############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import subprocess import os import collections import logging import tempfile import six import pkg_resources import yaml from yardstick import ssh from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.base import Context from yardstick.common.constants import ANSIBLE_DIR, YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH from yardstick.common.ansible_common import AnsibleCommon LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_DISPATCH = 'script' class NodeContext(Context): """Class that handle nodes info""" __context_type__ = "Node" def __init__(self): self.name = None self.file_path = None self.nodes = [] self.networks = {} self.controllers = [] self.computes = [] self.baremetals = [] self.env = {} self.attrs = {} self.DISPATCH_TYPES = { "ansible": self._dispatch_ansible, "script": self._dispatch_script, } super(NodeContext, self).__init__() def read_config_file(self): """Read from config file""" with open(self.file_path) as stream: LOG.info("Parsing pod file: %s", self.file_path) cfg = yaml.safe_load(stream) return cfg def init(self, attrs): """initializes itself from the supplied arguments""" self.name = attrs["name"] self.file_path = file_path = attrs.get("file", "pod.yaml") try: cfg = self.read_config_file() except IOError as io_error: if io_error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise self.file_path = os.path.join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, file_path) cfg = self.read_config_file() self.nodes.extend(cfg["nodes"]) self.controllers.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if node["role"] == "Controller"]) self.computes.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if node["role"] == "Compute"]) self.baremetals.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if node["role"] == "Baremetal"]) LOG.debug("Nodes: %r", self.nodes) LOG.debug("Controllers: %r", self.controllers) LOG.debug("Computes: %r", self.computes) LOG.debug("BareMetals: %r", self.baremetals) self.env = attrs.get('env', {}) self.attrs = attrs LOG.debug("Env: %r", self.env) # add optional static network definition self.networks.update(cfg.get("networks", {})) def deploy(self): config_type = self.env.get('type', DEFAULT_DISPATCH) self.DISPATCH_TYPES[config_type]("setup") def undeploy(self): config_type = self.env.get('type', DEFAULT_DISPATCH) self.DISPATCH_TYPES[config_type]("teardown") super(NodeContext, self).undeploy() def _dispatch_script(self, key): steps = self.env.get(key, []) for step in steps: for host, info in step.items(): self._execute_script(host, info) def _dispatch_ansible(self, key): try: playbooks = self.env[key] except KeyError: pass else: self._do_ansible_job(playbooks) def _do_ansible_job(self, playbooks): self.ansible_exec = AnsibleCommon(nodes=self.nodes, test_vars=self.env) # playbooks relative to ansible dir # playbooks can also be a list of playbooks self.ansible_exec.gen_inventory_ini_dict() if isinstance(playbooks, six.string_types): playbooks = [playbooks] playbooks = [self.fix_ansible_path(playbook) for playbook in playbooks] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ansible-') self.ansible_exec.execute_ansible(playbooks, tmpdir, verbose=self.env.get("verbose", False)) def fix_ansible_path(self, playbook): if not os.path.isabs(playbook): # make relative paths absolute in ANSIBLE_DIR playbook = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_DIR, playbook) return playbook def _get_server(self, attr_name): """lookup server info by name from context attr_name: a name for a server listed in nodes config file """ node_name, name = self.split_name(attr_name) if name is None or self.name != name: return None matching_nodes = (n for n in self.nodes if n["name"] == node_name) try: # A clone is created in order to avoid affecting the # original one. node = dict(next(matching_nodes)) except StopIteration: return None try: duplicate = next(matching_nodes) except StopIteration: pass else: raise ValueError("Duplicate nodes!!! Nodes: %s %s", (node, duplicate)) node["name"] = attr_name node.setdefault("interfaces", {}) return node def _get_network(self, attr_name): if not isinstance(attr_name, collections.Mapping): network = self.networks.get(attr_name) else: # Don't generalize too much Just support vld_id vld_id = attr_name.get('vld_id', {}) # for node context networks are dicts iter1 = (n for n in self.networks.values() if n.get('vld_id') == vld_id) network = next(iter1, None) if network is None: return None result = { # name is required "name": network["name"], "vld_id": network.get("vld_id"), "segmentation_id": network.get("segmentation_id"), "network_type": network.get("network_type"), "physical_network": network.get("physical_network"), } return result def _execute_script(self, node_name, info): if node_name == 'local': self._execute_local_script(info) else: self._execute_remote_script(node_name, info) def _execute_remote_script(self, node_name, info): prefix = self.env.get('prefix', '') script, options = self._get_script(info) script_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(prefix, script) self._get_client(node_name) self.client._put_file_shell(script_file, '~/{}'.format(script)) cmd = 'sudo bash {} {}'.format(script, options) status, stdout, stderr = self.client.execute(cmd) if status: raise RuntimeError(stderr) def _execute_local_script(self, info): script, options = self._get_script(info) script = os.path.join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, script) cmd = ['bash', script, options] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) LOG.debug('\n%s', p.communicate()[0]) def _get_script(self, info): return info.get('script'), info.get('options', '') def _get_client(self, node_name): node = self._get_node_info(node_name.strip()) if node is None: raise SystemExit('No such node') self.client = ssh.SSH.from_node(node, defaults={'user': 'ubuntu'}) self.client.wait(timeout=600) def _get_node_info(self, name): return next((n for n in self.nodes if n['name'].strip() == name))