############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## """ Handler for yardstick command 'task' """ import sys import os import yaml import atexit import ipaddress import time import logging from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.base import Context from yardstick.benchmark.runners import base as base_runner from yardstick.common.task_template import TaskTemplate from yardstick.common.utils import cliargs output_file_default = "/tmp/yardstick.out" test_cases_dir_default = "tests/opnfv/test_cases/" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TaskCommands(object): '''Task commands. Set of commands to manage benchmark tasks. ''' @cliargs("inputfile", type=str, help="path to task or suite file", nargs=1) @cliargs("--task-args", dest="task_args", help="Input task args (dict in json). These args are used" "to render input task that is jinja2 template.") @cliargs("--task-args-file", dest="task_args_file", help="Path to the file with input task args (dict in " "json/yaml). These args are used to render input" "task that is jinja2 template.") @cliargs("--keep-deploy", help="keep context deployed in cloud", action="store_true") @cliargs("--parse-only", help="parse the config file and exit", action="store_true") @cliargs("--output-file", help="file where output is stored, default %s" % output_file_default, default=output_file_default) @cliargs("--suite", help="process test suite file instead of a task file", action="store_true") def do_start(self, args): '''Start a benchmark scenario.''' atexit.register(atexit_handler) total_start_time = time.time() parser = TaskParser(args.inputfile[0]) suite_params = {} if args.suite: suite_params = parser.parse_suite() test_cases_dir = suite_params["test_cases_dir"] if test_cases_dir[-1] != os.sep: test_cases_dir += os.sep task_files = [test_cases_dir + task for task in suite_params["task_fnames"]] else: task_files = [parser.path] task_args = suite_params.get("task_args", [args.task_args]) task_args_fnames = suite_params.get("task_args_fnames", [args.task_args_file]) if args.parse_only: sys.exit(0) if os.path.isfile(args.output_file): os.remove(args.output_file) for i in range(0, len(task_files)): one_task_start_time = time.time() parser.path = task_files[i] scenarios, run_in_parallel = parser.parse_task(task_args[i], task_args_fnames[i]) self._run(scenarios, run_in_parallel, args.output_file) if args.keep_deploy: # keep deployment, forget about stack # (hide it for exit handler) Context.list = [] else: for context in Context.list: context.undeploy() Context.list = [] one_task_end_time = time.time() LOG.info("task %s finished in %d secs", task_files[i], one_task_end_time - one_task_start_time) total_end_time = time.time() LOG.info("total finished in %d secs", total_end_time - total_start_time) print "Done, exiting" def _run(self, scenarios, run_in_parallel, output_file): '''Deploys context and calls runners''' for context in Context.list: context.deploy() runners = [] if run_in_parallel: for scenario in scenarios: runner = run_one_scenario(scenario, output_file) runners.append(runner) # Wait for runners to finish for runner in runners: runner_join(runner) print "Runner ended, output in", output_file else: # run serially for scenario in scenarios: runner = run_one_scenario(scenario, output_file) runner_join(runner) print "Runner ended, output in", output_file # TODO: Move stuff below into TaskCommands class !? class TaskParser(object): '''Parser for task config files in yaml format''' def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def parse_suite(self): '''parse the suite file and return a list of task config file paths and lists of optional parameters if present''' print "Parsing suite file:", self.path try: with open(self.path) as stream: cfg = yaml.load(stream) except IOError as ioerror: sys.exit(ioerror) self._check_schema(cfg["schema"], "suite") print "Starting suite:", cfg["name"] test_cases_dir = cfg.get("test_cases_dir", test_cases_dir_default) task_fnames = [] task_args = [] task_args_fnames = [] for task in cfg["test_cases"]: task_fnames.append(task["file_name"]) if "task_args" in task: task_args.append(task["task_args"]) else: task_args.append(None) if "task_args_file" in task: task_args_fnames.append(task["task_args_file"]) else: task_args_fnames.append(None) suite_params = { "test_cases_dir": test_cases_dir, "task_fnames": task_fnames, "task_args": task_args, "task_args_fnames": task_args_fnames } return suite_params def parse_task(self, task_args=None, task_args_file=None): '''parses the task file and return an context and scenario instances''' print "Parsing task config:", self.path try: kw = {} if task_args_file: with open(task_args_file) as f: kw.update(parse_task_args("task_args_file", f.read())) kw.update(parse_task_args("task_args", task_args)) except TypeError: raise TypeError() try: with open(self.path) as f: try: input_task = f.read() rendered_task = TaskTemplate.render(input_task, **kw) except Exception as e: print(("Failed to render template:\n%(task)s\n%(err)s\n") % {"task": input_task, "err": e}) raise e print(("Input task is:\n%s\n") % rendered_task) cfg = yaml.load(rendered_task) except IOError as ioerror: sys.exit(ioerror) self._check_schema(cfg["schema"], "task") # TODO: support one or many contexts? Many would simpler and precise # TODO: support hybrid context type if "context" in cfg: context_cfgs = [cfg["context"]] else: context_cfgs = cfg["contexts"] for cfg_attrs in context_cfgs: context_type = cfg_attrs.get("type", "Heat") if "Heat" == context_type and "networks" in cfg_attrs: # config external_network based on env var for _, attrs in cfg_attrs["networks"].items(): attrs["external_network"] = os.environ.get( 'EXTERNAL_NETWORK', 'net04_ext') context = Context.get(context_type) context.init(cfg_attrs) run_in_parallel = cfg.get("run_in_parallel", False) # TODO we need something better here, a class that represent the file return cfg["scenarios"], run_in_parallel def _check_schema(self, cfg_schema, schema_type): '''Check if config file is using the correct schema type''' if cfg_schema != "yardstick:" + schema_type + ":0.1": sys.exit("error: file %s has unknown schema %s" % (self.path, cfg_schema)) def atexit_handler(): '''handler for process termination''' base_runner.Runner.terminate_all() if len(Context.list) > 0: print "Undeploying all contexts" for context in Context.list: context.undeploy() def is_ip_addr(addr): '''check if string addr is an IP address''' try: ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(addr)) return True except ValueError: return False def _is_same_heat_context(host_attr, target_attr): '''check if two servers are in the same heat context host_attr: either a name for a server created by yardstick or a dict with attribute name mapping when using external heat templates target_attr: either a name for a server created by yardstick or a dict with attribute name mapping when using external heat templates ''' host = None target = None for context in Context.list: if context.__context_type__ != "Heat": continue host = context._get_server(host_attr) if host is None: continue target = context._get_server(target_attr) if target is None: return False # Both host and target is not None, then they are in the # same heat context. return True return False def run_one_scenario(scenario_cfg, output_file): '''run one scenario using context''' runner_cfg = scenario_cfg["runner"] runner_cfg['output_filename'] = output_file # TODO support get multi hosts/vms info context_cfg = {} if "host" in scenario_cfg: context_cfg['host'] = Context.get_server(scenario_cfg["host"]) if "target" in scenario_cfg: if is_ip_addr(scenario_cfg["target"]): context_cfg['target'] = {} context_cfg['target']["ipaddr"] = scenario_cfg["target"] else: context_cfg['target'] = Context.get_server(scenario_cfg["target"]) if _is_same_heat_context(scenario_cfg["host"], scenario_cfg["target"]): context_cfg["target"]["ipaddr"] = \ context_cfg["target"]["private_ip"] else: context_cfg["target"]["ipaddr"] = \ context_cfg["target"]["ip"] if "nodes" in scenario_cfg: context_cfg["nodes"] = parse_nodes_with_context(scenario_cfg) runner = base_runner.Runner.get(runner_cfg) print "Starting runner of type '%s'" % runner_cfg["type"] runner.run(scenario_cfg, context_cfg) return runner def parse_nodes_with_context(scenario_cfg): '''paras the 'nodes' fields in scenario ''' nodes = scenario_cfg["nodes"] nodes_cfg = {} for nodename in nodes: nodes_cfg[nodename] = Context.get_server(nodes[nodename]) return nodes_cfg def runner_join(runner): '''join (wait for) a runner, exit process at runner failure''' status = runner.join() base_runner.Runner.release(runner) if status != 0: sys.exit("Runner failed") def print_invalid_header(source_name, args): print(("Invalid %(source)s passed:\n\n %(args)s\n") % {"source": source_name, "args": args}) def parse_task_args(src_name, args): try: kw = args and yaml.safe_load(args) kw = {} if kw is None else kw except yaml.parser.ParserError as e: print_invalid_header(src_name, args) print(("%(source)s has to be YAML. Details:\n\n%(err)s\n") % {"source": src_name, "err": e}) raise TypeError() if not isinstance(kw, dict): print_invalid_header(src_name, args) print(("%(src)s had to be dict, actually %(src_type)s\n") % {"src": src_name, "src_type": type(kw)}) raise TypeError() return kw