# Installing toit The test suite requires Python 3.3 and relies on a number of other packages. These need to be installed for the test suite to function. To install Python 3.3 in CentOS 7, an additional repository, Software Collections (see https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/python33) should be enabled. Install the requirements as specified below. --- ## Enable Software Collections (SCL) ```bash yum -y install scl-utils yum -y install https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/python33/epel-7-x86_64/download/rhscl-python33-epel-7-x86_64.noarch.rpm ``` ## System packages There are a number of packages that must be installed using `yum`. These packages are listed in packages.txt and can be installed like so: ```bash yum -y --exclude=python33-mod_wsgi* install $(cat packages.txt) ``` --- ## Python 3 Packages To avoid file permission errors and Python version issues, use virtualenv to create an isolated environment with Python3. The required Python 3 packages can be found in the `requirements.txt` file in the root of the test suite. They can be installed in your virtual environment like so: ```bash scl enable python33 bash # Create virtual environment virtualenv vsperfenv cd vsperfenv source bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ``` You need to activate the virtual environment every time you start a new shell session. To activate, simple run: ```bash scl enable python33 bash cd vsperfenv source bin/activate ``` --- # Working Behind a Proxy If you're behind a proxy, you'll likely want to configure this before running any of the above. For example: ```bash export http_proxy=proxy.mycompany.com:123 export https_proxy=proxy.mycompany.com:123 ``` ---