############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os import errno # this module must only import other modules that do # not require loggers to be created, so this cannot # include yardstick.common.utils from yardstick.common import constants try: # do not use yardstick.common.utils.makedirs # since yardstick.common.utils creates a logger # and so it cannot be imported before this code os.makedirs(constants.LOG_DIR) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise LOG_FILE = os.path.join(constants.LOG_DIR, 'yardstick.log') LOG_FORMATTER = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s' _LOG_FORMATTER = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMATTER) _LOG_STREAM_HDLR = logging.StreamHandler() _LOG_FILE_HDLR = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _init_logging(): LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _LOG_STREAM_HDLR.setFormatter(_LOG_FORMATTER) if os.environ.get('CI_DEBUG', '').lower() in {'1', 'y', "yes", "true"}: _LOG_STREAM_HDLR.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: _LOG_STREAM_HDLR.setLevel(logging.INFO) # don't append to log file, clobber _LOG_FILE_HDLR.setFormatter(_LOG_FORMATTER) _LOG_FILE_HDLR.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) del logging.root.handlers[:] logging.root.addHandler(_LOG_STREAM_HDLR) logging.root.addHandler(_LOG_FILE_HDLR) logging.debug("logging.root.handlers = %s", logging.root.handlers)