// Copyright 2018-2019 . // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package vsperf; service Controller { rpc HostConnect (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc VsperfInstall (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc TGenHostConnect (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc TGenInstall (HostVerInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc TGenUploadConfigFile (stream ConfFile) returns (UploadStatus) {} rpc CollectdInstall (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc CollectdUploadConfig (stream ConfFile) returns (UploadStatus) {} rpc DutHugepageConfig (HugepConf) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc CheckDependecies (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc UploadConfigFile (ConfFileTest) returns (UploadStatus) {} rpc StartTest (ControlVsperf) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc TestStatus (StatusQuery) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc StartTGen (ControlTGen) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc StartBeats (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc RemoveVsperf (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc RemoveResultFolder (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc RemoveUploadedConfig (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc RemoveCollectd (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc RemoveEverything (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc TerminateVsperf (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityNICCheck (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityCollectdCheck (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityVNFpath (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityVSPERFCheck (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityTgenConnDUTCheck (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc SanityCPUAllocationCheck (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc DUTvsperfTestAvailability (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} rpc GetVSPERFConffromDUT (HostInfo) returns (StatusReply) {} } message ControlVsperf { string testtype = 1; string conffile = 2; } message ControlTGen { string params = 1; string conffile = 2; } message LogDir { string directory = 1; } message ConfFile { bytes Content = 1; } message ConfFileTest { string Content = 1; string Filename = 2; } message HostInfo { string ip = 1; string uname = 2; string pwd = 3; } message HugepConf { string hpmax = 1; string hprequested = 2; } message HostVerInfo { string ip = 1; string uname = 2; string pwd = 3; string version = 4; } message StatusQuery { string testtype = 1; } message StatusReply { string message = 1; } enum UploadStatusCode { Unknown = 0; Ok = 1; Failed = 2; } message UploadStatus { string Message = 1; UploadStatusCode Code = 2; }