# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Base class implementation for generic vnf implementation """ import abc import logging import six from yardstick.common import messaging from yardstick.common.messaging import payloads from yardstick.common.messaging import producer from yardstick.network_services.helpers.samplevnf_helper import PortPairs LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class QueueFileWrapper(object): """ Class providing file-like API for talking with SSH connection """ def __init__(self, q_in, q_out, prompt): self.q_in = q_in self.q_out = q_out self.closed = False self.buf = [] self.bufsize = 20 self.prompt = prompt def read(self, size): """ read chunk from input queue """ if self.q_in.qsize() > 0 and size: in_data = self.q_in.get() return in_data def write(self, chunk): """ write chunk to output queue """ self.buf.append(chunk) # flush on prompt or if we exceed bufsize size = sum(len(c) for c in self.buf) if self.prompt in chunk or size > self.bufsize: out = ''.join(self.buf) self.buf = [] self.q_out.put(out) def close(self): """ close multiprocessing queue """ pass def clear(self): """ clear queue """ while self.q_out.qsize() > 0: self.q_out.get() class VnfdHelper(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VnfdHelper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.port_pairs = PortPairs(self['vdu'][0]['external-interface']) # port num is not present until binding so we have to memoize self._port_num_map = {} @property def mgmt_interface(self): return self["mgmt-interface"] @property def vdu(self): return self['vdu'] @property def vdu0(self): return self.vdu[0] @property def interfaces(self): return self.vdu0['external-interface'] @property def kpi(self): return self['benchmark']['kpi'] def find_virtual_interface(self, **kwargs): key, value = next(iter(kwargs.items())) for interface in self.interfaces: virtual_intf = interface["virtual-interface"] if virtual_intf[key] == value: return interface raise KeyError() def find_interface(self, **kwargs): key, value = next(iter(kwargs.items())) for interface in self.interfaces: if interface[key] == value: return interface raise KeyError() # hide dpdk_port_num key so we can abstract def find_interface_by_port(self, port): for interface in self.interfaces: virtual_intf = interface["virtual-interface"] # we have to convert to int to compare if int(virtual_intf['dpdk_port_num']) == port: return interface raise KeyError() def port_num(self, port): # we need interface name -> DPDK port num (PMD ID) -> LINK ID # LINK ID -> PMD ID is governed by the port mask """ :rtype: int :type port: str """ if isinstance(port, dict): intf = port else: intf = self.find_interface(name=port) return self._port_num_map.setdefault(intf["name"], int(intf["virtual-interface"]["dpdk_port_num"])) def port_nums(self, intfs): return [self.port_num(i) for i in intfs] def ports_iter(self): for port_name in self.port_pairs.all_ports: port_num = self.port_num(port_name) yield port_name, port_num class TrafficGeneratorProducer(producer.MessagingProducer): """Class implementing the message producer for traffic generators This message producer must be instantiated in the process created "run_traffic" process. """ def __init__(self, _id): super(TrafficGeneratorProducer, self).__init__(messaging.TOPIC_TG, _id=_id) def tg_method_started(self, version=1): """Send a message to inform the traffic generation has started""" self.send_message( messaging.TG_METHOD_STARTED, payloads.TrafficGeneratorPayload(version=version, iteration=0, kpi={})) def tg_method_finished(self, version=1): """Send a message to inform the traffic generation has finished""" self.send_message( messaging.TG_METHOD_FINISHED, payloads.TrafficGeneratorPayload(version=version, iteration=0, kpi={})) def tg_method_iteration(self, iteration, version=1, kpi=None): """Send a message, with KPI, once an iteration has finished""" kpi = {} if kpi is None else kpi self.send_message( messaging.TG_METHOD_ITERATION, payloads.TrafficGeneratorPayload(version=version, iteration=iteration, kpi=kpi)) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GenericVNF(object): """Class providing file-like API for generic VNF implementation Currently the only class implementing this interface is yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/sample_vnf:SampleVNF. """ # centralize network naming convention UPLINK = PortPairs.UPLINK DOWNLINK = PortPairs.DOWNLINK def __init__(self, name, vnfd): self.name = name self.vnfd_helper = VnfdHelper(vnfd) # List of statistics we can obtain from this VNF # - ETSI MANO monitoring_parameter self.kpi = self.vnfd_helper.kpi # Standard dictionary containing params like thread no, buffer size etc self.config = {} self.runs_traffic = False @abc.abstractmethod def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): """Prepare VNF for operation and start the VNF process/VM :param scenario_cfg: Scenario config :param context_cfg: Context config :return: True/False """ @abc.abstractmethod def wait_for_instantiate(self): """Wait for VNF to start :return: True/False """ @abc.abstractmethod def terminate(self): """Kill all VNF processes""" @abc.abstractmethod def scale(self, flavor=""): """rest :param flavor: Name of the flavor. :return: """ @abc.abstractmethod def collect_kpi(self): """Return a dict containing the selected KPI at a given point of time :return: {"kpi": value, "kpi2": value} """ @abc.abstractmethod def start_collect(self): """Start KPI collection :return: None """ @abc.abstractmethod def stop_collect(self): """Stop KPI collection :return: None """ @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class GenericTrafficGen(GenericVNF): """ Class providing file-like API for generic traffic generator """ def __init__(self, name, vnfd): super(GenericTrafficGen, self).__init__(name, vnfd) self.runs_traffic = True self.traffic_finished = False self._mq_producer = None @abc.abstractmethod def run_traffic(self, traffic_profile): """Generate traffic on the wire according to the given params. This method is non-blocking, returns immediately when traffic process is running. Mandatory. :param traffic_profile: :return: True/False """ @abc.abstractmethod def terminate(self): """After this method finishes, all traffic processes should stop. Mandatory. :return: True/False """ def listen_traffic(self, traffic_profile): """Listen to traffic with the given parameters. Method is non-blocking, returns immediately when traffic process is running. Optional. :param traffic_profile: :return: True/False """ pass def verify_traffic(self, traffic_profile): """Verify captured traffic after it has ended. Optional. :param traffic_profile: :return: dict """ pass def wait_for_instantiate(self): """Wait for an instance to load. Optional. :return: True/False """ pass def start_collect(self): """Start KPI collection. Traffic measurements are always collected during injection. Optional. :return: True/False """ pass def stop_collect(self): """Stop KPI collection. Optional. :return: True/False """ pass @staticmethod def _setup_mq_producer(id): """Setup the TG MQ producer to send messages between processes :return: (derived class from ``MessagingProducer``) MQ producer object """ return TrafficGeneratorProducer(id) def get_mq_producer_id(self): """Return the MQ producer ID if initialized""" if self._mq_producer: return self._mq_producer.id