#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import mock from yardstick.network_services.traffic_profile.traffic_profile \ import TrexProfile from yardstick.network_services.traffic_profile.rfc2544 import \ RFC2544Profile class TestRFC2544Profile(unittest.TestCase): TRAFFIC_PROFILE = { "schema": "isb:traffic_profile:0.1", "name": "fixed", "description": "Fixed traffic profile to run UDP traffic", "traffic_profile": { "traffic_type": "FixedTraffic", "frame_rate": 100, # pps "flow_number": 10, "frame_size": 64}} PROFILE = {'description': 'Traffic profile to run RFC2544 latency', 'name': 'rfc2544', 'traffic_profile': {'traffic_type': 'RFC2544Profile', 'frame_rate': 100}, 'public': {'ipv4': {'outer_l2': {'framesize': {'64B': '100', '1518B': '0', '128B': '0', '1400B': '0', '256B': '0', '373b': '0', '570B': '0'}}, 'outer_l3v4': {'dstip4': '', 'proto': 'udp', 'srcip4': '', 'dscp': 0, 'ttl': 32}, 'outer_l4': {'srcport': '2001', 'dsrport': '1234'}}}, 'private': {'ipv4': {'outer_l2': {'framesize': {'64B': '100', '1518B': '0', '128B': '0', '1400B': '0', '256B': '0', '373b': '0', '570B': '0'}}, 'outer_l3v4': {'dstip4': '', 'proto': 'udp', 'srcip4': '', 'dscp': 0, 'ttl': 32}, 'outer_l4': {'dstport': '2001', 'srcport': '1234'}}}, 'schema': 'isb:traffic_profile:0.1'} def test___init__(self): r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) assert r_f_c2544_profile.rate def test_execute(self): traffic_generator = mock.Mock(autospec=TrexProfile) traffic_generator.my_ports = [0, 1] traffic_generator.client = \ mock.Mock(return_value=True) r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) r_f_c2544_profile.params = self.PROFILE r_f_c2544_profile.first_run = True self.assertEqual(None, r_f_c2544_profile.execute(traffic_generator)) def test_get_drop_percentage(self): traffic_generator = mock.Mock(autospec=TrexProfile) traffic_generator.my_ports = [0, 1] traffic_generator.client = \ mock.Mock(return_value=True) r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) r_f_c2544_profile.params = self.PROFILE self.assertEqual(None, r_f_c2544_profile.execute(traffic_generator)) samples = {} for ifname in range(1): name = "xe{}".format(ifname) samples[name] = {"rx_throughput_fps": 20, "tx_throughput_fps": 20, "rx_throughput_mbps": 10, "tx_throughput_mbps": 10, "in_packets": 1000, "out_packets": 1000} tol_min = 100.0 tolerance = 0.0 expected = {'DropPercentage': 0.0, 'RxThroughput': 33, 'TxThroughput': 33, 'CurrentDropPercentage': 0.0, 'Throughput': 33, 'xe0': {'tx_throughput_fps': 20, 'in_packets': 1000, 'out_packets': 1000, 'rx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'tx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'rx_throughput_fps': 20}} self.assertDictEqual(expected, r_f_c2544_profile.get_drop_percentage( traffic_generator, samples, tol_min, tolerance)) def test_get_drop_percentage_update(self): traffic_generator = mock.Mock(autospec=TrexProfile) traffic_generator.my_ports = [0, 1] traffic_generator.client = \ mock.Mock(return_value=True) r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) r_f_c2544_profile.params = self.PROFILE self.assertEqual(None, r_f_c2544_profile.execute(traffic_generator)) samples = {} for ifname in range(1): name = "xe{}".format(ifname) samples[name] = {"rx_throughput_fps": 20, "tx_throughput_fps": 20, "rx_throughput_mbps": 10, "tx_throughput_mbps": 10, "in_packets": 1000, "out_packets": 1002} tol_min = 0.0 tolerance = 1.0 expected = {'DropPercentage': 0.2, 'RxThroughput': 33, 'TxThroughput': 33, 'CurrentDropPercentage': 0.2, 'Throughput': 33, 'xe0': {'tx_throughput_fps': 20, 'in_packets': 1000, 'out_packets': 1002, 'rx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'tx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'rx_throughput_fps': 20}} self.assertDictEqual(expected, r_f_c2544_profile.get_drop_percentage( traffic_generator, samples, tol_min, tolerance)) def test_get_drop_percentage_div_zero(self): traffic_generator = mock.Mock(autospec=TrexProfile) traffic_generator.my_ports = [0, 1] traffic_generator.client = \ mock.Mock(return_value=True) r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) r_f_c2544_profile.params = self.PROFILE self.assertEqual(None, r_f_c2544_profile.execute(traffic_generator)) samples = {} for ifname in range(1): name = "xe{}".format(ifname) samples[name] = {"rx_throughput_fps": 20, "tx_throughput_fps": 20, "rx_throughput_mbps": 10, "tx_throughput_mbps": 10, "in_packets": 1000, "out_packets": 0} tol_min = 0.0 tolerance = 0.0 r_f_c2544_profile.tmp_throughput = 0 expected = {'DropPercentage': 100.0, 'RxThroughput': 33, 'TxThroughput': 0, 'CurrentDropPercentage': 100.0, 'Throughput': 33, 'xe0': {'tx_throughput_fps': 20, 'in_packets': 1000, 'out_packets': 0, 'rx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'tx_throughput_mbps': 10, 'rx_throughput_fps': 20}} self.assertDictEqual(expected, r_f_c2544_profile.get_drop_percentage( traffic_generator, samples, tol_min, tolerance)) def test_get_multiplier(self): r_f_c2544_profile = RFC2544Profile(self.TRAFFIC_PROFILE) r_f_c2544_profile.max_rate = 100 r_f_c2544_profile.min_rate = 100 self.assertEqual("1.0", r_f_c2544_profile.get_multiplier()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()