[tox] minversion = 2.0 skipsdist = True envlist = py27,py3 [testenv] usedevelop=True passenv = http_proxy HTTP_PROXY https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY no_proxy NO_PROXY deps = -rrequirements.txt commands = /bin/bash ./run_tests.sh whitelist_externals = /bin/bash [flake8] # E125 is deliberately excluded. See https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/126 # The rest of the ignores are TODOs # New from hacking 0.9: E129, E131, H407, H405 # E251 Skipped due to https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/301 # nova flake8 ignores #ignore = E121,E122,E123,E124,E125,E126,E127,E128,E129,E131,E251,H405 # dovetail flake8 ignores ignore = E123,E125,H803 exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,docs,*egg,build