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.. (c) OPNFV, Ericsson AB, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.

Installing a plug-in into yardstick


Yardstick currently provides a ``plugin`` CLI command to support integration
with other OPNFV testing projects. Below is an example invocation of yardstick
plugin command and Storperf plug-in sample.

Installing Storperf into yardstick

Storperf is delivered as a Docker container from

There are two possible methods for installation in your environment:

* Run container on Jump Host
* Run container in a VM

In this introduction we will install Storperf on Jump Host.

Step 0: Environment preparation

Running Storperf on Jump Host

* Docker must be installed
* Jump Host must have access to the OpenStack Controller API
* Jump Host must have internet connectivity for downloading docker image
* Enough floating IPs must be available to match your agent count

Before installing Storperf into yardstick you need to check your openstack
environment and other dependencies:

1. Make sure docker is installed.
2. Make sure Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Heat are installed correctly.
3. Make sure Jump Host have access to the OpenStack Controller API.
4. Make sure Jump Host must have internet connectivity for downloading docker image.
5. You need to know where to get basic openstack Keystone authorization info, such as
6. To run a Storperf container, you need to have OpenStack Controller environment
   variables defined and passed to Storperf container. The best way to do this is to
   put environment variables in a "storperf_admin-rc" file. The storperf_admin-rc
   should include credential environment variables at least:


For this storperf_admin-rc file, during environment preparation a "prepare_storperf_admin-rc.sh"
script can be used to generate it.

  TENANT_ID=`keystone tenant-get admin|grep 'id'|awk -F '|' '{print $3}'|sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'`
  rm -f ~/storperf_admin-rc
  touch ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_AUTH_URL="$AUTH_URL >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_USERNAME="$USERNAME >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_PASSWORD="$PASSWORD >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_TENANT_NAME="$TENANT_NAME >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION="$VOLUME_API_VERSION >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_PROJECT_NAME="$PROJECT_NAME >> ~/storperf_admin-rc
  echo "OS_TENANT_ID="$TENANT_ID >> ~/storperf_admin-rc

Step 1: Plug-in configuration file preparation

To install a plug-in, first you need to prepare a plug-in configuration file in
YAML format and store it in the "plugin" directory. The plugin configration file
work as the input of yardstick "plugin" command. Below is the Storperf plug-in
configuration file sample:

  # StorPerf plugin configuration file
  # Used for integration StorPerf into Yardstick as a plugin
  schema: "yardstick:plugin:0.1"
    name: storperf
    user: root
    password: root

In the plug-in configuration file, you need to specify the plug-in name and the
plug-in deployment info, including node ip, node login username and password.
Here the Storperf will be installed on IP which is the Jump Host
in my local environment.

Step 2: Plug-in install/remove scripts preparation

Under "yardstick/resource/scripts directory", there are two folders: a "install"
folder and a "remove" folder. You need to store the plug-in install/remove script
in these two folders respectively.

The detailed installation or remove operation should de defined in these two scripts.
The name of both install and remove scripts should match the plugin-in name that you
specified in the plug-in configuration file.
For example, the install and remove scripts for Storperf are both named to "storperf.bash".

Step 3: Install and remove Storperf

To install Storperf, simply execute the following command

  # Install Storperf
  yardstick plugin install plugin/storperf.yaml

removing Storperf from yardstick

To remove Storperf, simply execute the following command

  # Remove Storperf
  yardstick plugin remove plugin/storperf.yaml

What yardstick plugin command does is using the username and password to log into the deployment target and then execute the corresponding install or remove script.