path: root/environments/external-loadbalancer-vip-v6.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'environments/external-loadbalancer-vip-v6.yaml')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a id='n115' href='#n115'>115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
# Copyright (c) 2015,2016 Ericsson AB, Enea AB and others.
# stefan.k.berg@ericsson.com
# jonas.bjurel@ericsson.com
# Alexandru.Avadanii@enea.com
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

SHELL = /bin/sh
REPOINFO = $(shell readlink -e ../repo_info.sh)
FREPODIR = $(shell pwd)
FPATCHES = $(shell find ${F_PATCH_DIR} -name '*.patch')

include ../config.mk

# NOTE: Mechanism overview is presented in ./README.md.

# Submodule consistent states:
#   - NOT initialized (submodule trees are not populated at all);
#   - initialized, bound to saved commits;
#   - initialized, tracking remote origin (only for FUEL_TRACK_REMOTES);
#   - patched (local patches are applied);

# In order to keep things sort of separate, we should only pass up (to main
# Makefile) the fully-pactched repos, and gather any fingerprinting info here.

# Fuel@OPNFV relies on upstream git repos (one per component) in 1 of 2 ways:
#   - pinned down to tag objects (e.g. "9.0.1")
#   - tracking upstream remote HEAD on a stable or master branch
# FIXME(alav): Should we support mixed cases? (e.g. pin down only fuel-main)

# To enable remote tracking, set the following var to any non-empty string.
# Leaving this var empty will bind each git submodule to its saved commit.

.PHONY: all
all: release

# git submodule operations - to be used stand-alone or from parent Makefile

# Fetch & update git submodules, checkout remote HEAD or saved commit
# Also gather fingerprints for parent gitinfo_fuel.txt.
.PHONY: sub
sub: .cachefuelinfo

	@if [ -n "${FUEL_TRACK_REMOTES}" ]; then \
		git submodule update --init --remote 2>/dev/null; \
	else \
		git submodule update --init 2>/dev/null; \
	@rm -f $@
	@git submodule -q foreach '${REPOINFO} . >> ${FREPODIR}/$@'

# Generate patches from submodules
.PHONY: patches-export
patches-export: sub
	@git submodule -q foreach ' \
		SUB_DIR=${F_PATCH_DIR}/$$name; \
		git tag | awk "!/root/ && /${F_OPNFV_TAG}-fuel/" | while read F_TAG; do \
			SUB_FEATURE=`dirname $${F_TAG#${F_OPNFV_TAG}-fuel/}`; \
			echo "`tput setaf 2`-- exporting $$name ($$F_TAG)`tput sgr0`"; \
			mkdir -p $$SUB_DIR/$${SUB_FEATURE} && \
			git format-patch --no-signature --ignore-space-at-eol \
				-o $$SUB_DIR/$$SUB_FEATURE -N $$F_TAG-root..$$F_TAG; \
			sed -i -e "1{/From: /!d}" -e "s/[[:space:]]*$$//" \
				$$SUB_DIR/$$SUB_FEATURE/*.patch; \

# Apply patches from patch/* to respective submodules
# We rely on `make sub` and/or `make clean` to checkout correct base
.PHONY: patches-import
patches-import: sub .cachepatched

.cachepatched: ${FPATCHES}
	@$(MAKE) clean
	@git submodule -q foreach ' \
		SUB_DIR=${F_PATCH_DIR}/$$name; mkdir -p $$SUB_DIR && \
		git tag ${F_OPNFV_TAG}-root && \
		git checkout -q -b opnfv-fuel && \
		find $$SUB_DIR -type d | sort | while read p_dir; do \
			SUB_PATCHES=$$(ls $$p_dir/*.patch 2>/dev/null); \
			if [ -n "$$SUB_PATCHES" ]; then \
				SUB_FEATURE=$${p_dir#$$SUB_DIR}; \
				SUB_TAG=${F_OPNFV_TAG}-fuel$$SUB_FEATURE/patch; \
				echo "`tput setaf 2`-- patching $$name ($$SUB_TAG)`tput sgr0`";\
				git tag $$SUB_TAG-root && \
				git am -3 --whitespace=nowarn --patch-format=mbox \
					--committer-date-is-author-date $$SUB_PATCHES && \
				git tag $$SUB_TAG || exit 1; \
			fi \
		done && \
		git tag ${F_OPNFV_TAG}'
	@touch $@

# Clean any changes made to submodules, checkout upstream Fuel root commit
.PHONY: clean
	@cd ${F_GIT_ROOT} && git submodule -q foreach ' \
		git am -q --abort > /dev/null 2>&1; \
		git checkout -q -f ${F_OPNFV_TAG}-root > /dev/null 2>&1; \
		git branch -q -D opnfv-fuel > /dev/null 2>&1; \
		git tag | grep ${F_OPNFV_TAG} | xargs git tag -d > /dev/null 2>&1; \
		git reset -q --hard HEAD; \
		git clean -xdff'
	@rm -f .cachepatched

.PHONY: deepclean
deepclean: clean clean-cache
	@git submodule deinit -f .
	@rm -f .cache*

.PHONY: release
release: sub
	# Store artifact in cache straight away if caching is enabled
	# (no .cacheid will be present unless this is a cached build)
	test -f .cacheid && $(MAKE) -f Makefile put-cache || exit 0
	# NOTE: Patches are not included in cache
	$(MAKE) -f Makefile patches-import

# Cache operations - only used when building through ci/build.sh

# NOTE: Current method of collecting submodule refs requires submodules to be
#       NOT initialized <OR> NO patches applied.
# NOTE: Querying `git submodule status` from parent will show the patched tree.
# Create a unique hash to be used for getting and putting cache, based on:
#   - git submodule SHAs, collected with `git submodule status`
#   - The contents of this Makefile
	@$(MAKE) clean
	sha1sum Makefile > .cachedata
	git submodule status | cut -c2-41 >> .cachedata
	cat .cachedata | $(CACHETOOL) getid > .cacheid

# Clean local data related to caching - called prior to ordinary build
.PHONY: clean-cache
clean-cache: clean
	rm -f .cachedata .cacheid

# Try to download cache - called prior to ordinary build
.PHONY: get-cache
get-cache: .cacheid
	@if $(CACHETOOL) check $(shell cat .cacheid); then \
		$(MAKE) clean && \
		$(CACHETOOL) get $(shell cat .cacheid) | \
			tar xf - -C ${F_GIT_DIR}; \
	else \
		echo "No cache item found for $(shell cat .cacheid)" ;\
		exit 0;\

# Store cache if not already stored - called after ordinary build
.PHONY: put-cache
put-cache: .cacheid
	@if ! $(CACHETOOL) check $(shell cat .cacheid); then \
		$(MAKE) clean && \
		tar cf - -C ${F_GIT_DIR} modules | \
			$(CACHETOOL) put $(shell cat .cacheid); \