.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation, AT&T and others.

OPNFV Test Results
VSPERF CI jobs are run daily and sample results can be found at

Testcase names shown in the dashboard are combination of orignal testcase
name from VSPERF framework and indication of used vswitch.


    Testcase ``phy2phy_tput`` is executed for three vSwitch types: ``OvsDpdkVhost``,
    ``OvsVanilla`` and ``VppDpdkVhost``. In this case, following testcase names
    will be used in the dashboard: ``phy2phy_tput_ovsdpdkvhost``,
    ``phy2phy_tput_ovsvanilla`` and ``phy2phy_tput_vppdpdkvhost``.

In case of RFC2544 Throughput test, the recorded metric is FPS (frames per
second) without packet loss. For RFC2544 Back2Back test, the recorded metric
is back-to-back value (number of frames) without packet loss.

The loopback application in the VNF used for PVP and PVVP scenarios was DPDK

Guest interface types are ``vhost-user`` for ``OvsDpdkVhost`` and ``VppDpdkVhost``
and ``virtio-net`` for ``OvsVanilla``.