--- # Sample benchmark task config file # Measure network latency using ping, destination is an external server # Make sure servers have internet access before running this test. # For example using virtual MOS do something this on the host: # sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s \! -d -j MASQUERADE # # This sample demonstrates the use of runner actions - hooks inserted in # diffrent places of the runner execution. # schema: "yardstick:task:0.1" scenarios: - type: Ping host: goofy.demo target: runner: type: Duration duration: 60 interval: 1 pre-start-action: command: "heat stack-show demo" periodic-action: interval: 10 command: "ifconfig vboxnet1" single-shot-action: after: 30 command: "nova show goofy.demo" post-stop-action: command: "nova list" sla: max_rtt: 10 action: monitor context: name: demo image: cirros-0.3.3 flavor: m1.tiny user: cirros servers: goofy: floating_ip: true networks: test: cidr: '' external_network: "net04_ext"