: {get_param: ServerMetadata}
+ NodeIndex: '%index%'
+ ServiceConfigSettings:
+ map_merge:
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ - get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
+ ServiceNames: {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
+ ControllerIpListMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, external_ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, internal_api_ip_address]}
+ StorageIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, storage_ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ TenantIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, tenant_ip_address]}
+ ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [Controller, management_ip_address]}
+ EnabledServices: {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [Controller, hostname]}
+ ComputeIpListMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, external_ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, internal_api_ip_address]}
+ StorageIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, storage_ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ TenantIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, tenant_ip_address]}
+ ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [Compute, management_ip_address]}
+ EnabledServices: {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [Compute, hostname]}
+ BlockStorageIpListMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, external_ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, internal_api_ip_address]}
+ StorageIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, storage_ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ TenantIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, tenant_ip_address]}
+ ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, management_ip_address]}
+ EnabledServices: {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, hostname]}
+ ObjectStorageIpListMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, external_ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, internal_api_ip_address]}
+ StorageIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, storage_ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ TenantIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, tenant_ip_address]}
+ ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, management_ip_address]}
+ EnabledServices: {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, hostname]}
+ CephStorageIpListMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, external_ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, internal_api_ip_address]}
+ StorageIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, storage_ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ TenantIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, tenant_ip_address]}
+ ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, management_ip_address]}
+ EnabledServices: {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [CephStorage, hostname]}
+ allNodesConfig:
+ type: OS::TripleO::AllNodes::SoftwareConfig
+ properties:
+ cloud_name_external: {get_param: CloudName}
+ cloud_name_internal_api: {get_param: CloudNameInternal}
+ cloud_name_storage: {get_param: CloudNameStorage}
+ cloud_name_storage_mgmt: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}
+ cloud_name_ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}
+ hosts:
+ - list_join:
+ - '\n'
+ - {get_attr: [Compute, hosts_entry]}
+ - list_join:
+ - '\n'
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, hosts_entry]}
+ - list_join:
+ - '\n'
+ - {get_attr: [BlockStorage, hosts_entry]}
+ - list_join:
+ - '\n'
+ - {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, hosts_entry]}
+ - list_join:
+ - '\n'
+ - {get_attr: [CephStorage, hosts_entry]}
+ enabled_services:
+ list_join:
+ - ','
+ - {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ - {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ - {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ - {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ - {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ controller_ips: {get_attr: [Controller, ip_address]}
+ controller_names: {get_attr: [Controller, hostname]}
+ service_ips:
+ # Note (shardy) this somewhat complex yaql may be replaced
+ # with a map_deep_merge function in ocata. It merges the
+ # list of maps, but appends to colliding lists when a service
+ # is deployed on more than one role
+ yaql:
+ expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
+ data:
+ l:
+ - {get_attr: [ControllerIpListMap, service_ips]}
+ - {get_attr: [ComputeIpListMap, service_ips]}
+ - {get_attr: [BlockStorageIpListMap, service_ips]}
+ - {get_attr: [ObjectStorageIpListMap, service_ips]}
+ - {get_attr: [CephStorageIpListMap, service_ips]}
+ service_node_names:
+ yaql:
+ expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
+ data:
+ l:
+ - {get_attr: [ControllerIpListMap, service_hostnames]}
+ - {get_attr: [ComputeIpListMap, service_hostnames]}
+ - {get_attr: [BlockStorageIpListMap, service_hostnames]}
+ - {get_attr: [ObjectStorageIpListMap, service_hostnames]}
+ - {get_attr: [CephStorageIpListMap, service_hostnames]}
+ # FIXME(shardy): These require further work to move into service_ips
+ memcache_node_ips: {get_attr: [ControllerIpListMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, MemcachedNetwork]}]}
+ keystone_public_api_node_ips: {get_attr: [ControllerIpListMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystonePublicApiNetwork]}]}
+ keystone_admin_api_node_ips: {get_attr: [ControllerIpListMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystoneAdminApiNetwork]}]}
+ NetVipMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]}
+ RedisVirtualIP: {get_attr: [RedisVirtualIP, ip_address]}
+ ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
+ DeployIdentifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ UpdateIdentifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ MysqlRootPassword:
+ type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ properties:
+ length: 10
+ RabbitCookie:
+ type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ properties:
+ length: 20
+ salt: {get_param: RabbitCookieSalt}
+ DefaultPasswords:
+ type: OS::TripleO::DefaultPasswords
+ properties:
+ DefaultMysqlRootPassword: {get_attr: [MysqlRootPassword, value]}
+ DefaultRabbitCookie: {get_attr: [RabbitCookie, value]}
+ DefaultHeatAuthEncryptionKey: {get_attr: [HeatAuthEncryptionKey, value]}
+ DefaultPcsdPassword: {get_attr: [PcsdPassword, value]}
+ DefaultHorizonSecret: {get_attr: [HorizonSecret, value]}
+ # creates the network architecture
+ Networks:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network
+ ControlVirtualIP:
+ type: OS::Neutron::Port
+ depends_on: Networks
+ properties:
+ name: control_virtual_ip
+ network: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
+ fixed_ips: {get_param: ControlFixedIPs}
+ replacement_policy: AUTO
+ RedisVirtualIP:
+ depends_on: Networks
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::RedisVipPort
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ ControlPlaneNetwork: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
+ PortName: redis_virtual_ip
+ NetworkName: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, RedisNetwork]}
+ ServiceName: redis
+ FixedIPs: {get_param: RedisVirtualFixedIPs}
+ # The public VIP is on the External net, falls back to ctlplane
+ PublicVirtualIP:
+ depends_on: Networks
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ExternalVipPort
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ ControlPlaneNetwork: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
+ PortName: public_virtual_ip
+ FixedIPs: {get_param: PublicVirtualFixedIPs}
+ InternalApiVirtualIP:
+ depends_on: Networks
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::InternalApiVipPort
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ PortName: internal_api_virtual_ip
+ FixedIPs: {get_param: InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs}
+ StorageVirtualIP:
+ depends_on: Networks
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageVipPort
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ PortName: storage_virtual_ip
+ FixedIPs: {get_param: StorageVirtualFixedIPs}
+ StorageMgmtVirtualIP:
+ depends_on: Networks
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageMgmtVipPort
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ PortName: storage_management_virtual_ip
+ FixedIPs: {get_param: StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs}
+ VipMap:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetVipMap
+ properties:
+ ControlPlaneIp: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIp: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address]}
+ ExternalIpUri: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
+ InternalApiIp: {get_attr: [InternalApiVirtualIP, ip_address]}
+ InternalApiIpUri: {get_attr: [InternalApiVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
+ StorageIp: {get_attr: [StorageVirtualIP, ip_address]}
+ StorageIpUri: {get_attr: [StorageVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
+ StorageMgmtIp: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtVirtualIP, ip_address]}
+ StorageMgmtIpUri: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
+ # No tenant or management VIP required
+ # All Nodes Validations
+ AllNodesValidationConfig:
+ type: OS::TripleO::AllNodes::Validation
+ properties:
+ PingTestIps:
+ list_join:
+ - ' '
+ - - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.external_ip_address]}
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.internal_api_ip_address]}
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.storage_ip_address]}
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.tenant_ip_address]}
+ - {get_attr: [Controller, resource.0.management_ip_address]}
+ UpdateWorkflow:
+ type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::UpdateWorkflow
+ properties:
+ controller_servers: {get_attr: [Controller, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ compute_servers: {get_attr: [Compute, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ blockstorage_servers: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ objectstorage_servers: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ cephstorage_servers: {get_attr: [CephStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ input_values:
+ deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
+ update_identifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
+ # Optional ExtraConfig for all nodes - all roles are passed in here, but
+ # the nested template may configure each role differently (or not at all)
+ AllNodesExtraConfig:
+ type: OS::TripleO::AllNodesExtraConfig
+ depends_on:
+ - UpdateWorkflow
+ - ComputeAllNodesValidationDeployment
+ - BlockStorageAllNodesValidationDeployment
+ - ObjectStorageAllNodesValidationDeployment
+ - CephStorageAllNodesValidationDeployment
+ - ControllerAllNodesValidationDeployment
+ properties:
+ controller_servers: {get_attr: [Controller, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ compute_servers: {get_attr: [Compute, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ blockstorage_servers: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ objectstorage_servers: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ cephstorage_servers: {get_attr: [CephStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ # Post deployment steps for all roles
+ AllNodesDeploySteps:
+ type: OS::TripleO::PostDeploySteps
+ properties:
+ servers:
+ Controller: {get_attr: [Controller, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ Compute: {get_attr: [Compute, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ BlockStorage: {get_attr: [BlockStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ ObjectStorage: {get_attr: [ObjectStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ CephStorage: {get_attr: [CephStorage, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
+ role_data:
+ Controller: {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data]}
+ Compute: {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data]}
+ BlockStorage: {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data]}
+ ObjectStorage: {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data]}
+ CephStorage: {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data]}
+ ManagedEndpoints:
+ description: Asserts that the keystone endpoints have been provisioned.
+ value: true
+ KeystoneURL:
+ description: URL for the Overcloud Keystone service
+ value: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map, KeystonePublic, uri]}
+ KeystoneAdminVip:
+ description: Keystone Admin VIP endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystoneAdminApiNetwork]}]}
+ PublicVip:
+ description: Controller VIP for public API endpoints
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, external]}
+ AodhInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Aodh API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, AodhApiNetwork]}]}
+ CeilometerInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Ceilometer API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, CeilometerApiNetwork]}]}
+ CinderInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Cinder API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, CinderApiNetwork]}]}
+ GlanceInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Glance API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, GlanceApiNetwork]}]}
+ GnocchiInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Gnocchi API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, GnocchiApiNetwork]}]}
+ HeatInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Heat API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, HeatApiNetwork]}]}
+ IronicInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Ironic API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, IronicApiNetwork]}]}
+ KeystoneInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Keystone API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystonePublicApiNetwork]}]}
+ ManilaInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Manila API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, ManilaApiNetwork]}]}
+ NeutronInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Neutron API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, NeutronApiNetwork]}]}
+ NovaInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Nova API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, NovaApiNetwork]}]}
+ OpenDaylightInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for OpenDaylight API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, OpenDaylightApiNetwork]}]}
+ SaharaInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Sahara API internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, SaharaApiNetwork]}]}
+ SwiftInternalVip:
+ description: VIP for Swift Proxy internal endpoint
+ value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, SwiftProxyNetwork]}]}
+ EndpointMap:
+ description: |
+ Mapping of the resources with the needed info for their endpoints.
+ This includes the protocol used, the IP, port and also a full
+ representation of the URI.
+ value: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
+ HostsEntry:
+ description: |
+ The content that should be appended to your /etc/hosts if you want to get
+ hostname-based access to the deployed nodes (useful for testing without
+ setting up a DNS).
+ value: {get_attr: [allNodesConfig, hosts_entries]}
+ EnabledServices:
+ description: The services enabled on each role
+ value:
+ Controller: {get_attr: [ControllerServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ Compute: {get_attr: [ComputeServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ BlockStorage: {get_attr: [BlockStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ ObjectStorage: {get_attr: [ObjectStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
+ CephStorage: {get_attr: [CephStorageServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}