# Copyright 2017 Martin Goldammer, OPNFV, Red Hat Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Trex Traffic Generator Model """ # pylint: disable=undefined-variable import logging import subprocess import sys import time import os import re from collections import OrderedDict # pylint: disable=unused-import import netaddr import zmq from conf import settings from conf import merge_spec from core.results.results_constants import ResultsConstants from tools.pkt_gen.trafficgen.trafficgen import ITrafficGenerator try: # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, import-error sys.path.append(settings.getValue('PATHS')['trafficgen']['Trex']['src']['path']) from trex_stl_lib.api import * from trex_stl_lib import trex_stl_exceptions except ImportError: # VSPERF performs detection of T-Rex api during testcase initialization. So if # T-Rex is requsted and API is not available it will fail before this code # is reached. # This code can be reached in case that --list-trafficgens is called, but T-Rex # api is not installed. In this case we can ignore an exception, becuase T-Rex # import won't be used. pass _EMPTY_STATS = { 'global': {'bw_per_core': 0.0, 'cpu_util': 0.0, 'queue_full': 0.0, 'rx_bps': 0.0, 'rx_cpu_util': 0.0, 'rx_drop_bps': 0.0, 'rx_pps': 0.0, 'tx_bps': 0.0, 'tx_pps': 0.0,}, 'latency': {}, 'total': {'ibytes': 0.0, 'ierrors': 0.0, 'ipackets': 0.0, 'obytes': 0.0, 'oerrors': 0.0, 'opackets': 0.0, 'rx_bps': 0.0, 'rx_bps_L1': 0.0, 'rx_pps': 0.0, 'rx_util': 0.0, 'tx_bps': 0.0, 'tx_bps_L1': 0.0, 'tx_pps': 0.0, 'tx_util': 0.0,}} # Default frame definition, which can be overridden by TRAFFIC['scapy']. # The content of the frame and its network layers are driven by TRAFFIC # dictionary, i.e. 'l2', 'l3, 'l4' and 'vlan' parts. _SCAPY_FRAME = { '0' : 'Ether(src={Ether_src}, dst={Ether_dst})/' 'Dot1Q(prio={Dot1Q_prio}, id={Dot1Q_id}, vlan={Dot1Q_vlan})/' 'IP(proto={IP_proto}, src={IP_src}, dst={IP_dst})/' '{IP_PROTO}(sport={IP_PROTO_sport}, dport={IP_PROTO_dport})', '1' : 'Ether(src={Ether_dst}, dst={Ether_src})/' 'Dot1Q(prio={Dot1Q_prio}, id={Dot1Q_id}, vlan={Dot1Q_vlan})/' 'IP(proto={IP_proto}, src={IP_dst}, dst={IP_src})/' '{IP_PROTO}(sport={IP_PROTO_dport}, dport={IP_PROTO_sport})', } class Trex(ITrafficGenerator): """Trex Traffic generator wrapper.""" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self): """Trex class constructor.""" super().__init__() self._logger.info("In trex __init__ method") self._params = {} self._trex_host_ip_addr = ( settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_HOST_IP_ADDR')) self._trex_base_dir = ( settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_BASE_DIR')) self._trex_user = settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_USER') self._stlclient = None self._verification_params = None self._show_packet_data = False def show_packet_info(self, packet_a, packet_b): """ Log packet layers to screen :param packet_a: Scapy.layers packet :param packet_b: Scapy.layers packet :return: None """ # we only want to show packet data once per test if self._show_packet_data: self._show_packet_data = False self._logger.info(packet_a.show()) self._logger.info(packet_b.show()) def connect(self): '''Connect to Trex traffic generator Verify that Trex is on the system indicated by the configuration file ''' self._stlclient = STLClient() self._logger.info("T-Rex: In Trex connect method...") if self._trex_host_ip_addr: cmd_ping = "ping -c1 " + self._trex_host_ip_addr else: raise RuntimeError('T-Rex: Trex host not defined') ping = subprocess.Popen(cmd_ping, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = ping.communicate() if ping.returncode: self._logger.error(error) self._logger.error(output) raise RuntimeError('T-Rex: Cannot ping Trex host at ' + \ self._trex_host_ip_addr) connect_trex = "ssh " + self._trex_user + \ "@" + self._trex_host_ip_addr cmd_find_trex = connect_trex + " ls " + \ self._trex_base_dir + "t-rex-64" find_trex = subprocess.Popen(cmd_find_trex, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = find_trex.communicate() if find_trex.returncode: self._logger.error(error) self._logger.error(output) raise RuntimeError( 'T-Rex: Cannot locate Trex program at %s within %s' \ % (self._trex_host_ip_addr, self._trex_base_dir)) try: self._stlclient = STLClient(username=self._trex_user, server=self._trex_host_ip_addr, verbose_level=0) self._stlclient.connect() except STLError: raise RuntimeError('T-Rex: Cannot connect to T-Rex server. Please check if it is ' 'running and that firewall allows connection to TCP port 4501.') self._logger.info("T-Rex: Trex host successfully found...") def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the traffic generator. As with :func:`connect`, this function is optional. Where implemented, this function should raise an exception on failure. :returns: None """ self._logger.info("T-Rex: In trex disconnect method") self._stlclient.disconnect(stop_traffic=True, release_ports=True) def create_packets(self, traffic, ports_info): """Create base packet according to traffic specification. If traffic haven't specified srcmac and dstmac fields packet will be created with mac address of trex server. """ if not traffic or traffic['l2']['framesize'] <= 0: return (None, None) if traffic['l2']['dstmac'] == '00:00:00:00:00:00' and \ traffic['l2']['srcmac'] == '00:00:00:00:00:00': mac_add = [li['hw_mac'] for li in ports_info] src_mac = mac_add[0] dst_mac = mac_add[1] else: src_mac = traffic['l2']['srcmac'] dst_mac = traffic['l2']['dstmac'] if traffic['scapy']['enabled']: base_pkt_a = traffic['scapy']['0'] base_pkt_b = traffic['scapy']['1'] else: base_pkt_a = _SCAPY_FRAME['0'] base_pkt_b = _SCAPY_FRAME['1'] # check and remove network layers disabled by TRAFFIC dictionary # Note: In general, it is possible to remove layers from scapy object by # e.g. del base_pkt_a['IP']. However it doesn't work for all layers # (e.g. Dot1Q). Thus it is safer to modify string with scapy frame definition # directly, before it is converted to the real scapy object. if not traffic['vlan']['enabled']: self._logger.info('VLAN headers are disabled by TRAFFIC') base_pkt_a = re.sub(r'(^|\/)Dot1Q?\([^\)]*\)', '', base_pkt_a) base_pkt_b = re.sub(r'(^|\/)Dot1Q?\([^\)]*\)', '', base_pkt_b) if not traffic['l3']['enabled']: self._logger.info('IP headers are disabled by TRAFFIC') base_pkt_a = re.sub(r'(^|\/)IP(v6)?\([^\)]*\)', '', base_pkt_a) base_pkt_b = re.sub(r'(^|\/)IP(v6)?\([^\)]*\)', '', base_pkt_b) if not traffic['l4']['enabled']: self._logger.info('%s headers are disabled by TRAFFIC', traffic['l3']['proto'].upper()) base_pkt_a = re.sub(r'(^|\/)(UDP|TCP|SCTP|{{IP_PROTO}}|{})\([^\)]*\)'.format( traffic['l3']['proto'].upper()), '', base_pkt_a) base_pkt_b = re.sub(r'(^|\/)(UDP|TCP|SCTP|{{IP_PROTO}}|{})\([^\)]*\)'.format( traffic['l3']['proto'].upper()), '', base_pkt_b) # pylint: disable=eval-used base_pkt_a = eval(base_pkt_a.format( Ether_src=repr(src_mac), Ether_dst=repr(dst_mac), Dot1Q_prio=traffic['vlan']['priority'], Dot1Q_id=traffic['vlan']['cfi'], Dot1Q_vlan=traffic['vlan']['id'], IP_proto=repr(traffic['l3']['proto']), IP_PROTO=traffic['l3']['proto'].upper(), IP_src=repr(traffic['l3']['srcip']), IP_dst=repr(traffic['l3']['dstip']), IP_PROTO_sport=traffic['l4']['srcport'], IP_PROTO_dport=traffic['l4']['dstport'])) base_pkt_b = eval(base_pkt_b.format( Ether_src=repr(src_mac), Ether_dst=repr(dst_mac), Dot1Q_prio=traffic['vlan']['priority'], Dot1Q_id=traffic['vlan']['cfi'], Dot1Q_vlan=traffic['vlan']['id'], IP_proto=repr(traffic['l3']['proto']), IP_PROTO=traffic['l3']['proto'].upper(), IP_src=repr(traffic['l3']['srcip']), IP_dst=repr(traffic['l3']['dstip']), IP_PROTO_sport=traffic['l4']['srcport'], IP_PROTO_dport=traffic['l4']['dstport'])) return (base_pkt_a, base_pkt_b) @staticmethod def create_streams(base_pkt_a, base_pkt_b, traffic): """Add the base packet to the streams. Erase FCS and add payload according to traffic specification """ stream_1_lat = None stream_2_lat = None frame_size = int(traffic['l2']['framesize']) fsize_no_fcs = frame_size - 4 payload_a = max(0, fsize_no_fcs - len(base_pkt_a)) * 'x' payload_b = max(0, fsize_no_fcs - len(base_pkt_b)) * 'x' # Multistream configuration, increments source values only ms_mod = list() # mod list for incrementing values to be populated based on layer if traffic['multistream'] > 1: if traffic['stream_type'].upper() == 'L2': for _ in [base_pkt_a, base_pkt_b]: ms_mod += [STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_start", min_value=0, max_value=traffic['multistream'] - 1, size=4, op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="mac_start", pkt_offset=7)] elif traffic['stream_type'].upper() == 'L3': ip_src = {"start": int(netaddr.IPAddress(traffic['l3']['srcip'])), "end": int(netaddr.IPAddress(traffic['l3']['srcip'])) + traffic['multistream'] - 1} ip_dst = {"start": int(netaddr.IPAddress(traffic['l3']['dstip'])), "end": int(netaddr.IPAddress(traffic['l3']['dstip'])) + traffic['multistream'] - 1} for ip_address in [ip_src, ip_dst]: ms_mod += [STLVmFlowVar(name="ip_src", min_value=ip_address['start'], max_value=ip_address['end'], size=4, op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="ip_src", pkt_offset="IP.src")] elif traffic['stream_type'].upper() == 'L4': for udpport in [traffic['l4']['srcport'], traffic['l4']['dstport']]: if udpport + (traffic['multistream'] - 1) > 65535: start_port = udpport # find the max/min port number based on the loop around of 65535 to 0 if needed minimum_value = 65535 - (traffic['multistream'] -1) maximum_value = 65535 else: start_port, minimum_value = udpport, udpport maximum_value = start_port + (traffic['multistream'] - 1) ms_mod += [STLVmFlowVar(name="port_src", init_value=start_port, min_value=minimum_value, max_value=maximum_value, size=2, op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="port_src", pkt_offset="UDP.sport"),] if ms_mod: # multistream detected pkt_a = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt_a/payload_a, vm=[ms_mod[0], ms_mod[1]]) pkt_b = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt_b/payload_b, vm=[ms_mod[2], ms_mod[3]]) else: pkt_a = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt_a / payload_a) pkt_b = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt_b / payload_b) stream_1 = STLStream(packet=pkt_a, name='stream_1', mode=STLTXCont(percentage=traffic['frame_rate'])) stream_2 = STLStream(packet=pkt_b, name='stream_2', mode=STLTXCont(percentage=traffic['frame_rate'])) lat_pps = settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_LATENCY_PPS') if lat_pps > 0: stream_1_lat = STLStream(packet=pkt_a, flow_stats=STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id=0), name='stream_1_lat', mode=STLTXCont(pps=lat_pps)) stream_2_lat = STLStream(packet=pkt_b, flow_stats=STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id=1), name='stream_2_lat', mode=STLTXCont(pps=lat_pps)) return (stream_1, stream_2, stream_1_lat, stream_2_lat) def generate_traffic(self, traffic, duration, disable_capture=False): """The method that generate a stream """ my_ports = [0, 1] # initialize ports self._stlclient.reset(my_ports) self._stlclient.remove_all_captures() self._stlclient.set_service_mode(ports=my_ports, enabled=False) ports_info = self._stlclient.get_port_info(my_ports) # get max support speed max_speed = 0 if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_FORCE_PORT_SPEED'): max_speed = settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_PORT_SPEED') elif ports_info[0]['supp_speeds']: max_speed_1 = max(ports_info[0]['supp_speeds']) max_speed_2 = max(ports_info[1]['supp_speeds']) else: # if max supported speed not in port info or set manually, just assume 10G max_speed = 10000 if not max_speed: # since we can only control both ports at once take the lower of the two max_speed = min(max_speed_1, max_speed_2) gbps_speed = (max_speed / 1000) * (float(traffic['frame_rate']) / 100.0) self._logger.debug('Starting traffic at %s Gpbs speed', gbps_speed) # for SR-IOV if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_PROMISCUOUS'): self._stlclient.set_port_attr(my_ports, promiscuous=True) packet_1, packet_2 = self.create_packets(traffic, ports_info) self.show_packet_info(packet_1, packet_2) stream_1, stream_2, stream_1_lat, stream_2_lat = Trex.create_streams(packet_1, packet_2, traffic) self._stlclient.add_streams(stream_1, ports=[0]) self._stlclient.add_streams(stream_2, ports=[1]) if stream_1_lat is not None: self._stlclient.add_streams(stream_1_lat, ports=[0]) self._stlclient.add_streams(stream_2_lat, ports=[1]) # enable traffic capture if requested pcap_id = {} if traffic['capture']['enabled'] and not disable_capture: for ports in ['tx_ports', 'rx_ports']: if traffic['capture'][ports]: pcap_dir = ports[:2] self._logger.info("T-Rex starting %s traffic capture", pcap_dir.upper()) capture = {ports : traffic['capture'][ports], 'limit' : traffic['capture']['count'], 'bpf_filter' : traffic['capture']['filter']} self._stlclient.set_service_mode(ports=traffic['capture'][ports], enabled=True) pcap_id[pcap_dir] = self._stlclient.start_capture(**capture) self._stlclient.clear_stats() # if the user did not start up T-Rex server with more than default cores, use default mask. # Otherwise use mask to take advantage of multiple cores. try: self._stlclient.start(ports=my_ports, force=True, duration=duration, mult="{}gbps".format(gbps_speed), core_mask=self._stlclient.CORE_MASK_PIN) except STLError: self._stlclient.start(ports=my_ports, force=True, duration=duration, mult="{}gbps".format(gbps_speed)) self._stlclient.wait_on_traffic(ports=my_ports) stats = self._stlclient.get_stats(sync_now=True) # export captured data into pcap file if possible if pcap_id: for pcap_dir in pcap_id: pcap_file = 'capture_{}.pcap'.format(pcap_dir) self._stlclient.stop_capture(pcap_id[pcap_dir]['id'], os.path.join(settings.getValue('RESULTS_PATH'), pcap_file)) stats['capture_{}'.format(pcap_dir)] = pcap_file self._logger.info("T-Rex writing %s traffic capture into %s", pcap_dir.upper(), pcap_file) # disable service mode for all ports used by Trex self._stlclient.set_service_mode(ports=my_ports, enabled=False) return stats @staticmethod def calculate_results(stats): """Calculate results from Trex statistic """ result = OrderedDict() result[ResultsConstants.TX_FRAMES] = ( stats["total"]["opackets"]) result[ResultsConstants.RX_FRAMES] = ( stats["total"]["ipackets"]) result[ResultsConstants.TX_RATE_FPS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float(stats["total"]["tx_pps"]))) result[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_FPS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float(stats["total"]["rx_pps"]))) result[ResultsConstants.TX_RATE_MBPS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float(stats["total"]["tx_bps"] / 1000000))) result[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_MBPS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float(stats["total"]["rx_bps"] / 1000000))) result[ResultsConstants.TX_RATE_PERCENT] = 'Unknown' result[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_PERCENT] = 'Unknown' if stats["total"]["opackets"]: result[ResultsConstants.FRAME_LOSS_PERCENT] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float((stats["total"]["opackets"] - stats["total"]["ipackets"]) * 100 / stats["total"]["opackets"]))) else: result[ResultsConstants.FRAME_LOSS_PERCENT] = 100 if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_LATENCY_PPS') > 0 and stats['latency']: result[ResultsConstants.MIN_LATENCY_NS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( (float(min(stats["latency"][0]["latency"]["total_min"], stats["latency"][1]["latency"]["total_min"]))))) result[ResultsConstants.MAX_LATENCY_NS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( (float(max(stats["latency"][0]["latency"]["total_max"], stats["latency"][1]["latency"]["total_max"]))))) result[ResultsConstants.AVG_LATENCY_NS] = ( '{:.3f}'.format( float((stats["latency"][0]["latency"]["average"]+ stats["latency"][1]["latency"]["average"])/2))) else: result[ResultsConstants.MIN_LATENCY_NS] = 'Unknown' result[ResultsConstants.MAX_LATENCY_NS] = 'Unknown' result[ResultsConstants.AVG_LATENCY_NS] = 'Unknown' if 'capture_tx' in stats: result[ResultsConstants.CAPTURE_TX] = stats['capture_tx'] if 'capture_rx' in stats: result[ResultsConstants.CAPTURE_RX] = stats['capture_rx'] return result def learning_packets(self, traffic): """ Send learning packets before testing :param traffic: traffic structure as per send_cont_traffic guidelines :return: None """ self._logger.info("T-Rex sending learning packets") learning_thresh_traffic = copy.deepcopy(traffic) learning_thresh_traffic["frame_rate"] = 1 self.generate_traffic(learning_thresh_traffic, settings.getValue("TRAFFICGEN_TREX_LEARNING_DURATION"), disable_capture=True) self._logger.info("T-Rex finished learning packets") time.sleep(3) # allow packets to complete before starting test traffic def run_trials(self, traffic, boundaries, duration, lossrate): """ Run rfc2544 trial loop :param traffic: traffic profile dictionary :param boundaries: A dictionary of three keys left, right, center to dictate the highest, lowest, and starting point of the binary search. Values are percentages of line rates for each key. :param duration: length in seconds for trials :param lossrate: loweset loss rate percentage calculated from comparision between received and sent packets :return: passing stats as dictionary """ threshold = settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_RFC2544_TPUT_THRESHOLD') stats_ok = _EMPTY_STATS new_params = copy.deepcopy(traffic) iteration = 1 left = boundaries['left'] right = boundaries['right'] center = boundaries['center'] self._logger.info('Starting RFC2544 trials') while (right - left) > threshold: stats = self.generate_traffic(new_params, duration) test_lossrate = ((stats["total"]["opackets"] - stats[ "total"]["ipackets"]) * 100) / stats["total"]["opackets"] if stats["total"]["ipackets"] == 0: self._logger.error('No packets recieved. Test failed') return _EMPTY_STATS if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_VERIFICATION_MODE'): if test_lossrate <= lossrate: # save the last passing trial for verification self._verification_params = copy.deepcopy(new_params) packets_lost = stats['total']['opackets'] - stats['total']['ipackets'] self._logger.debug("Iteration: %s, frame rate: %s, throughput_rx_fps: %s," + " frames lost %s, frame_loss_percent: %s", iteration, "{:.3f}".format(new_params['frame_rate']), stats['total']['rx_pps'], packets_lost, "{:.3f}".format(test_lossrate)) if test_lossrate == 0.0 and new_params['frame_rate'] == traffic['frame_rate']: return copy.deepcopy(stats) elif test_lossrate > lossrate: right = center center = (left + right) / 2 new_params = copy.deepcopy(traffic) new_params['frame_rate'] = center else: stats_ok = copy.deepcopy(stats) left = center center = (left + right) / 2 new_params = copy.deepcopy(traffic) new_params['frame_rate'] = center iteration += 1 return stats_ok def send_cont_traffic(self, traffic=None, duration=30): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ self._logger.info("In Trex send_cont_traffic method") self._params.clear() self._show_packet_data = True self._params['traffic'] = self.traffic_defaults.copy() if traffic: self._params['traffic'] = merge_spec( self._params['traffic'], traffic) if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_LEARNING_MODE'): self.learning_packets(traffic) self._logger.info("T-Rex sending traffic") stats = self.generate_traffic(traffic, duration) return self.calculate_results(stats) def start_cont_traffic(self, traffic=None, duration=30): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex start cont traffic not implemented') def stop_cont_traffic(self): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex stop_cont_traffic method not implemented') def send_rfc2544_throughput(self, traffic=None, tests=1, duration=60, lossrate=0.0): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ self._logger.info("In Trex send_rfc2544_throughput method") self._params.clear() self._show_packet_data = True self._params['traffic'] = self.traffic_defaults.copy() if traffic: self._params['traffic'] = merge_spec( self._params['traffic'], traffic) if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_LEARNING_MODE'): self.learning_packets(traffic) self._verification_params = copy.deepcopy(traffic) binary_bounds = {'right' : traffic['frame_rate'], 'left' : 0, 'center': traffic['frame_rate'],} # Loops until the preconfigured differencde between frame rate # of successful and unsuccessful iterations is reached stats_ok = self.run_trials(boundaries=binary_bounds, duration=duration, lossrate=lossrate, traffic=traffic) if settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_VERIFICATION_MODE'): verification_iterations = 1 while verification_iterations <= settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_MAXIMUM_VERIFICATION_TRIALS'): self._logger.info('Starting Trex Verification trial for %s seconds at frame rate %s', settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_VERIFICATION_DURATION'), self._verification_params['frame_rate']) stats = self.generate_traffic(self._verification_params, settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_TREX_VERIFICATION_DURATION')) verification_lossrate = ((stats["total"]["opackets"] - stats[ "total"]["ipackets"]) * 100) / stats["total"]["opackets"] if verification_lossrate <= lossrate: self._logger.info('Trex Verification passed, %s packets were lost', stats["total"]["opackets"] - stats["total"]["ipackets"]) stats_ok = copy.deepcopy(stats) break else: self._logger.info('Trex Verification failed, %s packets were lost', stats["total"]["opackets"] - stats["total"]["ipackets"]) new_right = self._verification_params['frame_rate'] - settings.getValue( 'TRAFFICGEN_TREX_RFC2544_TPUT_THRESHOLD') self._verification_params['frame_rate'] = new_right binary_bounds = {'right': new_right, 'left': 0, 'center': new_right,} stats_ok = self.run_trials(boundaries=binary_bounds, duration=duration, lossrate=lossrate, traffic=self._verification_params) verification_iterations += 1 else: self._logger.error('Could not pass Trex Verification. Test failed') return self.calculate_results(stats_ok) def start_rfc2544_throughput(self, traffic=None, tests=1, duration=60, lossrate=0.0): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex start rfc2544 throughput not implemented') def wait_rfc2544_throughput(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex wait rfc2544 throughput not implemented') def send_burst_traffic(self, traffic=None, numpkts=100, duration=5): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex send burst traffic not implemented') def send_rfc2544_back2back(self, traffic=None, tests=1, duration=30, lossrate=0.0): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex send rfc2544 back2back not implemented') def start_rfc2544_back2back(self, traffic=None, tests=1, duration=30, lossrate=0.0): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex start rfc2544 back2back not implemented') def wait_rfc2544_back2back(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'Trex wait rfc2544 back2back not implemented') if __name__ == "__main__": pass