path: root/Rakefile
blob: 0ff1f03b418f43d4cbc3200947d1f89cf1043d8b (plain)
require 'puppet-openstack_spec_helper/rake_tasks'

# We disable the unquoted node name check because puppet-pacemaker node
# properies make use of attributes called 'node' and puppet-lint breaks on
# them: https://github.com/rodjek/puppet-lint/issues/501
# We are not using site.pp with nodes so this is safe.
310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520
# Copyright 2015-2017 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Automation of QEMU hypervisor for launching guests.

import os
import logging
import locale
import re
import subprocess
import time
import pexpect

from conf import settings as S
from vnfs.vnf.vnf import IVnf

class IVnfQemu(IVnf):
    Abstract class for controling an instance of QEMU
    _cmd = None
    _expect = None
    _proc_name = 'qemu'

    class GuestCommandFilter(logging.Filter):
        Filter out strings beginning with 'guestcmd :'.
        def filter(self, record):
            return record.getMessage().startswith(self.prefix)

    def __init__(self):
        Initialisation function.
        super(IVnfQemu, self).__init__()

        self._expect = S.getValue('GUEST_PROMPT_LOGIN')[self._number]
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._logfile = os.path.join(
            S.getValue('LOG_FILE_QEMU')) + str(self._number)
        self._timeout = S.getValue('GUEST_TIMEOUT')[self._number]
        self._monitor = '%s/vm%dmonitor' % ('/tmp', self._number)
        # read GUEST NICs configuration and use only defined NR of NICS
        nics_nr = S.getValue('GUEST_NICS_NR')[self._number]
        # and inform user about missconfiguration
        if nics_nr < 1:
            raise RuntimeError('At least one VM NIC is mandotory, but {} '
                               'NICs are configured'.format(nics_nr))
        elif nics_nr > 1 and nics_nr % 2:
            nics_nr = int(nics_nr / 2) * 2
            self._logger.warning('Odd number of NICs is configured, only '
                                 '%s NICs will be used', nics_nr)

        self._nics = S.getValue('GUEST_NICS')[self._number][:nics_nr]

        # set guest loopback application based on VNF configuration
        self._guest_loopback = S.getValue('GUEST_LOOPBACK')[self._number]

        self._testpmd_fwd_mode = S.getValue('GUEST_TESTPMD_FWD_MODE')[self._number]
        # in case of SRIOV we must ensure, that MAC addresses are not swapped
        if S.getValue('SRIOV_ENABLED') and self._testpmd_fwd_mode.startswith('mac') and \
           not str(S.getValue('VNF')).endswith('PciPassthrough'):

            self._logger.info("SRIOV detected, forwarding mode of testpmd was changed from '%s' to '%s'",
                              self._testpmd_fwd_mode, 'io')
            self._testpmd_fwd_mode = 'io'

        name = 'Client%d' % self._number
        vnc = ':%d' % self._number
        # NOTE: affinization of main qemu process can cause hangup of 2nd VM
        # in case of DPDK usage. It can also slow down VM response time.
        cpumask = ",".join(S.getValue('GUEST_CORE_BINDING')[self._number])
        self._cmd = ['sudo', '-E', 'taskset', '-c', cpumask,
                     '-m', S.getValue('GUEST_MEMORY')[self._number],
                     '-smp', str(S.getValue('GUEST_SMP')[self._number]),
                     '-cpu', str(S.getValue('GUEST_CPU_OPTIONS')[self._number]),
                     '-drive', 'if={},file='.format(S.getValue(
                         'GUEST_BOOT_DRIVE_TYPE')[self._number]) +
                     '-boot', 'c', '--enable-kvm',
                     '-monitor', 'unix:%s,server,nowait' % self._monitor,
                     'memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=' +
                     str(S.getValue('GUEST_MEMORY')[self._number]) + 'M,' +
                     'mem-path=' + S.getValue('HUGEPAGE_DIR') + ',share=on',
                     '-numa', 'node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc',
                     '-nographic', '-vnc', str(vnc), '-name', name,
                     '-snapshot', '-net none', '-no-reboot',
                     'if=%s,format=raw,file=fat:rw:%s,snapshot=off' %

    def _configure_logging(self):
        Configure logging.
        self.GuestCommandFilter.prefix = self._log_prefix

        logger = logging.getLogger()
        cmd_logger = logging.FileHandler(
                                  S.getValue('LOG_FILE_GUEST_CMDS')) +

    # startup/Shutdown

    def start(self):
        Start QEMU instance, login and prepare for commands.
        super(IVnfQemu, self).start()
        if S.getValue('VNF_AFFINITIZATION_ON'):

        if S.getValue('VSWITCH_VHOST_NET_AFFINITIZATION') and S.getValue(
                'VNF') == 'QemuVirtioNet':

        if self._timeout:

    def stop(self):
        Stops VNF instance gracefully first.
        if self.is_running():
                if self._login_active:
                    # exit testpmd if needed
                    if self._guest_loopback == 'testpmd':
                        self.execute_and_wait('stop', 120, "Done")
                        self.execute_and_wait('quit', 120, "[bB]ye")

                    # turn off VM
                    self.execute_and_wait('poweroff', 120, "Power down")

            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:

            # wait until qemu shutdowns
            self._logger.debug('Wait for QEMU to terminate')
            for dummy in range(30):
                if not self.is_running():

            # just for case that graceful shutdown failed
            super(IVnfQemu, self).stop()

    # helper functions

    def login(self, timeout=120):
        Login to QEMU instance.

        This can be used immediately after booting the machine, provided a
        sufficiently long ``timeout`` is given.

        :param timeout: Timeout to wait for login to complete.

        :returns: True if login is active
        if self._login_active:
            return self._login_active

        # if no timeout was set, we likely started QEMU without waiting for it
        # to boot. This being the case, we best check that it has finished
        # first.
        if not self._timeout:

        self._child.expect(S.getValue('GUEST_PROMPT_PASSWORD')[self._number], timeout=5)

        self._expect_process(S.getValue('GUEST_PROMPT')[self._number], timeout=5)
        self._login_active = True
        return self._login_active

    def _affinitize(self):
        Affinitize the SMP cores of a QEMU instance.

        This is a bit of a hack. The 'socat' utility is used to
        interact with the QEMU HMP. This is necessary due to the lack
        of QMP in older versions of QEMU, like v1.6.2. In future
        releases, this should be replaced with calls to libvirt or
        another Python-QEMU wrapper library.

        :returns: None
        thread_id = (r'.* CPU #%d: .* thread_id=(\d+)')

        self._logger.info('Affinitizing guest...')

        cur_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
            ('echo', 'info cpus'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = subprocess.check_output(
            ('sudo', 'socat', '-', 'UNIX-CONNECT:%s' % self._monitor),

        # calculate the number of CPUs in SMP topology specified by GUEST_SMP
        # e.g. "sockets=2,cores=3", "4", etc.
        cpu_nr = 1
        for i in re.findall(r'\d', S.getValue('GUEST_SMP')[self._number]):
            cpu_nr = cpu_nr * int(i)
        # pin each GUEST's core to host core based on configured BINDING
        for cpu in range(0, cpu_nr):
            match = None
            guest_thread_binding = S.getValue('GUEST_THREAD_BINDING')[self._number]
            if guest_thread_binding is None:
                guest_thread_binding = S.getValue('GUEST_CORE_BINDING')[self._number]
            for line in output.decode(cur_locale).split('\n'):
                match = re.search(thread_id % cpu, line)
                if match:
                    self._affinitize_pid(guest_thread_binding[cpu], match.group(1))

            if not match:
                self._logger.error('Failed to affinitize guest core #%d. Could'
                                   ' not parse tid.', cpu)

    def _affinitize_vhost_net(self):
        Affinitize the vhost net threads for Vanilla OVS and guest nic queues.

        :return: None
        self._logger.info('Affinitizing VHOST Net threads.')
        args1 = ['pgrep', 'vhost-']
        process1 = subprocess.Popen(args1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
        out = process1.communicate()[0]
        processes = out.decode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]).split('\n')
        if processes[-1] == '':
            processes.pop() # pgrep may return an extra line with no data
        self._logger.info('Found %s vhost net threads...', len(processes))

        cpumap = S.getValue('VSWITCH_VHOST_CPU_MAP')
        mapcount = 0
        for proc in processes:
            self._affinitize_pid(cpumap[mapcount], proc)
            mapcount += 1
            if mapcount + 1 > len(cpumap):
                # Not enough cpus were given in the mapping to cover all the
                # threads on a 1 to 1 ratio with cpus so reset the list counter
                #  to 0.
                mapcount = 0

    def _config_guest_loopback(self):
        Configure VM to run VNF, e.g. port forwarding application based on the configuration
        if self._guest_loopback == 'buildin':


        if self._guest_loopback == 'testpmd':
        elif self._guest_loopback == 'l2fwd':
        elif self._guest_loopback == 'linux_bridge':
        elif self._guest_loopback != 'clean':
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported guest loopback method "%s" was specified.' %

    def wait(self, prompt=None, timeout=30):
        if prompt is None:
            prompt = S.getValue('GUEST_PROMPT')[self._number]
        return super(IVnfQemu, self).wait(prompt=prompt, timeout=timeout)

    def execute_and_wait(self, cmd, timeout=30, prompt=None):
        if prompt is None:
            prompt = S.getValue('GUEST_PROMPT')[self._number]
        return super(IVnfQemu, self).execute_and_wait(cmd, timeout=timeout,

    def _modify_dpdk_makefile(self):
        Modifies DPDK makefile in Guest before compilation if needed

    def _configure_copy_sources(self, dirname):
        Mount shared directory and copy DPDK and l2fwd sources
        # mount shared directory
        self.execute_and_wait('umount /dev/sdb1')
        self.execute_and_wait('rm -rf ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number])
        self.execute_and_wait('mkdir -p ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_SHARE')[self._number])
        self.execute_and_wait('mount -o ro,iocharset=utf8 /dev/sdb1 ' +
        self.execute_and_wait('mkdir -p ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number])
        self.execute_and_wait('cp -r ' + os.path.join(S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_SHARE')[self._number], dirname) +
                              ' ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number])
        self.execute_and_wait('umount /dev/sdb1')

    def _configure_disable_firewall(self):
        Disable firewall in VM
        for iptables in ['iptables', 'ip6tables']:
            # filter table
            for chain in ['INPUT', 'FORWARD', 'OUTPUT']:
                self.execute_and_wait("{} -t filter -P {} ACCEPT".format(iptables, chain))
            # mangle table
            for chain in ['PREROUTING', 'INPUT', 'FORWARD', 'OUTPUT', 'POSTROUTING']:
                self.execute_and_wait("{} -t mangle -P {} ACCEPT".format(iptables, chain))
            # nat table
            for chain in ['PREROUTING', 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'POSTROUTING']:
                self.execute_and_wait("{} -t nat -P {} ACCEPT".format(iptables, chain))

            # flush rules and delete chains created by user
            for table in ['filter', 'mangle', 'nat']:
                self.execute_and_wait("{} -t {} -F".format(iptables, table))
                self.execute_and_wait("{} -t {} -X".format(iptables, table))

    def _configure_testpmd(self):
        Configure VM to perform L2 forwarding between NICs by DPDK's testpmd

        # Guest images _should_ have 1024 hugepages by default,
        # but just in case:'''
        self.execute_and_wait('sysctl vm.nr_hugepages={}'.format(S.getValue('GUEST_HUGEPAGES_NR')[self._number]))

        # Mount hugepages
        self.execute_and_wait('mkdir -p /dev/hugepages')
            'mount -t hugetlbfs hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages')

        # build and configure system for dpdk
        self.execute_and_wait('cd ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number] +
        self.execute_and_wait('export CC=gcc')
        self.execute_and_wait('export RTE_SDK=' +
                              S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number] + '/DPDK')
        self.execute_and_wait('export RTE_TARGET=%s' % S.getValue('RTE_TARGET'))

        # modify makefile if needed

        # disable network interfaces, so DPDK can take care of them
        for nic in self._nics:
            self.execute_and_wait('ifdown ' + nic['device'])

        self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py --status')
        pci_list = ' '.join([nic['pci'] for nic in self._nics])
        self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py -u ' + pci_list)
            'GUEST_DPDK_BIND_DRIVER')[self._number], pci_list)
        self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py --status')

        # build and run 'test-pmd'
        self.execute_and_wait('cd ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number] +
        self.execute_and_wait('make clean')

        # get testpmd settings from CLI
        testpmd_params = S.getValue('GUEST_TESTPMD_PARAMS')[self._number]
        if S.getValue('VSWITCH_JUMBO_FRAMES_ENABLED'):
            testpmd_params += ' --max-pkt-len={}'.format(S.getValue(

        self.execute_and_wait('./testpmd {}'.format(testpmd_params), 60, "Done")
        self.execute_and_wait('set fwd ' + self._testpmd_fwd_mode, 20, 'testpmd>')
        self.execute_and_wait('start', 20, 'testpmd>')

    def _configure_l2fwd(self):
        Configure VM to perform L2 forwarding between NICs by l2fwd module
        if int(S.getValue('GUEST_NIC_QUEUES')[self._number]):

        # configure all interfaces
        for nic in self._nics:
            self.execute_and_wait('ip addr add ' +
                                  nic['ip'] + ' dev ' + nic['device'])
            if S.getValue('VSWITCH_JUMBO_FRAMES_ENABLED'):
                self.execute_and_wait('ifconfig {} mtu {}'.format(
                    nic['device'], S.getValue('VSWITCH_JUMBO_FRAMES_SIZE')))
            self.execute_and_wait('ip link set dev ' + nic['device'] + ' up')

        # build and configure system for l2fwd
        self.execute_and_wait('cd ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number] +
        self.execute_and_wait('export CC=gcc')

        if len(self._nics) == 2:
            self.execute_and_wait('insmod ' + S.getValue('GUEST_OVS_DPDK_DIR')[self._number] +
                                  '/l2fwd' + '/l2fwd.ko net1=' + self._nics[0]['device'] +
                                  ' net2=' + self._nics[1]['device'])
            raise RuntimeError('l2fwd can forward only between 2 NICs, but {} NICs are '
                               'configured inside GUEST'.format(len(self._nics)))

    def _configure_linux_bridge(self):
        Configure VM to perform L2 forwarding between NICs by linux bridge
        if int(S.getValue('GUEST_NIC_QUEUES')[self._number]):

        # configure linux bridge
        self.execute_and_wait('brctl addbr br0')

        # add all NICs into the bridge
        for nic in self._nics:
            self.execute_and_wait('ip addr add ' + nic['ip'] + ' dev ' + nic['device'])
            if S.getValue('VSWITCH_JUMBO_FRAMES_ENABLED'):
                self.execute_and_wait('ifconfig {} mtu {}'.format(
                    nic['device'], S.getValue('VSWITCH_JUMBO_FRAMES_SIZE')))
            self.execute_and_wait('ip link set dev ' + nic['device'] + ' up')
            self.execute_and_wait('brctl addif br0 ' + nic['device'])

        self.execute_and_wait('ip addr add {} dev br0'.format(
        self.execute_and_wait('ip link set dev br0 up')

        # Add the arp entries for the IXIA ports and the bridge you are using.
        # Use command line values if provided.
        trafficgen_mac = S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_MAC')
        trafficgen_ip = S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_IP')

        self.execute_and_wait('arp -s ' + trafficgen_ip + ' ' + trafficgen_mac)

        trafficgen_mac = S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_MAC')
        trafficgen_ip = S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_IP')

        self.execute_and_wait('arp -s ' + trafficgen_ip + ' ' + trafficgen_mac)

        # Enable forwarding
        self.execute_and_wait('sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')

        # Controls source route verification
        # 0 means no source validation
        self.execute_and_wait('sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0')
        for nic in self._nics:
            self.execute_and_wait('sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.' + nic['device'] +

    def _bind_dpdk_driver(self, driver, pci_slots):
        Bind the virtual nics to the driver specific in the conf file
        :return: None
        if driver == 'uio_pci_generic':
            if S.getValue('VNF') == 'QemuPciPassthrough':
                # unsupported config, bind to igb_uio instead and exit the
                # outer function after completion.
                self._logger.error('SR-IOV does not support uio_pci_generic. '
                                   'Igb_uio will be used instead.')
                self._bind_dpdk_driver('igb_uio_from_src', pci_slots)
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe uio_pci_generic')
            self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py -b uio_pci_generic '+
        elif driver == 'vfio_no_iommu':
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe -r vfio')
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe -r vfio_iommu_type1')
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe vfio enable_unsafe_noiommu_mode=Y')
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe vfio-pci')
            self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py -b vfio-pci ' +
        elif driver == 'igb_uio_from_src':
            # build and insert igb_uio and rebind interfaces to it
            self.execute_and_wait('make RTE_OUTPUT=$RTE_SDK/$RTE_TARGET -C '
            self.execute_and_wait('modprobe uio')
            self.execute_and_wait('insmod %s/kmod/igb_uio.ko' %
            self.execute_and_wait('./*tools/dpdk*bind.py -b igb_uio ' + pci_slots)
                'Unknown driver for binding specified, defaulting to igb_uio')
            self._bind_dpdk_driver('igb_uio_from_src', pci_slots)

    def _set_multi_queue_nic(self):
        Enable multi-queue in guest kernel with ethool.
        :return: None
        for nic in self._nics:
            self.execute_and_wait('ethtool -L {} combined {}'.format(
                nic['device'], S.getValue('GUEST_NIC_QUEUES')[self._number]))
            self.execute_and_wait('ethtool -l {}'.format(nic['device']))