''' Base configuration file for sphinx-build. You can override this configuration by putting 'conf.py' in the document directory (e.g. how-to-use-docs/conf.py). If there is no 'conf.py' in the document directory, this file will be copied to that directory before the document builder jobs in 'opnfv-docs-verify' and 'opnfv-docs-merge'. The logo image (opnfv-logo.png) will be also copied from docs/etc/opnfv-logo.png during the build jobs. ''' import datetime needs_sphinx = '1.3' master_doc = 'index' pygments_style = 'sphinx' html_use_index = False numfig = True html_logo = 'opnfv-logo.png' latex_elements = {'printindex': ''} latex_logo = 'opnfv-logo.png' copyright = u'%s, OPNFV' % datetime.date.today().year version = u'1.0.0' release = u'1.0.0'