# Copyright 2015-2017 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# ###########################
# Common setting potentially accessed by all components.
# ###########################

import os
import copy

# default language and encoding, which will be set in case
# that locale is not set properly

# default language and encoding, which will be used by external
# commands; This values will be set in case, that VSPERF parses
# command output.

# ############################
# Directories
# ############################

ROOT_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../'))
TRAFFICGEN_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/pkt_gen')
SYSMETRICS_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/collectors')

# Dictionary PATHS is used for configuration of vswitches, dpdk and qemu.
# It contains paths to various utilities, temporary directories and kernel
# modules used by VSPERF. Particular sections of PATHS dictionary are spread
# among several configuration files, i.e.:
# conf/02_vswtich.conf - configuration of vswitches (i.e. PATHS['vswitch'])
#                        and dpdk (i.e. PATHS['dpdk']) can be found there
# conf/04_vnf.conf     - configuration of qemu (i.e. PATHS['qemu']) can
#                        be found there
# VSPERF will process PATHS dictionary before execution of every testcase
# and it will create a testcase specific dictionary TOOLS with paths to the
# utilities used by the test. During PATHS processing, following rules
# will apply for every item of PATHS dictionary:
#     item 'type' - string, which defines the type of paths ('src' or 'bin') to be selected
#           for a given section:
#               'src' means, that VSPERF will use OVS, DPDK or QEMU built from sources
#                   e.g. by execution of systems/build_base_machine.sh script during VSPERF
#                   installation
#               'bin' means, that VSPERF will use OVS, DPDK or QEMU binaries installed
#                   in the OS, e.g. via OS specific packaging system
#     item 'path' - string with valid path; Its content is checked for existence, prefixed
#           with section name and stored into TOOLS for later use
#           e.g. TOOLS['dpdk_src'] or TOOLS['vswitch_src']
#     item 'modules' - list of strings; Every value from given list is checked for '.ko'
#           suffix. In case it matches and it is not an absolute path to the module, then
#           module name is prefixed with 'path' defined for the same section
#           e.g. TOOLS['vswitch_modules'] = [
#               '/tmp/vsperf/src_vanilla/ovs/ovs/datapath/linux/openvswitch.ko']
#     all other items - string - if given string is a relative path and item 'path'
#           is defined for a given section, then item content will be prefixed with
#           content of the 'path'. Otherwise tool name will be searched within
#           standard system directories. Also any OS filename wildcards will be
#           expanded to the real path. At the end of processing, every absolute
#           path is checked for its existence. In case that temporary path (i.e. path
#           with '_tmp' suffix) doesn't exist, then log will be written and vsperf will
#           continue. If any other path will not exist, then vsperf execution will
#           be terminated with runtime error.
# Note: In case that 'bin' type is set for DPDK, then TOOLS['dpdk_src'] will be set to
# the value of PATHS['dpdk']['src']['path']. The reason is, that VSPERF uses downloaded
# DPDK sources to copy DPDK and testpmd into the GUEST, where testpmd is built. In case,
# that DPDK sources are not available, then vsperf will continue with test execution,
# but testpmd can't be used as a guest loopback. This is useful in case, that other guest
# loopback applications (e.g. buildin) are used by CI jobs, etc.
PATHS = {}

# ############################
# Process configuration
# ############################

# shell command to use when running commands through Pexpect
SHELL_CMD = ['/bin/bash', '-c']

# ############################
# Logging configuration
# ############################

# default log output directory for all logs
LOG_DIR = '/tmp'

# default log for all "small" executables
LOG_FILE_DEFAULT = 'vsperf-overall.log'

# log file for all commands executed on host
LOG_FILE_HOST_CMDS = 'host-cmds.log'

# log file prefix for infrastructure metrics

# ############################
# Test configuration
# ############################

# verbosity of output to 'stdout'
# NOTE: output to log files is always 'debug' level
VERBOSITY = 'debug'

# dictionary of test-specific parameters. These values are accessible
# from anywhere in the test framework so be careful with naming
# conventions

# delay enforced after every step to allow system to process changes

# parameter used, when running mupltiple tests, to accumulate _PARAMS_LIST
# parameters for multiple tests running in a series

# metric used by the performance matrix for comparision and analysis
# of tests run in a series. Must always refer to a numeric value.
# For example: 'throughput_rx_mbps', 'throughput_rx_fps', 'avg_latency_ns'
MATRIX_METRIC = 'throughput_rx_fps'

# ############################
# Modules
# ############################

# following modules will be excluded from automatic load by LoaderServant
# it can be used to suppress automatic load of obsoleted or abstract modules
# Example:
#   EXCLUDE_MODULES = ['ovs_vanilla', 'qemu_virtio_net', 'pidstat']
EXCLUDE_MODULES = ["testcenter-rfc2544-throughput"]

# ############################
# Vsperf Internal Options
# ############################
# following options should not be changed by the user

# internal list to keep track of PIDs of jobs executed by vsperf

# dictionary containing the test-specific parameters of all tests being run
# for the purposes of cummulative parameter assignment using performance matrix

# index number of the current test, used for naming of result files