Test ID: {{ tests[0].ID }} -------------------------- Test Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is the environment that the test was performed in: * OS: {{tests[0].env.os}} * Kernel Version: {{tests[0].env.kernel}} * NIC(s):{% for nic in tests[0].env.nics %} * {{nic}}{% endfor %} * Board: {{tests[0].env.platform}} * CPU: {{tests[0].env.cpu}} * CPU cores: {{tests[0].env.cpu_cores}} * Memory: {{tests[0].env.memory}} * Virtual Switch Set-up: {{tests[0].deployment}} * vswitchperf: GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vsperf['git_tag']}} * Traffic Generator: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['git_tag']}} * vSwitch: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['git_tag']}} {%- if 'dpdk' in tests[0].env %} * DPDK Version: {{tests[0].env.dpdk['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.dpdk['git_tag']}} {%- endif %} {%- if 'vnf' in tests[0].env %} * VNF: {{tests[0].env.vnf['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.vnf['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vnf['git_tag']}} * VM images:{% for guest_image in tests[0].env.guest_image %} * {{guest_image}}{% endfor %} * VM loopback apps:{% for loopback_app in tests[0].env.loopback_app %} * {{loopback_app['name']}}, Version: {{loopback_app['version']}}, GIT tag: {{loopback_app['git_tag']}}{% endfor %} {%- endif %} Below are test details: * Test ID: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].id) }} * Description: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].conf['Description']) }} * Deployment: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].deployment) }} * Traffic type: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].result['type']) }} * Bidirectional : {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].conf['biDirectional']) }} {%- if tests[0].result['tunnel_type'] %} * Tunnel type: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].result['tunnel_type']) }} {%- endif %} {% for test in tests %} Test results for packet size: {{ "%s"|format(test.result['packet_size']) }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A detailed summary of the main results is outlined below. Results/Metrics Collected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following are the metrics obtained during this test: ========================== ================================== Metric Result ========================== ================================== {%- for item, value in test.result.items() %} {{ "%-30s %30s"|format(item,value)}} {%- endfor %} ========================== ================================== Statistics collected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following system statistics were collected during testcase execution: {% for process in test.stats %} ========================== ================================== Process: {{ '_'.join(process.split('_')[:-1]) }} ------------------------------------------------------------- Statistic Value ========================== ================================== {%- for item, value in test.stats[process].items() %} {{ "%-30s %30s"|format(item,value)}} {%- endfor %} ========================== ================================== {% endfor %}{% endfor %} Anomalies ~~~~~~~~~~ No anomalies were detected during the course of this test. Testing Activities/Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pidstat is used to collect the process statistics, as such some values such as %CPU and %USER maybe > 100% as the values are summed across multiple cores. For more info on pidstat please see: http://linux.die.net/man/1/pidstat. Known issues: Some reported metrics have the value "unkown". These values are marked unknown as they are not values retrieved from the external tester (traffic generator). They were incorrectly derived in a way that made assumptions about packet sizes, as such they have been deprecated from vsperf and marked as unknown. They will be resolved in the next release. .. There must be blank lines around to ensure correct formatting.