# ############################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # ############################################################################ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import subprocess import threading import time from datetime import datetime from yardstick.common import openstack_utils from yardstick.common.utils import change_obj_to_dict from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TIMEOUT = 0.05 PACKAGE_SIZE = 64 try: import ping except ImportError: # temp fix for ping module import error on Python3 # we need to replace the ping module anyway import mock ping = mock.MagicMock() class Migrate(base.Scenario): # pragma: no cover """ Execute a live migration for two hosts """ __scenario_type__ = "Migrate" def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.options = self.scenario_cfg.get('options', {}) self.nova_client = openstack_utils.get_nova_client() def run(self, result): default_instance_id = self.options.get('server', {}).get('id', '') instance_id = self.options.get('server_id', default_instance_id) LOG.info('Instance id is %s', instance_id) target_host = self.options.get('host') LOG.info('Target host is %s', target_host) instance_ip = self.options.get('server_ip') if instance_ip: LOG.info('Instance ip is %s', instance_ip) self._ping_until_connected(instance_ip) LOG.info('Instance is connected') LOG.debug('Start to ping instance') ping_thread = self._do_ping_task(instance_ip) keys = self.scenario_cfg.get('output', '').split() try: LOG.info('Start to migrate') self._do_migrate(instance_id, target_host) except Exception as e: return self._push_to_outputs(keys, [1, str(e).split('.')[0]]) else: migrate_time = self._get_migrate_time(instance_id) LOG.info('Migration time is %s s', migrate_time) current_host = self._get_current_host_name(instance_id) LOG.info('Current host is %s', current_host) if current_host.strip() != target_host.strip(): LOG.error('current_host not equal to target_host') values = [1, 'current_host not equal to target_host'] return self._push_to_outputs(keys, values) if instance_ip: ping_thread.flag = False ping_thread.join() downtime = ping_thread.get_delay() LOG.info('Downtime is %s s', downtime) values = [0, migrate_time, downtime] return self._push_to_outputs(keys, values) else: values = [0, migrate_time] return self._push_to_outputs(keys, values) def _do_migrate(self, server_id, target_host): cmd = ['nova', 'live-migration', server_id, target_host] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate() def _ping_until_connected(self, instance_ip): for i in range(3000): res = ping.do_one(instance_ip, TIMEOUT, PACKAGE_SIZE) if res: break def _do_ping_task(self, instance_ip): ping_thread = PingThread(instance_ip) ping_thread.start() return ping_thread def _get_current_host_name(self, server_id): return change_obj_to_dict(self.nova_client.servers.get(server_id))['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host'] def _get_migrate_time(self, server_id): while True: status = self.nova_client.servers.get(server_id).status.lower() if status == 'migrating': start_time = datetime.now() break LOG.debug('Instance status change to MIGRATING') while True: status = self.nova_client.servers.get(server_id).status.lower() if status == 'active': end_time = datetime.now() break if status == 'error': LOG.error('Instance status is ERROR') raise RuntimeError('The instance status is error') LOG.debug('Instance status change to ACTIVE') duration = end_time - start_time return duration.seconds + duration.microseconds * 1.0 / 1e6 class PingThread(threading.Thread): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, target): super(PingThread, self).__init__() self.target = target self.flag = True self.delay = 0.0 def run(self): count = 0 while self.flag: res = ping.do_one(self.target, TIMEOUT, PACKAGE_SIZE) if not res: count += 1 time.sleep(0.01) self.delay = (TIMEOUT + 0.01) * count def get_delay(self): return self.delay