#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script for graphical representation of VSPERF results # # Usage: # ./create_graph ["test names" [filter [directory]]] # # where: # "test names" is a !!! quoted !!! string with vsperf testcase names separated # by spaces # Default value: "phy2phy_tput" # # "filter" is used to select matching VSPERF results; Its value # will be used as PATTERN of grep command executed on selected # csv result files. # Default value: ",OvsDpdkVhost," # # "directory" is a directory name, where vsperf results (i.e. results_* # subdirectories) are located # Default value: "/tmp" # # Example of invocation: # ./create_graph "phy2phy_tput phy2phy_cont pvp_cont pvvp_cont" ",OvsVanilla," TESTS="phy2phy_tput" # default set of TCs to be plotted FILTER=",OvsDpdkVhost," # default filter to be applied on matching CSV files NUMBER_OF_RESULTS=50 # max number of recent results to be compared in graph CSV_RESULT_COL=2 # column number with result to be plotted, e.g. 2 for rx_throughput_fps B2B_CSV_RESULT_COL=1 # column number with result to be plotted for back2back TCs CSV_PKT_SIZE_COL=12 # column number with frame/packet size B2B_CSV_PKT_SIZE_COL=4 # column number with frame/packet size for back2back TCs NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES=0 # to be detected automatically MAX_NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES=10 DIR="/tmp" # directory where vsperf results are stored PNG_PREFIX='vsperf_' function clean_data() { rm -rf *csv rm -rf *plot rm -rf *png } function prepare_data() { for test_name in $TESTS; do FIRST=1 CSV_LIST=`grep -r ",${test_name}," ${DIR}/results_*/*csv | grep $FILTER | cut -d':' -f1 | uniq | sort | tail -n ${NUMBER_OF_RESULTS}` for result_file in $CSV_LIST ; do tmp_dir=`dirname $result_file` TIMESTAMP=`basename $tmp_dir | cut -d'_' -f2-` if [ $FIRST -eq 1 ] ; then NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES=$((`wc -l ${result_file} | cut -d' ' -f1`-1)) if [ $NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES -gt $MAX_NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES ] ; then NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES=$MAX_NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES fi if grep back2back ${result_file} &> /dev/null ; then PKT_SIZE_COL=$B2B_CSV_PKT_SIZE_COL RES_COL=$B2B_CSV_RESULT_COL else PKT_SIZE_COL=$CSV_PKT_SIZE_COL RES_COL=$CSV_RESULT_COL fi RESULT_HEADER=`tail -n+2 ${result_file} | head -n ${NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES} | cut -d',' -f${PKT_SIZE_COL} | paste -d',' -s` echo "Date/PKT Size [B],${RESULT_HEADER}" > "${test_name}.csv" FIRST=0 fi RESULT_4ALL_PKT_SIZES=`tail -n+2 ${result_file} | head -n ${NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES} | cut -d',' -f${RES_COL} | paste -d',' -s` echo "${TIMESTAMP},${RESULT_4ALL_PKT_SIZES}" >> "${test_name}.csv" done done } function plot_data() { echo "Created graphs:" SUFFIX=`echo $FILTER | tr -d -C [:alnum:]` for TEST_CSV in *csv; do [ ! -f $TEST_CSV ] && continue TEST_NAME=`basename ${TEST_CSV} .csv`"_${SUFFIX}" OUTPUT="$TEST_NAME.plot" cat > $OUTPUT <<- EOM set datafile separator "," set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set format x "%m-%d" set xlabel "date" set format y "%8.0f" set ylabel "fps" set yrange [0:] set term png size 1024,768 EOM iter=0 echo "set title \"$TEST_NAME\"" >> $OUTPUT echo "set output \"${PNG_PREFIX}${TEST_NAME}.png\"" >> $OUTPUT echo -n "plot " >> $OUTPUT SEP="" while [ $iter -lt $NUMBER_OF_PKT_SIZES ] ; do COL=$((2+$iter)) echo $"$SEP '$TEST_CSV' using 1:$COL with linespoints title columnheader($COL) \\" >> $OUTPUT iter=$(($iter+1)) SEP="," done echo -e "\t${PNG_PREFIX}${TEST_NAME}.png" gnuplot $OUTPUT done } # # Main body # # override default set of TESTS if specified by 1st parameter if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then TESTS="$1" fi # override default filter if specified by 2nd parameter if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then FILTER="$2" fi # override default directory with results by 3rd parameter if [ "$3" != "" ] ; then DIR="$3" fi clean_data echo -e "Plot data input:" echo -e "\tTESTS: $TESTS" echo -e "\tFilter: $FILTER" echo -e "\tResults direcotry: $DIR" prepare_data plot_data