--- schema: "yardstick:task:0.1" description: > Yardstick TC037 config file; Measure network throughput and packet loss using pktgen; Different amounts of flows are tested with, from 2 up to 1001000; All tests are run 2 times each. First 2 times with the least amount of ports, then 2 times with the next amount of ports, and so on until all packet sizes have been run with; During the measurements system load and network latency are recorded/measured using ping and mpstat, respectively; scenarios: - type: CPUload run_in_background: true options: interval: 1 host: demeter.yardstick-TC037 - type: CPUload run_in_background: true options: interval: 1 host: poseidon.yardstick-TC037 - type: Ping run_in_background: true options: packetsize: 100 host: demeter.yardstick-TC037 target: poseidon.yardstick-TC037 sla: max_rtt: 10 action: monitor {% for num_ports in [1, 10, 50, 100, 300, 500, 750, 1000] %} - type: Pktgen options: packetsize: 64 number_of_ports: {{num_ports}} duration: 20 host: demeter.yardstick-TC037 target: poseidon.yardstick-TC037 runner: type: Iteration iterations: 2 interval: 1 sla: max_ppm: 1000 action: monitor {% endfor %} context: name: yardstick-TC037 image: yardstick-image flavor: yardstick-flavor user: ubuntu placement_groups: pgrp1: policy: "availability" servers: demeter: floating_ip: true placement: "pgrp1" poseidon: floating_ip: true placement: "pgrp1" networks: test: cidr: ''