# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """IXIA traffic generator model. Provides a model for the IXIA traffic generator. In addition, provides a number of generic "helper" functions that are used to do the "heavy lifting". This requires the following settings in your config file: * TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_LIB_PATH IXIA libraries path * TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_HOST IXIA chassis IP address * TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_CARD IXIA card * TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_PORT1 IXIA Tx port * TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_PORT2 IXIA Rx port If any of these don't exist, the application will raise an exception (EAFP). """ import tkinter import logging import os from tools.pkt_gen import trafficgen from conf import settings from collections import OrderedDict from core.results.results_constants import ResultsConstants _ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) _IXIA_ROOT_DIR = settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_ROOT_DIR') def configure_env(): """Configure envionment for TCL. """ os.environ['IXIA_HOME'] = _IXIA_ROOT_DIR # USER MAY NEED TO CHANGE THESE IF USING OWN TCL LIBRARY os.environ['TCL_HOME'] = _IXIA_ROOT_DIR os.environ['TCLver'] = '8.5' # USER NORMALLY DOES NOT CHANGE ANY LINES BELOW os.environ['IxiaLibPath'] = os.path.expandvars('$IXIA_HOME/lib') os.environ['IxiaBinPath'] = os.path.expandvars('$IXIA_HOME/bin') os.environ['TCLLibPath'] = os.path.expandvars('$TCL_HOME/lib') os.environ['TCLBinPath'] = os.path.expandvars('$TCL_HOME/bin') os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = os.path.expandvars('$TCLLibPath/tcl$TCLver') os.environ['TK_LIBRARY'] = os.path.expandvars('$TCLLibPath/tk$TCLver') os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.expandvars('$IxiaBinPath:.:$TCLBinPath:$PATH') os.environ['TCLLIBPATH'] = os.path.expandvars('$IxiaLibPath') os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.expandvars( '$IxiaLibPath:$TCLLibPath:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH') os.environ['IXIA_RESULTS_DIR'] = '/tmp/Ixia/Results' os.environ['IXIA_LOGS_DIR'] = '/tmp/Ixia/Logs' os.environ['IXIA_TCL_DIR'] = os.path.expandvars('$IxiaLibPath') os.environ['IXIA_SAMPLES'] = os.path.expandvars('$IxiaLibPath/ixTcl1.0') os.environ['IXIA_VERSION'] = '6.60.1000.11' def _build_set_cmds(values, prefix='dict set'): """Generate a list of 'dict set' args for Tcl. Parse a dictionary and recursively build the arguments for the 'dict set' Tcl command, given that this is of the format: dict set [name...] [key] [value] For example, for a non-nested dict (i.e. a non-dict element): dict set mydict mykey myvalue For a nested dict (i.e. a dict element): dict set mydict mysubdict mykey myvalue :param values: Dictionary to yield values for :param prefix: Prefix to append to output string. Generally the already generated part of the command. :yields: Output strings to be passed to a `Tcl` instance. """ for key in values: value = values[key] # Not allowing derived dictionary types for now # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(value) == dict: _prefix = ' '.join([prefix, key]).strip() for subkey in _build_set_cmds(value, _prefix): yield subkey continue # tcl doesn't recognise the strings "True" or "False", only "1" # or "0". Special case to convert them if type(value) == bool: value = str(int(value)) else: value = str(value) if prefix: yield ' '.join([prefix, key, value]).strip() else: yield ' '.join([key, value]).strip() class Ixia(trafficgen.ITrafficGenerator): """A wrapper around the IXIA traffic generator. Runs different traffic generator tests through an Ixia traffic generator chassis by generating TCL scripts from templates. """ _script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pass_fail.tcl') _tclsh = tkinter.Tcl() _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run_tcl(self, cmd): """Run a TCL script using the TCL interpreter found in ``tkinter``. :param cmd: Command to execute :returns: Output of command, where applicable. """ self._logger.debug('%s%s', trafficgen.CMD_PREFIX, cmd) output = self._tclsh.eval(cmd) return output.split() def connect(self): """Connect to Ixia chassis. """ ixia_cfg = { 'lib_path': os.path.join(_IXIA_ROOT_DIR, 'lib', 'ixTcl1.0'), 'host': settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_HOST'), 'card': settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_CARD'), 'port1': settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_PORT1'), 'port2': settings.getValue('TRAFFICGEN_IXIA_PORT2'), } self._logger.info('Connecting to IXIA...') self._logger.debug('IXIA configuration configuration : %s', ixia_cfg) configure_env() for cmd in _build_set_cmds(ixia_cfg, prefix='set'): self.run_tcl(cmd) output = self.run_tcl('source {%s}' % self._script) if output: self._logger.critical( 'An error occured when connecting to IXIA...') raise RuntimeError('Ixia failed to initialise.') self._logger.info('Connected to IXIA...') return self def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from Ixia chassis. """ self._logger.info('Disconnecting from IXIA...') self.run_tcl('cleanUp') self._logger.info('Disconnected from IXIA...') def _send_traffic(self, flow, traffic): """Send regular traffic. :param flow: Flow specification :param traffic: Traffic specification :returns: Results from IXIA """ params = {} params['flow'] = flow params['traffic'] = self.traffic_defaults.copy() if traffic: params['traffic'] = trafficgen.merge_spec( params['traffic'], traffic) for cmd in _build_set_cmds(params): self.run_tcl(cmd) result = self.run_tcl('sendTraffic $flow $traffic') return result def send_burst_traffic(self, traffic=None, numpkts=100, duration=20): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ flow = { 'numpkts': numpkts, 'duration': duration, 'type': 'stopStream', 'framerate': traffic['frame_rate'], } result = self._send_traffic(flow, traffic) assert len(result) == 6 # fail-fast if underlying Tcl code changes #TODO - implement Burst results setting via TrafficgenResults. def send_cont_traffic(self, traffic=None, duration=30, multistream=False): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ flow = { 'numpkts': 100, 'duration': duration, 'type': 'contPacket', 'framerate': traffic['frame_rate'], 'multipleStreams': traffic['multistream'], } result = self._send_traffic(flow, traffic) return Ixia._create_result(result) def start_cont_traffic(self, traffic=None, duration=30): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ return self.send_cont_traffic(traffic, 0) def stop_cont_traffic(self): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ return self.run_tcl('stopTraffic') def send_rfc2544_throughput(self, traffic=None, trials=3, duration=20, lossrate=0.0, multistream=False): """See ITrafficGenerator for description """ params = {} params['config'] = { 'trials': trials, 'duration': duration, 'lossrate': lossrate, 'multipleStreams': traffic['multistream'], } params['traffic'] = self.traffic_defaults.copy() if traffic: params['traffic'] = trafficgen.merge_spec( params['traffic'], traffic) for cmd in _build_set_cmds(params): self.run_tcl(cmd) # this will return a list with one result result = self.run_tcl('rfcThroughputTest $config $traffic') return Ixia._create_result(result) @staticmethod def _create_result(result): """Create result based on list returned from tcl script. :param result: list representing output from tcl script. :returns: dictionary strings representing results from traffic generator. """ assert len(result) == 8 # fail-fast if underlying Tcl code changes result_dict = OrderedDict() # drop the first 4 elements as we don't use/need them. In # addition, IxExplorer does not support latency or % line rate # metrics so we have to return dummy values for these metrics result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_FPS] = result[4] result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_TX_FPS] = result[5] result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_MBPS] = result[6] result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_TX_MBPS] = result[7] result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_TX_PERCENT] = \ ResultsConstants.UNKNOWN_VALUE result_dict[ResultsConstants.THROUGHPUT_RX_PERCENT] = \ ResultsConstants.UNKNOWN_VALUE result_dict[ResultsConstants.MIN_LATENCY_NS] = \ ResultsConstants.UNKNOWN_VALUE result_dict[ResultsConstants.MAX_LATENCY_NS] = \ ResultsConstants.UNKNOWN_VALUE result_dict[ResultsConstants.AVG_LATENCY_NS] = \ ResultsConstants.UNKNOWN_VALUE return result_dict if __name__ == '__main__': TRAFFIC = { 'l3': { 'proto': 'udp', 'srcip': '', 'dstip': '', }, } with Ixia() as dev: print(dev.send_burst_traffic(traffic=TRAFFIC)) print(dev.send_cont_traffic(traffic=TRAFFIC)) print(dev.send_rfc2544_throughput(traffic=TRAFFIC))