# Copyright 2015-2016 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """TestCase base class """ import csv import os import logging import subprocess import copy import time from collections import OrderedDict from core.results.results_constants import ResultsConstants import core.component_factory as component_factory from core.loader import Loader from tools import tasks from tools import hugepages from tools.report import report from conf import settings as S from tools.pkt_gen.trafficgen.trafficgenhelper import TRAFFIC_DEFAULTS from conf import get_test_param class TestCase(object): """TestCase base class In this basic form runs RFC2544 throughput test """ def __init__(self, cfg, results_dir): """Pull out fields from test config :param cfg: A dictionary of string-value pairs describing the test configuration. Both the key and values strings use well-known values. :param results_dir: Where the csv formatted results are written. """ self._hugepages_mounted = False # set test parameters; CLI options take precedence to testcase settings self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.name = cfg['Name'] self.desc = cfg.get('Description', 'No description given.') bidirectional = cfg.get('biDirectional', False) bidirectional = get_test_param('bidirectional', bidirectional) traffic_type = cfg.get('Traffic Type', 'rfc2544') traffic_type = get_test_param('traffic_type', traffic_type) framerate = cfg.get('iLoad', 100) framerate = get_test_param('iload', framerate) self.deployment = cfg['Deployment'] self._frame_mod = cfg.get('Frame Modification', None) # identify guest loopback method, so it can be added into reports self.guest_loopback = [] if self.deployment in ['pvp', 'pvvp']: guest_loopback = get_test_param('guest_loopback', None) if guest_loopback: self.guest_loopback.append(guest_loopback) else: if self.deployment == 'pvp': self.guest_loopback.append(S.getValue('GUEST_LOOPBACK')[0]) else: self.guest_loopback = S.getValue('GUEST_LOOPBACK').copy() # read configuration of streams; CLI parameter takes precedence to # testcase definition multistream = cfg.get('MultiStream', 0) multistream = get_test_param('multistream', multistream) stream_type = cfg.get('Stream Type', 'L4') stream_type = get_test_param('stream_type', stream_type) pre_installed_flows = cfg.get('Pre-installed Flows', 'No') pre_installed_flows = get_test_param('pre-installed_flows', pre_installed_flows) # check if test requires background load and which generator it uses self._load_cfg = cfg.get('Load', None) if self._load_cfg and 'tool' in self._load_cfg: self._loadgen = self._load_cfg['tool'] else: # background load is not requested, so use dummy implementation self._loadgen = "Dummy" if self._frame_mod: self._frame_mod = self._frame_mod.lower() self._results_dir = results_dir # set traffic details, so they can be passed to vswitch and traffic ctls self._traffic = copy.deepcopy(TRAFFIC_DEFAULTS) self._traffic.update({'traffic_type': traffic_type, 'flow_type': cfg.get('Flow Type', 'port'), 'bidir': bidirectional, 'multistream': int(multistream), 'stream_type': stream_type, 'pre_installed_flows' : pre_installed_flows, 'frame_rate': int(framerate)}) # OVS Vanilla requires guest VM MAC address and IPs to work if 'linux_bridge' in self.guest_loopback: self._traffic['l2'].update({'srcmac': S.getValue('GUEST_NET2_MAC')[0], 'dstmac': S.getValue('GUEST_NET1_MAC')[0]}) self._traffic['l3'].update({'srcip': S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT1_IP'), 'dstip': S.getValue('VANILLA_TGEN_PORT2_IP')}) # Packet Forwarding mode self._vswitch_none = 'none' == S.getValue('VSWITCH').strip().lower() def run(self): """Run the test All setup and teardown through controllers is included. """ self._logger.debug(self.name) # mount hugepages if needed self._mount_hugepages() # copy sources of l2 forwarding tools into VM shared dir if needed self._copy_fwd_tools_for_guest() self._logger.debug("Controllers:") loader = Loader() traffic_ctl = component_factory.create_traffic( self._traffic['traffic_type'], loader.get_trafficgen_class()) vnf_ctl = component_factory.create_vnf( self.deployment, loader.get_vnf_class()) if self._vswitch_none: vswitch_ctl = component_factory.create_pktfwd( loader.get_pktfwd_class()) else: vswitch_ctl = component_factory.create_vswitch( self.deployment, loader.get_vswitch_class(), self._traffic) collector = component_factory.create_collector( loader.get_collector_class(), self._results_dir, self.name) loadgen = component_factory.create_loadgen( self._loadgen, self._load_cfg) self._logger.debug("Setup:") with vswitch_ctl, loadgen: with vnf_ctl, collector: if not self._vswitch_none: self._add_flows(vswitch_ctl) # run traffic generator if requested, otherwise wait for manual termination if S.getValue('mode') == 'trafficgen-off': time.sleep(2) self._logger.debug("All is set. Please run traffic generator manually.") input(os.linesep + "Press Enter to terminate vswitchperf..." + os.linesep + os.linesep) else: with traffic_ctl: traffic_ctl.send_traffic(self._traffic) # dump vswitch flows before they are affected by VNF termination if not self._vswitch_none: vswitch_ctl.dump_vswitch_flows() # umount hugepages if mounted self._umount_hugepages() self._logger.debug("Collector Results:") collector.print_results() if S.getValue('mode') != 'trafficgen-off': self._logger.debug("Traffic Results:") traffic_ctl.print_results() output_file = os.path.join(self._results_dir, "result_" + self.name + "_" + self.deployment + ".csv") tc_results = self._append_results(traffic_ctl.get_results()) TestCase._write_result_to_file(tc_results, output_file) report.generate(output_file, tc_results, collector.get_results()) def _append_results(self, results): """ Method appends mandatory Test Case results to list of dictionaries. :param results: list of dictionaries which contains results from traffic generator. :returns: modified list of dictionaries. """ for item in results: item[ResultsConstants.ID] = self.name item[ResultsConstants.DEPLOYMENT] = self.deployment item[ResultsConstants.TRAFFIC_TYPE] = self._traffic['l3']['proto'] if self._traffic['multistream']: item[ResultsConstants.SCAL_STREAM_COUNT] = self._traffic['multistream'] item[ResultsConstants.SCAL_STREAM_TYPE] = self._traffic['stream_type'] item[ResultsConstants.SCAL_PRE_INSTALLED_FLOWS] = self._traffic['pre_installed_flows'] if len(self.guest_loopback): item[ResultsConstants.GUEST_LOOPBACK] = ' '.join(self.guest_loopback) return results def _copy_fwd_tools_for_guest(self): """Copy dpdk and l2fwd code to GUEST_SHARE_DIR[s] for use by guests. """ counter = 0 # method is executed only for pvp and pvvp, so let's count number of 'v' while counter < self.deployment.count('v'): guest_dir = S.getValue('GUEST_SHARE_DIR')[counter] # create shared dir if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(guest_dir): os.makedirs(guest_dir) # copy sources into shared dir only if neccessary if 'testpmd' in self.guest_loopback or 'l2fwd' in self.guest_loopback: try: tasks.run_task(['rsync', '-a', '-r', '-l', r'--exclude="\.git"', os.path.join(S.getValue('RTE_SDK'), ''), os.path.join(guest_dir, 'DPDK')], self._logger, 'Copying DPDK to shared directory...', True) tasks.run_task(['rsync', '-a', '-r', '-l', os.path.join(S.getValue('ROOT_DIR'), 'src/l2fwd/'), os.path.join(guest_dir, 'l2fwd')], self._logger, 'Copying l2fwd to shared directory...', True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self._logger.error('Unable to copy DPDK and l2fwd to shared directory') counter += 1 def _mount_hugepages(self): """Mount hugepages if usage of DPDK or Qemu is detected """ # hugepages are needed by DPDK and Qemu if not self._hugepages_mounted and \ (self.deployment.count('v') or \ S.getValue('VSWITCH').lower().count('dpdk') or \ self._vswitch_none): hugepages.mount_hugepages() self._hugepages_mounted = True def _umount_hugepages(self): """Umount hugepages if they were mounted before """ if self._hugepages_mounted: hugepages.umount_hugepages() self._hugepages_mounted = False @staticmethod def _write_result_to_file(results, output): """Write list of dictionaries to a CSV file. Each element on list will create separate row in output file. If output file already exists, data will be appended at the end, otherwise it will be created. :param results: list of dictionaries. :param output: path to output file. """ with open(output, 'a') as csvfile: logging.info("Write results to file: " + output) fieldnames = TestCase._get_unique_keys(results) writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames) if not csvfile.tell(): # file is now empty writer.writeheader() for result in results: writer.writerow(result) @staticmethod def _get_unique_keys(list_of_dicts): """Gets unique key values as ordered list of strings in given dicts :param list_of_dicts: list of dictionaries. :returns: list of unique keys(strings). """ result = OrderedDict() for item in list_of_dicts: for key in item.keys(): result[key] = '' return list(result.keys()) def _add_flows(self, vswitch_ctl): """Add flows to the vswitch :param vswitch_ctl vswitch controller """ vswitch = vswitch_ctl.get_vswitch() # TODO BOM 15-08-07 the frame mod code assumes that the # physical ports are ports 1 & 2. The actual numbers # need to be retrived from the vSwitch and the metadata value # updated accordingly. bridge = S.getValue('VSWITCH_BRIDGE_NAME') if self._frame_mod == "vlan": # 0x8100 => VLAN ethertype self._logger.debug(" **** VLAN ***** ") flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'actions': ['push_vlan:0x8100', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'actions': ['push_vlan:0x8100', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "mpls": # 0x8847 => MPLS unicast ethertype self._logger.debug(" **** MPLS ***** ") flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'actions': ['push_mpls:0x8847', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'actions': ['push_mpls:0x8847', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "mac": flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'actions': ['mod_dl_src:22:22:22:22:22:22', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'actions': ['mod_dl_src:11:11:11:11:11:11', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "dscp": # DSCP 184d == 0x4E<<2 => 'Expedited Forwarding' flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_tos:184', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_tos:184', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "ttl": # 251 and 241 are the highest prime numbers < 255 flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_ttl:251', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_ttl:241', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "ip_addr": flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_src:', 'mod_nw_dst:', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'actions': ['mod_nw_src:', 'mod_nw_dst:', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) elif self._frame_mod == "ip_port": # TODO BOM 15-08-27 The traffic generated is assumed # to be UDP (nw_proto 17d) which is the default case but # we will need to pick up the actual traffic params in use. flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'2', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'nw_proto':'17', 'actions': ['mod_tp_src:44444', 'mod_tp_dst:44444', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) flow = {'table':'2', 'priority':'1000', 'metadata':'1', 'dl_type':'0x0800', 'nw_proto':'17', 'actions': ['mod_tp_src:44444', 'mod_tp_dst:44444', 'goto_table:3']} vswitch.add_flow(bridge, flow) else: pass