BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterReplace OPNFV with Anuket in release notesJames Gu4 years
stable/kaliUpdated the release docJames Gu4 years
stable/jermaIntel-pod 15 upgrade to Airship 1.8James Gu4 years
stable/iruyaFixed a type in Iruya release notesJames Gu4 years
airship2Merge "Enable Neutron QOS extension"James Gu5 years
opnfv-10.0.0commit a9ef2c8eb1...jenkins-ci4 years
opnfv-9.0.1commit e08cedd88c...jenkins-ci5 years
opnfv-9.0.0commit 36fc72a853...jenkins-ci5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2020-12-15Fixed a type in Iruya release notesstable/iruyaJames Gu2-2/+2
2020-02-05Update release 9.0 git tag dataJames Gu1-2/+2
2020-02-03Add local doc buildopnfv-9.0.1James Gu10-31/+220
2019-12-19Fix YAML syntax error for pod17opnfv-9.0.0Kaspars Skels1-1/+0
2019-12-19Updated version historyJames Gu1-0/+2
2019-12-19Update pod10 to treasuremap v1.6Roy Tang3-3/+4
2019-12-19Minor fixes for documentation in the site maniferstsJames Gu3-6/+11
2019-12-19Update James Gu public keyJames Gu1-1/+1
2019-12-19Uplift intel-pod17 to Treasuremap v1.7Kaspars Skels2-1/+15
2019-12-19Add more content of documentation.BIN HU2-3/+5