# Copyright 2016 Spirent Communications. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''' @author Spirent Communications This test automates the RFC2544 tests using the Spirent TestCenter REST APIs. This test supports Python 3.4 ''' import argparse import logging import os # Logger Configuration logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_dir(path): """Create the directory as specified in path """ if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: logger.error("Failed to create directory %s: %s", path, str(e)) raise def write_query_results_to_csv(results_path, csv_results_file_prefix, query_results): """ Write the results of the query to the CSV """ create_dir(results_path) filec = os.path.join(results_path, csv_results_file_prefix + ".csv") with open(filec, "wb") as f: f.write(query_results["Columns"].replace(" ", ",") + "\n") for row in (query_results["Output"].replace("} {", ","). replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",")): f.write(row.replace(" ", ",") + "\n") def positive_int(value): """ Positive Integer type for Arguments """ ivalue = int(value) if ivalue <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "%s is an invalid positive int value" % value) return ivalue def percent_float(value): """ Floating type for Arguments """ pvalue = float(value) if pvalue < 0.0 or pvalue > 100.0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "%s not in range [0.0, 100.0]" % pvalue) return pvalue def main(): """ Read the arguments, Invoke Test and Return the results""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters required_named = parser.add_argument_group("required named arguments") required_named.add_argument("--lab_server_addr", required=True, help=("The IP address of the " "Spirent Lab Server"), dest="lab_server_addr") required_named.add_argument("--license_server_addr", required=True, help=("The IP address of the Spirent " "License Server"), dest="license_server_addr") required_named.add_argument("--location_list", required=True, help=("A comma-delimited list of test port " "locations"), dest="location_list") # Optional parameters optional_named = parser.add_argument_group("optional named arguments") optional_named.add_argument("--metric", required=False, help=("One among - Forwarding,\ Address Caching and Congestion"), choices=["forwarding", "caching", "congestion"], default="forwarding", dest="metric") optional_named.add_argument("--test_session_name", required=False, default="Rfc2889Ses", help=("The friendly name to identify " "the Spirent Lab Server test session"), dest="test_session_name") optional_named.add_argument("--test_user_name", required=False, default="Rfc2889Usr", help=("The friendly name to identify the " "Spirent Lab Server test user"), dest="test_user_name") optional_named.add_argument("--results_dir", required=False, default="./Results", help="The directory to copy results to", dest="results_dir") optional_named.add_argument("--csv_results_file_prefix", required=False, default="Rfc2889MaxFor", help="The prefix for the CSV results files", dest="csv_results_file_prefix") optional_named.add_argument("--num_trials", type=positive_int, required=False, default=1, help=("The number of trials to execute during " "the test"), dest="num_trials") optional_named.add_argument("--trial_duration_sec", type=positive_int, required=False, default=60, help=("The duration of each trial executed " "during the test"), dest="trial_duration_sec") optional_named.add_argument("--traffic_pattern", required=False, choices=["BACKBONE", "MESH", "PAIR"], default="MESH", help="The traffic pattern between endpoints", dest="traffic_pattern") optional_named.add_argument("--frame_size_list", type=lambda s: [int(item) for item in s.split(',')], required=False, default=[256], help="A comma-delimited list of frame sizes", dest="frame_size_list") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", required=False, default=True, help="More output during operation when present", action="store_true", dest="verbose") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logger.debug("Creating results directory") create_dir(args.results_dir) locationList = [str(item) for item in args.location_list.split(',')] session_name = args.test_session_name user_name = args.test_user_name try: # Load Spirent REST Library from stcrestclient import stchttp stc = stchttp.StcHttp(args.lab_server_addr) session_id = stc.new_session(user_name, session_name) stc.join_session(session_id) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) raise # Retrieve and display the server information if args.verbose: logger.debug("SpirentTestCenter system version: %s", stc.get("system1", "version")) try: if args.verbose: logger.debug("Bring up license server") license_mgr = stc.get("system1", "children-licenseservermanager") if args.verbose: logger.debug("license_mgr = %s", license_mgr) stc.create("LicenseServer", under=license_mgr, attributes={ "server": args.license_server_addr}) # Create the root project object if args.verbose: logger.debug("Creating project ...") project = stc.get("System1", "children-Project") # Create ports if args.verbose: logger.debug("Creating ports ...") for location in locationList: stc.perform("CreateAndReservePorts", params={"locationList": location, "RevokeOwner": "FALSE"}) port_list_get = stc.get("System1.project", "children-port") if args.verbose: logger.debug("Adding Host Gen PArams") gen_params = stc.create("EmulatedDeviceGenParams", under=project, attributes={"Port": port_list_get}) # Create the DeviceGenEthIIIfParams object stc.create("DeviceGenEthIIIfParams", under=gen_params) # Configuring Ipv4 interfaces stc.create("DeviceGenIpv4IfParams", under=gen_params) stc.perform("DeviceGenConfigExpand", params={"DeleteExisting": "No", "GenParams": gen_params}) if args.verbose: logger.debug("Set up the RFC2889 Forwarding test...") stc.perform("Rfc2889SetupMaxForwardingRateTestCommand", params={"Duration": args.trial_duration_sec, "FrameSizeList": args.frame_size_list, "NumOfTrials": args.num_trials, "TrafficPattern": args.traffic_pattern}) # Save the configuration stc.perform("SaveToTcc", params={"Filename": "2889.tcc"}) # Connect to the hardware... stc.perform("AttachPorts", params={"portList": stc.get( "system1.project", "children-port"), "autoConnect": "TRUE"}) # Apply configuration. if args.verbose: logger.debug("Apply configuration...") stc.apply() if args.verbose: logger.debug("Starting the sequencer...") stc.perform("SequencerStart") # Wait for sequencer to finish logger.info( "Starting test... Please wait for the test to complete...") stc.wait_until_complete() logger.info("The test has completed... Saving results...") # Determine what the results database filename is... lab_server_resultsdb = stc.get( "system1.project.TestResultSetting", "CurrentResultFileName") if args.verbose: logger.debug("The lab server results database is %s", lab_server_resultsdb) stc.perform("CSSynchronizeFiles", params={"DefaultDownloadDir": args.results_dir}) resultsdb = args.results_dir + \ lab_server_resultsdb.split("/Results")[1] if not os.path.exists(resultsdb): resultsdb = lab_server_resultsdb logger.info("Failed to create the local summary DB file, using" " the remote DB file instead.") else: logger.info( "The local summary DB file has been saved to %s", resultsdb) resultsdict = ( stc.perform("QueryResult", params={ "DatabaseConnectionString": resultsdb, "ResultPath": ("RFC2889MaxForwardingRateTestResultDetailed" "SummaryView")})) if args.verbose: logger.debug("resultsdict[\"Columns\"]: %s", resultsdict["Columns"]) logger.debug("resultsdict[\"Output\"]: %s", resultsdict["Output"]) logger.debug("Result paths: %s", stc.perform("GetTestResultSettingPaths")) # Write results to csv if args.verbose: logger.debug("Writing CSV file to results directory %s", args.results_dir) write_query_results_to_csv( args.results_dir, args.csv_results_file_prefix, resultsdict) except RuntimeError as err: logger.error(err) if args.verbose: logger.debug("Destroy session on lab server") stc.end_session() logger.info("Test complete!") if __name__ == "__main__": main()