# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_utils import excutils class ProcessExecutionError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, message, returncode): super(ProcessExecutionError, self).__init__(message) self.returncode = returncode class YardstickException(Exception): """Base Yardstick Exception. To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. Based on NeutronException class. """ message = "An unknown exception occurred." def __init__(self, **kwargs): try: super(YardstickException, self).__init__(self.message % kwargs) self.msg = self.message % kwargs except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: if not self.use_fatal_exceptions(): ctxt.reraise = False # at least get the core message out if something happened super(YardstickException, self).__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): return self.msg def use_fatal_exceptions(self): """Is the instance using fatal exceptions. :returns: Always returns False. """ return False class ResourceCommandError(YardstickException): message = 'Command: "%(command)s" Failed, stderr: "%(stderr)s"' class FunctionNotImplemented(YardstickException): message = ('The function "%(function_name)s" is not implemented in ' '"%(class_name)" class.') class InfluxDBConfigurationMissing(YardstickException): message = ('InfluxDB configuration is not available. Add "influxdb" as ' 'a dispatcher and the configuration section') class YardstickBannedModuleImported(YardstickException): # pragma: no cover message = 'Module "%(module)s" cannnot be imported. Reason: "%(reason)s"' class PayloadMissingAttributes(YardstickException): message = ('Error instantiating a Payload class, missing attributes: ' '%(missing_attributes)s') class HeatTemplateError(YardstickException): """Error in Heat during the stack deployment""" message = ('Error in Heat during the creation of the OpenStack stack ' '"%(stack_name)s"') class IPv6RangeError(YardstickException): message = 'Start IP "%(start_ip)s" is greater than end IP "%(end_ip)s"' class TrafficProfileNotImplemented(YardstickException): message = 'No implementation for traffic profile %(profile_class)s.' class DPDKSetupDriverError(YardstickException): message = '"igb_uio" driver is not loaded' class OVSUnsupportedVersion(YardstickException): message = ('Unsupported OVS version "%(ovs_version)s". Please check the ' 'config. OVS to DPDK version map: %(ovs_to_dpdk_map)s.') class OVSHugepagesInfoError(YardstickException): message = 'MemInfo cannnot be retrieved.' class OVSHugepagesNotConfigured(YardstickException): message = 'HugePages are not configured in this system.' class OVSHugepagesZeroFree(YardstickException): message = ('There are no HugePages free in this system. Total HugePages ' 'configured: %(total_hugepages)s') class OVSDeployError(YardstickException): message = 'OVS deploy tool failed with error: %(stderr)s.' class OVSSetupError(YardstickException): message = 'OVS setup error. Command: %(command)s. Error: %(error)s.' class LibvirtCreateError(YardstickException): message = 'Error creating the virtual machine. Error: %(error)s.' class LibvirtQemuImageBaseImageNotPresent(YardstickException): message = ('Error creating the qemu image for %(vm_image)s. Base image: ' '%(base_image)s. Base image not present in execution host or ' 'remote host.') class LibvirtQemuImageCreateError(YardstickException): message = ('Error creating the qemu image for %(vm_image)s. Base image: ' '%(base_image)s. Error: %(error)s.') class ScenarioConfigContextNameNotFound(YardstickException): message = 'Context for host name "%(host_name)s" not found' class StackCreationInterrupt(YardstickException): message = 'Stack create interrupted.' class TaskRenderArgumentError(YardstickException): message = 'Error reading the task input arguments' class TaskReadError(YardstickException): message = 'Failed to read task %(task_file)s' class TaskRenderError(YardstickException): message = 'Failed to render template:\n%(input_task)s' class TimerTimeout(YardstickException): message = 'Timer timeout expired, %(timeout)s seconds' class WaitTimeout(YardstickException): message = 'Wait timeout while waiting for condition' class ScenarioCreateNetworkError(YardstickException): message = 'Create Neutron Network Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateSubnetError(YardstickException): message = 'Create Neutron Subnet Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteRouterError(YardstickException): message = 'Delete Neutron Router Scenario failed' class MissingPodInfoError(YardstickException): message = 'Missing pod args, please check' class UnsupportedPodFormatError(YardstickException): message = 'Failed to load pod info, unsupported format' class ScenarioCreateRouterError(YardstickException): message = 'Create Neutron Router Scenario failed' class ScenarioRemoveRouterIntError(YardstickException): message = 'Remove Neutron Router Interface Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateFloatingIPError(YardstickException): message = 'Create Neutron Floating IP Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteFloatingIPError(YardstickException): message = 'Delete Neutron Floating IP Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateSecurityGroupError(YardstickException): message = 'Create Neutron Security Group Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteNetworkError(YardstickException): message = 'Delete Neutron Network Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateServerError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Create Server Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteServerError(YardstickException): message = 'Delete Server Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateKeypairError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Create Keypair Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteKeypairError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Delete Keypair Scenario failed' class ScenarioAttachVolumeError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Attach Volume Scenario failed' class ScenarioGetServerError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Get Server Scenario failed' class ScenarioGetFlavorError(YardstickException): message = 'Nova Get Falvor Scenario failed' class ScenarioCreateVolumeError(YardstickException): message = 'Cinder Create Volume Scenario failed' class ScenarioDeleteVolumeError(YardstickException): message = 'Cinder Delete Volume Scenario failed' class ScenarioDetachVolumeError(YardstickException): message = 'Cinder Detach Volume Scenario failed'