############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import pkg_resources import yardstick.ssh as ssh from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SpecCPU(base.Scenario): """Spec CPU2006 benchmark Parameters benchmark_subset - Specifies a subset of SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks to run type: string unit: na default: na SPECint_benchmark - A SPECint benchmark to run type: string unit: na default: na SPECint_benchmark - A SPECfp benchmark to run type: string unit: na default: na output_format - Desired report format type: string unit: na default: na runspec_config - SPEC CPU2006 config file provided to the runspec binary type: string unit: na default: "Example-linux64-amd64-gcc43+.cfg" runspec_iterations - The number of benchmark iterations to execute. For a reportable run, must be 3. type: int unit: na default: na runspec_tune - Tuning to use (base, peak, or all). For a reportable run, must be either base or all. Reportable runs do base first, then (optionally) peak. type: string unit: na default: na runspec_size - Size of input data to run (test, train, or ref). Reportable runs ensure that your binaries can produce correct results with the test and train workloads. type: string unit: na default: na """ __scenario_type__ = "SpecCPU2006" def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg self.context_cfg = context_cfg self.setup_done = False self.options = self.scenario_cfg['options'] def setup(self): """scenario setup""" host = self.context_cfg['host'] LOG.info("user:%s, host:%s", host['user'], host['ip']) self.client = ssh.SSH.from_node(host, defaults={"user": "ubuntu"}) self.client.wait(timeout=600) if "runspec_config" in self.options: self.runspec_config = self.options["runspec_config"] self.runspec_config_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "yardstick.resources", 'files/' + self.runspec_config) # copy SPEC CPU2006 config file to host if given self.client._put_file_shell(self.runspec_config_file, '/usr/cpu2006/config/yardstick_spec_cpu2006.cfg') else: self.runspec_config = "Example-linux64-amd64-gcc43+.cfg" self.setup_done = True def run(self, result): """execute the benchmark""" if not self.setup_done: self.setup() cmd = "cd /usr/cpu2006/ && . ./shrc && runspec --config %s" % self.runspec_config cmd_args = "" if "output_format" in self.options: cmd_args += " --output_format %s" % self.options["output_format"] if "runspec_tune" in self.options: cmd_args += " --tune %s" % self.options["runspec_tune"] benchmark_subset = self.options.get('benchmark_subset', None) specint_benchmark = self.options.get('SPECint_benchmark', None) specfp_benchmark = self.options.get('SPECfp_benchmark', None) if benchmark_subset: cmd_args += " %s" % benchmark_subset else: cmd_args += " --noreportable" if "runspec_iterations" in self.options: cmd_args += " --iterations %s" % self.options["runspec_iterations"] if "runspec_size" in self.options: cmd_args += " --size %s" % self.options["runspec_size"] if specint_benchmark: cmd_args += " %s" % specint_benchmark if specfp_benchmark: cmd_args += " %s" % specfp_benchmark cmd += "%s" % cmd_args LOG.debug("Executing command: %s", cmd) status, stdout, stderr = self.client.execute(cmd, timeout=86400) if status: raise RuntimeError(stderr) LOG.info('SPEC CPU2006 benchmark completed, please find benchmark reports \ at /tmp/result directory')