# Copyright 2015-2016 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """IntegrationTestCase class """ import os import time import logging from testcases import TestCase from conf import settings as S from collections import OrderedDict CHECK_PREFIX = 'validate_' class IntegrationTestCase(TestCase): """IntegrationTestCase class """ def __init__(self, cfg): """ Testcase initialization """ self._type = 'integration' super(IntegrationTestCase, self).__init__(cfg) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._inttest = None def report_status(self, label, status): """ Log status of test step """ self._logger.debug("%s ... %s", label, 'OK' if status else 'FAILED') def run_initialize(self): """ Prepare test execution environment """ super(IntegrationTestCase, self).run_initialize() self._inttest = {'status' : True, 'details' : ''} def run(self): """Run the test All setup and teardown through controllers is included. """ def eval_step_params(params, step_result): """ Evaluates referrences to results from previous steps """ def eval_param(param, STEP): """ Helper function """ if isinstance(param, str): tmp_param = '' # evaluate every #STEP reference inside parameter itself for chunk in param.split('#'): if chunk.startswith('STEP['): tmp_param = tmp_param + str(eval(chunk)) else: tmp_param = tmp_param + chunk return tmp_param elif isinstance(param, list) or isinstance(param, tuple): tmp_list = [] for item in param: tmp_list.append(eval_param(item, STEP)) return tmp_list elif isinstance(param, dict): tmp_dict = {} for (key, value) in param.items(): tmp_dict[key] = eval_param(value, STEP) return tmp_dict else: return param eval_params = [] # evaluate all parameters if needed for param in params: eval_params.append(eval_param(param, step_result)) return eval_params # prepare test execution environment self.run_initialize() with self._vswitch_ctl, self._loadgen: with self._vnf_ctl, self._collector: if not self._vswitch_none: self._add_flows() # run traffic generator if requested, otherwise wait for manual termination if S.getValue('mode') == 'trafficgen-off': time.sleep(2) self._logger.debug("All is set. Please run traffic generator manually.") input(os.linesep + "Press Enter to terminate vswitchperf..." + os.linesep + os.linesep) else: with self._traffic_ctl: if not self.test: self._traffic_ctl.send_traffic(self._traffic) else: # execute test based on TestSteps definition if self.test: step_result = [None] * len(self.test) for i, step in enumerate(self.test): step_ok = False if step[0] == 'vswitch': test_object = self._vswitch_ctl.get_vswitch() elif step[0] == 'trafficgen': test_object = self._traffic_ctl else: self._logger.error("Unsupported test object %s", step[0]) self._inttest = {'status' : False, 'details' : ' '.join(step)} self.report_status("Step '{}'".format(' '.join(step)), self._inttest['status']) break test_method = getattr(test_object, step[1]) test_method_check = getattr(test_object, CHECK_PREFIX + step[1]) step_params = [] if test_method and test_method_check and \ callable(test_method) and callable(test_method_check): try: step_params = eval_step_params(step[2:], step_result) step_log = '{} {}'.format(' '.join(step[:2]), step_params) step_result[i] = test_method(*step_params) self._logger.debug("Step {} '{}' results '{}'".format( i, step_log, step_result[i])) time.sleep(2) step_ok = test_method_check(step_result[i], *step_params) except AssertionError: self._inttest = {'status' : False, 'details' : step_log} self._logger.error("Step {} raised assertion error".format(i)) break except IndexError: self._inttest = {'status' : False, 'details' : step_log} self._logger.error("Step {} result index error {}".format( i, ' '.join(step[2:]))) break self.report_status("Step {} - '{}'".format(i, step_log), step_ok) if not step_ok: self._inttest = {'status' : False, 'details' : step_log} break # dump vswitch flows before they are affected by VNF termination if not self._vswitch_none: self._vswitch_ctl.dump_vswitch_flows() # tear down test execution environment and log results self.run_finalize() # report test results self.run_report() def run_report(self): """ Report test results """ if self.test: results = OrderedDict() results['status'] = 'OK' if self._inttest['status'] else 'FAILED' results['details'] = self._inttest['details'] TestCase._write_result_to_file([results], self._output_file) self.report_status("Test '{}'".format(self.name), self._inttest['status']) # inform vsperf about testcase failure if not self._inttest['status']: raise Exception