#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## # Unittest for yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.compute.lmbench.Lmbench import mock import unittest import os from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.compute import cpuload @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.compute.cpuload.ssh') class CPULoadTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ctx = { 'host': { 'ip': '', 'user': 'cirros', 'key_filename': "mykey.key" } } self.result = {} def test_setup_mpstat_installed(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() self.assertIsNotNone(l.client) self.assertTrue(l.setup_done) self.assertTrue(l.has_mpstat) def test_setup_mpstat_not_installed(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (127, '', '') l.setup() self.assertIsNotNone(l.client) self.assertTrue(l.setup_done) self.assertFalse(l.has_mpstat) def test_execute_command_success(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() expected_result = 'abcdefg' mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, expected_result, '') result = l._execute_command("foo") self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) def test_execute_command_failed(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (127, '', 'abcdefg') self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, l._execute_command, "cat /proc/loadavg") def test_get_loadavg(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = \ (0, '1.50 1.45 1.51 3/813 14322', '') result = l._get_loadavg() expected_result = \ {'loadavg': ['1.50', '1.45', '1.51', '3/813', '14322']} self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) def test_get_cpu_usage_mpstat(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() l.interval = 1 l.count = 1 mpstat_output = self._read_file("cpuload_sample_output1.txt") mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, mpstat_output, '') result = l._get_cpu_usage_mpstat() expected_result = \ {"mpstat_minimum": {"cpu": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}, "cpu0": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}}, "mpstat_average": {"cpu": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}, "cpu0": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}}, "mpstat_maximun": {"cpu": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}, "cpu0": {"%steal": "0.00", "%usr": "0.00", "%gnice": "0.00", "%idle": "100.00", "%guest": "0.00", "%iowait": "0.00", "%sys": "0.00", "%soft": "0.00", "%irq": "0.00", "%nice": "0.00"}}} self.assertDictEqual(result, expected_result) def test_get_cpu_usage(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 0, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '') l.setup() l.interval = 0 output = self._read_file("cpuload_sample_output2.txt") mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, output, '') result = l._get_cpu_usage() expected_result = \ {'mpstat': {'cpu': {'%steal': '0.00', '%usr': '11.31', '%gnice': '0.00', '%idle': '81.78', '%iowait': '0.18', '%guest': '5.50', '%sys': '1.19', '%soft': '0.01', '%irq': '0.00', '%nice': '0.03'}, 'cpu0': {'%steal': '0.00', '%usr': '20.00', '%gnice': '0.00', '%idle': '71.60', '%iowait': '0.33', '%guest': '6.61', '%sys': '1.37', '%soft': '0.06', '%irq': '0.00', '%nice': '0.03'}}} self.assertDictEqual(result, expected_result) def test_run_proc_stat(self, mock_ssh): options = { "interval": 1, "count": 1 } args = {'options': options} l = cpuload.CPULoad(args, self.ctx) mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (1, '', '') l.setup() l.interval = 0 stat_output = self._read_file("cpuload_sample_output2.txt") mock_ssh.SSH().execute.side_effect = \ [(0, '1.50 1.45 1.51 3/813 14322', ''), (0, stat_output, '')] l.run(self.result) expected_result = { 'loadavg': ['1.50', '1.45', '1.51', '3/813', '14322'], 'mpstat': {'cpu': {'%steal': '0.00', '%usr': '11.31', '%gnice': '0.00', '%idle': '81.78', '%iowait': '0.18', '%guest': '5.50', '%sys': '1.19', '%soft': '0.01', '%irq': '0.00', '%nice': '0.03'}, 'cpu0': {'%steal': '0.00', '%usr': '20.00', '%gnice': '0.00', '%idle': '71.60', '%iowait': '0.33', '%guest': '6.61', '%sys': '1.37', '%soft': '0.06', '%irq': '0.00', '%nice': '0.03'}}} self.assertDictEqual(self.result, expected_result) def _read_file(self, filename): curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) output = os.path.join(curr_path, filename) with open(output) as f: sample_output = f.read() return sample_output