#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## # Perepare the environment to run yardstick ci : ${DEPLOY_TYPE:='bm'} # Can be any of 'bm' (Bare Metal) or 'virt' (Virtual) : ${INSTALLER_TYPE:='unknown'} : ${NODE_NAME:='unknown'} : ${EXTERNAL_NETWORK:='admin_floating_net'} : ${USER_NAME:='ubuntu'} : ${SSH_KEY:='/root/.ssh/id_rsa'} # Extract network name from EXTERNAL_NETWORK # e.g. EXTERNAL_NETWORK='ext-net;flat;;;;' export EXTERNAL_NETWORK=$(echo $EXTERNAL_NETWORK | cut -f1 -d \;) # Create openstack credentials echo "INFO: Creating openstack credentials .." mkdir -p /etc/yardstick OPENRC=/etc/yardstick/openstack.creds INSTALLERS=(apex compass fuel joid) RC_VAR_EXIST=false if [ "${OS_AUTH_URL}" -a "${OS_USERNAME}" -a "${OS_PASSWORD}" -a "${EXTERNAL_NETWORK}" ];then RC_VAR_EXIST=true fi if [ "${RC_VAR_EXIST}" = false ]; then if [ ! -f $OPENRC ];then # credentials file is not given, check if environment variables are set # to get the creds using fetch_os_creds.sh later on echo "INFO: Checking environment variables INSTALLER_TYPE and INSTALLER_IP" if [ -z ${INSTALLER_TYPE} ]; then echo "environment variable 'INSTALLER_TYPE' is not defined." exit 1 elif [[ ${INSTALLERS[@]} =~ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} ]]; then echo "INSTALLER_TYPE env variable found: ${INSTALLER_TYPE}" else echo "Invalid env variable INSTALLER_TYPE=${INSTALLER_TYPE}" exit 1 fi if [ "$DEPLOY_TYPE" == "virt" ]; then FETCH_CRED_ARG="-v -d $OPENRC -i ${INSTALLER_TYPE} -a ${INSTALLER_IP}" else FETCH_CRED_ARG="-d $OPENRC -i ${INSTALLER_TYPE} -a ${INSTALLER_IP}" fi $RELENG_REPO_DIR/utils/fetch_os_creds.sh $FETCH_CRED_ARG fi source $OPENRC fi export EXTERNAL_NETWORK INSTALLER_TYPE DEPLOY_TYPE NODE_NAME # Prepare a admin-rc file for StorPerf integration $YARDSTICK_REPO_DIR/tests/ci/prepare_storperf_admin-rc.sh # copy Storperf related files to the deployment location if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "compass" ]; then source $YARDSTICK_REPO_DIR/tests/ci/scp_storperf_files.sh fi # Fetching id_rsa file from jump_server..." verify_connectivity() { local ip=$1 echo "Verifying connectivity to $ip..." for i in $(seq 0 10); do if ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip > /dev/null; then echo "$ip is reachable!" return 0 fi sleep 1 done error "Can not talk to $ip." } ssh_options="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "fuel" ]; then #ip_fuel="" verify_connectivity $INSTALLER_IP ssh -l ubuntu ${INSTALLER_IP} -i ${SSH_KEY} ${ssh_options} \ "sudo salt -C 'ctl* or cmp*' grains.get fqdn_ip4 --out yaml">node_info # update node ip info according to the CI env controller_ips=($(cat node_info|awk '/ctl/{getline; print $2}')) compute_ips=($(cat node_info|awk '/cmp/{getline; print $2}')) pod_yaml="./etc/yardstick/nodes/fuel_baremetal/pod.yaml" node_line_num=($(grep -n node[1-5] $pod_yaml | awk -F: '{print $1}')) node_ID=0; # update 'user' and 'key_filename' according to CI env sed -i "s|node_username|${USER_NAME}|;s|node_keyfile|${SSH_KEY}|" $pod_yaml; if [[ ${controller_ips[0]} ]]; then sed -i "${node_line_num[0]}s/node1/node$((++node_ID))/;s/ip1/${controller_ips[0]}/" $pod_yaml; fi if [[ ${controller_ips[1]} ]]; then sed -i "${node_line_num[1]}s/node2/node$((++node_ID))/;s/ip2/${controller_ips[1]}/" $pod_yaml; fi if [[ ${controller_ips[2]} ]]; then sed -i "${node_line_num[2]}s/node3/node$((++node_ID))/;s/ip3/${controller_ips[2]}/" $pod_yaml; fi if [[ ${compute_ips[0]} ]]; then sed -i "${node_line_num[3]}s/node4/node$((++node_ID))/;s/ip4/${compute_ips[0]}/" $pod_yaml; fi if [[ ${compute_ips[1]} ]]; then sed -i "${node_line_num[4]}s/node5/node$((++node_ID))/;s/ip5/${compute_ips[1]}/" $pod_yaml; fi fi