path: root/manifests/network
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-07-22Implement tripleo::network::os_net_config classEmilien Macchi1-0/+35
This class will be used on the undercloud to deploy os_net_config. Change-Id: I507c237a35250b660b37ea8cfc4e8e7f97ae21e2
2015-12-11Remove all 'validate_array' statementsJaume Devesa2-3/+13
Unfortunately, some distributions like CentOS 7 (I guess RedHat 7 as well) still using puppet < 3.7, which experience the annoying 'PUP-1299' bug: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-1299 So passing a single array element, it magically transforms to a string (or whatever the inside elements are) and the validate_array fails. We need to get rid of these validations. Change-Id: Icc22ee575b7c236d1a6358f8593cf813d339a4b5
2015-11-23MidoNet services manifestsJaume Devesa2-0/+178
Provide TripleO overcloud manifests to deploy MidoNet and the cluster services that needs to run. Change-Id: I24f852e74fc4652d4609e1a71897e813448055fe