# Copyright 2020 University Of Delhi. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Collects container metrics from cAdvisor. Sends metrics to influxDB and also stores results locally. """ import subprocess import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict from tools.collectors.collector import collector from tools import tasks from conf import settings # inherit from collector.Icollector. class Cadvisor(collector.ICollector): """A collector of container metrics based on cAdvisor It starts cadvisor and collects metrics. """ def __init__(self, results_dir, test_name): """ Initialize collection of statistics """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.resultsdir = results_dir self.testname = test_name self._pid = 0 self._results = OrderedDict() self._log = os.path.join(results_dir, settings.getValue('LOG_FILE_CADVISOR') + '_' + test_name + '.log') self._logfile = 0 def start(self): """ Starts collection of statistics by cAdvisor and stores them into- 1. The file in directory with test results 2. InfluxDB result container """ # CMD options for cAdvisor cmd = ['sudo', '/opt/cadvisor/cadvisor', '-storage_driver='+settings.getValue('CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER'), '-storage_driver_host='+settings.getValue('CADVISOR_STORAGE_HOST'), '-storage_driver_db='+settings.getValue('CADVISOR_DRIVER_DB'), '-housekeeping_interval=0.5s', '-storage_driver_buffer_duration=1s' ] self._logfile = open(self._log, 'a') self._pid = subprocess.Popen(map(os.path.expanduser, cmd), stdout=self._logfile, bufsize=0) self._logger.info('Starting cAdvisor') def stop(self): """ Stops collection of metrics by cAdvisor and stores statistic summary for each monitored container into self._results dictionary """ try: subprocess.check_output(["pidof", "cadvisor"]) tasks.run_task(['sudo', 'pkill', '--signal', '2', 'cadvisor'], self._logger, 'Stopping cAdvisor', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self._logger.error('Failed to stop cAdvisor, maybe process does not exist') self._logfile.close() self._logger.info('cAdvisor log available at %s', self._log) containers = settings.getValue('CADVISOR_CONTAINERS') self._results = cadvisor_log_result(self._log, containers) def get_results(self): """Returns collected statistics. """ return self._results def print_results(self): """Logs collected statistics. """ for cnt in self._results: logging.info("Container: %s", cnt) for (key, value) in self._results[cnt].items(): postfix = '' if key == 'cpu_cumulative_usage': key = 'CPU_usage' value = round(float(value) / 1000000000, 4) postfix = '%' if key in ['memory_usage', 'memory_working_set']: value = round(float(value) / 1024 / 1024, 4) postfix = 'MB' if key in ['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes']: value = round(float(value) / 1024 / 1024, 4) postfix = 'mBps' logging.info(" Statistic: %s Value: %s %s", str(key), str(value), postfix) def cadvisor_log_result(filename, containers): """ Processes cAdvisor logfile and returns average results :param filename: Name of cadvisor logfile :param containers: List of container names :returns: Result as average stats of Containers """ result = OrderedDict() previous = OrderedDict() logfile = open(filename, 'r') with logfile: # for every line for _, line in enumerate(logfile): # skip lines having root '/' metrics if line[0:7] == 'cName=/': continue # parse line into OrderedDict tmp_res = parse_line(line) cnt = tmp_res['cName'] # skip if cnt is not in container list if cnt not in containers: continue # add metrics to result if cnt not in result: result[cnt] = tmp_res previous[cnt] = tmp_res result[cnt]['count'] = 1 else: for field in tmp_res: if field in ['rx_errors', 'tx_errors', 'memory_usage', 'memory_working_set']: val = float(tmp_res[field]) elif field in ['cpu_cumulative_usage', 'rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes']: val = float(tmp_res[field]) - float(previous[cnt][field]) else: # discard remaining fields try: result[cnt].pop(field) except KeyError: continue continue result[cnt][field] = float(result[cnt][field]) + val result[cnt]['count'] += 1 previous[cnt] = tmp_res # calculate average results for containers result = calculate_average(result) return result def calculate_average(results): """ Calculates average for container stats """ for cnt in results: for field in results[cnt]: if field != 'count': val = float(results[cnt][field])/results[cnt]['count'] results[cnt][field] = '{0:.2f}'.format(val) results[cnt].pop('count') #sort results results[cnt] = OrderedDict(sorted(results[cnt].items())) return results def parse_line(line): """ Reads single line from cAdvisor logfile :param line: single line as str :returns: OrderedDict of line read """ tmp_res = OrderedDict() # split line into array of "key=value" metrics metrics = line.split() for metric in metrics: key, value = metric.split('=') tmp_res[key] = value return tmp_res