# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Research and Development Ireland Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import commands # import signal import time from experimental_framework.benchmarks import benchmark_base_class as base from experimental_framework.constants import framework_parameters as fp from experimental_framework.constants import conf_file_sections as cfs from experimental_framework.packet_generators import dpdk_packet_generator \ as dpdk import experimental_framework.common as common THROUGHPUT = 'throughput' VLAN_SENDER = 'vlan_sender' VLAN_RECEIVER = 'vlan_receiver' PACKETS_FILE_NAME = 'packets.res' PACKET_CHECKER_PROGRAM_NAME = 'test_sniff' MULTICAST_GROUP = '' class InstantiationValidationBenchmark(base.BenchmarkBaseClass): def __init__(self, name, params): base.BenchmarkBaseClass.__init__(self, name, params) self.base_dir = "{}{}{}".format( common.get_base_dir(), fp.EXPERIMENTAL_FRAMEWORK_DIR, fp.DPDK_PKTGEN_DIR) self.results_file = self.base_dir + PACKETS_FILE_NAME self.lua_file = self.base_dir + 'constant_traffic.lua' self.res_dir = '' self.interface_name = '' # Set the packet checker command self.pkt_checker_command = common.get_base_dir() self.pkt_checker_command += 'experimental_framework/libraries/' self.pkt_checker_command += 'packet_checker/' self.pkt_checker_command += PACKET_CHECKER_PROGRAM_NAME + ' ' def init(self): """ Initialize the benchmark :return: None """ pass def finalize(self): """ Finalizes the benchmark :return: None """ pass def get_features(self): features = dict() features['description'] = 'Instantiation Validation Benchmark' features['parameters'] = [THROUGHPUT, VLAN_SENDER, VLAN_RECEIVER] features['allowed_values'] = dict() features['allowed_values'][THROUGHPUT] = map(str, range(0, 100)) features['allowed_values'][VLAN_SENDER] = map(str, range(-1, 4096)) features['allowed_values'][VLAN_RECEIVER] = map(str, range(-1, 4096)) features['default_values'] = dict() features['default_values'][THROUGHPUT] = '1' features['default_values'][VLAN_SENDER] = '-1' features['default_values'][VLAN_RECEIVER] = '-1' return features def run(self): # Setup packet generator traffic_time = '10' packet_size = '512' traffic_rate_percentage = self.params[THROUGHPUT] dpdk_pktgen_vars = common.get_dpdk_pktgen_vars() # bus_address = dpdk_pktgen_vars[cfs.CFSP_DPDK_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2] self.interface_name = dpdk_pktgen_vars[cfs.CFSP_DPDK_NAME_IF_2] packetgen = dpdk.DpdkPacketGenerator() self._configure_lua_file(traffic_rate_percentage, traffic_time) packetgen.init_dpdk_pktgen(dpdk_interfaces=1, pcap_file_0='packet_' + packet_size + '.pcap', pcap_file_1='igmp.pcap', lua_script='constant_traffic.lua', vlan_0=self.params[VLAN_SENDER], vlan_1=self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER]) self._init_packet_checker() # Send constant traffic at a specified rate common.LOG.debug('Start the packet generator') packetgen.send_traffic() common.LOG.debug('Stop the packet generator') time.sleep(5) self._finalize_packet_checker() self._reset_lua_file(traffic_rate_percentage, traffic_time) return self._get_results() def _configure_lua_file(self, traffic_rate_percentage, traffic_time): """ Configure the packet gen to write the results into the right file :return: None """ common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local out_file = ""', 'local out_file = "' + self.results_file + '"') common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local traffic_rate = 0', 'local traffic_rate = ' + traffic_rate_percentage) common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local traffic_delay = 0', 'local traffic_delay = ' + traffic_time) def _reset_lua_file(self, traffic_rate_percentage, traffic_time): """ Configure the packet gen to write the results into the right file :param traffic_rate_percentage: :param traffic_time: :return: None """ common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local out_file = "' + self.results_file + '"', 'local out_file = ""') common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local traffic_rate = ' + traffic_rate_percentage, 'local traffic_rate = 0') common.replace_in_file(self.lua_file, 'local traffic_delay = ' + traffic_time, 'local traffic_delay = 0') def _get_results(self): ret_val = dict() packet_checker_res = 0 if self.res_dir: packet_checker_res = \ int(common.get_file_first_line(self.res_dir + 'packet_checker.res')) pkt_gen_res = int(common.get_file_first_line(self.results_file)) if pkt_gen_res <= packet_checker_res or \ (float(pkt_gen_res - packet_checker_res) / pkt_gen_res) <= 0.1: ret_val['failure'] = '0' else: ret_val['failure'] = '1' return ret_val def _init_packet_checker(self): """ Sets up the multicast and starts the packet checker :return: """ # Kill any other process running from previous failed execution self.res_dir = common.get_result_dir() pids = self._get_pids() for pid in pids: # os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) command = 'sudo kill ' + str(pid) common.run_command(command) # initialization of the VLAN interface command = "sudo ip link add link " command += self.interface_name command += " name " command += self.interface_name + '.' + self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] command += " type vlan id " + self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] common.run_command(command) # set up the new command = 'sudo ifconfig ' + self.interface_name + '.' + \ self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] # An IP address is required for the interface to receive a multicast # flow. The specific address is not important command += ' up' common.run_command(command) # configure smcroute command = "sudo echo 'mgroup from " command += self.interface_name + '.' + self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] command += " group " command += MULTICAST_GROUP command += "' > /etc/smcroute.conf" common.run_command(command) # run smcroute on the interface command = 'sudo smcroute -d' common.run_command(command) # Start the packet checker current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dir_list = self.pkt_checker_command.split('/') directory = '/'.join(dir_list[0:len(dir_list)-1]) os.chdir(directory) command = "make" common.run_command(command) os.chdir(current_dir) command = "sudo chmod +x {}".format(self.pkt_checker_command) common.run_command(command) command = 'sudo ' + self.pkt_checker_command command += self.interface_name + '.' + self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] command += ' 128' command += ' &' common.run_command(command) def _finalize_packet_checker(self): """ Obtains the PID of the packet checker and sends an alarm to terminate it :return: None """ pids = self._get_pids() for pid in pids: # os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) command = 'sudo kill ' + str(pid) common.run_command(command) # stop smcroute on the interface command = 'sudo smcroute -k' common.run_command(command) # finalization of the VLAN interface command = "sudo ip link delete " command += self.interface_name + '.' + self.params[VLAN_RECEIVER] common.run_command(command) def _get_pids(self): """ Returns a list of integers containing the pid or the pids of the processes currently running on the host :return: type: list of int """ output = commands.getoutput("ps -ef |pgrep " + PACKET_CHECKER_PROGRAM_NAME) if not output: pids = [] else: pids = map(int, output.split('\n')) return pids