# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from trex_stl_lib import api as Pkt from trex_stl_lib import trex_stl_client from trex_stl_lib import trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy from trex_stl_lib import trex_stl_streams from yardstick.common import constants from yardstick.network_services.traffic_profile import trex_traffic_profile LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) SRC_PORT = 'sport' DST_PORT = 'dport' class PortPgIDMap(object): """Port and pg_id mapping class "pg_id" is the identification STL library gives to each stream. In the RFC2544Profile class, the traffic has a STLProfile per port, which contains one or several streams, one per packet size defined in the IMIX test case description. Example of port <-> pg_id map: self._port_pg_id_map = { 0: [1, 2, 3, 4], 1: [5, 6, 7, 8] } """ def __init__(self): self._pg_id = 0 self._last_port = None self._port_pg_id_map = {} def add_port(self, port): self._last_port = port self._port_pg_id_map[port] = [] def get_pg_ids(self, port): return self._port_pg_id_map.get(port, []) def increase_pg_id(self, port=None): port = self._last_port if not port else port if port is None: return pg_id_list = self._port_pg_id_map.get(port) if not pg_id_list: self.add_port(port) pg_id_list = self._port_pg_id_map[port] self._pg_id += 1 pg_id_list.append(self._pg_id) return self._pg_id class RFC2544Profile(trex_traffic_profile.TrexProfile): """TRex RFC2544 traffic profile""" TOLERANCE_LIMIT = 0.01 def __init__(self, traffic_generator): super(RFC2544Profile, self).__init__(traffic_generator) self.generator = None self.rate = self.config.frame_rate self.max_rate = self.config.frame_rate self.min_rate = 0 self.drop_percent_max = 0 def register_generator(self, generator): self.generator = generator def stop_traffic(self, traffic_generator=None): """"Stop traffic injection, reset counters and remove streams""" if traffic_generator is not None and self.generator is None: self.generator = traffic_generator self.generator.client.stop() self.generator.client.reset() self.generator.client.remove_all_streams() def execute_traffic(self, traffic_generator=None): """Generate the stream and run traffic on the given ports :param traffic_generator: (TrexTrafficGenRFC) traffic generator :return ports: (list of int) indexes of ports port_pg_id: (dict) port indexes and pg_id [1] map [1] https://trex-tgn.cisco.com/trex/doc/cp_stl_docs/api/ profile_code.html#stlstream-modes """ if traffic_generator is not None and self.generator is None: self.generator = traffic_generator port_pg_id = PortPgIDMap() ports = [] for vld_id, intfs in sorted(self.generator.networks.items()): profile_data = self.params.get(vld_id) if not profile_data: continue if (vld_id.startswith(self.DOWNLINK) and self.generator.rfc2544_helper.correlated_traffic): continue for intf in intfs: port_num = int(self.generator.port_num(intf)) ports.append(port_num) port_pg_id.add_port(port_num) profile = self._create_profile(profile_data, self.rate, port_pg_id, self.config.enable_latency) self.generator.client.add_streams(profile, ports=[port_num]) self.generator.client.start(ports=ports, duration=self.config.duration, force=True) return ports, port_pg_id def _create_profile(self, profile_data, rate, port_pg_id, enable_latency): """Create a STL profile (list of streams) for a port""" streams = [] for packet_name in profile_data: imix = (profile_data[packet_name]. get('outer_l2', {}).get('framesize')) imix_data = self._create_imix_data(imix) self._create_vm(profile_data[packet_name]) _streams = self._create_streams(imix_data, rate, port_pg_id, enable_latency) streams.extend(_streams) return trex_stl_streams.STLProfile(streams) def _create_imix_data(self, imix, weight_mode=constants.DISTRIBUTION_IN_PACKETS): """Generate the IMIX distribution for a STL profile The input information is the framesize dictionary in a test case traffic profile definition. E.g.: downlink_0: ipv4: id: 2 outer_l2: framesize: 64B: 10 128B: 20 ... This function normalizes the sum of framesize weights to 100 and returns a dictionary of frame sizes in bytes and weight in percentage. E.g.: imix_count = {64: 25, 128: 75} The weight mode is described in [1]. There are two ways to describe the weight of the packets: - Distribution in packets: the weight defines the percentage of packets sent per packet size. IXIA uses this definition. - Distribution in bytes: the weight defines the percentage of bytes sent per packet size. Packet size # packets D. in packets Bytes D. in bytes 40 7 58.33% 280 7% 576 4 33.33% 2304 56% 1500 1 8.33% 1500 37% [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Mix :param imix: (dict) IMIX size and weight """ imix_count = {} if not imix: return imix_count imix_count = {size.upper().replace('B', ''): int(weight) for size, weight in imix.items()} imix_sum = sum(imix_count.values()) if imix_sum <= 0: imix_count = {64: 100} imix_sum = 100 weight_normalize = float(imix_sum) / 100 imix_dip = {size: float(weight) / weight_normalize for size, weight in imix_count.items()} if weight_mode == constants.DISTRIBUTION_IN_BYTES: return imix_dip byte_total = sum([int(size) * weight for size, weight in imix_dip.items()]) return {size: (int(size) * weight * 100) / byte_total for size, weight in imix_dip.items()} def _create_vm(self, packet_definition): """Create the STL Raw instructions""" self.ether_packet = Pkt.Ether() self.ip_packet = Pkt.IP() self.ip6_packet = None self.udp_packet = Pkt.UDP() self.udp[DST_PORT] = 'UDP.dport' self.udp[SRC_PORT] = 'UDP.sport' self.qinq = False self.vm_flow_vars = [] outer_l2 = packet_definition.get('outer_l2') outer_l3v4 = packet_definition.get('outer_l3v4') outer_l3v6 = packet_definition.get('outer_l3v6') outer_l4 = packet_definition.get('outer_l4') if outer_l2: self._set_outer_l2_fields(outer_l2) if outer_l3v4: self._set_outer_l3v4_fields(outer_l3v4) if outer_l3v6: self._set_outer_l3v6_fields(outer_l3v6) if outer_l4: self._set_outer_l4_fields(outer_l4) self.trex_vm = trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy.STLScVmRaw( self.vm_flow_vars) def _create_single_packet(self, size=64): size -= 4 ether_packet = self.ether_packet ip_packet = self.ip6_packet if self.ip6_packet else self.ip_packet udp_packet = self.udp_packet if self.qinq: qinq_packet = self.qinq_packet base_pkt = ether_packet / qinq_packet / ip_packet / udp_packet else: base_pkt = ether_packet / ip_packet / udp_packet pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x' return trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy.STLPktBuilder( pkt=base_pkt / pad, vm=self.trex_vm) def _create_streams(self, imix_data, rate, port_pg_id, enable_latency): """Create a list of streams per packet size The STL TX mode speed of the generated streams will depend on the frame weight and the frame rate. Both the frame weight and the total frame rate are normalized to 100. The STL TX mode speed, defined in percentage, is the combitation of both percentages. E.g.: frame weight = 100 rate = 90 --> STLTXmode percentage = 10 (%) frame weight = 80 rate = 50 --> STLTXmode percentage = 40 (%) :param imix_data: (dict) IMIX size and weight :param rate: (float) normalized [0..100] total weight :param pg_id: (PortPgIDMap) port / pg_id (list) map """ streams = [] for size, weight in ((int(size), float(weight)) for (size, weight) in imix_data.items() if float(weight) > 0): packet = self._create_single_packet(size) pg_id = port_pg_id.increase_pg_id() stl_flow = (trex_stl_streams.STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id=pg_id) if enable_latency else None) mode = trex_stl_streams.STLTXCont(percentage=weight * rate / 100) streams.append(trex_stl_client.STLStream( packet=packet, flow_stats=stl_flow, mode=mode)) return streams def get_drop_percentage(self, samples, tol_low, tol_high, correlated_traffic, resolution): """Calculate the drop percentage and run the traffic""" completed = False out_pkt_end = sum(port['out_packets'] for port in samples[-1].values()) in_pkt_end = sum(port['in_packets'] for port in samples[-1].values()) out_pkt_ini = sum(port['out_packets'] for port in samples[0].values()) in_pkt_ini = sum(port['in_packets'] for port in samples[0].values()) time_diff = (list(samples[-1].values())[0]['timestamp'] - list(samples[0].values())[0]['timestamp']).total_seconds() out_packets = out_pkt_end - out_pkt_ini in_packets = in_pkt_end - in_pkt_ini tx_rate_fps = float(out_packets) / time_diff rx_rate_fps = float(in_packets) / time_diff drop_percent = 100.0 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2544#section-26.3 if out_packets: drop_percent = round( (float(abs(out_packets - in_packets)) / out_packets) * 100, 5) tol_high = max(tol_high, self.TOLERANCE_LIMIT) tol_low = min(tol_low, self.TOLERANCE_LIMIT) if drop_percent > tol_high: self.max_rate = self.rate elif drop_percent < tol_low: self.min_rate = self.rate else: completed = True last_rate = self.rate self.rate = self._get_next_rate() if abs(last_rate - self.rate) < resolution: # stop test if the difference between the rate transmission # in two iterations is smaller than the value of the resolution completed = True LOG.debug("rate=%s, next_rate=%s, resolution=%s, completed=%s", last_rate, self.rate, resolution, completed) throughput = rx_rate_fps * 2 if correlated_traffic else rx_rate_fps if drop_percent > self.drop_percent_max: self.drop_percent_max = drop_percent latency = {port_num: value['latency'] for port_num, value in samples[-1].items()} output = { 'TxThroughput': tx_rate_fps, 'RxThroughput': rx_rate_fps, 'CurrentDropPercentage': drop_percent, 'Throughput': throughput, 'DropPercentage': self.drop_percent_max, 'Rate': last_rate, 'Latency': latency } return completed, output