# Copyright 2016 Red Hat Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ veth port emulation """ import logging import os from tools import tasks _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def add_veth_port(port, peer_port): """ Add a veth port :param port:port name for the first port :param peer_port: port name for the peer port :return: None """ # touch some files in a tmp area so we can track them. This allows us to # track VSPerf created veth ports so they can be cleaned up if needed. if not os.path.isdir('/tmp/veth'): try: os.mkdir('/tmp/veth') except os.error: # OK don't crash but cleanup may be an issue _LOGGER.error('Unable to create veth temp folder.') _LOGGER.error( 'Veth ports may not be removed on testcase completion') if os.path.isdir('/tmp/veth'): with open('/tmp/veth/{}-{}'.format(port, peer_port), 'a'): os.utime('/tmp/veth/{}-{}'.format(port, peer_port), None) tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'add', port, 'type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', peer_port], _LOGGER, 'Adding veth port {} with peer port {}...'.format( port, peer_port), False) def bring_up_eth_port(eth_port, namespace=None): """ Bring up an eth port :param eth_port: string of eth port to bring up :param namespace: Namespace eth port it located if needed :return: None """ if namespace: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace, 'ip', 'link', 'set', eth_port, 'up'], _LOGGER, 'Bringing up port {} in namespace {}...'.format( eth_port, namespace), False) else: tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'set', eth_port, 'up'], _LOGGER, 'Bringing up port...', False) def del_veth_port(port, peer_port): """ Delete the veth ports, the peer will automatically be deleted on deletion of the first port param :param port: port name to delete :param port: peer port name :return: None """ # delete the file if it exists in the temp area if os.path.exists('/tmp/veth/{}-{}'.format(port, peer_port)): os.remove('/tmp/veth/{}-{}'.format(port, peer_port)) tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'ip', 'link', 'del', port], _LOGGER, 'Deleting veth port {} with peer {}...'.format( port, peer_port), False) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def validate_add_veth_port(result, port, peer_port): """ Validation function for integration testcases """ devs = os.listdir('/sys/class/net') return all([port in devs, peer_port in devs]) def validate_bring_up_eth_port(result, eth_port, namespace=None): """ Validation function for integration testcases """ command = list() if namespace: command += ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] command += ['cat', '/sys/class/net/{}/operstate'.format(eth_port)] out = tasks.run_task(command, _LOGGER, 'Validating port up...', False) # since different types of ports may report different status the best way # we can do this for now is to just make sure it doesn't say down if 'down' in out: return False return True def validate_del_veth_port(result, port, peer_port): """ Validation function for integration testcases """ devs = os.listdir('/sys/class/net') return not any([port in devs, peer_port in devs])