############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import os from functools import reduce import pkg_resources # this module must only import other modules that do # not require loggers to be created, so this cannot # include yardstick.common.utils from yardstick.common.yaml_loader import yaml_load dirname = os.path.dirname abspath = os.path.abspath join = os.path.join sep = os.path.sep CONF = {} def get_param(key, default=''): # we have to defer this to runtime so that we can mock os.environ.get in unittests conf_file = os.environ.get('CONF_FILE', '/etc/yardstick/yardstick.yaml') # don't re-parse yaml for each lookup if not CONF: # do not use yardstick.common.utils.parse_yaml # since yardstick.common.utils creates a logger # and so it cannot be imported before this code try: with open(conf_file) as f: value = yaml_load(f) except (IOError, OSError) as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: CONF.update(value) try: return reduce(lambda a, b: a[b], key.split('.'), CONF) except KeyError: if not default: raise return default try: SERVER_IP = get_param('api.server_ip') except KeyError: try: from pyroute2 import IPDB except ImportError: SERVER_IP = '' else: with IPDB() as ip: try: SERVER_IP = ip.routes['default'].gateway except KeyError: # during unittests ip.routes['default'] can be invalid SERVER_IP = '' if not SERVER_IP: SERVER_IP = '' # dir CONF_DIR = get_param('dir.conf', '/etc/yardstick') IMAGE_DIR = get_param('dir.images', '/home/opnfv/images/') REPOS_DIR = get_param('dir.repos', '/home/opnfv/repos/yardstick') RELENG_DIR = get_param('dir.releng', '/home/opnfv/repos/releng') LOG_DIR = get_param('dir.log', '/tmp/yardstick/') YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH = dirname( dirname(abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "")))) + sep TASK_LOG_DIR = get_param('dir.tasklog', '/var/log/yardstick/') CONF_SAMPLE_DIR = join(REPOS_DIR, 'etc/yardstick/') ANSIBLE_DIR = join(REPOS_DIR, 'ansible') SAMPLE_CASE_DIR = join(REPOS_DIR, 'samples') TESTCASE_DIR = join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, 'tests/opnfv/test_cases/') TESTSUITE_DIR = join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, 'tests/opnfv/test_suites/') DOCS_DIR = join(REPOS_DIR, 'docs/testing/user/userguide/') OPENSTACK_CONF_DIR = '/etc/openstack' # file OPENRC = get_param('file.openrc', '/etc/yardstick/openstack.creds') ETC_HOSTS = get_param('file.etc_hosts', '/etc/hosts') CONF_FILE = join(CONF_DIR, 'yardstick.conf') POD_FILE = join(CONF_DIR, 'pod.yaml') CLOUDS_CONF = join(OPENSTACK_CONF_DIR, 'clouds.yml') K8S_CONF_FILE = join(CONF_DIR, 'admin.conf') CONF_SAMPLE_FILE = join(CONF_SAMPLE_DIR, 'yardstick.conf.sample') FETCH_SCRIPT = get_param('file.fetch_script', 'utils/fetch_os_creds.sh') FETCH_SCRIPT = join(RELENG_DIR, FETCH_SCRIPT) CLEAN_IMAGES_SCRIPT = get_param('file.clean_image_script', 'tests/ci/clean_images.sh') CLEAN_IMAGES_SCRIPT = join(REPOS_DIR, CLEAN_IMAGES_SCRIPT) LOAD_IMAGES_SCRIPT = get_param('file.load_image_script', 'tests/ci/load_images.sh') LOAD_IMAGES_SCRIPT = join(REPOS_DIR, LOAD_IMAGES_SCRIPT) DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = get_param('file.output_file', '/tmp/yardstick.out') DEFAULT_HTML_FILE = get_param('file.html_file', '/tmp/yardstick.htm') REPORTING_FILE = get_param('file.reporting_file', '/tmp/report.html') # influxDB INFLUXDB_IP = get_param('influxdb.ip', SERVER_IP) INFLUXDB_PORT = get_param('influxdb.port', 8086) INFLUXDB_USER = get_param('influxdb.username', 'root') INFLUXDB_PASS = get_param('influxdb.password', 'root') INFLUXDB_DB_NAME = get_param('influxdb.db_name', 'yardstick') INFLUXDB_IMAGE = get_param('influxdb.image', 'tutum/influxdb') INFLUXDB_TAG = get_param('influxdb.tag', '0.13') INFLUXDB_DASHBOARD_PORT = 8083 # grafana GRAFANA_IP = get_param('grafana.ip', SERVER_IP) GRAFANA_PORT = get_param('grafana.port', 3000) GRAFANA_USER = get_param('grafana.username', 'admin') GRAFANA_PASS = get_param('grafana.password', 'admin') GRAFANA_IMAGE = get_param('grafana.image', 'grafana/grafana') GRAFANA_TAG = get_param('grafana.tag', '4.4.3') GRAFANA_MAPPING_PORT = 1948 # api API_PORT = 5000 DOCKER_URL = 'unix://var/run/docker.sock' INSTALLERS = ['apex', 'compass', 'fuel', 'joid'] SQLITE = 'sqlite:////tmp/yardstick.db' API_SUCCESS = 1 API_ERROR = 2 TASK_NOT_DONE = 0 TASK_DONE = 1 TASK_FAILED = 2 BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5000' ENV_ACTION_API = BASE_URL + '/yardstick/env/action' ASYNC_TASK_API = BASE_URL + '/yardstick/asynctask' # general TESTCASE_PRE = 'opnfv_yardstick_' TESTSUITE_PRE = 'opnfv_'