# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- description: Network triggered service request keywords: '' duration: 60 library: test name: network_initiated_service_request tsGroups: - testCases: - name: '' AssociatedPhys: '' parameters: BearerAddrPool: 2001::1 BearerV4AddrPool: BillingEn: 'false' DedicatedsPerDefaultBearer: '0' DefaultBearers: '1' FireballEn: 'false' Gtp2AmbrDownlink: '1' Gtp2AmbrUplink: '1' Gtp2ApnNumSpecifiedApns_0: '0' Gtp2ApnRestriction: '0' Gtp2ApnRetries_0: '0' Gtp2ApnSelectMode: '0' Gtp2ApnSpecified_0: array: [] class: Array Gtp2ApnTotalApns_0: '1' Gtp2Apn_0: ssenoauth146 Gtp2CfgFileEn: 'false' Gtp2Ecgi: '0' Gtp2EcgiSize: '28' Gtp2EchoTimeSec: '0' Gtp2ExtEn: 'false' Gtp2GtpcTunnelEndptId: '1000000' Gtp2GtpuIncludeSeqEn: 'true' Gtp2GtpuTunnelEndptId: '2000000' Gtp2IgnoreRestartCtrEn: 'false' Gtp2Imei: '50502410121507' Gtp2Imsi: '505024101215074' Gtp2IncCgiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncEcgiEn: 'true' Gtp2IncRaiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncSaiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncTaiEn: 'true' Gtp2MacroEnbEn: 'false' Gtp2Mcc: '000' Gtp2Mnc: '000' Gtp2MobGtpuForwardingEndptId: '5000000' Gtp2MsIsdnEn: 'false' Gtp2N3Attempts: '5' Gtp2PagingTimeMs: '0' Gtp2PersistentImsiEn: 'false' Gtp2QosArpPreemptCapEn_1: 'false' Gtp2QosArpPreemptVulnEn_1: 'false' Gtp2QosArpValue_1: '1' Gtp2QosClassId_1: '1' Gtp2QosDetail: Summary Gtp2QosGuarDownlink_1: '1' Gtp2QosGuarUplink_1: '1' Gtp2QosMaxDownlink_1: '1' Gtp2QosMaxUplink_1: '1' Gtp2RadioAccessType: '6' Gtp2ResponseDelayEn: 'false' Gtp2RestartCnt: '1' Gtp2RouterAdDelay: '1' Gtp2S5GtpcTunnelEndptId: '3000000' Gtp2S5GtpuTunnelEndptId: '4000000' Gtp2SupportMabrEn: 'false' Gtp2T3Time: '20' Gtp2Tac: '0' Gtp2Version: 15.2.0 PgwNodeEn: 'true' QciToDscpMarkingsEn: 'false' S5Protocol: GTPv2 Sessions: '1000' SgiPtpTunnelEn: 'false' SgwControlAddr: class: TestNode ethStatsEnabled: 'false' forcedEthInterface: '' innerVlanId: 0 ip: SGW_CONTROL_IP mac: '' mtu: 1500 nextHop: '' numLinksOrNodes: 1 numVlan: 1 phy: SGW_CONTROL_PHY uniqueVlanAddr: 'false' vlanDynamic: 0 vlanId: 0 vlanTagType: 0 vlanUserPriority: 0 SgwControlAddrErrInj: '0' SgwUserAddr: class: TestNode ethStatsEnabled: 'false' forcedEthInterface: '' innerVlanId: 0 ip: SGW_USER_IP mac: '' mtu: 1500 nextHop: '' numLinksOrNodes: 1 numVlan: 1 phy: SGW_USER_PHY uniqueVlanAddr: 'false' vlanDynamic: 0 vlanId: 0 vlanTagType: 0 vlanUserPriority: 0 SgwUserAddrErrInj: '0' SgwUserDualStackEn: 'false' TestType: SGW-NODE TrafficMtu: '1400' UeDhcpV4En: 'false' type: SGW_Node tsId: SGW_NODE_TS_NAME - testCases: - name: '' parameters: ApnDnsEn: 'false' ApnToPgwMappingEn: 'false' AutoStopControlLayer: 'false' ContinuousWithVerification: 'false' CpCiotEpsOptimizationEn: 'false' CtlBearerToDscpEn: 'false' DataHostCfgFileEn: 'false' DataResumeRate: '3000' DataTraffic: Continuous DataUserCfgFileEn: 'false' DedicatedsPerDefaultBearer: '0' DefaultBearers: '1' DisconnectRate: '1000.0' Dmf: class: Dmf instanceGroups: - mainflowIdx: 0 mixType: '' rate: 0.0 rows: - clientPort: 0 context: 0 node: 0 overridePort: 'false' ratingGroup: 0 role: Server serviceId: 0 transport: Any mainflows: - library: test name: Basic UDP DualStackEn: 'false' EDrxValueEn: 'false' EirIfEn: 'false' EmergencyAttachWithImeiEn: 'false' EmergencyAttachWoAuthEn: 'false' EmergencyPdnIndexEn: 'false' EnableExternalData: '0' EnbUserAddr: class: TestNode ethStatsEnabled: 'false' forcedEthInterface: '' innerVlanId: 0 ip: ENB_USER_IP mac: '' mtu: 1500 nextHop: '' numLinksOrNodes: 1 numVlan: 1 phy: ENB_USER_PHY uniqueVlanAddr: 'false' vlanDynamic: 0 vlanId: 0 vlanTagType: 0 vlanUserPriority: 0 EnbUserAddrErrInj: '0' FireballEn: 'false' Gtp2ActivationDelay: '0' Gtp2AmbrDownlink: '1' Gtp2AmbrUplink: '1' Gtp2ApnNumSpecifiedApns_0: '0' Gtp2ApnNumSpecifiedApns_1: '0' Gtp2ApnRestriction: '0' Gtp2ApnRetries_0: '0' Gtp2ApnRetries_1: '0' Gtp2ApnSelectMode: '0' Gtp2ApnSpecified_0: array: [] class: Array Gtp2ApnSpecified_1: array: [] class: Array Gtp2ApnTotalApns_0: '1' Gtp2ApnTotalApns_1: '1' Gtp2Apn_0: ssenoauth146 Gtp2Apn_1: ssenoauth146 Gtp2BearerModEn: 'false' Gtp2CfgFileEn: 'false' Gtp2ChargingChars: '0x0' Gtp2DelayDlPacketNotifReq: '1' Gtp2Ecgi: '0' Gtp2EcgiSize: '28' Gtp2EchoTimeSec: '0' Gtp2EnbUliEn: 'false' Gtp2ExtEn: 'false' Gtp2FwdUplinkDataEcmIdle: 'false' Gtp2GtpcTunnelEndptId: '1000000' Gtp2GtpuIncludeSeqEn: 'true' Gtp2GtpuTunnelEndptId: '2000000' Gtp2IdleEntryTime: '0' Gtp2IgnoreRestartCtrEn: 'false' Gtp2Imei: '50502410121507' Gtp2Imsi: '505024101215074' Gtp2IncCgiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncEcgiEn: 'true' Gtp2IncPcoOpt: none Gtp2IncRaiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncSaiEn: 'false' Gtp2IncTaiEn: 'true' Gtp2MacroEnbEn: 'false' Gtp2MaxWaitTimeEn: 'false' Gtp2Mcc: '000' Gtp2Mnc: '000' Gtp2ModBearerDlDataDelay: '0' Gtp2MsIsdnEn: 'false' Gtp2N3Attempts: '5' Gtp2PagingTimeMs: '0' Gtp2PcoAddEn: 'false' Gtp2PcoIpcpEn: 'false' Gtp2QosArpPreemptCapEn_1: 'false' Gtp2QosArpPreemptVulnEn_1: 'false' Gtp2QosArpValue_1: '1' Gtp2QosClassId_1: '1' Gtp2QosDetail: Summary Gtp2QosGuarDownlink_1: '1' Gtp2QosGuarUplink_1: '1' Gtp2QosMaxDownlink_1: '1' Gtp2QosMaxUplink_1: '1' Gtp2RadioAccessType: '6' Gtp2RejectDedEn: 'false' Gtp2RemoteUeReportTime: '0' Gtp2RestartCnt: '1' Gtp2SupportMabrEn: 'false' Gtp2SwVersionEn: 'false' Gtp2T3Time: '20' Gtp2Tac: '0' Gtp2UeDaySaveTime: '0' Gtp2UeMultPdnConnReqSameApnEn_0: 'false' Gtp2UeTimeZone: '0' Gtp2UliDbCmdCbRspEn: 'true' Gtp2Version: 15.2.0 HomeAddrType: '1' HomeAddrTypePerBearerEn: 'false' HssIfEn: 'false' MmeControlAddr: class: TestNode ethStatsEnabled: 'false' forcedEthInterface: '' innerVlanId: 0 ip: MME_CONTROL_IP mac: '' mtu: 1500 nextHop: '' numLinksOrNodes: 1 numVlan: 1 phy: MME_CONTROL_PHY uniqueVlanAddr: 'false' vlanDynamic: 0 vlanId: 0 vlanTagType: 0 vlanUserPriority: 0 MmeControlAddrErrInj: '0' MultipathTcpEn: 'false' NetworkHost: Local NetworkHostAddrLocal: class: TestNode ethStatsEnabled: 'false' forcedEthInterface: '' innerVlanId: 0 ip: NET_HOST_IP mac: '' mtu: 1500 nextHop: '' numLinksOrNodes: 1 numVlan: 1 phy: NET_HOST_PHY uniqueVlanAddr: 'false' vlanDynamic: 0 vlanId: 0 vlanTagType: 0 vlanUserPriority: 0 NetworkHostAddrLocalErrInj: '0' NetworkHostNatedTrafficEn: 'false' PgwNodeEn: 'false' PgwUserSutEn: 'false' PgwV4Sut: class: Sut name: PGW_SUT_NAME QciToDscpMarkingsEn: 'false' S5Protocol: GTPv2 SecPgwV4SutEn: 'false' SessionIntervalShape: Fixed SessionRetries: 'true' Sessions: '1000' SgwNumSutsEn: 'false' SgwSut: class: Sut name: PGW_SUT_NAME SgwUserSut: class: Sut name: SGW_USER_NAME StartRate: '1000.0' T3324PwrSavingValueEn: 'false' T3412ExValueEn: 'false' TestActivity: Capacity Test TestType: SGW-NODAL TrafficDontFragIp: '0' TrafficErrorInject: '0' TrafficHostIdleTimeEnabler: 'false' TrafficMtu: '1400' TrafficStartDelay: '10000' TrafficStartType: When All Sessions Established UeDhcpV4En: 'false' UseStaticBearerIp: 'false' type: SGW_Nodal tsId: SGW_NODAL_TS_NAME