############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import logging import threading import time from docker import Client from yardstick.common import constants as config from yardstick.common import utils as yardstick_utils from api import conf as api_conf from api.utils import common as common_utils from api.utils import influx logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def createInfluxDBContainer(args): try: container = _create_influxdb_container() _config_output_file() thread = threading.Thread(target=_config_influxdb) thread.start() return common_utils.result_handler('success', container) except Exception as e: message = 'Failed to create influxdb container: %s' % e return common_utils.error_handler(message) def _create_influxdb_container(): client = Client(base_url=config.DOCKER_URL) ports = [8083, 8086] port_bindings = {k: k for k in ports} host_config = client.create_host_config(port_bindings=port_bindings) container = client.create_container(image='tutum/influxdb', ports=ports, detach=True, tty=True, host_config=host_config) client.start(container) return container def _config_influxdb(): time.sleep(20) try: client = influx.get_data_db_client() client.create_user(config.USER, config.PASSWORD, config.DATABASE) client.create_database(config.DATABASE) logger.info('Success to config influxDB') except Exception as e: logger.debug('Failed to config influxDB: %s', e) def _config_output_file(): yardstick_utils.makedirs('/etc/yardstick') with open('/etc/yardstick/yardstick.conf', 'w') as f: f.write("""\ [DEFAULT] debug = False dispatcher = influxdb [dispatcher_file] file_path = /tmp/yardstick.out [dispatcher_http] timeout = 5 # target = [dispatcher_influxdb] timeout = 5 target = http://%s:8086 db_name = yardstick username = root password = root """ % api_conf.GATEWAY_IP)