# Copyright 2015-2017 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Wrapper for an OVS bridge for convenient use of ``ovs-vsctl`` and ``ovs-ofctl`` on it. Much of this code is based on ``ovs-lib.py`` from Open Stack: https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/6eac1dc99124ca024d6a69b3abfa3bc69c735667/neutron/agent/linux/ovs_lib.py """ import logging import string import re from tools import tasks from conf import settings _OVS_BRIDGE_NAME = settings.getValue('VSWITCH_BRIDGE_NAME') _OVS_CMD_TIMEOUT = settings.getValue('OVS_CMD_TIMEOUT') _CACHE_FILE_NAME = '/tmp/vsperf_flows_cache' class OFBase(object): """Add/remove/show datapaths using ``ovs-ofctl``. """ def __init__(self, timeout=_OVS_CMD_TIMEOUT): """Initialise logger. :param timeout: Timeout to be used for each command :returns: None """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.timeout = timeout # helpers def run_vsctl(self, args, check_error=False): """Run ``ovs-vsctl`` with supplied arguments. In case that timeout is set to -1, then ovs-vsctl will be called with --no-wait option. :param args: Arguments to pass to ``ovs-vsctl`` :param check_error: Throw exception on error :return: None """ if self.timeout == -1: cmd = ['sudo', settings.getValue('TOOLS')['ovs-vsctl'], '--no-wait'] + args else: cmd = ['sudo', settings.getValue('TOOLS')['ovs-vsctl'], '--timeout', str(self.timeout)] + args return tasks.run_task( cmd, self.logger, 'Running ovs-vsctl...', check_error) def run_appctl(self, args, check_error=False): """Run ``ovs-appctl`` with supplied arguments. :param args: Arguments to pass to ``ovs-appctl`` :param check_error: Throw exception on error :return: None """ cmd = ['sudo', settings.getValue('TOOLS')['ovs-appctl'], '--timeout', str(self.timeout)] + args return tasks.run_task( cmd, self.logger, 'Running ovs-appctl...', check_error) # datapath management def add_br(self, br_name=_OVS_BRIDGE_NAME, params=None): """Add datapath. :param br_name: Name of bridge :return: Instance of :class OFBridge: """ if params is None: params = [] self.logger.debug('add bridge') self.run_vsctl(['add-br', br_name]+params) return OFBridge(br_name, self.timeout) def del_br(self, br_name=_OVS_BRIDGE_NAME): """Delete datapath. :param br_name: Name of bridge :return: None """ self.logger.debug('delete bridge') self.run_vsctl(['del-br', br_name]) # Route and ARP functions def add_route(self, network, destination): """Add route to tunneling routing table. :param network: Network :param destination: Gateway :return: None """ self.logger.debug('add ovs/route') self.run_appctl(['ovs/route/add', network, destination]) def set_tunnel_arp(self, ip_addr, mac_addr, br_name=_OVS_BRIDGE_NAME): """Add OVS arp entry for tunneling :param ip: IP of bridge :param mac_addr: MAC address of the bridge :param br_name: Name of the bridge :return: None """ self.logger.debug('tnl/arp/set') self.run_appctl(['tnl/arp/set', br_name, ip_addr, mac_addr]) class OFBridge(OFBase): """Control a bridge instance using ``ovs-vsctl`` and ``ovs-ofctl``. """ def __init__(self, br_name=_OVS_BRIDGE_NAME, timeout=_OVS_CMD_TIMEOUT): """Initialise bridge. :param br_name: Bridge name :param timeout: Timeout to be used for each command :returns: None """ super(OFBridge, self).__init__(timeout) self.br_name = br_name self._ports = {} self._cache_file = None # context manager def __enter__(self): """Create datapath :returns: self """ return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): """Remove datapath. """ if not traceback: self.destroy() # helpers def run_ofctl(self, args, check_error=False, timeout=None): """Run ``ovs-ofctl`` with supplied arguments. :param args: Arguments to pass to ``ovs-ofctl`` :param check_error: Throw exception on error :return: None """ tmp_timeout = self.timeout if timeout is None else timeout cmd = ['sudo', settings.getValue('TOOLS')['ovs-ofctl'], '-O', 'OpenFlow13', '--timeout', str(tmp_timeout)] + args return tasks.run_task( cmd, self.logger, 'Running ovs-ofctl...', check_error) def create(self, params=None): """Create bridge. """ if params is None: params = [] self.logger.debug('create bridge') self.add_br(self.br_name, params=params) def destroy(self): """Destroy bridge. """ self.logger.debug('destroy bridge') self.del_br(self.br_name) def reset(self): """Reset bridge. """ self.logger.debug('reset bridge') self.destroy() self.create() # port management def add_port(self, port_name, params): """Add port to bridge. :param port_name: Name of port :param params: Additional list of parameters to add-port :return: OpenFlow port number for the port """ self.logger.debug('add port') self.run_vsctl(['add-port', self.br_name, port_name]+params) # This is how port number allocation works currently # This possibly will not work correctly if there are port deletions # in between of_port = len(self._ports) + 1 self._ports[port_name] = (of_port, params) return of_port def del_port(self, port_name): """Remove port from bridge. :param port_name: Name of port :return: None """ self.logger.debug('delete port') self.run_vsctl(['del-port', self.br_name, port_name]) self._ports.pop(port_name) def set_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column, value): """Set database attribute. :param table_name: Name of table :param record: Name of record :param column: Name of column :param value: Value to set :return: None """ self.logger.debug('set attribute') self.run_vsctl(['set', table_name, record, '%s=%s' % (column, value)]) def get_ports(self): """Get the ports of this bridge Structure of the returned ports dictionary is 'portname': (openflow_port_number, extra_parameters) Example: ports = { 'dpdkport0': (1, ['--', 'set', 'Interface', 'dpdkport0', 'type=dpdk']), 'dpdkvhostport0': (2, ['--', 'set', 'Interface', 'dpdkvhostport0', 'type=dpdkvhost']) } :return: Dictionary of ports """ return self._ports def clear_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column): """Clear database attribute. :param table_name: Name of table :param record: Name of record :param column: Name of column :return: None """ self.logger.debug('clear attribute') self.run_vsctl(['clear', table_name, record, column]) # flow mangement def add_flow(self, flow, cache='off'): """Add flow to bridge. :param flow: Flow description as a dictionary For flow dictionary structure, see function flow_key :return: None """ # insert flows from cache into OVS if needed if cache == 'flush': if self._cache_file is None: self.logger.error('flow cache flush called, but nothing is cached') return self.logger.debug('flows cached in %s will be added to the bridge', _CACHE_FILE_NAME) self._cache_file.close() self._cache_file = None self.run_ofctl(['add-flows', self.br_name, _CACHE_FILE_NAME], timeout=600) return if not flow.get('actions'): self.logger.error('add flow requires actions') return _flow_key = flow_key(flow) self.logger.debug('key : %s', _flow_key) # insert flow to the cache or OVS if cache == 'on': # create and open cache file if needed if self._cache_file is None: self._cache_file = open(_CACHE_FILE_NAME, 'w') self._cache_file.write(_flow_key + '\n') else: self.run_ofctl(['add-flow', self.br_name, _flow_key]) def del_flow(self, flow): """Delete flow from bridge. :param flow: Flow description as a dictionary For flow dictionary structure, see function flow_key flow=None will delete all flows :return: None """ self.logger.debug('delete flow') _flow_key = flow_key(flow) self.logger.debug('key : %s', _flow_key) self.run_ofctl(['del-flows', self.br_name, _flow_key]) def del_flows(self): """Delete all flows from bridge. """ self.logger.debug('delete flows') self.run_ofctl(['del-flows', self.br_name]) def dump_flows(self): """Dump all flows from bridge. """ self.logger.debug('dump flows') self.run_ofctl(['dump-flows', self.br_name], timeout=120) def set_stp(self, enable=True): """ Set stp status :param enable: Boolean to enable or disable stp :return: None """ self.logger.debug( 'Setting stp on bridge to %s', 'on' if enable else 'off') self.run_vsctl( ['set', 'Bridge', self.br_name, 'stp_enable={}'.format( 'true' if enable else 'false')]) def set_rstp(self, enable=True): """ Set rstp status :param enable: Boolean to enable or disable rstp :return: None """ self.logger.debug( 'Setting rstp on bridge to %s', 'on' if enable else 'off') self.run_vsctl( ['set', 'Bridge', self.br_name, 'rstp_enable={}'.format( 'true' if enable else 'false')]) def bridge_info(self): """ Get bridge info :return: Returns bridge info from list bridge command """ return self.run_vsctl(['list', 'bridge', self.br_name]) # # helper functions # def flow_key(flow): """Model a flow key string for ``ovs-ofctl``. Syntax taken from ``ovs-ofctl`` manpages: http://openvswitch.org/cgi-bin/ovsman.cgi?page=utilities%2Fovs-ofctl.8 Example flow dictionary: flow = { 'in_port': '1', 'idle_timeout': '0', 'actions': ['output:3'] } :param flow: Flow description as a dictionary :return: String :rtype: str """ _flow_add_key = string.Template('${fields},action=${actions}') _flow_del_key = string.Template('${fields}') field_params = [] user_params = (x for x in list(flow.items()) if x[0] != 'actions') for (key, default) in user_params: field_params.append('%(field)s=%(value)s' % {'field': key, 'value': default}) field_params_str = ','.join(field_params) _flow_key_param = { 'fields': field_params_str, } # no actions == delete key if 'actions' in flow: _flow_key_param['actions'] = ','.join(flow['actions']) flow_str = _flow_add_key.substitute(_flow_key_param) else: flow_str = _flow_del_key.substitute(_flow_key_param) return flow_str def flow_match(flow_dump, flow_src): """ Compares two flows :param flow_dump: string - a string with flow obtained by ovs-ofctl dump-flows :param flow_src: string - a string with flow obtained by call of flow_key() :return: boolean """ # perform unifications on both source and destination flows flow_dump = flow_dump.replace('actions=', 'action=') flow_src = flow_src.replace('actions=', 'action=') # For complex flows the output of "ovs-ofctl dump-flows" can use the # shorthand notation. # eg if we set a flow with constraints on UDP ports like in the following # {'dl_type': '0x0800', 'nw_proto': '17', 'in_port': '1', 'udp_dst': '0', 'actions': ['output:2']} # dump-flows output can combine the first 2 constraints into 'udp' and translate # 'udp_dst' into 'tp_dst' like # "udp,in_port=1,tp_dst=0 actions=output:2". # So the next replacements are needed. flow_dump = flow_dump.replace('ip', 'dl_type=0x0800') flow_dump = flow_dump.replace('tcp', 'nw_proto=6,dl_type=0x0800') flow_dump = flow_dump.replace('udp', 'nw_proto=17,dl_type=0x0800') flow_src = flow_src.replace('udp_src', 'tp_src') flow_src = flow_src.replace('udp_dst', 'tp_dst') flow_src = flow_src.replace('tcp_src', 'tp_src') flow_src = flow_src.replace('tcp_dst', 'tp_dst') # split flow strings into lists of comparable elements flow_dump_list = re.findall(r"[\w.:=()]+", flow_dump) flow_src_list = re.findall(r"[\w.:=()]+", flow_src) # check if all items from source flow are present in dump flow flow_src_ctrl = list(flow_src_list) for rule in flow_src_list: if rule in flow_dump_list: flow_src_ctrl.remove(rule) return True if not len(flow_src_ctrl) else False