# Copyright 2015-2016 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# The 1st value of SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO is used as the default
# tunneling protocol for OP2P tests.
SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO = ['vxlan', 'gre', 'geneve']

# Required for OP2P tests
# "Tunnel Type": ["vxlan"|"gre"|"geneve"]   # Tunnel Type defines tunneling protocol to use.
#                                   # It can be overridden by cli option tunnel_type.
#                                   # Values:
#                                   #    "vxlan" - iteration of destination MAC address
#                                   #    "gre" - iteration of destination IP address
#                                   #    "geneve" - iteration of destination UDP port
#                                   # Default value is "vxlan".
# biDirectional testing for OP2P is not yet supported.
# biDirectional must be set to False.
# "TestSteps": []                   # Definition of integration test steps.
#                                   # In case that this list is defined, then
#                                   # vsperf will execute defined test steps
#                                   # one by one. It can be used to configure
#                                   # vswitch, insert flows and transmit traffic.
#                                   # It is possible to refer to result of any
#                                   # previous step through #STEP[i][j] macro.
#                                   # Where i is a number of step (starts from 0)
#                                   # and j is index of result returned by step i.

        "Name": "overlay_p2p_tput",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "op2p",
        "biDirectional": False,
        "Tunnel Type": SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO[0],
        "Tunnel Operation": "encapsulation",
        "Description": "Overlay Encapsulation Throughput RFC2544 Test",
        "Name": "overlay_p2p_cont",
        "Traffic Type": "continuous",
        "Deployment": "op2p",
        "biDirectional": False,
        "Tunnel Type": SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO[0],
        "Tunnel Operation": "encapsulation",
        "Description": "Overlay Encapsulation Continuous Stream",
        "Name": "overlay_p2p_decap_tput",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "op2p",
        "biDirectional": False,
        "Tunnel Type": SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO[0],
        "Tunnel Operation": "decapsulation",
        "Description": "Overlay Decapsulation Throughput RFC2544 Test",
        "Name": "overlay_p2p_decap_cont",
        "Traffic Type": "continuous",
        "Deployment": "op2p",
        "biDirectional": False,
        "Tunnel Type": SUPPORTED_TUNNELING_PROTO[0],
        "Tunnel Operation": "decapsulation",
        "Description": "Overlay Decapsulation Continuous Stream",
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_bridge",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete bridge",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_bridges",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete bridges",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br1'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br1'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_phy_port",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete physical port",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_phy_ports",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete physical ports",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_vport",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete virtual port",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_vports",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete virtual ports",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_flow",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete flow",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[2][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_add_del_flows",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - add and delete flows",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[2][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[1][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_throughput",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - configure switch and execute RFC2544 throughput test",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[2][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[1][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {'traffic_type' : 'throughput', 'bidir' : True, 'frame_rate' : 100, 'multistream' : 0, 'stream_type' : 'L4'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_back2back",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - configure switch and execute RFC2544 back2back test",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[2][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[1][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {'traffic_type' : 'back2back', 'bidir' : True, 'frame_rate' : 100, 'multistream' : 0, 'stream_type' : 'L4'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
        "Name": "vswitch_continuous",
        "Deployment": "clean",
        "Description": "vSwitch - configure switch and execute continuous stream test",
        "TestSteps": [
                        ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[2][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[1][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
                        ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {'traffic_type' : 'continuous', 'bidir' : True, 'frame_rate' : 100, 'multistream' : 0, 'stream_type' : 'L4'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'int_br0'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'int_br0', {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]'}],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[1][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[2][0]'],
                        ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],