Installing vswitchperf ====================== The test suite requires Python 3.3 and relies on a number of other packages. These need to be installed for the test suite to function. To install Python 3.3 in CentOS 7, an additional repository, Software Collections (see should be enabled. Install the requirements as specified below. Enable Software Collections (SCL) --------------------------------- .. code-block:: console yum -y install scl-utils yum -y install (Optional) Enable Repoforge (for stress) ---------------------------------------- Allows optional installation of stress tool, which is required by load tests. .. code-block:: console yum -y install System packages ----------------- There are a number of packages that must be installed using `yum`. These can be installed like so: .. code-block:: console yum -y --exclude=python33-mod_wsgi* install python33-* pciutils Optional installation of stress tool .. code-block:: console yum -y install stress Python 3 Packages ----------------- To avoid file permission errors and Python version issues, use virtualenv to create an isolated environment with Python3. The required Python 3 packages can be found in the ``requirements.txt`` file in the root of the test suite. They can be installed in your virtual environment like so: .. code-block:: bash scl enable python33 bash # Create virtual environment virtualenv vsperfenv cd vsperfenv source bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt You need to activate the virtual environment every time you start a new shell session. To activate, simple run: .. code:: bash scl enable python33 bash cd vsperfenv source bin/activate -------------- Working Behind a Proxy ====================== If you're behind a proxy, you'll likely want to configure this before running any of the above. For example: .. code:: bash export export