path: root/networking_sfc
diff options
authorUlas Kozat <ulas.kozat@huawei.com>2015-12-28 16:05:13 -0800
committerUlas Kozat <ulas.kozat@huawei.com>2015-12-28 16:05:13 -0800
commitc772a1dbc7ace58d099570d41a889adf851c8ba8 (patch)
tree809aefa0dae407a1d9c12989f7e8f60891700d17 /networking_sfc
parente671a915d887ae8f7751a54bb07ecb7ed8f2f25b (diff)
Added networking-sfc from openstack project with merge date Dec 23 2015stable/coloradostable/brahmaputra
Added patch 13 for subject "add missing db migration files" Change-Id: Id51a160335a14870c1dd816a44baf9b1958b9ac6
Diffstat (limited to 'networking_sfc')
88 files changed, 15977 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/networking_sfc/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9c541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pbr.version
+__version__ = pbr.version.VersionInfo(
+ 'networking_sfc').version_string()
diff --git a/networking_sfc/cli/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/cli/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/cli/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/cli/flow_classifier.py b/networking_sfc/cli/flow_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128aa1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/cli/flow_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt.Limited.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutronclient.common import extension
+from neutronclient.common import utils
+from neutronclient.i18n import _
+from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronv20
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_pair as pp
+FLOW_CLASSIFIER_RESOURCE = 'flow_classifier'
+def get_flowclassifier_id(client, id_or_name):
+ return neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(client,
+ id_or_name)
+class FlowClassifier(extension.NeutronClientExtension):
+ resource_plural = '%ss' % resource
+ object_path = '/sfc/%s' % resource_plural
+ resource_path = '/sfc/%s/%%s' % resource_plural
+ versions = ['2.0']
+class FlowClassifierCreate(extension.ClientExtensionCreate,
+ FlowClassifier):
+ """Create a Flow Classifier."""
+ shell_command = 'flow-classifier-create'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Flow Classifier.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Flow Classifier.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--protocol',
+ help=_('IP protocol name. Protocol name should be as per '
+ 'IANA standard.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--ethertype',
+ default='IPv4', choices=['IPv4', 'IPv6'],
+ help=_('L2 ethertype, default is IPv4.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--source-port',
+ help=_('Source protocol port (allowed range [1,65535]. Must be '
+ 'specified as a:b, where a=min-port and b=max-port.)'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--destination-port',
+ help=_('Destination protocol port (allowed range [1,65535]. Must '
+ 'be specified as a:b, where a=min-port and b=max-port.)'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--source-ip-prefix',
+ help=_('Source IP prefix or subnet.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--destination-ip-prefix',
+ help=_('Destination IP prefix or subnet.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--logical-source-port',
+ help=_('ID or name of the neutron source port.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--logical-destination-port',
+ help=_('ID or name of the neutron destination port.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--l7-parameters',
+ metavar='type=TYPE[,url=URL_PATH]',
+ type=utils.str2dict,
+ help=_('Dictionary of L7-parameters. Currently, no value is '
+ 'supported for this option.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ client = self.get_client()
+ if parsed_args.logical_source_port:
+ body['logical_source_port'] = pp.get_port_id(
+ client, parsed_args.logical_source_port)
+ if parsed_args.logical_destination_port:
+ body['logical_destination_port'] = pp.get_port_id(
+ client, parsed_args.logical_destination_port)
+ if parsed_args.source_port:
+ self._fill_protocol_port_info(body, 'source',
+ parsed_args.source_port)
+ if parsed_args.destination_port:
+ self._fill_protocol_port_info(body, 'destination',
+ parsed_args.destination_port)
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body,
+ ['name', 'description', 'protocol',
+ 'ethertype', 'source_ip_prefix',
+ 'destination_ip_prefix', 'l7_parameters'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+ def _fill_protocol_port_info(self, body, port_type, port_val):
+ min_port, sep, max_port = port_val.partition(":")
+ if not max_port:
+ max_port = min_port
+ body[port_type + '_port_range_min'] = int(min_port)
+ body[port_type + '_port_range_max'] = int(max_port)
+class FlowClassifierUpdate(extension.ClientExtensionUpdate,
+ FlowClassifier):
+ """Update Flow Classifier information."""
+ shell_command = 'flow-classifier-update'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Flow Classifier.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Flow Classifier.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body, ['name', 'description'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class FlowClassifierDelete(extension.ClientExtensionDelete,
+ FlowClassifier):
+ """Delete a given Flow Classifier."""
+ shell_command = 'flow-classifier-delete'
+class FlowClassifierList(extension.ClientExtensionList,
+ FlowClassifier):
+ """List Flow Classifiers that belong to a given tenant."""
+ shell_command = 'flow-classifier-list'
+ list_columns = ['id', 'name', 'summary']
+ pagination_support = True
+ sorting_support = True
+ def extend_list(self, data, parsed_args):
+ for d in data:
+ val = []
+ if d.get('protocol'):
+ protocol = d['protocol'].upper()
+ else:
+ protocol = 'any'
+ protocol = 'protocol: ' + protocol
+ val.append(protocol)
+ val.append(self._get_protocol_port_details(d, 'source'))
+ val.append(self._get_protocol_port_details(d, 'destination'))
+ if 'logical_source_port' in d:
+ val.append('neutron_source_port: ' +
+ str(d['logical_source_port']))
+ if 'logical_destination_port' in d:
+ val.append('neutron_destination_port: ' +
+ str(d['logical_destination_port']))
+ if 'l7_parameters' in d:
+ l7_param = 'l7_parameters: ' + '{'
+ for r in d['l7_parameters']:
+ l7_param = l7_param + str(r).lower()
+ l7_param = l7_param + '}'
+ val.append(l7_param)
+ d['summary'] = ',\n'.join(val)
+ def _get_protocol_port_details(self, data, type):
+ type_ip_prefix = type + '_ip_prefix'
+ ip_prefix = data.get(type_ip_prefix)
+ if ip_prefix is not None:
+ port_info = type + '[port]: ' + str(ip_prefix)
+ else:
+ port_info = type + '[port]: any'
+ min_port = data.get(type + '_port_range_min')
+ if min_port is not None:
+ max_port = data.get(type + '_port_range_max')
+ port_info = (port_info + '[' + str(min_port) + ':' +
+ str(max_port) + ']')
+ else:
+ port_info = port_info + '[any:any]'
+ return port_info
+class FlowClassifierShow(extension.ClientExtensionShow, FlowClassifier):
+ """Show information of a given Flow Classifier."""
+ shell_command = 'flow-classifier-show'
diff --git a/networking_sfc/cli/port_chain.py b/networking_sfc/cli/port_chain.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87bccf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/cli/port_chain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt.Limited.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutronclient.common import extension
+from neutronclient.common import utils
+from neutronclient.i18n import _
+from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronv20
+from networking_sfc.cli import flow_classifier as fc
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_pair_group as ppg
+PORT_CHAIN_RESOURCE = 'port_chain'
+class PortChain(extension.NeutronClientExtension):
+ resource_plural = '%ss' % resource
+ object_path = '/sfc/%s' % resource_plural
+ resource_path = '/sfc/%s/%%s' % resource_plural
+ versions = ['2.0']
+class PortChainCreate(extension.ClientExtensionCreate, PortChain):
+ """Create a Port Chain."""
+ shell_command = 'port-chain-create'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Chain.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Port Chain.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--port-pair-group',
+ metavar='PORT-PAIR-GROUP',
+ dest='port_pair_groups',
+ default=[], required=True,
+ action='append',
+ help=_('ID or name of the Port Pair Group. '
+ 'This option can be repeated.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--flow-classifier',
+ default=[],
+ metavar='FLOW-CLASSIFIER',
+ dest='flow_classifiers',
+ action='append',
+ help=_('ID or name of the Flow Classifier.'
+ 'This option can be repeated.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--chain-parameters',
+ metavar='type=TYPE[,correlation=CORRELATION_TYPE]',
+ type=utils.str2dict,
+ help=_('Dictionary of chain parameters. Currently, only '
+ 'correlation=mpls is supported by default.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ client = self.get_client()
+ if parsed_args.port_pair_groups:
+ body['port_pair_groups'] = [ppg.get_port_pair_group_id(client, p)
+ for p in parsed_args.port_pair_groups]
+ if parsed_args.flow_classifiers:
+ body['flow_classifiers'] = [fc.get_flowclassifier_id(client, f)
+ for f in parsed_args.flow_classifiers]
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body, ['name', 'description',
+ 'chain_parameters'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortChainUpdate(extension.ClientExtensionUpdate, PortChain):
+ """Update Port Chain's information."""
+ shell_command = 'port-chain-update'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Chain.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Port Chain.'))
+ fw_args = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ fw_args.add_argument(
+ '--flow-classifier',
+ metavar='FLOW-CLASSIFIER',
+ dest='flow_classifiers',
+ action='append',
+ help=_('ID or name of the Flow Classifier. '
+ 'This option can be repeated.'))
+ fw_args.add_argument(
+ '--no-flow-classifier',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=_('Associate no Flow Classifier with the Port Chain.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ if parsed_args.flow_classifiers:
+ client = self.get_client()
+ body['flow_classifiers'] = [fc.get_flowclassifier_id(client, f)
+ for f in parsed_args.flow_classifiers]
+ elif parsed_args.no_flow_classifier:
+ body['flow_classifiers'] = []
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body, ['name', 'description'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortChainDelete(extension.ClientExtensionDelete, PortChain):
+ """Delete a given Port Chain."""
+ shell_command = 'port-chain-delete'
+class PortChainList(extension.ClientExtensionList, PortChain):
+ """List Port Chains that belong to a given tenant."""
+ shell_command = 'port-chain-list'
+ list_columns = ['id', 'name', 'port_pair_groups', 'flow_classifiers']
+ pagination_support = True
+ sorting_support = True
+class PortChainShow(extension.ClientExtensionShow, PortChain):
+ """Show information of a given Port Chain."""
+ shell_command = 'port-chain-show'
diff --git a/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair.py b/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d934b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt.Limited.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutronclient.common import extension
+from neutronclient.common import utils
+from neutronclient.i18n import _
+from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronv20
+PORT_PAIR_RESOURCE = 'port_pair'
+def get_port_id(client, id_or_name):
+ return neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(client,
+ id_or_name)
+def get_port_pair_id(client, id_or_name):
+ return neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(client,
+ id_or_name)
+class PortPair(extension.NeutronClientExtension):
+ resource_plural = '%ss' % resource
+ object_path = '/sfc/%s' % resource_plural
+ resource_path = '/sfc/%s/%%s' % resource_plural
+ versions = ['2.0']
+class PortPairCreate(extension.ClientExtensionCreate, PortPair):
+ """Create a Port Pair."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-create'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Pair.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Port Pair.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--ingress',
+ required=True,
+ help=_('ID or name of the ingress neutron port.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--egress',
+ required=True,
+ help=_('ID or name of the egress neutron port.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--service-function-parameters',
+ metavar='type=TYPE[,correlation=CORRELATION_TYPE]',
+ type=utils.str2dict,
+ help=_('Dictionary of Service function parameters. '
+ 'Currently, only correlation=None is supported.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ client = self.get_client()
+ if parsed_args.ingress:
+ body['ingress'] = get_port_id(client, parsed_args.ingress)
+ if parsed_args.egress:
+ body['egress'] = get_port_id(client, parsed_args.egress)
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body,
+ ['name', 'description',
+ 'service_function_parameters'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortPairUpdate(extension.ClientExtensionUpdate, PortPair):
+ """Update Port Pair's information."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-update'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Pair.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Port Pair.'))
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body, ['name', 'description'])
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortPairDelete(extension.ClientExtensionDelete, PortPair):
+ """Delete a given Port Pair."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-delete'
+class PortPairList(extension.ClientExtensionList, PortPair):
+ """List Port Pairs that belongs to a given tenant."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-list'
+ list_columns = ['id', 'name', 'ingress', 'egress']
+ pagination_support = True
+ sorting_support = True
+class PortPairShow(extension.ClientExtensionShow, PortPair):
+ """Show information of a given Port Pair."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-show'
diff --git a/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair_group.py b/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df0b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/cli/port_pair_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt.Limited.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutronclient.common import extension
+from neutronclient.i18n import _
+from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronv20
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_pair as pp
+PORT_PAIR_GROUP_RESOURCE = 'port_pair_group'
+def get_port_pair_group_id(client, id_or_name):
+ return neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(client,
+ id_or_name)
+class PortPairGroup(extension.NeutronClientExtension):
+ resource_plural = '%ss' % resource
+ object_path = '/sfc/%s' % resource_plural
+ resource_path = '/sfc/%s/%%s' % resource_plural
+ versions = ['2.0']
+def add_common_arguments(parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--description',
+ help=_('Description for the Port Pair Group.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--port-pair',
+ metavar='PORT-PAIR',
+ dest='port_pairs',
+ default=[],
+ action='append',
+ help=_('ID or name of the Port Pair.'
+ 'This option can be repeated.'))
+def update_common_args2body(client, body, parsed_args):
+ if parsed_args.port_pairs:
+ body['port_pairs'] = [(pp.get_port_pair_id(client, pp1))
+ for pp1 in parsed_args.port_pairs]
+ neutronv20.update_dict(parsed_args, body, ['name', 'description'])
+ return body
+class PortPairGroupCreate(extension.ClientExtensionCreate, PortPairGroup):
+ """Create a Port Pair Group."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-group-create'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Pair Group.'))
+ add_common_arguments(parser)
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ body = update_common_args2body(self.get_client(), body, parsed_args)
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortPairGroupUpdate(extension.ClientExtensionUpdate, PortPairGroup):
+ """Update Port Pair Group's information."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-group-update'
+ def add_known_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--name',
+ metavar='NAME',
+ help=_('Name of the Port Pair Group.'))
+ add_common_arguments(parser)
+ def args2body(self, parsed_args):
+ body = {}
+ body = update_common_args2body(self.get_client(), body, parsed_args)
+ return {self.resource: body}
+class PortPairGroupDelete(extension.ClientExtensionDelete, PortPairGroup):
+ """Delete a given Port Pair Group."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-group-delete'
+class PortPairGroupList(extension.ClientExtensionList, PortPairGroup):
+ """List Port Pair Groups that belongs to a given tenant."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-group-list'
+ list_columns = ['id', 'name', 'port_pairs']
+ pagination_support = True
+ sorting_support = True
+class PortPairGroupShow(extension.ClientExtensionShow, PortPairGroup):
+ """Show information of a given Port Pair Group."""
+ shell_command = 'port-pair-group-show'
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/db/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/flowclassifier_db.py b/networking_sfc/db/flowclassifier_db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e1c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/flowclassifier_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import six
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
+from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
+from neutron.common import constants as const
+from neutron.db import common_db_mixin
+from neutron.db import model_base
+from neutron.db import models_v2
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as fc_ext
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class L7Parameter(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """Represents a L7 parameter."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_flow_classifier_l7_parameters'
+ keyword = sa.Column(sa.String(255), primary_key=True)
+ value = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
+ classifier_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(36),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_flow_classifiers.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+class FlowClassifier(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId,
+ models_v2.HasTenant):
+ """Represents a v2 neutron flow classifier."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_flow_classifiers'
+ name = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
+ ethertype = sa.Column(sa.String(40))
+ protocol = sa.Column(sa.String(40))
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
+ source_port_range_min = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ source_port_range_max = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ destination_port_range_min = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ destination_port_range_max = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ source_ip_prefix = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
+ destination_ip_prefix = sa.Column(sa.String(255))
+ l7_parameters = orm.relationship(
+ L7Parameter,
+ collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('keyword'),
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+class FlowClassifierDbPlugin(fc_ext.FlowClassifierPluginBase,
+ common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin):
+ def _check_port_range_valid(self, port_range_min,
+ port_range_max,
+ protocol):
+ if (
+ port_range_min is not None and
+ port_range_max is not None and
+ port_range_min > port_range_max
+ ):
+ raise fc_ext.FlowClassifierInvalidPortRange(
+ port_range_min=port_range_min,
+ port_range_max=port_range_max
+ )
+ if port_range_min is not None or port_range_max is not None:
+ if protocol not in [const.PROTO_NAME_TCP, const.PROTO_NAME_UDP]:
+ raise fc_ext.FlowClassifierProtocolRequiredWithPorts()
+ def _get_fixed_ip_from_port(self, context, logical_port, ip_prefix):
+ if logical_port is not None:
+ self._get_port(context, logical_port)
+ return ip_prefix
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context, flow_classifier):
+ fc = flow_classifier['flow_classifier']
+ tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, fc)
+ l7_parameters = {
+ key: L7Parameter(key, val)
+ for key, val in six.iteritems(fc['l7_parameters'])}
+ source_port_range_min = fc['source_port_range_min']
+ source_port_range_max = fc['source_port_range_max']
+ self._check_port_range_valid(source_port_range_min,
+ source_port_range_max,
+ fc['protocol'])
+ destination_port_range_min = fc['destination_port_range_min']
+ destination_port_range_max = fc['destination_port_range_max']
+ self._check_port_range_valid(destination_port_range_min,
+ destination_port_range_max,
+ fc['protocol'])
+ source_ip_prefix = fc['source_ip_prefix']
+ destination_ip_prefix = fc['destination_ip_prefix']
+ logical_source_port = fc['logical_source_port']
+ logical_destination_port = fc['logical_destination_port']
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ source_ip_prefix = self._get_fixed_ip_from_port(
+ context, logical_source_port, source_ip_prefix)
+ destination_ip_prefix = self._get_fixed_ip_from_port(
+ context, logical_destination_port, destination_ip_prefix)
+ flow_classifier_db = FlowClassifier(
+ id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
+ tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ name=fc['name'],
+ description=fc['description'],
+ ethertype=fc['ethertype'],
+ protocol=fc['protocol'],
+ source_port_range_min=source_port_range_min,
+ source_port_range_max=source_port_range_max,
+ destination_port_range_min=destination_port_range_min,
+ destination_port_range_max=destination_port_range_max,
+ source_ip_prefix=source_ip_prefix,
+ destination_ip_prefix=destination_ip_prefix,
+ l7_parameters=l7_parameters
+ )
+ context.session.add(flow_classifier_db)
+ return self._make_flow_classifier_dict(flow_classifier_db)
+ def _make_flow_classifier_dict(self, flow_classifier, fields=None):
+ res = {
+ 'id': flow_classifier['id'],
+ 'name': flow_classifier['name'],
+ 'description': flow_classifier['description'],
+ 'tenant_id': flow_classifier['tenant_id'],
+ 'ethertype': flow_classifier['ethertype'],
+ 'protocol': flow_classifier['protocol'],
+ 'source_port_range_min': flow_classifier['source_port_range_min'],
+ 'source_port_range_max': flow_classifier['source_port_range_max'],
+ 'destination_port_range_min': (
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_min']),
+ 'destination_port_range_max': (
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_max']),
+ 'source_ip_prefix': flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix'],
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix'],
+ 'l7_parameters': {
+ param['keyword']: param['value']
+ for k, param in six.iteritems(flow_classifier.l7_parameters)
+ }
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_flow_classifiers(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'flow_classifier',
+ limit, marker)
+ return self._get_collection(context,
+ FlowClassifier,
+ self._make_flow_classifier_dict,
+ filters=filters, fields=fields,
+ sorts=sorts,
+ limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj,
+ page_reverse=page_reverse)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_flow_classifier(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ flow_classifier = self._get_flow_classifier(context, id)
+ return self._make_flow_classifier_dict(flow_classifier, fields)
+ def _get_flow_classifier(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, FlowClassifier, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise fc_ext.FlowClassifierNotFound(id=id)
+ def _get_port(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Port, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise fc_ext.FlowClassifierPortNotFound(id=id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context, id, flow_classifier):
+ new_fc = flow_classifier['flow_classifier']
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ old_fc = self._get_flow_classifier(context, id)
+ old_fc.update(new_fc)
+ return self._make_flow_classifier_dict(old_fc)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ fc = self._get_flow_classifier(context, id)
+ context.session.delete(fc)
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise fc_ext.FlowClassifierInUse(id=id)
+ except fc_ext.FlowClassifierNotFound:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Deleting a non-existing flow classifier."))
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/README b/networking_sfc/db/migration/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c6fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+For details refer to:
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/env.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/env.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f858a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/env.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from logging import config as logging_config
+from alembic import context
+from neutron.db import model_base
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import event
+from networking_sfc.db.migration.models import head # noqa
+SFC_VERSION_TABLE = 'alembic_version_sfc'
+config = context.config
+neutron_config = config.neutron_config
+target_metadata = model_base.BASEV2.metadata
+def set_mysql_engine():
+ try:
+ mysql_engine = neutron_config.command.mysql_engine
+ except cfg.NoSuchOptError:
+ mysql_engine = None
+ MYSQL_ENGINE = (mysql_engine or
+ model_base.BASEV2.__table_args__['mysql_engine'])
+def run_migrations_offline():
+ set_mysql_engine()
+ kwargs = dict()
+ if neutron_config.database.connection:
+ kwargs['url'] = neutron_config.database.connection
+ else:
+ kwargs['dialect_name'] = neutron_config.database.engine
+ kwargs['version_table'] = SFC_VERSION_TABLE
+ context.configure(**kwargs)
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+@event.listens_for(sa.Table, 'after_parent_attach')
+def set_storage_engine(target, parent):
+ target.kwargs['mysql_engine'] = MYSQL_ENGINE
+def run_migrations_online():
+ set_mysql_engine()
+ engine = session.create_engine(neutron_config.database.connection)
+ connection = engine.connect()
+ context.configure(
+ connection=connection,
+ target_metadata=target_metadata,
+ version_table=SFC_VERSION_TABLE
+ )
+ try:
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+ finally:
+ connection.close()
+ engine.dispose()
+if context.is_offline_mode():
+ run_migrations_offline()
+ run_migrations_online()
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/script.py.mako b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/script.py.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f14159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/script.py.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Revision ID: ${up_revision}
+Revises: ${down_revision}
+Create Date: ${create_date}
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = ${repr(up_revision)}
+down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)}
+% if branch_labels:
+branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)}
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+${imports if imports else ""}
+def upgrade():
+ ${upgrades if upgrades else "pass"}
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/HEADS b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/HEADS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152ab9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/HEADS
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/48072cb59133_initial.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/48072cb59133_initial.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b53ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/48072cb59133_initial.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Initial Mitaka no-op script.
+Revision ID: 48072cb59133
+Revises: start_networking_sfc
+Create Date: 2015-07-28 22:18:13.330846
+from neutron.db.migration import cli
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '48072cb59133'
+down_revision = 'start_networking_sfc'
+branch_labels = (cli.CONTRACT_BRANCH,)
+def upgrade():
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/24fc7241aa5_initial.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/24fc7241aa5_initial.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f23c9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/24fc7241aa5_initial.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Initial Mitaka no-op script.
+Revision ID: 24fc7241aa5
+Revises: start_networking_sfc
+Create Date: 2015-09-11 11:37:19.349951
+from neutron.db.migration import cli
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '24fc7241aa5'
+down_revision = 'start_networking_sfc'
+branch_labels = (cli.EXPAND_BRANCH,)
+def upgrade():
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/5a475fc853e6_ovs_data_model.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/5a475fc853e6_ovs_data_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e257548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/5a475fc853e6_ovs_data_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Defining OVS data-model
+Revision ID: 5a475fc853e6
+Revises: c3e178d4a985
+Create Date: 2015-09-30 18:00:57.758762
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '5a475fc853e6'
+down_revision = 'c3e178d4a985'
+def upgrade():
+ op.create_table('sfc_portpair_details',
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('ingress', sa.String(length=36), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('egress', sa.String(length=36), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('host_id', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('mac_address', sa.String(length=32), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('network_type', sa.String(length=8), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('segment_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('local_endpoint', sa.String(length=64), nullable=False),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.create_index(
+ op.f('ix_sfc_portpair_details_tenant_id'),
+ 'sfc_portpair_details', ['tenant_id'], unique=False
+ )
+ op.create_table('sfc_uuid_intid_associations',
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('uuid', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('intid', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('type_', sa.String(length=32), nullable=False),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', 'uuid'),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint('intid')
+ )
+ op.create_table('sfc_path_nodes',
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('nsp', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('nsi', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('node_type', sa.String(length=32), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('portchain_id', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('status', sa.String(length=32), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('next_group_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('next_hop', sa.String(length=512), nullable=True),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portchain_id'], ['sfc_port_chains.id'],
+ ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.create_index(
+ op.f('ix_sfc_path_nodes_tenant_id'),
+ 'sfc_path_nodes', ['tenant_id'], unique=False
+ )
+ op.create_table('sfc_path_port_associations',
+ sa.Column('pathnode_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('portpair_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('weight', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['pathnode_id'], ['sfc_path_nodes.id'],
+ ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portpair_id'], ['sfc_portpair_details.id'],
+ ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('pathnode_id', 'portpair_id')
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/9768e6a66c9_flowclassifier_data_model.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/9768e6a66c9_flowclassifier_data_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43e9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/9768e6a66c9_flowclassifier_data_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Defining flow-classifier data-model
+Revision ID: 9768e6a66c9
+Revises: 24fc7241aa5
+Create Date: 2015-09-30 17:54:35.852573
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '9768e6a66c9'
+down_revision = '24fc7241aa5'
+def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_flow_classifiers',
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True, index=True),
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=attr.NAME_MAX_LEN), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('ethertype', sa.String(length=40), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('protocol', sa.String(length=40), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('source_port_range_min', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('source_port_range_max', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('destination_port_range_min', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('destination_port_range_max', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('source_ip_prefix', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('destination_ip_prefix', sa.String(length=255),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_flow_classifier_l7_parameters',
+ sa.Column('keyword', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('value', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('classifier_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['classifier_id'], ['sfc_flow_classifiers.id'], ),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('keyword', 'classifier_id')
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/c3e178d4a985_sfc_data_model.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/c3e178d4a985_sfc_data_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f5362a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/c3e178d4a985_sfc_data_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Defining Port Chain data-model.
+Revision ID: c3e178d4a985
+Revises: 9768e6a66c9
+Create Date: 2015-09-11 11:37:19.349951
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'c3e178d4a985'
+down_revision = '9768e6a66c9'
+def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_port_pair_groups',
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True, index=True),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=attr.NAME_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_port_pairs',
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True, index=True),
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=attr.NAME_MAX_LEN), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('ingress', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('egress', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('portpairgroup_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=True),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['egress'], ['ports.id'],
+ ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['ingress'], ['ports.id'],
+ ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portpairgroup_id'], ['sfc_port_pair_groups.id'],
+ ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint('ingress', 'egress',
+ name='uniq_sfc_port_pairs0ingress0egress')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_port_chains',
+ sa.Column('tenant_id', sa.String(length=attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True, index=True),
+ sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=attr.NAME_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN),
+ nullable=True),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_chain_group_associations',
+ sa.Column('portpairgroup_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('portchain_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('position', sa.Integer(), nullable=True),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portchain_id'], ['sfc_port_chains.id'], ),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portpairgroup_id'], ['sfc_port_pair_groups.id'],
+ ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('portpairgroup_id', 'portchain_id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_port_chain_parameters',
+ sa.Column('keyword', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('value', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('chain_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['chain_id'], ['sfc_port_chains.id'], ),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('keyword', 'chain_id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_service_function_params',
+ sa.Column('keyword', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('value', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True),
+ sa.Column('pair_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['pair_id'], ['sfc_port_pairs.id'], ),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('keyword', 'pair_id')
+ )
+ op.create_table(
+ 'sfc_chain_classifier_associations',
+ sa.Column('flowclassifier_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('portchain_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['flowclassifier_id'],
+ ['sfc_flow_classifiers.id'],
+ ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['portchain_id'], ['sfc_port_chains.id'], ),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('flowclassifier_id', 'portchain_id'),
+ sa.UniqueConstraint('flowclassifier_id')
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/start_networking_sfc.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/start_networking_sfc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4810d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions/start_networking_sfc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""start networking-sfc chain
+Revision ID: start_networking_sfc
+Revises: None
+Create Date: 2015-09-10 18:42:08.262632
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = 'start_networking_sfc'
+down_revision = None
+def upgrade():
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/head.py b/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/head.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1345cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/migration/models/head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutron.db import model_base
+from networking_sfc.db import flowclassifier_db # noqa
+from networking_sfc.db import sfc_db # noqa
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import db as ovs_db # noqa
+def get_metadata():
+ return model_base.BASEV2.metadata
diff --git a/networking_sfc/db/sfc_db.py b/networking_sfc/db/sfc_db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dcd349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/db/sfc_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import six
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
+from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
+from neutron.api.v2.attributes import DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN
+from neutron.api.v2.attributes import NAME_MAX_LEN
+from neutron.db import common_db_mixin
+from neutron.db import model_base
+from neutron.db import models_v2
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from networking_sfc.db import flowclassifier_db as fc_db
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as ext_fc
+from networking_sfc.extensions import sfc as ext_sfc
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+UUID_LEN = 36
+PARAM_LEN = 255
+class ChainParameter(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """Represents a single chain parameter."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_port_chain_parameters'
+ keyword = sa.Column(sa.String(PARAM_LEN), primary_key=True)
+ value = sa.Column(sa.String(PARAM_LEN))
+ chain_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_chains.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+class ServiceFunctionParam(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """Represents a service function parameter."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_service_function_params'
+ keyword = sa.Column(sa.String(PARAM_LEN), primary_key=True)
+ value = sa.Column(sa.String(PARAM_LEN))
+ pair_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_pairs.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+class ChainClassifierAssoc(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """Relation table between sfc_port_chains and flow_classifiers."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_chain_classifier_associations'
+ flowclassifier_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_flow_classifiers.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ primary_key=True, nullable=False, unique=True)
+ portchain_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_chains.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+ flow_classifier = orm.relationship(
+ fc_db.FlowClassifier,
+ backref='chain_classifier_associations'
+ )
+class PortPair(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId,
+ models_v2.HasTenant):
+ """Represents the ingress and egress ports for a single service function.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_port_pairs'
+ name = sa.Column(sa.String(NAME_MAX_LEN))
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN))
+ ingress = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('ports.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ nullable=False)
+ egress = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('ports.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ nullable=False)
+ portpairgroup_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_pair_groups.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'))
+ service_function_parameters = orm.relationship(
+ ServiceFunctionParam,
+ collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('keyword'),
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+ __table_args__ = (
+ sa.UniqueConstraint(
+ ingress, egress,
+ name='uniq_sfc_port_pairs0ingress0egress'
+ ),
+ model_base.BASEV2.__table_args__
+ )
+class ChainGroupAssoc(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """Relation table between sfc_port_chains and sfc_port_pair_groups."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_chain_group_associations'
+ portpairgroup_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_pair_groups.id', ondelete='RESTRICT'),
+ primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ portchain_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(UUID_LEN),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_chains.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+ position = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+class PortPairGroup(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId,
+ models_v2.HasTenant):
+ """Represents a port pair group model."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_port_pair_groups'
+ name = sa.Column(sa.String(NAME_MAX_LEN))
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN))
+ port_pairs = orm.relationship(
+ PortPair,
+ backref='port_pair_group'
+ )
+ chain_group_associations = orm.relationship(
+ ChainGroupAssoc,
+ backref='port_pair_groups')
+class PortChain(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId, models_v2.HasTenant):
+ """Represents a Neutron service function Port Chain."""
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_port_chains'
+ name = sa.Column(sa.String(NAME_MAX_LEN))
+ description = sa.Column(sa.String(DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN))
+ chain_group_associations = orm.relationship(
+ ChainGroupAssoc,
+ backref='port_chain',
+ order_by="ChainGroupAssoc.position",
+ collection_class=ordering_list('position'),
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+ chain_classifier_associations = orm.relationship(
+ ChainClassifierAssoc,
+ backref='port_chain',
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+ chain_parameters = orm.relationship(
+ ChainParameter,
+ collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('keyword'),
+ cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+class SfcDbPlugin(
+ ext_sfc.SfcPluginBase,
+ common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin
+ """Mixin class to add port chain to db_plugin_base_v2."""
+ def _make_port_chain_dict(self, port_chain, fields=None):
+ res = {
+ 'id': port_chain['id'],
+ 'name': port_chain['name'],
+ 'tenant_id': port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ 'description': port_chain['description'],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ assoc['portpairgroup_id']
+ for assoc in port_chain['chain_group_associations']
+ ],
+ 'flow_classifiers': [
+ assoc['flowclassifier_id']
+ for assoc in port_chain['chain_classifier_associations']
+ ],
+ 'chain_parameters': {
+ param['keyword']: param['value']
+ for k, param in six.iteritems(port_chain['chain_parameters'])
+ }
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ def _validate_port_pair_groups(self, context, pg_ids):
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ query = self._model_query(context, PortChain)
+ for port_chain_db in query.all():
+ pc_pg_ids = [
+ assoc['portpairgroup_id']
+ for assoc in port_chain_db.chain_group_associations
+ ]
+ if pc_pg_ids == pg_ids:
+ raise ext_sfc.InvalidPortPairGroups(
+ port_pair_groups=pg_ids, port_chain=port_chain_db.id)
+ def _validate_flow_classifiers(self, context, fc_ids):
+ # TODO(xiaodong): Validate flow classifiers if needed in future.
+ pass
+ def _setup_chain_group_associations(
+ self, context, port_chain, pg_ids
+ ):
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ chain_group_associations = []
+ for pg_id in pg_ids:
+ query = self._model_query(context, ChainGroupAssoc)
+ chain_group_association = query.filter_by(
+ portchain_id=port_chain.id, portpairgroup_id=pg_id
+ ).first()
+ if not chain_group_association:
+ chain_group_association = ChainGroupAssoc(
+ portpairgroup_id=pg_id
+ )
+ chain_group_associations.append(chain_group_association)
+ port_chain.chain_group_associations = chain_group_associations
+ def _setup_chain_classifier_associations(
+ self, context, port_chain, fc_ids
+ ):
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ chain_classifier_associations = []
+ for fc_id in fc_ids:
+ query = self._model_query(context, ChainClassifierAssoc)
+ chain_classifier_association = query.filter_by(
+ portchain_id=port_chain.id, flowclassifier_id=fc_id
+ ).first()
+ if not chain_classifier_association:
+ chain_classifier_association = ChainClassifierAssoc(
+ flowclassifier_id=fc_id
+ )
+ chain_classifier_associations.append(
+ chain_classifier_association)
+ port_chain.chain_classifier_associations = (
+ chain_classifier_associations)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_chain(self, context, port_chain):
+ """Create a port chain."""
+ pc = port_chain['port_chain']
+ tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, pc)
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ chain_parameters = {
+ key: ChainParameter(keyword=key, value=val)
+ for key, val in six.iteritems(pc['chain_parameters'])}
+ pg_ids = pc['port_pair_groups']
+ for pg_id in pg_ids:
+ self._get_port_pair_group(context, pg_id)
+ fc_ids = pc['flow_classifiers']
+ fcs = [
+ self._get_flow_classifier(context, fc_id)
+ for fc_id in fc_ids
+ ]
+ for fc in fcs:
+ if fc.chain_classifier_associations:
+ raise ext_fc.FlowClassifierInUse(id=fc.id)
+ self._validate_port_pair_groups(context, pg_ids)
+ self._validate_flow_classifiers(context, fc_ids)
+ port_chain_db = PortChain(id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
+ tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ description=pc['description'],
+ name=pc['name'],
+ chain_parameters=chain_parameters)
+ self._setup_chain_group_associations(
+ context, port_chain_db, pg_ids)
+ self._setup_chain_classifier_associations(
+ context, port_chain_db, fc_ids)
+ context.session.add(port_chain_db)
+ return self._make_port_chain_dict(port_chain_db)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_chains(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None,
+ marker=None, page_reverse=False, default_sg=False):
+ marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'port_chain', limit, marker)
+ return self._get_collection(context,
+ PortChain,
+ self._make_port_chain_dict,
+ filters=filters, fields=fields,
+ sorts=sorts,
+ limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj,
+ page_reverse=page_reverse)
+ def get_port_chains_count(self, context, filters=None):
+ return self._get_collection_count(context, PortChain,
+ filters=filters)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_chain(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ portchain = self._get_port_chain(context, id)
+ return self._make_port_chain_dict(portchain, fields)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _get_port_chain(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, PortChain, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortChainNotFound(id=id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ pc = self._get_port_chain(context, id)
+ context.session.delete(pc)
+ except ext_sfc.PortChainNotFound:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Deleting a non-existing port chain."))
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_chain(self, context, id, port_chain):
+ p = port_chain['port_chain']
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ pc = self._get_port_chain(context, id)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(p):
+ if k == 'flow_classifiers':
+ for fc_id in v:
+ self._get_flow_classifier(context, fc_id)
+ self._setup_chain_classifier_associations(context, pc, v)
+ else:
+ pc[k] = v
+ return self._make_port_chain_dict(pc)
+ def _make_port_pair_dict(self, port_pair, fields=None):
+ res = {
+ 'id': port_pair['id'],
+ 'name': port_pair['name'],
+ 'description': port_pair['description'],
+ 'tenant_id': port_pair['tenant_id'],
+ 'ingress': port_pair['ingress'],
+ 'egress': port_pair['egress'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': {
+ param['keyword']: param['value']
+ for k, param in six.iteritems(
+ port_pair['service_function_parameters'])
+ }
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ def _validate_port_pair_ingress_egress(self, ingress, egress):
+ if 'device_id' not in ingress or not ingress['device_id']:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairIngressNoHost(
+ ingress=ingress['id']
+ )
+ if 'device_id' not in egress or not egress['device_id']:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortpairEgressNoHost(
+ egress=egress['id']
+ )
+ if ingress['device_id'] != egress['device_id']:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairIngressEgressDifferentHost(
+ ingress=ingress['id'],
+ egress=egress['id'])
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair(self, context, port_pair):
+ """Create a port pair."""
+ pp = port_pair['port_pair']
+ tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, pp)
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ service_function_parameters = {
+ key: ServiceFunctionParam(keyword=key, value=val)
+ for key, val in six.iteritems(
+ pp['service_function_parameters']
+ )
+ }
+ ingress = self._get_port(context, pp['ingress'])
+ egress = self._get_port(context, pp['egress'])
+ self._validate_port_pair_ingress_egress(ingress, egress)
+ port_pair_db = PortPair(
+ id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
+ name=pp['name'],
+ description=pp['description'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ ingress=pp['ingress'],
+ egress=pp['egress'],
+ service_function_parameters=service_function_parameters
+ )
+ context.session.add(port_pair_db)
+ return self._make_port_pair_dict(port_pair_db)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_pairs(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'port_pair',
+ limit, marker)
+ return self._get_collection(context,
+ PortPair,
+ self._make_port_pair_dict,
+ filters=filters, fields=fields,
+ sorts=sorts,
+ limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj,
+ page_reverse=page_reverse)
+ def get_port_pairs_count(self, context, filters=None):
+ return self._get_collection_count(context, PortPair,
+ filters=filters)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_pair(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ port_pair = self._get_port_pair(context, id)
+ return self._make_port_pair_dict(port_pair, fields)
+ def _get_port_pair(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, PortPair, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairNotFound(id=id)
+ def _get_port(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Port, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairPortNotFound(id=id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair(self, context, id, port_pair):
+ new_pp = port_pair['port_pair']
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ old_pp = self._get_port_pair(context, id)
+ old_pp.update(new_pp)
+ return self._make_port_pair_dict(old_pp)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ pp = self._get_port_pair(context, id)
+ if pp.portpairgroup_id:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairInUse(id=id)
+ context.session.delete(pp)
+ except ext_sfc.PortPairNotFound:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Deleting a non-existing port pair."))
+ def _make_port_pair_group_dict(self, port_pair_group, fields=None):
+ res = {
+ 'id': port_pair_group['id'],
+ 'name': port_pair_group['name'],
+ 'description': port_pair_group['description'],
+ 'tenant_id': port_pair_group['tenant_id'],
+ 'port_pairs': [pp['id'] for pp in port_pair_group['port_pairs']],
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context, port_pair_group):
+ """Create a port pair group."""
+ pg = port_pair_group['port_pair_group']
+ tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, pg)
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ portpairs_list = [self._get_port_pair(context, pp_id)
+ for pp_id in pg['port_pairs']]
+ for portpair in portpairs_list:
+ if portpair.portpairgroup_id:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairInUse(id=portpair.id)
+ port_pair_group_db = PortPairGroup(
+ id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
+ name=pg['name'],
+ description=pg['description'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ port_pairs=portpairs_list)
+ context.session.add(port_pair_group_db)
+ return self._make_port_pair_group_dict(port_pair_group_db)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_pair_groups(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'port_pair_group',
+ limit, marker)
+ return self._get_collection(context,
+ PortPairGroup,
+ self._make_port_pair_group_dict,
+ filters=filters, fields=fields,
+ sorts=sorts,
+ limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj,
+ page_reverse=page_reverse)
+ def get_port_pair_groups_count(self, context, filters=None):
+ return self._get_collection_count(context, PortPairGroup,
+ filters=filters)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_port_pair_group(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ port_pair_group = self._get_port_pair_group(context, id)
+ return self._make_port_pair_group_dict(port_pair_group, fields)
+ def _get_port_pair_group(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, PortPairGroup, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairGroupNotFound(id=id)
+ def _get_flow_classifier(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ return self._get_by_id(context, fc_db.FlowClassifier, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise ext_fc.FlowClassifierNotFound(id=id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context, id, port_pair_group):
+ new_pg = port_pair_group['port_pair_group']
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ portpairs_list = [self._get_port_pair(context, pp_id)
+ for pp_id in new_pg.get('port_pairs', [])]
+ for portpair in portpairs_list:
+ if (
+ portpair.portpairgroup_id and
+ portpair.portpairgroup_id != id
+ ):
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairInUse(id=portpair.id)
+ old_pg = self._get_port_pair_group(context, id)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(new_pg):
+ if k == 'port_pairs':
+ port_pairs = [
+ self._get_port_pair(context, pp_id)
+ for pp_id in v
+ ]
+ old_pg.port_pairs = port_pairs
+ else:
+ old_pg[k] = v
+ return self._make_port_pair_group_dict(old_pg)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context, id):
+ try:
+ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ pg = self._get_port_pair_group(context, id)
+ if pg.chain_group_associations:
+ raise ext_sfc.PortPairGroupInUse(id=id)
+ context.session.delete(pg)
+ except ext_sfc.PortPairGroupNotFound:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Deleting a non-existing port pair group."))
diff --git a/networking_sfc/extensions/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/extensions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/extensions/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/extensions/flowclassifier.py b/networking_sfc/extensions/flowclassifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d2284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/extensions/flowclassifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import six
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from neutron.api import extensions as neutron_ext
+from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr
+from neutron.api.v2 import resource_helper
+from neutron.common import constants as const
+from neutron.common import exceptions as neutron_exc
+from neutron.services import service_base
+import networking_sfc
+cfg.CONF.import_opt('api_extensions_path', 'neutron.common.config')
+FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT = "flow_classifier"
+fc_supported_protocols = [const.PROTO_NAME_TCP,
+fc_supported_ethertypes = ['IPv4', 'IPv6']
+# Flow Classifier Exceptions
+class FlowClassifierNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier %(id)s not found.")
+class FlowClassifierPortNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier Neutron Port %(id)s not found.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalidPortRange(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Invalid IP protocol port range. min_port_range="
+ "%(port_range_min)s must be lesser or equal to "
+ "max_port_range=%(port_range_max)s.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalidPortValue(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier has invalid port value %(port)s")
+class FlowClassiferDuplicateInformation(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Flow Classfier has duplicate information: "
+ "Neutron Port id %(port_id)s and ip prefix %(ip_prefix)s")
+class FlowClassifierInUse(neutron_exc.InUse):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier %(id)s in use.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalidProtocol(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier does not support protocol %(protocol)s. "
+ "Supported protocol values are %(values)s.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalidEthertype(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Flow Classifier does not support ethertype %(ethertype)s. "
+ "Supported ethertype values are %(values)s.")
+class FlowClassifierProtocolRequiredWithPorts(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("IP protocol must be TCP or UDP, if port range is given.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalidL7Parameter(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _(
+ "Flow classifier does not support L7 parameter "
+ "(%%(key)s, %%(value)s). Supported L7 parameters are "
+ "%(supported_parameters)s."
+ ) % {'supported_parameters': SUPPORTED_L7_PARAMETERS}
+def normalize_protocol(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
+ if value.lower() in fc_supported_protocols:
+ return value.lower()
+ raise FlowClassifierInvalidProtocol(
+ protocol=value, values=fc_supported_protocols)
+def normalize_ethertype(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return 'IPv4'
+ if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
+ for ether_type in fc_supported_ethertypes:
+ if value.lower() == ether_type.lower():
+ return ether_type
+ raise FlowClassifierInvalidEthertype(
+ ethertype=value, values=fc_supported_ethertypes)
+def normalize_string(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return ''
+ return value
+def normalize_port_value(port):
+ if port is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ val = int(port)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise FlowClassifierInvalidPortValue(port=port)
+ if 0 <= val <= 65535:
+ return val
+ else:
+ raise FlowClassifierInvalidPortValue(port=port)
+def normalize_l7parameters(parameters):
+ parameters = attr.convert_none_to_empty_dict(parameters)
+ if not parameters:
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(parameters):
+ if (key, value) not in SUPPORTED_L7_PARAMETERS:
+ raise FlowClassifierInvalidL7Parameter(key=key, value=value)
+ return parameters
+# Attribute Map
+ 'flow_classifiers': {
+ 'id': {
+ 'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
+ 'primary_key': True},
+ 'name': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.NAME_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'description': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'tenant_id': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN},
+ 'required_by_policy': True},
+ 'ethertype': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_ethertype},
+ 'protocol': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_protocol},
+ 'source_port_range_min': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_port_value},
+ 'source_port_range_max': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_port_value},
+ 'destination_port_range_min': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_port_value},
+ 'destination_port_range_max': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'convert_to': normalize_port_value},
+ 'source_ip_prefix': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:subnet_or_none': None}},
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:subnet_or_none': None}},
+ 'logical_source_port': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': False, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid_or_none': None}},
+ 'logical_destination_port': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': False, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid_or_none': None}},
+ 'l7_parameters': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:dict': None},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_l7parameters},
+ },
+flow_classifier_quota_opts = [
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_flow_classifier',
+ default=100,
+ help=_('Maximum number of flow classifiers per tenant. '
+ 'A negative value means unlimited.')),
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(flow_classifier_quota_opts, 'QUOTAS')
+class Flowclassifier(neutron_ext.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Flow Classifier extension."""
+ @classmethod
+ def get_name(cls):
+ @classmethod
+ def get_alias(cls):
+ @classmethod
+ def get_description(cls):
+ return "Flow Classifier Extension."
+ @classmethod
+ def get_plugin_interface(cls):
+ return FlowClassifierPluginBase
+ @classmethod
+ def get_updated(cls):
+ return "2015-10-05T10:00:00-00:00"
+ def update_attributes_map(self, attributes):
+ super(Flowclassifier, self).update_attributes_map(
+ attributes, extension_attrs_map=RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_resources(cls):
+ """Returns Ext Resources."""
+ plural_mappings = resource_helper.build_plural_mappings(
+ plural_mappings['flow_classifiers'] = 'flow_classifier'
+ attr.PLURALS.update(plural_mappings)
+ return resource_helper.build_resource_info(
+ plural_mappings,
+ register_quota=True)
+ def get_extended_resources(self, version):
+ if version == "2.0":
+ else:
+ return {}
+class FlowClassifierPluginBase(service_base.ServicePluginBase):
+ def get_plugin_name(self):
+ def get_plugin_type(self):
+ def get_plugin_description(self):
+ return 'Flow classifier plugin'
+ @abstractmethod
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context, flow_classifier):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context, id, flow_classifier):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context, id):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_flow_classifiers(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_flow_classifier(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/extensions/sfc.py b/networking_sfc/extensions/sfc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67808b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/extensions/sfc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import six
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from neutron.api import extensions as neutron_ext
+from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr
+from neutron.api.v2 import resource_helper
+from neutron.common import exceptions as neutron_exc
+from neutron.services import service_base
+import networking_sfc
+cfg.CONF.import_opt('api_extensions_path', 'neutron.common.config')
+SFC_EXT = "sfc"
+SFC_PREFIX = "/sfc"
+SUPPORTED_CHAIN_PARAMETERS = [('correlation', 'mpls')]
+DEFAULT_CHAIN_PARAMETER = {'correlation': 'mpls'}
+SUPPORTED_SF_PARAMETERS = [('correlation', None)]
+DEFAULT_SF_PARAMETER = {'correlation': None}
+# Port Chain Exceptions
+class PortChainNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Port chain %(id)s not found.")
+class InvalidChainParameter(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _(
+ "Chain parameter does not support (%%(key)s, %%(value)s). "
+ "Supported chain parameters are %(supported_paramters)s"
+ ) % {'supported_paramters': SUPPORTED_CHAIN_PARAMETERS}
+class InvalidServiceFunctionParameter(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _(
+ "Service function parameter does not support (%%(key)s, %%(value)s). "
+ "Supported service function parameters are %(supported_paramters)s"
+ ) % {'supported_paramters': SUPPORTED_SF_PARAMETERS}
+class PortPairGroupNotSpecified(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Port pair group is not specified in port chain")
+class InvalidPortPairGroups(neutron_exc.InUse):
+ message = _("Port pair groups %(port_pair_groups)s in use by "
+ "port chain %(port_chain)s.")
+class PortPairPortNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Port pair port %(id)s not found.")
+class PortPairIngressEgressDifferentHost(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Port pair inegress port %(ingress)s "
+ "egress port %(egress)s not in the same host.")
+class PortPairIngressNoHost(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Port pair ingress port %(ingress)s does not "
+ "belong to a host.")
+class PortPairEgressNoHost(neutron_exc.InvalidInput):
+ message = _("Port pair egress port %(egress)s does not "
+ "belong to a host.")
+class PortPairNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Port pair %(id)s not found.")
+class PortPairGroupNotFound(neutron_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Port pair group %(id)s not found.")
+class PortPairGroupInUse(neutron_exc.InUse):
+ message = _("Port pair group %(id)s in use.")
+class PortPairInUse(neutron_exc.InUse):
+ message = _("Port pair %(id)s in use.")
+def normalize_string(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return ''
+ return value
+def normalize_port_pair_groups(port_pair_groups):
+ port_pair_groups = attr.convert_none_to_empty_list(port_pair_groups)
+ if not port_pair_groups:
+ raise PortPairGroupNotSpecified()
+ return port_pair_groups
+def normalize_chain_parameters(parameters):
+ parameters = attr.convert_none_to_empty_dict(parameters)
+ if not parameters:
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(parameters):
+ if (key, value) not in SUPPORTED_CHAIN_PARAMETERS:
+ raise InvalidChainParameter(key=key, value=value)
+ return parameters
+def normalize_sf_parameters(parameters):
+ parameters = attr.convert_none_to_empty_dict(parameters)
+ if not parameters:
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(parameters):
+ if (key, value) not in SUPPORTED_SF_PARAMETERS:
+ raise InvalidServiceFunctionParameter(key=key, value=value)
+ return parameters
+ 'port_pairs': {
+ 'id': {
+ 'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
+ 'primary_key': True},
+ 'name': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.NAME_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'description': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'tenant_id': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN},
+ 'required_by_policy': True},
+ 'ingress': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None}},
+ 'egress': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None}},
+ 'service_function_parameters': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:dict': None},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_sf_parameters},
+ },
+ 'port_chains': {
+ 'id': {
+ 'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
+ 'primary_key': True},
+ 'name': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.NAME_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'description': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'tenant_id': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN},
+ 'required_by_policy': True},
+ 'port_pair_groups': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid_list': None},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_port_pair_groups},
+ 'flow_classifiers': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid_list': None},
+ 'convert_to': attr.convert_none_to_empty_list},
+ 'chain_parameters': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:dict': None},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_chain_parameters},
+ },
+ 'port_pair_groups': {
+ 'id': {
+ 'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
+ 'primary_key': True},
+ 'name': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.NAME_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'description': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN},
+ 'convert_to': normalize_string},
+ 'tenant_id': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
+ 'is_visible': True,
+ 'validate': {'type:string': attr.TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN},
+ 'required_by_policy': True},
+ 'port_pairs': {
+ 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
+ 'is_visible': True, 'default': None,
+ 'validate': {'type:uuid_list': None},
+ 'convert_to': attr.convert_none_to_empty_list},
+ },
+sfc_quota_opts = [
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_port_chain',
+ default=10,
+ help=_('Maximum number of port chains per tenant. '
+ 'A negative value means unlimited.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_port_pair_group',
+ default=10,
+ help=_('maximum number of port pair group per tenant. '
+ 'a negative value means unlimited.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_port_pair',
+ default=100,
+ help=_('maximum number of port pair per tenant. '
+ 'a negative value means unlimited.'))
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(sfc_quota_opts, 'QUOTAS')
+class Sfc(neutron_ext.ExtensionDescriptor):
+ """Service Function Chain extension."""
+ @classmethod
+ def get_name(cls):
+ return SFC_EXT
+ @classmethod
+ def get_alias(cls):
+ return SFC_EXT
+ @classmethod
+ def get_description(cls):
+ return "service function chains extension."
+ @classmethod
+ def get_plugin_interface(cls):
+ return SfcPluginBase
+ @classmethod
+ def get_updated(cls):
+ return "2015-10-05T10:00:00-00:00"
+ def update_attributes_map(self, attributes):
+ super(Sfc, self).update_attributes_map(
+ attributes, extension_attrs_map=RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_resources(cls):
+ """Returns Ext Resources."""
+ plural_mappings = resource_helper.build_plural_mappings(
+ plural_mappings['sfcs'] = 'sfc'
+ attr.PLURALS.update(plural_mappings)
+ return resource_helper.build_resource_info(
+ plural_mappings,
+ register_quota=True)
+ def get_extended_resources(self, version):
+ if version == "2.0":
+ else:
+ return {}
+class SfcPluginBase(service_base.ServicePluginBase):
+ def get_plugin_name(self):
+ return SFC_EXT
+ def get_plugin_type(self):
+ return SFC_EXT
+ def get_plugin_description(self):
+ return 'SFC service plugin for service chaining'
+ @abstractmethod
+ def create_port_chain(self, context, port_chain):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_port_chain(self, context, id, port_chain):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context, id):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_chains(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_chain(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context, port_pair_group):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context, id, port_pair_group):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context, id):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_pair_groups(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_pair_group(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def create_port_pair(self, context, port_pair):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_port_pair(self, context, id, port_pair):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context, id):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_pairs(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_port_pair(self, context, id, fields=None):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/config.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2496f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+ cfg.ListOpt('drivers',
+ default=['dummy'],
+ help=_("An ordered list of flow classifier drivers "
+ "entrypoints to be loaded from the "
+ "networking_sfc.flowclassifier.drivers namespace.")),
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(FLOWCLASSIFIER_DRIVER_OPTS, "flowclassifier")
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/context.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/context.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d873077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+class FlowClassifierPluginContext(object):
+ """Flow Classifier context base class."""
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context):
+ self._plugin = plugin
+ self._plugin_context = plugin_context
+class FlowClassifierContext(FlowClassifierPluginContext):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context, flowclassifier,
+ original_flowclassifier=None):
+ super(FlowClassifierContext, self).__init__(plugin, plugin_context)
+ self._flowclassifier = flowclassifier
+ self._original_flowclassifier = original_flowclassifier
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ return self._flowclassifier
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return self._original_flowclassifier
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/exceptions.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f186c0
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+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/common/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Exceptions used by FlowClassifier plugin and drivers."""
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+class FlowClassifierDriverError(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ """flow classifier driver call failed."""
+ message = _("%(method)s failed.")
+class FlowClassifierException(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ """Base for flow classifier driver exceptions returned to user."""
+ pass
+class FlowClassifierBadRequest(exceptions.BadRequest, FlowClassifierException):
+ """Base for flow classifier driver bad request exceptions."""
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/driver_manager.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/driver_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af4470
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+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/driver_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+import stevedore
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import exceptions as fc_exc
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common.config',
+ group='flowclassifier')
+class FlowClassifierDriverManager(stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager):
+ """Implementation of Flow Classifier drivers."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Registered flow classifier drivers, keyed by name.
+ self.drivers = {}
+ # Ordered list of flow classifier drivers, defining
+ # the order in which the drivers are called.
+ self.ordered_drivers = []
+ LOG.info(_LI("Configured Flow Classifier drivers: %s"),
+ cfg.CONF.flowclassifier.drivers)
+ super(FlowClassifierDriverManager, self).__init__(
+ 'networking_sfc.flowclassifier.drivers',
+ cfg.CONF.flowclassifier.drivers,
+ invoke_on_load=True,
+ name_order=True)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Loaded Flow Classifier drivers: %s"),
+ self.names())
+ self._register_drivers()
+ def _register_drivers(self):
+ """Register all Flow Classifier drivers.
+ This method should only be called once in the
+ FlowClassifierDriverManager constructor.
+ """
+ for ext in self:
+ self.drivers[ext.name] = ext
+ self.ordered_drivers.append(ext)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Registered Flow Classifier drivers: %s"),
+ [driver.name for driver in self.ordered_drivers])
+ def initialize(self):
+ # ServiceChain bulk operations requires each driver to support them
+ self.native_bulk_support = True
+ for driver in self.ordered_drivers:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Initializing Flow Classifier driver '%s'"),
+ driver.name)
+ driver.obj.initialize()
+ self.native_bulk_support &= getattr(driver.obj,
+ 'native_bulk_support', True)
+ def _call_drivers(self, method_name, context):
+ """Helper method for calling a method across all drivers.
+ :param method_name: name of the method to call
+ :param context: context parameter to pass to each method call
+ :param continue_on_failure: whether or not to continue to call
+ all SFC drivers once one has raised an exception
+ if any Flow Classifier driver call fails.
+ """
+ for driver in self.ordered_drivers:
+ try:
+ getattr(driver.obj, method_name)(context)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # This is an internal failure.
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(
+ _LE("Flow Classifier driver '%(name)s'"
+ "failed in %(method)s"),
+ {'name': driver.name, 'method': method_name}
+ )
+ raise fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError(
+ method=method_name
+ )
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("create_flow_classifier", context)
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("update_flow_classifier", context)
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("delete_flow_classifier", context)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/__init__.py
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index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/base.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeaa60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import abc
+import six
+class FlowClassifierDriverBase(object):
+ """Flow Classifier Driver Base Class."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/dummy/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/dummy/__init__.py
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index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/dummy/__init__.py
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index 0000000..d032cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/drivers/dummy/dummy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.drivers import base as fc_driver
+class DummyDriver(fc_driver.FlowClassifierDriverBase):
+ """Flow Classifier Driver Dummy Class."""
+ def initialize(self):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/plugin.py b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692e1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/flowclassifier/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron import manager
+from networking_sfc.db import flowclassifier_db as fc_db
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as fc_ext
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import context as fc_ctx
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import exceptions as fc_exc
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier import driver_manager as fc_driver
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FlowClassifierPlugin(fc_db.FlowClassifierDbPlugin):
+ """Implementation of the Plugin."""
+ supported_extension_aliases = [fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT]
+ path_prefix = fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PREFIX
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.driver_manager = fc_driver.FlowClassifierDriverManager()
+ super(FlowClassifierPlugin, self).__init__()
+ self.driver_manager.initialize()
+ def _get_port(self, context, id):
+ port = super(FlowClassifierPlugin, self)._get_port(context, id)
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ return core_plugin.get_port(context, port['id'])
+ def _get_fixed_ip_from_port(self, context, logical_port, ip_prefix):
+ if logical_port is not None:
+ port = self._get_port(context, logical_port)
+ if (
+ ip_prefix is None and
+ 'fixed_ips' in port and
+ port['fixed_ips']
+ ):
+ for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
+ ip_prefix = (
+ '%s/32' % fixed_ip['ip_address']
+ )
+ break
+ return ip_prefix
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_flow_classifier(self, context, flow_classifier):
+ fc_db = super(FlowClassifierPlugin, self).create_flow_classifier(
+ context, flow_classifier)
+ fc_db_context = fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext(self, context, fc_db)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.create_flow_classifier(fc_db_context)
+ except fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Create flow classifier failed, "
+ "deleting flow_classifier '%s'"),
+ fc_db['id'])
+ self.delete_flow_classifier(context, fc_db['id'])
+ return fc_db
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_flow_classifier(self, context, id, flow_classifier):
+ original_flowclassifier = self.get_flow_classifier(context, id)
+ updated_fc = super(FlowClassifierPlugin, self).update_flow_classifier(
+ context, id, flow_classifier)
+ fc_db_context = fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext(
+ self, context, updated_fc,
+ original_flowclassifier=original_flowclassifier)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.update_flow_classifier(fc_db_context)
+ except fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Update flow classifier failed, "
+ "flow_classifier '%s'"),
+ updated_fc['id'])
+ return updated_fc
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_flow_classifier(self, context, fc_id):
+ fc = self.get_flow_classifier(context, fc_id)
+ fc_context = fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext(self, context, fc)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.delete_flow_classifier(fc_context)
+ except fc_exc.FlowClassfierDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Delete port pair group failed, "
+ "flow_classifier '%s'"),
+ fc_id)
+ super(FlowClassifierPlugin, self).delete_flow_classifier(
+ context, fc_id)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/__init__.py
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626812b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from neutron.common import eventlet_utils
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/agent.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/agent.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2537f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import signal
+import six
+import sys
+from neutron.agent.common import config
+from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_int
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_phys
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_tun
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import constants
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import rpc_topics as sfc_topics
+from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc
+from neutron.common import config as common_config
+from neutron.common import constants as n_const
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron.common import topics
+from neutron.common import utils as q_utils
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from neutron.i18n import _LW
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.common import (
+ constants as ovs_const)
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent import ovs_neutron_agent
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+import oslo_messaging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+agent_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('sfc_encap_mode', default='mpls',
+ help=_("The encapsulation mode of sfc.")),
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(agent_opts, "AGENT")
+# This table is used to process the traffic across differet subnet scenario.
+# Flow 1: pri=1, ip,dl_dst=nexthop_mac,nw_src=nexthop_subnet. actions=
+# push_mpls:0x8847,set_mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl,push_vlan,output:(patch port
+# or resubmit to table(INGRESS_TABLE)
+# Flow 2: pri=0, ip,dl_dst=nexthop_mac,, action=push_mpls:0x8847,
+# set_mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl,push_vlan,output:(patch port or resubmit to
+# The table has multiple flows that steer traffic for the different chains
+# to the ingress port of different service functions hosted on this Compute
+# node.
+# port chain default flow rule priority
+PC_DEF_PRI = 20
+class FeatureSupportError(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ message = _("Current sfc agent don't support %(feature)s ")
+class SfcPluginApi(object):
+ def __init__(self, topic, host):
+ self.host = host
+ self.target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0')
+ self.client = n_rpc.get_client(self.target)
+ def update_flowrules_status(self, context, flowrules_status):
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare()
+ return cctxt.call(
+ context, 'update_flowrules_status',
+ flowrules_status=flowrules_status)
+ def get_flowrules_by_host_portid(self, context, port_id):
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare()
+ return cctxt.call(
+ context, 'get_flowrules_by_host_portid',
+ host=self.host, port_id=port_id)
+ def get_all_src_node_flowrules(self, context):
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare()
+ return cctxt.call(
+ context, 'get_all_src_node_flowrules',
+ host=self.host)
+class OVSSfcAgent(ovs_neutron_agent.OVSNeutronAgent):
+ # history
+ # 1.0 Initial version
+ """This class will support MPLS frame
+ Ethernet + MPLS
+ IPv4 Packet:
+ +-------------------------------+---------------+--------------------+
+ |Outer Ethernet, ET=0x8847 | MPLS head, | original IP Packet |
+ +-------------------------------+---------------+--------------------+
+ """
+ target = oslo_messaging.Target(version='1.0')
+ def __init__(self, bridge_classes, integ_br, tun_br, local_ip,
+ bridge_mappings, polling_interval, tunnel_types=None,
+ veth_mtu=None, l2_population=False,
+ enable_distributed_routing=False,
+ minimize_polling=False,
+ ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval=(
+ arp_responder=False,
+ prevent_arp_spoofing=True,
+ use_veth_interconnection=False,
+ quitting_rpc_timeout=None):
+ """to get network info from ovs agent."""
+ super(OVSSfcAgent, self).__init__(
+ bridge_classes, integ_br, tun_br,
+ local_ip,
+ bridge_mappings, polling_interval, tunnel_types,
+ veth_mtu, l2_population,
+ enable_distributed_routing,
+ minimize_polling,
+ ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval,
+ arp_responder,
+ prevent_arp_spoofing,
+ use_veth_interconnection,
+ quitting_rpc_timeout)
+ self.overlay_encap_mode = cfg.CONF.AGENT.sfc_encap_mode
+ self._sfc_setup_rpc()
+ if self.overlay_encap_mode == 'eth_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'vxlan_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'mpls':
+ self._clear_sfc_flow_on_int_br()
+ self._setup_src_node_flow_rules_with_mpls()
+ def _sfc_setup_rpc(self):
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc = SfcPluginApi(
+ sfc_topics.SFC_PLUGIN, cfg.CONF.host)
+ self.topic = sfc_topics.SFC_AGENT
+ self.endpoints = [self]
+ consumers = [
+ [sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.UPDATE],
+ [sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.DELETE]
+ ]
+ # subscribe sfc plugin message
+ self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(
+ self.endpoints,
+ self.topic,
+ consumers)
+ def _parse_flow_classifier(self, flow_classifier):
+ dl_type, nw_proto, source_port_masks, destination_port_masks = (
+ (None, ) * 4)
+ if (
+ not flow_classifier['source_port_range_min'] and
+ not flow_classifier['source_port_range_max']
+ ):
+ # wildcard
+ source_port_masks = ['0/0x0']
+ elif not flow_classifier['source_port_range_min']:
+ source_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ 1,
+ flow_classifier['source_port_range_max'])
+ elif not flow_classifier['source_port_range_max']:
+ source_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ flow_classifier['source_port_range_min'],
+ 65535)
+ else:
+ source_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ flow_classifier['source_port_range_min'],
+ flow_classifier['source_port_range_max'])
+ if (
+ not flow_classifier['destination_port_range_min'] and
+ not flow_classifier['destination_port_range_max']
+ ):
+ # wildcard
+ destination_port_masks = ['0/0x0']
+ elif not flow_classifier['destination_port_range_min']:
+ destination_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ 1,
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_max'])
+ elif not flow_classifier['destination_port_range_max']:
+ destination_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_min'],
+ 65535)
+ else:
+ destination_port_masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_min'],
+ flow_classifier['destination_port_range_max'])
+ if "IPv4" == flow_classifier['ethertype']:
+ dl_type = 0x0800
+ if n_const.PROTO_NAME_TCP == flow_classifier['protocol']:
+ nw_proto = n_const.PROTO_NUM_TCP
+ elif n_const.PROTO_NAME_UDP == flow_classifier['protocol']:
+ nw_proto = n_const.PROTO_NUM_UDP
+ elif n_const.PROTO_NAME_ICMP == flow_classifier['protocol']:
+ nw_proto = n_const.PROTO_NUM_ICMP
+ else:
+ nw_proto = None
+ elif "IPv6" == flow_classifier['ethertype']:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Current portchain agent don't support Ipv6"))
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_LE("invalid protocol input"))
+ return (dl_type, nw_proto,
+ source_port_masks, destination_port_masks
+ )
+ def _clear_sfc_flow_on_int_br(self):
+ self.int_br.delete_group(group_id='all')
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(table=ACROSS_SUBNET_TABLE)
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(table=INGRESS_TABLE)
+ self.int_br.install_goto(dest_table_id=INGRESS_TABLE,
+ priority=PC_DEF_PRI,
+ dl_type=0x8847)
+ self.int_br.install_drop(table_id=INGRESS_TABLE)
+ def _get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier(self, flow_classifier):
+ flow_infos = []
+ nw_src, nw_dst = ((None, ) * 2)
+ if "IPv4" != flow_classifier['ethertype']:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Current portchain agent don't support Ipv6"))
+ return flow_infos
+ # parse and transfer flow info to match field info
+ dl_type, nw_proto, source_port_masks, destination_port_masks = (
+ self._parse_flow_classifier(flow_classifier))
+ if flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix']:
+ nw_src = flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix']
+ else:
+ nw_src = ''
+ if flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix']:
+ nw_dst = flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix']
+ else:
+ nw_dst = ''
+ if source_port_masks and destination_port_masks:
+ for destination_port in destination_port_masks:
+ for source_port in source_port_masks:
+ if nw_proto is None:
+ flow_infos.append(dict(
+ dl_type=dl_type,
+ nw_src=nw_src,
+ nw_dst=nw_dst,
+ tp_src='%s' % source_port,
+ tp_dst='%s' % destination_port
+ ))
+ else:
+ flow_infos.append(dict(
+ dl_type=dl_type,
+ nw_proto=nw_proto,
+ nw_src=nw_src,
+ nw_dst=nw_dst,
+ tp_src='%s' % source_port,
+ tp_dst='%s' % destination_port
+ ))
+ return flow_infos
+ def _get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier_list(self, flow_classifier_list):
+ flow_infos = []
+ if not flow_classifier_list:
+ return flow_infos
+ for flow_classifier in flow_classifier_list:
+ flow_infos.extend(
+ self._get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier(flow_classifier)
+ )
+ return flow_infos
+ def _setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ self, flowrule, flow_classifier_list,
+ actions, add_flow=True, match_inport=True
+ ):
+ inport_match = {}
+ priority = PC_DEF_PRI
+ if match_inport is True:
+ egress_port = self.int_br.get_vif_port_by_id(flowrule['egress'])
+ if egress_port:
+ inport_match = dict(in_port=egress_port.ofport)
+ priority = PC_INGRESS_PRI
+ for flow_info in self._get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier_list(
+ flow_classifier_list
+ ):
+ match_info = dict(inport_match, **flow_info)
+ if add_flow:
+ self.int_br.add_flow(
+ table=ovs_const.LOCAL_SWITCHING,
+ priority=priority,
+ actions=actions, **match_info
+ )
+ else:
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ table=ovs_const.LOCAL_SWITCHING,
+ **match_info
+ )
+ def _update_destination_ingress_flow_rules(self, flowrule):
+ for flow_info in self._get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier_list(
+ flowrule['del_fcs']
+ ):
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ table=ovs_const.LOCAL_SWITCHING,
+ in_port=self.patch_tun_ofport,
+ **flow_info
+ )
+ for flow_info in self._get_flow_infos_from_flow_classifier_list(
+ flowrule['add_fcs']
+ ):
+ inport_match = dict(in_port=self.patch_tun_ofport)
+ match_info = dict(inport_match, **flow_info)
+ self.int_br.install_normal(table_id=ovs_const.LOCAL_SWITCHING,
+ priority=PC_INGRESS_PRI,
+ **match_info)
+ def _setup_src_node_flow_rules_with_mpls(self):
+ flow_rules = self.sfc_plugin_rpc.get_all_src_node_flowrules(
+ self.context)
+ if not flow_rules:
+ return
+ for fr in flow_rules:
+ self._setup_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(fr, False)
+ # if the traffic is from patch port, it means the destination
+ # is on the this host. so implement normal forward but not
+ # match the traffic from the source.
+ # Next step need to do is check if the traffic is from vRouter
+ # on the local host, also need to implement same normal process.
+ self._update_destination_ingress_flow_rules(fr)
+ def _setup_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(self, flowrule, match_inport=True):
+ network_type = flowrule['network_type']
+ group_id = flowrule.get('next_group_id', None)
+ next_hops = flowrule.get('next_hops', None)
+ segmentation_id = flowrule['segment_id']
+ if not next_hops:
+ return
+ if network_type not in ovs_const.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:
+ LOG.warn(_LW("currently %s network is not supported,"
+ "only support tunnel type"
+ ),
+ network_type
+ )
+ return
+ # if the group is not none, install the egress rule for this SF
+ if (
+ (flowrule['node_type'] == constants.SRC_NODE or
+ flowrule['node_type'] == constants.SF_NODE) and group_id
+ ):
+ # 1st, install br-int flow rule on table ACROSS_SUBNET_TABLE
+ # and group table
+ buckets = []
+ for item in next_hops:
+ if item['net_uuid'] not in self.local_vlan_map:
+ self.provision_local_vlan(item['net_uuid'], network_type,
+ None, segmentation_id)
+ lvm = self.local_vlan_map[item['net_uuid']]
+ bucket = (
+ 'bucket=weight=%d, mod_dl_dst:%s,'
+ 'resubmit(,%d)' % (
+ item['weight'],
+ item['mac_address'],
+ )
+ )
+ buckets.append(bucket)
+ no_across_subnet_actions_list = []
+ across_subnet_actions_list = []
+ push_mpls = (
+ "push_mpls:0x8847,"
+ "set_mpls_label:%d,"
+ "set_mpls_ttl:%d,"
+ "mod_vlan_vid:%d," %
+ ((flowrule['nsp'] << 8) | flowrule['nsi'],
+ flowrule['nsi'], lvm.vlan))
+ no_across_subnet_actions_list.append(push_mpls)
+ across_subnet_actions_list.append(push_mpls)
+ if item['local_endpoint'] == self.local_ip:
+ no_across_subnet_actions = (
+ "resubmit(,%d)" % INGRESS_TABLE)
+ across_subnet_actions = (
+ "mod_dl_src:%s, resubmit(,%d)" %
+ (item['gw_mac'], INGRESS_TABLE))
+ else:
+ # same subnet with next hop
+ no_across_subnet_actions = ("output:%s" %
+ self.patch_tun_ofport)
+ across_subnet_actions = ("mod_dl_src:%s, output:%s" %
+ (item['gw_mac'],
+ self.patch_tun_ofport))
+ no_across_subnet_actions_list.append(no_across_subnet_actions)
+ across_subnet_actions_list.append(across_subnet_actions)
+ self.int_br.add_flow(
+ priority=1,
+ dl_dst=item['mac_address'],
+ dl_type=0x0800,
+ nw_src=item['cidr'],
+ actions="%s" %
+ (','.join(no_across_subnet_actions_list)))
+ # different subnet with next hop
+ self.int_br.add_flow(
+ priority=0,
+ dl_dst=item['mac_address'],
+ actions="%s" %
+ (','.join(across_subnet_actions_list)))
+ buckets = ','.join(buckets)
+ group_content = self.int_br.dump_group_for_id(group_id)
+ if group_content.find('group_id=%d' % group_id) == -1:
+ self.int_br.add_group(group_id=group_id,
+ type='select', buckets=buckets)
+ else:
+ self.int_br.mod_group(group_id=group_id,
+ type='select', buckets=buckets)
+ # 2nd, install br-int flow rule on table 0 for egress traffic
+ # for egress traffic
+ enc_actions = ("group:%d" % group_id)
+ # to uninstall the removed flow classifiers
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['del_fcs'],
+ None,
+ add_flow=False,
+ match_inport=match_inport)
+ # to install the added flow classifiers
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['add_fcs'],
+ enc_actions,
+ add_flow=True,
+ match_inport=match_inport)
+ def _get_network_by_port(self, port_id):
+ for key, val in six.iteritems(self.network_ports):
+ if port_id in val:
+ return key
+ return None
+ def _setup_ingress_flow_rules_with_mpls(self, flowrule):
+ network_id = self._get_network_by_port(flowrule['ingress'])
+ if network_id:
+ # install br-int flow rule on table 0 for ingress traffic
+ lvm = self.local_vlan_map[network_id]
+ vif_port = lvm.vif_ports[flowrule['ingress']]
+ match_field = {}
+ actions = ("strip_vlan, pop_mpls:0x0800,"
+ "output:%s" % vif_port.ofport)
+ match_field = dict(
+ priority=1,
+ dl_dst=vif_port.vif_mac,
+ dl_vlan=lvm.vlan,
+ dl_type=0x8847,
+ mpls_label=flowrule['nsp'] << 8 | (flowrule['nsi'] + 1),
+ actions=actions)
+ self.int_br.add_flow(**match_field)
+ def _setup_last_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(self, flowrule):
+ group_id = flowrule.get('next_group_id', None)
+ # check whether user assign the destination neutron port.
+ if (
+ constants.SF_NODE == flowrule['node_type'] and
+ not group_id and
+ flowrule['egress'] is not None
+ ):
+ # to uninstall the new removed flow classifiers
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['del_fcs'],
+ None,
+ add_flow=False,
+ match_inport=True
+ )
+ # to install the added flow classifiers
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['add_fcs'],
+ actions='normal',
+ add_flow=True,
+ match_inport=True)
+ def _get_flow_classifier_dest_port_info(self,
+ logical_destination_port,
+ flowrule):
+ for next_hop in flowrule['next_hops']:
+ # this flow classifier's destination port should match
+ # with the nexthop's ingress port id
+ if logical_destination_port in next_hop.values():
+ return next_hop
+ return None
+ def _update_flow_rules_with_mpls_enc(self, flowrule, flowrule_status):
+ try:
+ if flowrule.get('egress', None):
+ self._setup_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(flowrule)
+ self._setup_last_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(flowrule)
+ if flowrule.get('ingress', None):
+ self._setup_ingress_flow_rules_with_mpls(flowrule)
+ flowrule_status_temp = {}
+ flowrule_status_temp['id'] = flowrule['id']
+ flowrule_status_temp['status'] = constants.STATUS_ACTIVE
+ flowrule_status.append(flowrule_status_temp)
+ except Exception as e:
+ flowrule_status_temp = {}
+ flowrule_status_temp['id'] = flowrule['id']
+ flowrule_status_temp['status'] = constants.STATUS_ERROR
+ flowrule_status.append(flowrule_status_temp)
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("_update_flow_rules_with_mpls_enc failed"))
+ def _delete_ports_flowrules_by_id(self, ports_id):
+ flowrule_status = []
+ try:
+ LOG.debug("delete_port_id_flows received, ports_id= %s", ports_id)
+ count = 0
+ if ports_id:
+ for port_id in ports_id:
+ flowrule = (
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.get_flowrules_by_host_portid(
+ self.context, port_id
+ )
+ )
+ if flowrule:
+ self._treat_delete_flow_rules(
+ flowrule, flowrule_status)
+ LOG.debug(
+ "_delete_ports_flowrules_by_id received, count= %s", count)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("delete_port_id_flows failed"))
+ if flowrule_status:
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.update_flowrules_status(
+ self.context, flowrule_status)
+ def _delete_flow_rule_with_mpls_enc(self, flowrule, flowrule_status):
+ try:
+ LOG.debug("_delete_flow_rule_with_mpls_enc, flowrule = %s",
+ flowrule)
+ group_id = flowrule.get('next_group_id', None)
+ # delete tunnel table flow rule on br-int(egress match)
+ if flowrule['egress'] is not None:
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['del_fcs'],
+ None,
+ add_flow=False,
+ match_inport=True
+ )
+ # delete table INGRESS_TABLE ingress match flow rule
+ # on br-int(ingress match)
+ network_id = self._get_network_by_port(flowrule['ingress'])
+ if network_id:
+ # third, install br-int flow rule on table INGRESS_TABLE
+ # for ingress traffic
+ lvm = self.local_vlan_map[network_id]
+ vif_port = lvm.vif_ports[flowrule['ingress']]
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ dl_type=0x8847,
+ dl_dst=vif_port.vif_mac,
+ mpls_label=flowrule['nsp'] << 8 | (flowrule['nsi'] + 1)
+ )
+ # delete group table, need to check again
+ if group_id and flowrule.get('group_refcnt', None) <= 1:
+ self.int_br.delete_group(group_id=group_id)
+ for item in flowrule['next_hops']:
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ dl_dst=item['mac_address'])
+ elif (not group_id and
+ flowrule['egress'] is not None):
+ # to delete last hop flow rule
+ for each in flowrule['del_fcs']:
+ if each.get('logical_destination_port', None):
+ ldp = self._get_flow_classifier_dest_port_info(
+ each['logical_destination_port'],
+ flowrule
+ )
+ if ldp:
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ dl_dst=ldp['mac_address'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ flowrule_status_temp = {}
+ flowrule_status_temp['id'] = flowrule['id']
+ flowrule_status_temp['status'] = constants.STATUS_ERROR
+ flowrule_status.append(flowrule_status_temp)
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("_delete_flow_rule_with_mpls_enc failed"))
+ def _treat_update_flow_rules(self, flowrule, flowrule_status):
+ if self.overlay_encap_mode == 'eth_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'vxlan_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'mpls':
+ self._update_flow_rules_with_mpls_enc(flowrule, flowrule_status)
+ def _treat_delete_flow_rules(self, flowrule, flowrule_status):
+ if self.overlay_encap_mode == 'eth_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'vxlan_nsh':
+ raise FeatureSupportError(feature=self.overlay_encap_mode)
+ elif self.overlay_encap_mode == 'mpls':
+ self._delete_flow_rule_with_mpls_enc(
+ flowrule, flowrule_status)
+ def update_flow_rules(self, context, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ flowrule_status = []
+ flowrules = kwargs['flowrule_entries']
+ LOG.debug("update_flow_rules received, flowrules = %s",
+ flowrules)
+ if flowrules:
+ self._treat_update_flow_rules(flowrules, flowrule_status)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("update_flow_rules failed"))
+ if flowrule_status:
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.update_flowrules_status(
+ self.context, flowrule_status)
+ def delete_flow_rules(self, context, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ flowrule_status = []
+ flowrules = kwargs['flowrule_entries']
+ LOG.debug("delete_flow_rules received, flowrules= %s", flowrules)
+ if flowrules:
+ self._treat_delete_flow_rules(flowrules, flowrule_status)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("delete_flow_rules failed"))
+ if flowrule_status:
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.update_flowrules_status(
+ self.context, flowrule_status)
+ def update_src_node_flow_rules(self, context, **kwargs):
+ flowrule = kwargs['flowrule_entries']
+ if self.overlay_encap_mode == 'mpls':
+ self._setup_egress_flow_rules_with_mpls(flowrule,
+ match_inport=False)
+ self._update_destination_ingress_flow_rules(flowrule)
+ def _delete_src_node_flow_rules_with_mpls(self, flowrule,
+ match_inport=False):
+ LOG.debug("_delete_src_node_flow_rules_with_mpls, flowrule = %s",
+ flowrule)
+ group_id = flowrule.get('next_group_id', None)
+ # delete br-int table 0 full match flow
+ self._setup_local_switch_flows_on_int_br(
+ flowrule,
+ flowrule['del_fcs'],
+ None,
+ add_flow=False,
+ match_inport=False)
+ # delete group table, need to check again
+ if None != group_id and flowrule.get('group_refcnt', None) <= 1:
+ self.int_br.delete_group(group_id=group_id)
+ for item in flowrule['next_hops']:
+ self.int_br.delete_flows(
+ dl_dst=item['mac_address'])
+ def delete_src_node_flow_rules(self, context, **kwargs):
+ flowrule = kwargs['flowrule_entries']
+ if self.overlay_encap_mode == 'mpls':
+ self._delete_src_node_flow_rules_with_mpls(flowrule,
+ match_inport=False)
+ self._update_destination_ingress_flow_rules(flowrule)
+ def sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(self, port_id):
+ resync = False
+ flowrule_status = []
+ try:
+ LOG.debug("a new device %s is found", port_id)
+ flows_list = (
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.get_flowrules_by_host_portid(
+ self.context, port_id
+ )
+ )
+ if flows_list:
+ for flow in flows_list:
+ self._treat_update_flow_rules(flow, flowrule_status)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("portchain_treat_devices_added_updated failed"))
+ resync = True
+ if flowrule_status:
+ self.sfc_plugin_rpc.update_flowrules_status(
+ self.context, flowrule_status)
+ return resync
+ def sfc_treat_devices_removed(self, port_ids):
+ resync = False
+ for port_id in port_ids:
+ LOG.info(_LI("a device %s is removed"), port_id)
+ try:
+ self._delete_ports_flowrules_by_id(port_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(
+ _LE("delete port flow rule failed for %(port_id)s"),
+ {'port_id': port_id}
+ )
+ resync = True
+ return resync
+ def treat_devices_added_or_updated(self, devices, ovs_restarted):
+ skipped_devices = []
+ need_binding_devices = []
+ security_disabled_devices = []
+ devices_details_list = (
+ self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices(
+ self.context,
+ devices,
+ self.agent_id,
+ self.conf.host
+ )
+ )
+ if devices_details_list.get('failed_devices'):
+ # TODO(rossella_s): handle better the resync in next patches,
+ # this is just to preserve the current behavior
+ raise ovs_neutron_agent.DeviceListRetrievalError(devices=devices)
+ devices = devices_details_list.get('devices')
+ vif_by_id = self.int_br.get_vifs_by_ids(
+ [vif['device'] for vif in devices])
+ for details in devices:
+ device = details['device']
+ LOG.debug("Processing port: %s", device)
+ port = vif_by_id.get(device)
+ if not port:
+ # The port disappeared and cannot be processed
+ LOG.info(_LI("Port %s was not found on the integration bridge "
+ "and will therefore not be processed"), device)
+ skipped_devices.append(device)
+ continue
+ if 'port_id' in details:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s"),
+ {'device': device, 'details': details})
+ details['vif_port'] = port
+ need_binding = self.treat_vif_port(port, details['port_id'],
+ details['network_id'],
+ details['network_type'],
+ details['physical_network'],
+ details['segmentation_id'],
+ details['admin_state_up'],
+ details['fixed_ips'],
+ details['device_owner'],
+ ovs_restarted)
+ if need_binding:
+ need_binding_devices.append(details)
+ port_security = details['port_security_enabled']
+ has_sgs = 'security_groups' in details
+ if not port_security or not has_sgs:
+ security_disabled_devices.append(device)
+ self._update_port_network(details['port_id'],
+ details['network_id'])
+ self.ext_manager.handle_port(self.context, details)
+ self.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(details['port_id'])
+ else:
+ LOG.warn(_LW("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device)
+ if (port and port.ofport != -1):
+ self.port_dead(port)
+ return skipped_devices, need_binding_devices, security_disabled_devices
+ def process_deleted_ports(self, port_info):
+ # don't try to process removed ports as deleted ports since
+ # they are already gone
+ if 'removed' in port_info:
+ self.deleted_ports -= port_info['removed']
+ deleted_ports = list(self.deleted_ports)
+ while self.deleted_ports:
+ port_id = self.deleted_ports.pop()
+ port = self.int_br.get_vif_port_by_id(port_id)
+ self._clean_network_ports(port_id)
+ self.ext_manager.delete_port(self.context,
+ {"vif_port": port,
+ "port_id": port_id})
+ self.sfc_treat_devices_removed(port_id)
+ # move to dead VLAN so deleted ports no
+ # longer have access to the network
+ if port:
+ # don't log errors since there is a chance someone will be
+ # removing the port from the bridge at the same time
+ self.port_dead(port, log_errors=False)
+ self.port_unbound(port_id)
+ # Flush firewall rules after ports are put on dead VLAN to be
+ # more secure
+ self.sg_agent.remove_devices_filter(deleted_ports)
+def main():
+ cfg.CONF.register_opts(ip_lib.OPTS)
+ config.register_root_helper(cfg.CONF)
+ common_config.init(sys.argv[1:])
+ common_config.setup_logging()
+ q_utils.log_opt_values(LOG)
+ try:
+ agent_config = ovs_neutron_agent.create_agent_config_map(cfg.CONF)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE('Agent terminated!'))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ is_xen_compute_host = 'rootwrap-xen-dom0' in cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper
+ if is_xen_compute_host:
+ # Force ip_lib to always use the root helper to ensure that ip
+ # commands target xen dom0 rather than domU.
+ cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_lib_force_root', True)
+ bridge_classes = {
+ 'br_int': br_int.OVSIntegrationBridge,
+ 'br_phys': br_phys.OVSPhysicalBridge,
+ 'br_tun': br_tun.OVSTunnelBridge,
+ }
+ try:
+ agent = OVSSfcAgent(bridge_classes, **agent_config)
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("Agent terminated!"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, agent._handle_sigterm)
+ # Start everything.
+ LOG.info(_LI("Agent initialized successfully, now running... "))
+ agent.daemon_loop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_int.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_int.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f88c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_int.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+* references
+** OVS agent https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ovs-flow-logic
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.common import constants
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.ovs_ofctl import (
+ br_int)
+class OVSIntegrationBridge(
+ br_int.OVSIntegrationBridge,
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt
+ def setup_controllers(self, conf):
+ self.set_protocols("[]")
+ self.del_controller()
+ def delete_arp_spoofing_protection(self, port):
+ # there is an issue to delete icmp6, it will not effect and cause
+ # other flow rule get deleted.
+ # Raofei will raise a bug to neutron community.
+ self.delete_flows(table_id=constants.LOCAL_SWITCHING,
+ in_port=port, proto='arp')
+ self.delete_flows(table_id=constants.ARP_SPOOF_TABLE,
+ in_port=port)
+ def mod_flow(self, **kwargs):
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.mod_flow(self, **kwargs)
+ def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args, process_input=None):
+ return ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.run_ofctl(
+ self, cmd, args, process_input=process_input)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_phys.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_phys.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9666e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_phys.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+* references
+** OVS agent https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ovs-flow-logic
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.ovs_ofctl import (
+ br_phys)
+class OVSPhysicalBridge(br_phys.OVSPhysicalBridge, ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt):
+ def setup_controllers(self, conf):
+ self.set_protocols("[]")
+ self.del_controller()
+ def mod_flow(self, **kwargs):
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.mod_flow(self, **kwargs)
+ def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args, process_input=None):
+ return ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.run_ofctl(
+ self, cmd, args, process_input=process_input)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_tun.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_tun.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a7cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/agent/br_tun.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+* references
+** OVS agent https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ovs-flow-logic
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.ovs_ofctl import (
+ br_tun)
+class OVSTunnelBridge(br_tun.OVSTunnelBridge, ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt):
+ def setup_controllers(self, conf):
+ self.set_protocols("[]")
+ self.del_controller()
+ def mod_flow(self, **kwargs):
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.mod_flow(self, **kwargs)
+ def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args, process_input=None):
+ return ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt.run_ofctl(
+ self, cmd, args, process_input=process_input)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/config.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29acd1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+ cfg.ListOpt('drivers',
+ default=['dummy'],
+ help=_("An ordered list of service chain drivers "
+ "entrypoints to be loaded from the "
+ "networking_sfc.sfc.drivers namespace.")),
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(SFC_DRIVER_OPTS, "sfc")
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/context.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/context.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3b451
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+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+class SfcPluginContext(object):
+ """SFC context base class."""
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context):
+ self._plugin = plugin
+ self._plugin_context = plugin_context
+class PortChainContext(SfcPluginContext):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context, portchain,
+ original_portchain=None):
+ super(PortChainContext, self).__init__(plugin, plugin_context)
+ self._portchain = portchain
+ self._original_portchain = original_portchain
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ return self._portchain
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return self._original_portchain
+class FlowClassifierContext(SfcPluginContext):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context, flowclassifier,
+ original_flowclassifier=None):
+ super(FlowClassifierContext, self).__init__(plugin, plugin_context)
+ self._flowclassifier = flowclassifier
+ self._original_flowclassifier = original_flowclassifier
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ return self._flowclassifier
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return self._original_flowclassifier
+class PortPairContext(SfcPluginContext):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context, portpair,
+ original_portpair=None):
+ super(PortPairContext, self).__init__(plugin, plugin_context)
+ self._portpair = portpair
+ self._original_portpair = original_portpair
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ return self._portpair
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return self._original_portpair
+class PortPairGroupContext(SfcPluginContext):
+ def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_context, portpairgroup,
+ original_portpairgroup=None):
+ super(PortPairGroupContext, self).__init__(plugin, plugin_context)
+ self._portpairgroup = portpairgroup
+ self._original_portpairgroup = original_portpairgroup
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ return self._portpairgroup
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return self._original_portpairgroup
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/exceptions.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1b9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Exceptions used by SFC plugin and drivers."""
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+class SfcDriverError(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ """SFC driver call failed."""
+ message = _("%(method)s failed.")
+class SfcException(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ """Base for SFC driver exceptions returned to user."""
+ pass
+class SfcBadRequest(exceptions.BadRequest, SfcException):
+ """Base for SFC driver bad request exceptions returned to user."""
+ pass
+class SfcNoSubnetGateway(SfcDriverError):
+ """No subnet gateway."""
+ message = _("There is no %(type)s of ip prefix %(cidr)s.")
+class SfcNoSuchSubnet(SfcDriverError):
+ """No such subnet."""
+ message = _("There is no %(type)s of %(cidr)s.")
+class FlowClassifierInvalid(SfcDriverError):
+ """Invalid flow classifier."""
+ message = _("There is no %(type)s assigned.")
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/ovs_ext_lib.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/ovs_ext_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fbd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/common/ovs_ext_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+from neutron.agent.common import ovs_lib
+from neutron.agent.common import utils
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron.plugins.common import constants
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.openflow.ovs_ofctl import (
+ ovs_bridge)
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+import six
+# Special return value for an invalid OVS ofport
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_port_mask(min_port, max_port):
+ """get port/mask serial by port range."""
+ if min_port < 1 or max_port > 0xffff or min_port > max_port:
+ msg = _("the port range is invalid")
+ raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
+ masks = []
+ while min_port <= max_port:
+ mask = 0xffff
+ while mask != 0:
+ next_mask = (mask << 1) & 0xffff
+ port_start = min_port & next_mask
+ port_end = min_port + (next_mask ^ 0xffff)
+ if port_start == min_port and port_end <= max_port:
+ mask = next_mask
+ else:
+ break
+ masks.append('0x%x/0x%x' % (min_port, mask))
+ min_port = min_port + (mask ^ 0xffff) + 1
+ return masks
+class OVSBridgeExt(ovs_bridge.OVSAgentBridge):
+ def setup_controllers(self, conf):
+ self.set_protocols("[]")
+ self.del_controller()
+ def dump_flows_full_match(self, flow_str):
+ retval = None
+ flows = self.run_ofctl("dump-flows", [flow_str])
+ if flows:
+ retval = '\n'.join(item for item in flows.splitlines()
+ if 'NXST' not in item and 'OFPST' not in item)
+ return retval
+ def mod_flow(self, **kwargs):
+ flow_copy = kwargs.copy()
+ flow_copy.pop('actions')
+ flow_str = ovs_lib._build_flow_expr_str(flow_copy, 'del')
+ dump_flows = self.dump_flows_full_match(flow_str)
+ if dump_flows == '':
+ self.do_action_flows('add', [kwargs])
+ else:
+ self.do_action_flows('mod', [kwargs])
+ def add_nsh_tunnel_port(self, port_name, remote_ip, local_ip,
+ tunnel_type=constants.TYPE_GRE,
+ vxlan_udp_port=constants.VXLAN_UDP_PORT,
+ dont_fragment=True,
+ in_nsp=None,
+ in_nsi=None):
+ attrs = [('type', tunnel_type)]
+ # This is an OrderedDict solely to make a test happy
+ options = collections.OrderedDict()
+ vxlan_uses_custom_udp_port = (
+ tunnel_type == constants.TYPE_VXLAN and
+ vxlan_udp_port != constants.VXLAN_UDP_PORT
+ )
+ if vxlan_uses_custom_udp_port:
+ options['dst_port'] = vxlan_udp_port
+ options['df_default'] = str(dont_fragment).lower()
+ options['remote_ip'] = 'flow'
+ options['local_ip'] = local_ip
+ options['in_key'] = 'flow'
+ options['out_key'] = 'flow'
+ if in_nsp is not None and in_nsi is not None:
+ options['nsp'] = str(in_nsp)
+ options['nsi'] = str(in_nsi)
+ elif in_nsp is None and in_nsi is None:
+ options['nsp'] = 'flow'
+ options['nsi'] = 'flow'
+ attrs.append(('options', options))
+ ofport = self.add_port(port_name, *attrs)
+ if (
+ tunnel_type == constants.TYPE_VXLAN and
+ ofport == INVALID_OFPORT
+ ):
+ LOG.error(
+ _LE('Unable to create VXLAN tunnel port for service chain. '
+ 'Please ensure that an openvswitch version that supports '
+ 'VXLAN for service chain is installed.')
+ )
+ return ofport
+ def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args, process_input=None):
+ # We need to dump-groups according to group Id,
+ # which is a feature of OpenFlow1.5
+ full_args = [
+ "ovs-ofctl", "-O openflow13", cmd, self.br_name
+ ] + args
+ try:
+ return utils.execute(full_args, run_as_root=True,
+ process_input=process_input)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("Unable to execute %(args)s."),
+ {'args': full_args})
+ def do_action_groups(self, action, kwargs_list):
+ group_strs = [_build_group_expr_str(kw, action) for kw in kwargs_list]
+ if action == 'add' or action == 'del':
+ self.run_ofctl('%s-groups' % action, ['-'], '\n'.join(group_strs))
+ elif action == 'mod':
+ self.run_ofctl('%s-group' % action, ['-'], '\n'.join(group_strs))
+ else:
+ msg = _("Action is illegal")
+ raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
+ def add_group(self, **kwargs):
+ self.do_action_groups('add', [kwargs])
+ def mod_group(self, **kwargs):
+ self.do_action_groups('mod', [kwargs])
+ def delete_group(self, **kwargs):
+ self.do_action_groups('del', [kwargs])
+ def dump_group_for_id(self, group_id):
+ retval = None
+ group_str = "%d" % group_id
+ group = self.run_ofctl("dump-groups", [group_str])
+ if group:
+ retval = '\n'.join(item for item in group.splitlines()
+ if 'NXST' not in item)
+ return retval
+def _build_group_expr_str(group_dict, cmd):
+ group_expr_arr = []
+ buckets = None
+ groupId = None
+ if cmd != 'del':
+ if "group_id" not in group_dict:
+ msg = _("Must specify one groupId on groupo addition"
+ " or modification")
+ raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
+ groupId = "group_id=%s" % group_dict.pop('group_id')
+ if "buckets" not in group_dict:
+ msg = _("Must specify one or more buckets on group addition"
+ " or modification")
+ raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
+ buckets = "%s" % group_dict.pop('buckets')
+ if groupId:
+ group_expr_arr.append(groupId)
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(group_dict):
+ group_expr_arr.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
+ if buckets:
+ group_expr_arr.append(buckets)
+ return ','.join(group_expr_arr)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/driver_manager.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/driver_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a212a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/driver_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+import stevedore
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import exceptions as sfc_exc
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'networking_sfc.services.sfc.common.config',
+ group='sfc')
+class SfcDriverManager(stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager):
+ """Implementation of SFC drivers."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Registered sfc drivers, keyed by name.
+ self.drivers = {}
+ # Ordered list of sfc drivers, defining
+ # the order in which the drivers are called.
+ self.ordered_drivers = []
+ LOG.info(_LI("Configured SFC drivers: %s"),
+ cfg.CONF.sfc.drivers)
+ super(SfcDriverManager, self).__init__('networking_sfc.sfc.drivers',
+ cfg.CONF.sfc.drivers,
+ invoke_on_load=True,
+ name_order=True)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Loaded SFC drivers: %s"), self.names())
+ self._register_drivers()
+ def _register_drivers(self):
+ """Register all SFC drivers.
+ This method should only be called once in the SfcDriverManager
+ constructor.
+ """
+ for ext in self:
+ self.drivers[ext.name] = ext
+ self.ordered_drivers.append(ext)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Registered SFC drivers: %s"),
+ [driver.name for driver in self.ordered_drivers])
+ def initialize(self):
+ # ServiceChain bulk operations requires each driver to support them
+ self.native_bulk_support = True
+ for driver in self.ordered_drivers:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Initializing SFC driver '%s'"), driver.name)
+ driver.obj.initialize()
+ self.native_bulk_support &= getattr(driver.obj,
+ 'native_bulk_support', True)
+ def _call_drivers(self, method_name, context):
+ """Helper method for calling a method across all SFC drivers.
+ :param method_name: name of the method to call
+ :param context: context parameter to pass to each method call
+ :param continue_on_failure: whether or not to continue to call
+ all SFC drivers once one has raised an exception
+ if any SFC driver call fails.
+ """
+ for driver in self.ordered_drivers:
+ try:
+ getattr(driver.obj, method_name)(context)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # This is an internal failure.
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(
+ _LE("SFC driver '%(name)s' failed in %(method)s"),
+ {'name': driver.name, 'method': method_name}
+ )
+ raise sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method=method_name
+ )
+ def create_port_chain(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("create_port_chain", context)
+ def update_port_chain(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("update_port_chain", context)
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("delete_port_chain", context)
+ def create_port_pair(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("create_port_pair", context)
+ def update_port_pair(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("update_port_pair", context)
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("delete_port_pair", context)
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("create_port_pair_group", context)
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("update_port_pair_group", context)
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ self._call_drivers("delete_port_pair_group", context)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/base.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0816789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import abc
+import six
+class SfcDriverBase(object):
+ """SFC Driver Base Class."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/dummy/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/dummy/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/dummy/__init__.py
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ddd7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/dummy/dummy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers import base as sfc_driver
+class DummyDriver(sfc_driver.SfcDriverBase):
+ """SFC Driver Dummy Class."""
+ def initialize(self):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_chain(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/constants.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30e2c37
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+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutron.common import constants as n_const
+INGRESS_DIR = 'ingress'
+EGRESS_DIR = 'egress'
+STATUS_BUILDING = 'building'
+STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'
+STATUS_ERROR = 'error'
+STATUS_DELETING = 'deleting'
+PORTFLOW_OPT_ADD = 'add-flows'
+PROTFLOW_OPT_DELETE = 'delete-flows'
+PROTFLOW_OPT_UPDATE = 'update-flows'
+SRC_NODE = 'src_node'
+DST_NODE = 'dst_node'
+SF_NODE = 'sf_node'
+RES_TYPE_GROUP = 'group'
+RES_TYPE_NSP = 'nsp'
+MAX_HASH = 16
+ 'compute': INSERTION_TYPE_L2
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/db.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d3c87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import six
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc
+from neutron import context as n_context
+from neutron.db import common_db_mixin
+from neutron.db import model_base
+from neutron.db import models_v2
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
+from sqlalchemy import sql
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class PortPairDetailNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Portchain port brief %(port_id)s could not be found")
+class NodeNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
+ message = _("Portchain node %(node_id)s could not be found")
+# name changed to ChainPathId
+class UuidIntidAssoc(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId):
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_uuid_intid_associations'
+ uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(36), primary_key=True)
+ intid = sa.Column(sa.Integer, unique=True, nullable=False)
+ type_ = sa.Column(sa.String(32), nullable=False)
+ def __init__(self, uuid, intid, type_):
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.intid = intid
+ self.type_ = type_
+def singleton(class_):
+ instances = {}
+ def getinstance(*args, **kwargs):
+ if class_ not in instances:
+ instances[class_] = class_(*args, **kwargs)
+ return instances[class_]
+ return getinstance
+class IDAllocation(object):
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ # Get the inital range from conf file.
+ conf_obj = {'group': [1, 255], 'portchain': [256, 65536]}
+ self.conf_obj = conf_obj
+ self.session = context.session
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def assign_intid(self, type_, uuid):
+ query = self.session.query(UuidIntidAssoc).filter_by(
+ type_=type_).order_by(UuidIntidAssoc.intid)
+ allocated_int_ids = {obj.intid for obj in query.all()}
+ # Find the first one from the available range that
+ # is not in allocated_int_ids
+ start, end = self.conf_obj[type_][0], self.conf_obj[type_][1]+1
+ for init_id in six.moves.range(start, end):
+ if init_id not in allocated_int_ids:
+ with self.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ uuid_intid = UuidIntidAssoc(
+ uuid, init_id, type_)
+ self.session.add(uuid_intid)
+ return init_id
+ else:
+ return None
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def get_intid_by_uuid(self, type_, uuid):
+ query_obj = self.session.query(UuidIntidAssoc).filter_by(
+ type_=type_, uuid=uuid).first()
+ if query_obj:
+ return query_obj.intid
+ else:
+ return None
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def release_intid(self, type_, intid):
+ """Release int id.
+ @param: type_: str
+ @param: intid: int
+ """
+ with self.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ query_obj = self.session.query(UuidIntidAssoc).filter_by(
+ intid=intid, type_=type_).first()
+ if query_obj:
+ self.session.delete(query_obj)
+class PathPortAssoc(model_base.BASEV2):
+ """path port association table.
+ It represents the association table which associate path_nodes with
+ portpair_details.
+ """
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_path_port_associations'
+ pathnode_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36),
+ sa.ForeignKey(
+ 'sfc_path_nodes.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+ portpair_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_portpair_details.id',
+ ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ primary_key=True)
+ weight = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False, default=1)
+class PortPairDetail(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId,
+ models_v2.HasTenant):
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_portpair_details'
+ ingress = sa.Column(sa.String(36), nullable=True)
+ egress = sa.Column(sa.String(36), nullable=True)
+ host_id = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False)
+ mac_address = sa.Column(sa.String(32), nullable=False)
+ network_type = sa.Column(sa.String(8))
+ segment_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ local_endpoint = sa.Column(sa.String(64), nullable=False)
+ path_nodes = orm.relationship(PathPortAssoc,
+ backref='port_pair_detail',
+ lazy="joined",
+ cascade='all,delete')
+class PathNode(model_base.BASEV2, models_v2.HasId, models_v2.HasTenant):
+ __tablename__ = 'sfc_path_nodes'
+ nsp = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False)
+ nsi = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False)
+ node_type = sa.Column(sa.String(32))
+ portchain_id = sa.Column(
+ sa.String(255),
+ sa.ForeignKey('sfc_port_chains.id', ondelete='CASCADE'))
+ status = sa.Column(sa.String(32))
+ portpair_details = orm.relationship(PathPortAssoc,
+ backref='path_nodes',
+ lazy="joined",
+ cascade='all,delete')
+ next_group_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
+ next_hop = sa.Column(sa.String(512))
+class OVSSfcDriverDB(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin):
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.admin_context = n_context.get_admin_context()
+ def _make_pathnode_dict(self, node, fields=None):
+ res = {'id': node['id'],
+ 'tenant_id': node['tenant_id'],
+ 'node_type': node['node_type'],
+ 'nsp': node['nsp'],
+ 'nsi': node['nsi'],
+ 'next_group_id': node['next_group_id'],
+ 'next_hop': node['next_hop'],
+ 'portchain_id': node['portchain_id'],
+ 'status': node['status'],
+ 'portpair_details': [pair_detail['portpair_id']
+ for pair_detail in node['portpair_details']
+ ]
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ def _make_port_detail_dict(self, port, fields=None):
+ res = {'id': port['id'],
+ 'tenant_id': port['tenant_id'],
+ 'host_id': port['host_id'],
+ 'ingress': port.get('ingress', None),
+ 'egress': port.get('egress', None),
+ 'segment_id': port['segment_id'],
+ 'local_endpoint': port['local_endpoint'],
+ 'mac_address': port['mac_address'],
+ 'network_type': port['network_type'],
+ 'path_nodes': [{'pathnode_id': node['pathnode_id'],
+ 'weight': node['weight']}
+ for node in port['path_nodes']]
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ def _make_pathport_assoc_dict(self, assoc, fields=None):
+ res = {'pathnode_id': assoc['pathnode_id'],
+ 'portpair_id': assoc['portpair_id'],
+ 'weight': assoc['weight'],
+ }
+ return self._fields(res, fields)
+ def _get_path_node(self, id):
+ try:
+ node = self._get_by_id(self.admin_context, PathNode, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise NodeNotFound(node_id=id)
+ return node
+ def _get_port_detail(self, id):
+ try:
+ port = self._get_by_id(self.admin_context, PortPairDetail, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise PortPairDetailNotFound(port_id=id)
+ return port
+ def create_port_detail(self, port):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ args = self._filter_non_model_columns(port, PortPairDetail)
+ args['id'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ port_obj = PortPairDetail(**args)
+ self.admin_context.session.add(port_obj)
+ return self._make_port_detail_dict(port_obj)
+ def create_path_node(self, node):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ args = self._filter_non_model_columns(node, PathNode)
+ args['id'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ node_obj = PathNode(**args)
+ self.admin_context.session.add(node_obj)
+ return self._make_pathnode_dict(node_obj)
+ def create_pathport_assoc(self, assoc):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ args = self._filter_non_model_columns(assoc, PathPortAssoc)
+ assoc_obj = PathPortAssoc(**args)
+ self.admin_context.session.add(assoc_obj)
+ return self._make_pathport_assoc_dict(assoc_obj)
+ def delete_pathport_assoc(self, pathnode_id, portdetail_id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ self.admin_context.session.query(PathPortAssoc).filter_by(
+ pathnode_id=pathnode_id,
+ portpair_id=portdetail_id).delete()
+ def update_port_detail(self, id, port):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ port_obj = self._get_port_detail(id)
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(port):
+ if key == 'path_nodes':
+ pns = []
+ for pn in value:
+ pn_id = pn['pathnode_id']
+ self._get_path_node(pn_id)
+ query = self._model_query(
+ self.admin_context, PathPortAssoc)
+ pn_association = query.filter_by(
+ pathnode_id=pn_id,
+ portpair_id=id
+ ).first()
+ if not pn_association:
+ pn_association = PathPortAssoc(
+ pathnode_id=pn_id,
+ portpair_id=id,
+ weight=pn.get('weight', 1)
+ )
+ pns.append(pn_association)
+ port_obj[key] = pns
+ else:
+ port_obj[key] = value
+ port_obj.update(port)
+ return self._make_port_detail_dict(port_obj)
+ def update_path_node(self, id, node):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ node_obj = self._get_path_node(id)
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(node):
+ if key == 'portpair_details':
+ pds = []
+ for pd_id in value:
+ self._get_port_detail(pd_id)
+ query = self._model_query(
+ self.admin_context, PathPortAssoc)
+ pd_association = query.filter_by(
+ pathnode_id=id,
+ portpair_id=pd_id
+ ).first()
+ if not pd_association:
+ pd_association = PathPortAssoc(
+ pathnode_id=id,
+ portpair_id=pd_id
+ )
+ pds.append(pd_association)
+ node_obj[key] = pds
+ else:
+ node_obj[key] = value
+ return self._make_pathnode_dict(node_obj)
+ def delete_port_detail(self, id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ port_obj = self._get_port_detail(id)
+ self.admin_context.session.delete(port_obj)
+ def delete_path_node(self, id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ node_obj = self._get_path_node(id)
+ self.admin_context.session.delete(node_obj)
+ def get_port_detail(self, id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ port_obj = self._get_port_detail(id)
+ return self._make_port_detail_dict(port_obj)
+ def get_port_detail_without_exception(self, id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ try:
+ port = self._get_by_id(
+ self.admin_context, PortPairDetail, id)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ return None
+ return self._make_port_detail_dict(port)
+ def get_path_node(self, id):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ node_obj = self._get_path_node(id)
+ return self._make_pathnode_dict(node_obj)
+ def get_path_nodes_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ qry = self._get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ filters, fields, sorts, limit,
+ marker, page_reverse
+ )
+ all_items = qry.all()
+ if all_items:
+ return [self._make_pathnode_dict(item) for item in all_items]
+ return None
+ def get_path_node_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ qry = self._get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ filters, fields, sorts, limit,
+ marker, page_reverse)
+ first = qry.first()
+ if first:
+ return self._make_pathnode_dict(first)
+ return None
+ def _get_path_nodes_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ qry = self.admin_context.session.query(PathNode)
+ if filters:
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(filters):
+ column = getattr(PathNode, key, None)
+ if column:
+ if not value:
+ qry = qry.filter(sql.false())
+ else:
+ qry = qry.filter(column == value)
+ return qry
+ def get_port_details_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ qry = self._get_port_details_by_filter(
+ filters, fields, sorts, limit,
+ marker, page_reverse)
+ all_items = qry.all()
+ if all_items:
+ return [
+ self._make_port_detail_dict(item)
+ for item in all_items
+ ]
+ return None
+ def get_port_detail_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ with self.admin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ qry = self._get_port_details_by_filter(
+ filters, fields, sorts, limit,
+ marker, page_reverse)
+ first = qry.first()
+ if first:
+ return self._make_port_detail_dict(first)
+ return None
+ def _get_port_details_by_filter(self, filters=None, fields=None,
+ sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
+ page_reverse=False):
+ qry = self.admin_context.session.query(PortPairDetail)
+ if filters:
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(filters):
+ column = getattr(PortPairDetail, key, None)
+ if column:
+ if not value:
+ qry = qry.filter(sql.false())
+ else:
+ qry = qry.filter(column == value)
+ return qry
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/driver.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/driver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dfc40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/driver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import netaddr
+# from eventlet import greenthread
+from neutron.common import constants as nc_const
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron import manager
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from neutron.i18n import _LW
+from neutron.plugins.common import constants as np_const
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier
+from networking_sfc.extensions import sfc
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import exceptions as exc
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers import base as driver_base
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import(
+ rpc_topics as sfc_topics)
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import(
+ db as ovs_sfc_db)
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import(
+ rpc as ovs_sfc_rpc)
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import (
+ constants as ovs_const)
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class OVSSfcDriver(driver_base.SfcDriverBase,
+ ovs_sfc_db.OVSSfcDriverDB):
+ """Sfc Driver Base Class."""
+ def initialize(self):
+ super(OVSSfcDriver, self).initialize()
+ self.ovs_driver_rpc = ovs_sfc_rpc.SfcAgentRpcClient(
+ sfc_topics.SFC_AGENT
+ )
+ self.id_pool = ovs_sfc_db.IDAllocation(self.admin_context)
+ self._setup_rpc()
+ def _setup_rpc(self):
+ # Setup a rpc server
+ self.topic = sfc_topics.SFC_PLUGIN
+ self.endpoints = [ovs_sfc_rpc.SfcRpcCallback(self)]
+ self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True)
+ self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.endpoints, fanout=False)
+ self.conn.consume_in_threads()
+ def _get_subnet(self, core_plugin, tenant_id, cidr):
+ filters = {'tenant_id': [tenant_id]}
+ subnets = core_plugin.get_subnets(self.admin_context, filters=filters)
+ cidr_set = netaddr.IPSet([cidr])
+ for subnet in subnets:
+ subnet_cidr_set = netaddr.IPSet([subnet['cidr']])
+ if cidr_set.issubset(subnet_cidr_set):
+ return subnet
+ def _get_fc_dst_subnet_gw_port(self, fc):
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ subnet = self._get_subnet(core_plugin,
+ fc['tenant_id'],
+ fc['destination_ip_prefix'])
+ return self._get_port_subnet_gw_info(core_plugin, subnet)
+ def _get_port_subnet_gw_info_by_port_id(self, id):
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ subnet = self._get_subnet_by_port(core_plugin, id)
+ return self._get_port_subnet_gw_info(core_plugin,
+ subnet)
+ def _get_port_subnet_gw_info(self, core_plugin, subnet):
+ filters = {
+ 'device_owner':
+ }
+ gw_ports = core_plugin.get_ports(self.admin_context, filters=filters)
+ for port in gw_ports:
+ for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
+ if subnet["id"] == fixed_ip['subnet_id']:
+ return (port['mac_address'],
+ subnet['cidr'],
+ subnet['network_id'])
+ raise exc.NoSubnetGateway(
+ type='subnet gateway',
+ cidr=subnet['cidr'])
+ def _get_subnet_by_port(self, core_plugin, id):
+ port = core_plugin.get_port(self.admin_context, id)
+ for ip in port['fixed_ips']:
+ subnet = core_plugin.get_subnet(self.admin_context,
+ ip["subnet_id"])
+ # currently only support one subnet for a port
+ break
+ return subnet
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _get_portgroup_members(self, context, pg_id):
+ next_group_members = []
+ group_intid = self.id_pool.get_intid_by_uuid('group', pg_id)
+ LOG.debug('group_intid: %s', group_intid)
+ pg = context._plugin.get_port_pair_group(context._plugin_context,
+ pg_id)
+ for pp_id in pg['port_pairs']:
+ pp = context._plugin.get_port_pair(context._plugin_context, pp_id)
+ filters = {}
+ if pp.get('ingress', None):
+ filters = dict(dict(ingress=pp['ingress']), **filters)
+ if pp.get('egress', None):
+ filters = dict(dict(egress=pp['egress']), **filters)
+ pd = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(filters)
+ if pd:
+ next_group_members.append(
+ dict(portpair_id=pd['id'], weight=1))
+ return group_intid, next_group_members
+ def _get_port_pair_detail_by_port_pair(self, context, port_pair_id):
+ pp = context._plugin.get_port_pair(context._plugin_context,
+ port_pair_id)
+ filters = {}
+ if pp.get('ingress', None):
+ filters = dict(dict(ingress=pp['ingress']), **filters)
+ if pp.get('egress', None):
+ filters = dict(dict(egress=pp['egress']), **filters)
+ pd = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(filters)
+ return pd
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _add_flowclassifier_port_assoc(self, fc_ids, tenant_id,
+ src_node, dst_node,
+ last_sf_node=None):
+ dst_ports = []
+ for fc in self._get_fcs_by_ids(fc_ids):
+ if fc.get('logical_source_port', ''):
+ # lookup the source port
+ src_pd_filter = dict(egress=fc['logical_source_port'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id
+ )
+ src_pd = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(src_pd_filter)
+ if not src_pd:
+ # Create source port detail
+ src_pd = self._create_port_detail(src_pd_filter)
+ LOG.debug('create src port detail: %s', src_pd)
+ # Create associate relationship
+ assco_args = {'portpair_id': src_pd['id'],
+ 'pathnode_id': src_node['id'],
+ 'weight': 1,
+ }
+ sna = self.create_pathport_assoc(assco_args)
+ LOG.debug('create assoc src port with node: %s', sna)
+ src_node['portpair_details'].append(src_pd['id'])
+ if fc.get('logical_destination_port', ''):
+ dst_pd_filter = dict(ingress=fc['logical_destination_port'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id
+ )
+ dst_pd = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(dst_pd_filter)
+ if not dst_pd:
+ # Create dst port detail
+ dst_pd = self._create_port_detail(dst_pd_filter)
+ LOG.debug('create dst port detail: %s', dst_pd)
+ # Create associate relationship
+ dst_assco_args = {'portpair_id': dst_pd['id'],
+ 'pathnode_id': dst_node['id'],
+ 'weight': 1,
+ }
+ dna = self.create_pathport_assoc(dst_assco_args)
+ LOG.debug('create assoc dst port with node: %s', dna)
+ dst_node['portpair_details'].append(dst_pd['id'])
+ dst_ports.append(dict(portpair_id=dst_pd['id'], weight=1))
+ if last_sf_node:
+ if last_sf_node['next_hop']:
+ next_hops = jsonutils.loads(last_sf_node['next_hop'])
+ next_hops.extend(dst_ports)
+ last_sf_node['next_hop'] = jsonutils.dumps(next_hops)
+ # update nexthop info of pre node
+ self.update_path_node(last_sf_node['id'],
+ last_sf_node)
+ return dst_ports
+ def _remove_flowclassifier_port_assoc(self, fc_ids, tenant_id,
+ src_node=None, dst_node=None,
+ last_sf_node=None):
+ if not fc_ids:
+ return
+ for fc in self._get_fcs_by_ids(fc_ids):
+ if fc.get('logical_source_port', ''):
+ # delete source port detail
+ src_pd_filter = dict(egress=fc['logical_source_port'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id
+ )
+ pds = self.get_port_details_by_filter(src_pd_filter)
+ if pds:
+ for pd in pds:
+ # update src_node portpair_details refence info
+ if src_node and pd['id'] in src_node[
+ 'portpair_details'
+ ]:
+ src_node['portpair_details'].remove(pd['id'])
+ if len(pd['path_nodes']) == 1:
+ self.delete_port_detail(pd['id'])
+ if fc.get('logical_destination_port', ''):
+ # Create dst port detail
+ dst_pd_filter = dict(ingress=fc['logical_destination_port'],
+ tenant_id=tenant_id
+ )
+ pds = self.get_port_details_by_filter(dst_pd_filter)
+ if pds:
+ for pd in pds:
+ # update dst_node portpair_details refence info
+ if dst_node and pd['id'] in dst_node[
+ 'portpair_details'
+ ]:
+ # update portpair_details of this node
+ dst_node['portpair_details'].remove(pd['id'])
+ # update last hop(SF-group) next hop info
+ if last_sf_node:
+ next_hop = dict(portpair_id=pd['id'],
+ weight=1)
+ next_hops = jsonutils.loads(
+ last_sf_node['next_hop'])
+ next_hops.remove(next_hop)
+ last_sf_node['next_hop'] = jsonutils.dumps(
+ next_hops)
+ if len(pd['path_nodes']) == 1:
+ self.delete_port_detail(pd['id'])
+ if last_sf_node:
+ # update nexthop info of pre node
+ self.update_path_node(last_sf_node['id'],
+ last_sf_node)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _create_portchain_path(self, context, port_chain):
+ src_node, src_pd, dst_node, dst_pd = (({}, ) * 4)
+ path_nodes, dst_ports = [], []
+ # Create an assoc object for chain_id and path_id
+ # context = context._plugin_context
+ path_id = self.id_pool.assign_intid('portchain', port_chain['id'])
+ if not path_id:
+ LOG.error(_LE('No path_id available for creating port chain path'))
+ return
+ next_group_intid, next_group_members = self._get_portgroup_members(
+ context, port_chain['port_pair_groups'][0])
+ port_pair_groups = port_chain['port_pair_groups']
+ sf_path_length = len(port_pair_groups)
+ # Create a head node object for port chain
+ src_args = {'tenant_id': port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ 'node_type': ovs_const.SRC_NODE,
+ 'nsp': path_id,
+ 'nsi': 0xff,
+ 'portchain_id': port_chain['id'],
+ 'status': ovs_const.STATUS_BUILDING,
+ 'next_group_id': next_group_intid,
+ 'next_hop': jsonutils.dumps(next_group_members),
+ }
+ src_node = self.create_path_node(src_args)
+ LOG.debug('create src node: %s', src_node)
+ path_nodes.append(src_node)
+ # Create a destination node object for port chain
+ dst_args = {
+ 'tenant_id': port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ 'node_type': ovs_const.DST_NODE,
+ 'nsp': path_id,
+ 'nsi': 0xff - sf_path_length - 1,
+ 'portchain_id': port_chain['id'],
+ 'status': ovs_const.STATUS_BUILDING,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'next_hop': None
+ }
+ dst_node = self.create_path_node(dst_args)
+ LOG.debug('create dst node: %s', dst_node)
+ path_nodes.append(dst_node)
+ dst_ports = self._add_flowclassifier_port_assoc(
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers'],
+ port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ src_node,
+ dst_node
+ )
+ for i in range(sf_path_length):
+ cur_group_members = next_group_members
+ # next_group for next hop
+ if i < sf_path_length - 1:
+ next_group_intid, next_group_members = (
+ self._get_portgroup_members(
+ context, port_pair_groups[i + 1])
+ )
+ else:
+ next_group_intid = None
+ next_group_members = None if not dst_ports else dst_ports
+ # Create a node object
+ node_args = {
+ 'tenant_id': port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ 'node_type': ovs_const.SF_NODE,
+ 'nsp': path_id,
+ 'nsi': 0xfe - i,
+ 'portchain_id': port_chain['id'],
+ 'status': ovs_const.STATUS_BUILDING,
+ 'next_group_id': next_group_intid,
+ 'next_hop': (
+ None if not next_group_members else
+ jsonutils.dumps(next_group_members)
+ )
+ }
+ sf_node = self.create_path_node(node_args)
+ LOG.debug('chain path node: %s', sf_node)
+ # Create the assocation objects that combine the pathnode_id with
+ # the ingress of the port_pairs in the current group
+ # when port_group does not reach tail
+ for member in cur_group_members:
+ assco_args = {'portpair_id': member['portpair_id'],
+ 'pathnode_id': sf_node['id'],
+ 'weight': member['weight'], }
+ sfna = self.create_pathport_assoc(assco_args)
+ LOG.debug('create assoc port with node: %s', sfna)
+ sf_node['portpair_details'].append(member['portpair_id'])
+ path_nodes.append(sf_node)
+ return path_nodes
+ def _delete_path_node_port_flowrule(self, node, port, fc_ids):
+ # if this port is not binding, don't to generate flow rule
+ if not port['host_id']:
+ return
+ flow_rule = self._build_portchain_flowrule_body(
+ node,
+ port,
+ None,
+ fc_ids)
+ self.ovs_driver_rpc.ask_agent_to_delete_flow_rules(
+ self.admin_context,
+ flow_rule)
+ def _delete_path_node_flowrule(self, node, fc_ids):
+ for each in node['portpair_details']:
+ port = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(dict(id=each))
+ if port:
+ self._delete_path_node_port_flowrule(
+ node, port, fc_ids)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _delete_portchain_path(self, context, portchain_id):
+ port_chain = context.current
+ first = self.get_path_node_by_filter(
+ filters={
+ 'portchain_id': portchain_id,
+ 'nsi': 0xff
+ }
+ )
+ # delete flow rules which source port isn't assigned
+ # in flow classifier
+ if first:
+ self._delete_src_node_flowrules(
+ first,
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers']
+ )
+ pds = self.get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ dict(portchain_id=portchain_id))
+ if pds:
+ for pd in pds:
+ self._delete_path_node_flowrule(
+ pd,
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers']
+ )
+ self.delete_path_node(pd['id'])
+ # delete the ports on the traffic classifier
+ self._remove_flowclassifier_port_assoc(
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers'],
+ port_chain['tenant_id']
+ )
+ # Delete the chainpathpair
+ intid = self.id_pool.get_intid_by_uuid(
+ 'portchain', portchain_id)
+ self.id_pool.release_intid('portchain', intid)
+ def _update_path_node_next_hops(self, flow_rule):
+ node_next_hops = []
+ if not flow_rule['next_hop']:
+ return None
+ next_hops = jsonutils.loads(flow_rule['next_hop'])
+ if not next_hops:
+ return None
+ for member in next_hops:
+ detail = {}
+ port_detail = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(
+ dict(id=member['portpair_id']))
+ if not port_detail or not port_detail['host_id']:
+ continue
+ detail['local_endpoint'] = port_detail['local_endpoint']
+ detail['weight'] = member['weight']
+ detail['mac_address'] = port_detail['mac_address']
+ detail['ingress'] = port_detail['ingress']
+ node_next_hops.append(detail)
+ mac, cidr, net_uuid = self._get_port_subnet_gw_info_by_port_id(
+ detail['ingress']
+ )
+ detail['gw_mac'] = mac
+ detail['cidr'] = cidr
+ detail['net_uuid'] = net_uuid
+ flow_rule['next_hops'] = node_next_hops
+ flow_rule.pop('next_hop')
+ return node_next_hops
+ def _build_portchain_flowrule_body(self, node, port,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ node_info = node.copy()
+ node_info.pop('tenant_id')
+ node_info.pop('portpair_details')
+ port_info = port.copy()
+ port_info.pop('tenant_id')
+ port_info.pop('id')
+ port_info.pop('path_nodes')
+ port_info.pop('host_id')
+ flow_rule = dict(node_info, **port_info)
+ # if this port is belong to NSH/MPLS-aware vm, only to
+ # notify the flow classifier for 1st SF.
+ flow_rule['add_fcs'] = self._filter_flow_classifiers(
+ flow_rule, add_fc_ids)
+ flow_rule['del_fcs'] = self._filter_flow_classifiers(
+ flow_rule, del_fc_ids)
+ self._update_portchain_group_reference_count(flow_rule,
+ port['host_id'])
+ # update next hop info
+ self._update_path_node_next_hops(flow_rule)
+ return flow_rule
+ def _filter_flow_classifiers(self, flow_rule, fc_ids):
+ """Filter flow classifiers.
+ @return: list of the flow classifiers
+ """
+ fc_return = []
+ if not fc_ids:
+ return fc_return
+ fcs = self._get_fcs_by_ids(fc_ids)
+ for fc in fcs:
+ new_fc = fc.copy()
+ new_fc.pop('id')
+ new_fc.pop('name')
+ new_fc.pop('tenant_id')
+ new_fc.pop('description')
+ if ((flow_rule['node_type'] == ovs_const.SRC_NODE and
+ flow_rule['egress'] == fc['logical_source_port']
+ ) or
+ (flow_rule['node_type'] == ovs_const.DST_NODE and
+ flow_rule['ingress'] == fc['logical_destination_port']
+ )):
+ fc_return.append(new_fc)
+ elif flow_rule['node_type'] == ovs_const.SF_NODE:
+ fc_return.append(new_fc)
+ return fc_return
+ def _update_path_node_port_flowrules(self, node, port,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ # if this port is not binding, don't to generate flow rule
+ if not port['host_id']:
+ return
+ flow_rule = self._build_portchain_flowrule_body(
+ node,
+ port,
+ add_fc_ids,
+ del_fc_ids)
+ self.ovs_driver_rpc.ask_agent_to_update_flow_rules(
+ self.admin_context,
+ flow_rule)
+ def _update_path_node_flowrules(self, node,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ if node['portpair_details'] is None:
+ return
+ for each in node['portpair_details']:
+ port = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(dict(id=each))
+ if port:
+ self._update_path_node_port_flowrules(
+ node, port, add_fc_ids, del_fc_ids)
+ def _thread_update_path_nodes(self, nodes,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ for node in nodes:
+ self._update_path_node_flowrules(node, add_fc_ids, del_fc_ids)
+ self._update_src_node_flowrules(nodes[0], add_fc_ids, del_fc_ids)
+ def _get_portchain_fcs(self, port_chain):
+ return self._get_fcs_by_ids(port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ def _get_fcs_by_ids(self, fc_ids):
+ flow_classifiers = []
+ if not fc_ids:
+ return flow_classifiers
+ # Get the portchain flow classifiers
+ fc_plugin = (
+ manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get(
+ flowclassifier.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT)
+ )
+ if not fc_plugin:
+ LOG.warn(_LW("Not found the flow classifier service plugin"))
+ return flow_classifiers
+ for fc_id in fc_ids:
+ fc = fc_plugin.get_flow_classifier(self.admin_context, fc_id)
+ flow_classifiers.append(fc)
+ return flow_classifiers
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_chain(self, context):
+ port_chain = context.current
+ path_nodes = self._create_portchain_path(context, port_chain)
+ # notify agent with async thread
+ # current we don't use greenthread.spawn
+ self._thread_update_path_nodes(
+ path_nodes,
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers'],
+ None)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context):
+ port_chain = context.current
+ portchain_id = port_chain['id']
+ LOG.debug("to delete portchain path")
+ self._delete_portchain_path(context, portchain_id)
+ def _get_diff_set(self, orig, cur):
+ orig_set = set(item for item in orig)
+ cur_set = set(item for item in cur)
+ to_del = orig_set.difference(cur_set)
+ to_add = cur_set.difference(orig_set)
+ return to_del, to_add
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_chain(self, context):
+ port_chain = context.current
+ orig = context.original
+ del_fc_ids, add_fc_ids = self._get_diff_set(
+ orig['flow_classifiers'],
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers']
+ )
+ path_nodes = self.get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ dict(portchain_id=port_chain['id'])
+ )
+ if not path_nodes:
+ return
+ sort_path_nodes = sorted(path_nodes,
+ key=lambda x: x['nsi'],
+ reverse=True)
+ if del_fc_ids:
+ self._thread_update_path_nodes(sort_path_nodes,
+ None,
+ del_fc_ids)
+ self._remove_flowclassifier_port_assoc(del_fc_ids,
+ port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ sort_path_nodes[0],
+ sort_path_nodes[-1],
+ sort_path_nodes[-2])
+ if add_fc_ids:
+ self._add_flowclassifier_port_assoc(add_fc_ids,
+ port_chain['tenant_id'],
+ sort_path_nodes[0],
+ sort_path_nodes[-1],
+ sort_path_nodes[-2])
+ # notify agent with async thread
+ # current we don't use greenthread.spawn
+ self._thread_update_path_nodes(sort_path_nodes,
+ add_fc_ids,
+ None)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ group = context.current
+ self.id_pool.assign_intid('group', group['id'])
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ group = context.current
+ group_intid = self.id_pool.get_intid_by_uuid('group', group['id'])
+ if group_intid:
+ self.id_pool.release_intid('group', group_intid)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair_group(self, context):
+ current = context.current
+ original = context.original
+ if set(current['port_pairs']) == set(original['port_pairs']):
+ return
+ # Update the path_nodes and flows for each port chain that
+ # contains this port_pair_group
+ # Note: _get_port_pair_group is temporarily used here.
+ ppg_obj = context._plugin._get_port_pair_group(context._plugin_context,
+ current['id'])
+ port_chains = [assoc.portchain_id for assoc in
+ ppg_obj.chain_group_associations]
+ for chain_id in port_chains:
+ port_chain = context._plugin.get_port_chain(
+ context._plugin_context, chain_id)
+ group_intid = self.id_pool.get_intid_by_uuid('group',
+ current['id'])
+ # Get the previous node
+ prev_node = self.get_path_node_by_filter(
+ filters={'portchain_id': chain_id,
+ 'next_group_id': group_intid})
+ if not prev_node:
+ continue
+ before_update_prev_node = prev_node.copy()
+ # Update the previous node
+ _, curr_group_members = self._get_portgroup_members(context,
+ current['id'])
+ prev_node['next_hop'] = (
+ jsonutils.dumps(curr_group_members)
+ if curr_group_members else None
+ )
+ # update next hop to database
+ self.update_path_node(prev_node['id'], prev_node)
+ if prev_node['node_type'] == ovs_const.SRC_NODE:
+ self._delete_src_node_flowrules(
+ before_update_prev_node, port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ self._update_src_node_flowrules(
+ prev_node, port_chain['flow_classifiers'], None)
+ else:
+ self._delete_path_node_flowrule(
+ before_update_prev_node, port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ self._update_path_node_flowrules(
+ prev_node, port_chain['flow_classifiers'], None)
+ # Update the current node
+ # to find the current node by using the node's next_group_id
+ # if this node is the last, next_group_id would be None
+ curr_pos = port_chain['port_pair_groups'].index(current['id'])
+ curr_node = self.get_path_node_by_filter(
+ filters={'portchain_id': chain_id,
+ 'nsi': 0xfe - curr_pos})
+ if not curr_node:
+ continue
+ # Add the port-pair-details into the current node
+ for pp_id in (
+ set(current['port_pairs']) - set(original['port_pairs'])
+ ):
+ ppd = self._get_port_pair_detail_by_port_pair(context,
+ pp_id)
+ if not ppd:
+ LOG.debug('No port_pair_detail for the port_pair: %s',
+ pp_id)
+ LOG.debug("Failed to update port-pair-group")
+ return
+ assco_args = {'portpair_id': ppd['id'],
+ 'pathnode_id': curr_node['id'],
+ 'weight': 1, }
+ self.create_pathport_assoc(assco_args)
+ self._update_path_node_port_flowrules(
+ curr_node, ppd, port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ # Delete the port-pair-details from the current node
+ for pp_id in (
+ set(original['port_pairs']) - set(current['port_pairs'])
+ ):
+ ppd = self._get_port_pair_detail_by_port_pair(context,
+ pp_id)
+ if not ppd:
+ LOG.debug('No port_pair_detail for the port_pair: %s',
+ pp_id)
+ LOG.debug("Failed to update port-pair-group")
+ return
+ self._delete_path_node_port_flowrule(
+ curr_node, ppd, port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ self.delete_pathport_assoc(curr_node['id'], ppd['id'])
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _get_portpair_detail_info(self, portpair_id):
+ """Get port detail.
+ @param: portpair_id: uuid
+ @return: (host_id, local_ip, network_type, segment_id,
+ service_insert_type): tuple
+ """
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ port_detail = core_plugin.get_port(self.admin_context, portpair_id)
+ host_id, local_ip, network_type, segment_id, mac_address = (
+ (None, ) * 5)
+ if port_detail:
+ host_id = port_detail['binding:host_id']
+ network_id = port_detail['network_id']
+ mac_address = port_detail['mac_address']
+ network_info = core_plugin.get_network(
+ self.admin_context, network_id)
+ network_type = network_info['provider:network_type']
+ segment_id = network_info['provider:segmentation_id']
+ if (
+ host_id and
+ network_type in [np_const.TYPE_GRE, np_const.TYPE_VXLAN]
+ ):
+ driver = core_plugin.type_manager.drivers.get(network_type)
+ host_endpoint = driver.obj.get_endpoint_by_host(host_id)
+ local_ip = host_endpoint['ip_address']
+ return host_id, local_ip, network_type, segment_id, mac_address
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def _create_port_detail(self, port_pair):
+ # since first node may not assign the ingress port, and last node may
+ # not assign the egress port. we use one of the
+ # port as the key to get the SF information.
+ port = None
+ if port_pair.get('ingress', None):
+ port = port_pair['ingress']
+ elif port_pair.get('egress', None):
+ port = port_pair['egress']
+ host_id, local_endpoint, network_type, segment_id, mac_address = (
+ self._get_portpair_detail_info(port))
+ port_detail = {
+ 'ingress': port_pair.get('ingress', None),
+ 'egress': port_pair.get('egress', None),
+ 'tenant_id': port_pair['tenant_id'],
+ 'host_id': host_id,
+ 'segment_id': segment_id,
+ 'network_type': network_type,
+ 'local_endpoint': local_endpoint,
+ 'mac_address': mac_address
+ }
+ r = self.create_port_detail(port_detail)
+ LOG.debug('create port detail: %s', r)
+ return r
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair(self, context):
+ port_pair = context.current
+ self._create_port_detail(port_pair)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context):
+ port_pair = context.current
+ pd_filter = dict(ingress=port_pair.get('ingress', None),
+ egress=port_pair.get('egress', None),
+ tenant_id=port_pair['tenant_id']
+ )
+ pds = self.get_port_details_by_filter(pd_filter)
+ if pds:
+ for pd in pds:
+ self.delete_port_detail(pd['id'])
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair(self, context):
+ pass
+ def get_flowrules_by_host_portid(self, context, host, port_id):
+ port_chain_flowrules = []
+ sfc_plugin = (
+ manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get(
+ sfc.SFC_EXT
+ )
+ )
+ if not sfc_plugin:
+ return port_chain_flowrules
+ try:
+ port_detail_list = []
+ # one port only may be in egress/ingress port once time.
+ ingress_port = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(
+ dict(ingress=port_id))
+ egress_port = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(
+ dict(egress=port_id))
+ if not ingress_port and not egress_port:
+ return None
+ # SF migrate to other host
+ if ingress_port:
+ port_detail_list.append(ingress_port)
+ if ingress_port['host_id'] != host:
+ ingress_port.update(dict(host_id=host))
+ if egress_port:
+ port_detail_list.append(egress_port)
+ if egress_port['host_id'] != host:
+ egress_port.update(dict(host_id=host))
+ # this is a SF if there are both egress and engress.
+ for i, ports in enumerate(port_detail_list):
+ nodes_assocs = ports['path_nodes']
+ for assoc in nodes_assocs:
+ # update current path flow rule
+ node = self.get_path_node(assoc['pathnode_id'])
+ port_chain = sfc_plugin.get_port_chain(
+ context,
+ node['portchain_id'])
+ flow_rule = self._build_portchain_flowrule_body(
+ node,
+ ports,
+ add_fc_ids=port_chain['flow_classifiers']
+ )
+ port_chain_flowrules.append(flow_rule)
+ # update the pre-path node flow rule
+ # if node['node_type'] != ovs_const.SRC_NODE:
+ # node_filter = dict(nsp=node['nsp'],
+ # nsi=node['nsi'] + 1
+ # )
+ # pre_node_list = self.get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ # node_filter)
+ # if not pre_node_list:
+ # continue
+ # for pre_node in pre_node_list:
+ # self._update_path_node_flowrules(
+ # pre_node,
+ # add_fc_ids=port_chain['flow_classifiers'])
+ return port_chain_flowrules
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("get_flowrules_by_host_portid failed"))
+ def get_flow_classifier_by_portchain_id(self, context, portchain_id):
+ try:
+ flow_classifier_list = []
+ sfc_plugin = (
+ manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get(
+ sfc.SFC_EXT
+ )
+ )
+ if not sfc_plugin:
+ return []
+ port_chain = sfc_plugin.get_port_chain(
+ context,
+ portchain_id)
+ flow_classifier_list = self._get_portchain_fcs(port_chain)
+ return flow_classifier_list
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("get_flow_classifier_by_portchain_id failed"))
+ def update_flowrule_status(self, context, id, status):
+ try:
+ flowrule_status = dict(status=status)
+ self.update_path_node(id, flowrule_status)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("update_flowrule_status failed"))
+ def _update_src_node_flowrules(self, node,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ flow_rule = self._get_portchain_src_node_flowrule(node,
+ add_fc_ids,
+ del_fc_ids)
+ if not flow_rule:
+ return
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ pc_agents = core_plugin.get_agents(
+ self.admin_context,
+ filters={'agent_type': [nc_const.AGENT_TYPE_OVS]})
+ if not pc_agents:
+ return
+ for agent in pc_agents:
+ if agent['alive']:
+ # update host info to flow rule
+ flow_rule['host'] = agent['host']
+ self.ovs_driver_rpc.ask_agent_to_update_src_node_flow_rules(
+ self.admin_context,
+ flow_rule)
+ def _delete_src_node_flowrules(self, node, del_fc_ids=None):
+ flow_rule = self._get_portchain_src_node_flowrule(node,
+ None, del_fc_ids)
+ if not flow_rule:
+ return
+ core_plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
+ pc_agents = core_plugin.get_agents(
+ self.admin_context, filters={
+ 'agent_type': [nc_const.AGENT_TYPE_OVS]})
+ if not pc_agents:
+ return
+ for agent in pc_agents:
+ if agent['alive']:
+ # update host info to flow rule
+ self._update_portchain_group_reference_count(flow_rule,
+ agent['host'])
+ self.ovs_driver_rpc.ask_agent_to_delete_src_node_flow_rules(
+ self.admin_context,
+ flow_rule)
+ def get_all_src_node_flowrules(self, context):
+ sfc_plugin = (
+ manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get(
+ sfc.SFC_EXT
+ )
+ )
+ if not sfc_plugin:
+ return []
+ try:
+ frs = []
+ port_chains = sfc_plugin.get_port_chains(context)
+ for port_chain in port_chains:
+ # get the first node of this chain
+ node_filters = dict(portchain_id=port_chain['id'], nsi=0xff)
+ portchain_node = self.get_path_node_by_filter(node_filters)
+ if not portchain_node:
+ continue
+ flow_rule = self._get_portchain_src_node_flowrule(
+ portchain_node,
+ port_chain['flow_classifiers']
+ )
+ if not flow_rule:
+ continue
+ frs.append(flow_rule)
+ return frs
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("get_all_src_node_flowrules failed"))
+ def _get_portchain_src_node_flowrule(self, node,
+ add_fc_ids=None, del_fc_ids=None):
+ try:
+ add_fc_rt = []
+ del_fc_rt = []
+ if add_fc_ids:
+ for fc in self._get_fcs_by_ids(add_fc_ids):
+ if not fc.get('logical_source_port', None):
+ add_fc_rt.append(fc)
+ if del_fc_ids:
+ for fc in self._get_fcs_by_ids(del_fc_ids):
+ if not fc.get('logical_source_port', None):
+ del_fc_rt.append(fc)
+ if not add_fc_rt and not del_fc_rt:
+ return None
+ return self._build_portchain_flowrule_body_without_port(
+ node, add_fc_rt, del_fc_rt)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ LOG.error(_LE("_get_portchain_src_node_flowrule failed"))
+ def _update_portchain_group_reference_count(self, flow_rule, host):
+ group_refcnt = 0
+ flow_rule['host'] = host
+ if flow_rule['next_group_id'] is not None:
+ all_nodes = self.get_path_nodes_by_filter(
+ filters={'next_group_id': flow_rule['next_group_id'],
+ 'nsi': 0xff})
+ if all_nodes is not None:
+ for node in all_nodes:
+ if not node['portpair_details']:
+ group_refcnt += 1
+ port_details = self.get_port_details_by_filter(
+ dict(host_id=flow_rule['host']))
+ if port_details is not None:
+ for pd in port_details:
+ for path in pd['path_nodes']:
+ path_node = self.get_path_node(path['pathnode_id'])
+ if (
+ path_node['next_group_id'] ==
+ flow_rule['next_group_id']
+ ):
+ group_refcnt += 1
+ flow_rule['group_refcnt'] = group_refcnt
+ return group_refcnt
+ def _build_portchain_flowrule_body_without_port(self,
+ node,
+ add_fcs=None,
+ del_fcs=None):
+ flow_rule = node.copy()
+ flow_rule.pop('tenant_id')
+ flow_rule.pop('portpair_details')
+ # according to the first sf node get network information
+ if not node['next_hop']:
+ return None
+ next_hops = jsonutils.loads(node['next_hop'])
+ if not next_hops:
+ return None
+ port_detail = self.get_port_detail_by_filter(
+ dict(id=next_hops[0]['portpair_id']))
+ if not port_detail:
+ return None
+ flow_rule['ingress'] = None
+ flow_rule['egress'] = None
+ flow_rule['network_type'] = port_detail['network_type']
+ flow_rule['segment_id'] = port_detail['segment_id']
+ flow_rule['add_fcs'] = add_fcs
+ flow_rule['del_fcs'] = del_fcs
+ # update next hop info
+ self._update_path_node_next_hops(flow_rule)
+ return flow_rule
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ac0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.drivers.ovs import rpc_topics as sfc_topics
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron.common import topics
+from neutron.i18n import _LI
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+import oslo_messaging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SfcRpcCallback(object):
+ """Sfc RPC server."""
+ def __init__(self, driver):
+ self.target = oslo_messaging.Target(version='1.0')
+ self.driver = driver
+ def get_flowrules_by_host_portid(self, context, **kwargs):
+ host = kwargs.get('host')
+ port_id = kwargs.get('port_id')
+ LOG.debug('from port-chain service plugin')
+ pcfrs = self.driver.get_flowrules_by_host_portid(
+ context, host, port_id)
+ LOG.debug('host: %s, port_id: %s', host, port_id)
+ return pcfrs
+ def get_flow_classifier_by_portchain_id(self, context, **kwargs):
+ portchain_id = kwargs.get('portchain_id')
+ pcfcs = self.driver.get_flow_classifier_by_portchain_id(
+ context,
+ portchain_id)
+ LOG.debug('portchain id: %s', portchain_id)
+ return pcfcs
+ def get_all_src_node_flowrules(self, context, **kwargs):
+ host = kwargs.get('host')
+ pcfcs = self.driver.get_all_src_node_flowrules(
+ context)
+ LOG.debug('portchain get_src_node_flowrules, host: %s', host)
+ return pcfcs
+ def update_flowrules_status(self, context, **kwargs):
+ flowrules_status = kwargs.get('flowrules_status')
+ LOG.info(_LI('update_flowrules_status: %s'), flowrules_status)
+ for flowrule_dict in flowrules_status:
+ self.driver.update_flowrule_status(
+ context, flowrule_dict['id'], flowrule_dict['status'])
+class SfcAgentRpcClient(object):
+ """RPC client for ovs sfc agent."""
+ def __init__(self, topic=sfc_topics.SFC_AGENT):
+ self.topic = topic
+ target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0')
+ self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target)
+ def ask_agent_to_update_flow_rules(self, context, flows):
+ LOG.debug('Ask agent on the specific host to update flows ')
+ LOG.debug('flows: %s', flows)
+ host = flows.get('host')
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(
+ topic=topics.get_topic_name(
+ self.topic, sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.UPDATE),
+ server=host)
+ cctxt.cast(context, 'update_flow_rules', flowrule_entries=flows)
+ def ask_agent_to_delete_flow_rules(self, context, flows):
+ LOG.debug('Ask agent on the specific host to delete flows ')
+ LOG.debug('flows: %s', flows)
+ host = flows.get('host')
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(
+ topic=topics.get_topic_name(
+ self.topic, sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.DELETE),
+ server=host)
+ cctxt.cast(context, 'delete_flow_rules', flowrule_entries=flows)
+ def ask_agent_to_update_src_node_flow_rules(self, context, flows):
+ LOG.debug('Ask agent on the specific host to update src node flows ')
+ LOG.debug('flows: %s', flows)
+ host = flows.get('host')
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(
+ topic=topics.get_topic_name(
+ self.topic, sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.UPDATE),
+ server=host)
+ cctxt.cast(context, 'update_src_node_flow_rules',
+ flowrule_entries=flows)
+ def ask_agent_to_delete_src_node_flow_rules(self, context, flows):
+ LOG.debug('Ask agent on the specific host to delete src node flows')
+ LOG.debug('flows: %s', flows)
+ host = flows.get('host')
+ cctxt = self.client.prepare(
+ topic=topics.get_topic_name(
+ self.topic, sfc_topics.PORTFLOW, topics.DELETE),
+ server=host)
+ cctxt.cast(context, 'delete_src_node_flow_rules',
+ flowrule_entries=flows)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc_topics.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc_topics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a35ff4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/rpc_topics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+AGENT = 'q-agent-notifier'
+SFC_PLUGIN = 'q-sfc-plugin'
+SFC_AGENT = 'q-sfc-agent'
+SFC_FLOW = 'q-sfc-flow'
+PORTFLOW = 'portflowrule'
diff --git a/networking_sfc/services/sfc/plugin.py b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41c8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/services/sfc/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+from networking_sfc.db import sfc_db
+from networking_sfc.extensions import sfc as sfc_ext
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import context as sfc_ctx
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import exceptions as sfc_exc
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc import driver_manager as sfc_driver
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SfcPlugin(sfc_db.SfcDbPlugin):
+ """SFC plugin implementation."""
+ supported_extension_aliases = [sfc_ext.SFC_EXT]
+ path_prefix = sfc_ext.SFC_PREFIX
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.driver_manager = sfc_driver.SfcDriverManager()
+ super(SfcPlugin, self).__init__()
+ self.driver_manager.initialize()
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_chain(self, context, port_chain):
+ port_chain_db = super(SfcPlugin, self).create_port_chain(
+ context, port_chain)
+ portchain_db_context = sfc_ctx.PortChainContext(
+ self, context, port_chain_db)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.create_port_chain(portchain_db_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Create port chain failed, "
+ "deleting port_chain '%s'"),
+ port_chain_db['id'])
+ self.delete_port_chain(context, port_chain_db['id'])
+ return port_chain_db
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_chain(self, context, portchain_id, port_chain):
+ original_portchain = self.get_port_chain(context, portchain_id)
+ updated_portchain = super(SfcPlugin, self).update_port_chain(
+ context, portchain_id, port_chain)
+ portchain_db_context = sfc_ctx.PortChainContext(
+ self, context, updated_portchain,
+ original_portchain=original_portchain)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.update_port_chain(portchain_db_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Update port chain failed, port_chain '%s'"),
+ updated_portchain['id'])
+ # TODO(qijing): should we rollback the database update here?
+ return updated_portchain
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_chain(self, context, portchain_id):
+ pc = self.get_port_chain(context, portchain_id)
+ pc_context = sfc_ctx.PortChainContext(self, context, pc)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.delete_port_chain(pc_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Delete port chain failed, portchain '%s'"),
+ portchain_id)
+ # TODO(qijing): unsync in case deleted in driver but fail in database
+ super(SfcPlugin, self).delete_port_chain(context, portchain_id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair(self, context, port_pair):
+ portpair_db = super(SfcPlugin, self).create_port_pair(
+ context, port_pair)
+ portpair_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairContext(
+ self, context, portpair_db)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.create_port_pair(portpair_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Create port pair failed, "
+ "deleting port_pair '%s'"),
+ portpair_db['id'])
+ self.delete_port_pair(context, portpair_db['id'])
+ return portpair_db
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair(self, context, portpair_id, port_pair):
+ original_portpair = self.get_port_pair(context, portpair_id)
+ updated_portpair = super(SfcPlugin, self).update_port_pair(
+ context, portpair_id, port_pair)
+ portpair_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairContext(
+ self, context, updated_portpair,
+ original_portpair=original_portpair)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.update_port_pair(portpair_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Update port pair failed, port_pair '%s'"),
+ updated_portpair['id'])
+ return updated_portpair
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair(self, context, portpair_id):
+ portpair = self.get_port_pair(context, portpair_id)
+ portpair_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairContext(
+ self, context, portpair)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.delete_port_pair(portpair_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Delete port pair failed, port_pair '%s'"),
+ portpair_id)
+ super(SfcPlugin, self).delete_port_pair(context, portpair_id)
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def create_port_pair_group(self, context, port_pair_group):
+ portpairgroup_db = super(SfcPlugin, self).create_port_pair_group(
+ context, port_pair_group)
+ portpairgroup_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext(
+ self, context, portpairgroup_db)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.create_port_pair_group(portpairgroup_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Create port pair group failed, "
+ "deleting port_pair_group '%s'"),
+ portpairgroup_db['id'])
+ self.delete_port_pair_group(context, portpairgroup_db['id'])
+ return portpairgroup_db
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def update_port_pair_group(
+ self, context, portpairgroup_id, port_pair_group
+ ):
+ original_portpairgroup = self.get_port_pair_group(
+ context, portpairgroup_id)
+ updated_portpairgroup = super(SfcPlugin, self).update_port_pair_group(
+ context, portpairgroup_id, port_pair_group)
+ portpairgroup_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext(
+ self, context, updated_portpairgroup,
+ original_portpairgroup=original_portpairgroup)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.update_port_pair_group(portpairgroup_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Update port pair group failed, "
+ "port_pair_group '%s'"),
+ updated_portpairgroup['id'])
+ return updated_portpairgroup
+ @log_helpers.log_method_call
+ def delete_port_pair_group(self, context, portpairgroup_id):
+ portpairgroup = self.get_port_pair_group(context, portpairgroup_id)
+ portpairgroup_context = sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext(
+ self, context, portpairgroup)
+ try:
+ self.driver_manager.delete_port_pair_group(portpairgroup_context)
+ except sfc_exc.SfcDriverError as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Delete port pair group failed, "
+ "port_pair_group '%s'"),
+ portpairgroup_id)
+ super(SfcPlugin, self).delete_port_pair_group(context,
+ portpairgroup_id)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/base.py b/networking_sfc/tests/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83fa3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import contextlib
+import mock
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc
+from neutron.api import extensions as api_ext
+from neutron.api.rpc.agentnotifiers import dhcp_rpc_agent_api as dhcp_rpc_log
+from neutron.api.v2 import resource as api_res_log
+from neutron.common import config as cfg
+from neutron.extensions import vlantransparent as vlan_log
+from neutron import manager
+from neutron.notifiers import nova as nova_log
+from neutron.plugins.ml2 import config
+from neutron.plugins.ml2 import db as ml2_db
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers import type_flat
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers import type_local
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers import type_tunnel
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers import type_vlan
+from neutron.plugins.ml2 import managers as ml2_manager
+from neutron.plugins.ml2 import plugin as ml2_plugin
+from neutron import quota as quota_log
+from neutron.scheduler import dhcp_agent_scheduler as dhcp_agent_log
+from neutron.tests import base as n_base
+from neutron.tests.unit.db import test_db_base_plugin_v2 as test_db_plugin
+class BaseTestCase(n_base.BaseTestCase):
+ pass
+class NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase(test_db_plugin.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase):
+ def setUp(self, plugin=None, service_plugins=None, ext_mgr=None):
+ self._mock_unncessary_logging()
+ if not plugin:
+ plugin = 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin'
+ config.cfg.CONF.set_override('tenant_network_types', ['gre'],
+ group='ml2')
+ config.cfg.CONF.set_override(
+ 'tunnel_id_ranges', ['1:1000'], group='ml2_type_gre')
+ config.cfg.CONF.set_override(
+ 'mechanism_drivers', ['openvswitch'], group='ml2')
+ super(NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase, self).setUp(
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr,
+ plugin=plugin,
+ service_plugins=service_plugins
+ )
+ self._tenant_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ self._network = self._make_network(
+ self.fmt, 'net1',
+ True)
+ self._subnet = self._make_subnet(
+ self.fmt, self._network, gateway='',
+ cidr='', ip_version=4
+ )
+ def _mock_unncessary_logging(self):
+ mock_log_sg_rpc_p = mock.patch.object(sg_rpc, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_sg_rpc = mock_log_sg_rpc_p.start()
+ mock_log_api_ext_p = mock.patch.object(api_ext, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_api_ext = mock_log_api_ext_p.start()
+ mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log_p = mock.patch.object(dhcp_rpc_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log = mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log_p.start()
+ mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log_p = mock.patch.object(dhcp_rpc_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log = mock_log_dhcp_rpc_log_p.start()
+ mock_log_api_res_log_p = mock.patch.object(api_res_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_api_res_log = mock_log_api_res_log_p.start()
+ mock_log_cfg_p = mock.patch.object(cfg, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_cfg = mock_log_cfg_p.start()
+ mock_log_vlan_log_p = mock.patch.object(vlan_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_vlan_log = mock_log_vlan_log_p.start()
+ mock_log_manager_p = mock.patch.object(manager, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_manager = mock_log_manager_p.start()
+ mock_log_nova_p = mock.patch.object(nova_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_nova = mock_log_nova_p.start()
+ mock_log_ml2_db_p = mock.patch.object(ml2_db, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_ml2_db = mock_log_ml2_db_p.start()
+ mock_log_ml2_manager_p = mock.patch.object(ml2_manager, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_ml2_manager = mock_log_ml2_manager_p.start()
+ mock_log_plugin_p = mock.patch.object(ml2_plugin, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_plugin = mock_log_plugin_p.start()
+ mock_log_type_flat_p = mock.patch.object(type_flat, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_type_flat = mock_log_type_flat_p.start()
+ mock_log_type_local_p = mock.patch.object(type_local, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_type_local = mock_log_type_local_p.start()
+ mock_log_type_tunnel_p = mock.patch.object(type_tunnel, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_type_tunnel = mock_log_type_tunnel_p.start()
+ mock_log_type_vlan_p = mock.patch.object(type_vlan, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_type_vlan = mock_log_type_vlan_p.start()
+ mock_log_quota_log_p = mock.patch.object(quota_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_quota_log = mock_log_quota_log_p.start()
+ mock_log_dhcp_agent_log_p = mock.patch.object(dhcp_agent_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_dhcp_agent_log = mock_log_dhcp_agent_log_p.start()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase, self).tearDown()
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def port(self, fmt=None, **kwargs):
+ net_id = self._network['network']['id']
+ port = self._make_port(fmt or self.fmt, net_id, **kwargs)
+ yield port
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/__init__.py
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_flow_classifier.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_flow_classifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c2142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_flow_classifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import sys
+import uuid
+import mock
+from neutronclient import shell
+from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
+from networking_sfc.cli import flow_classifier as fc
+source_port_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+destination_port_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+class CLITestV20FCExtensionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_extension_loading()
+ super(CLITestV20FCExtensionJSON, self).setUp(plurals={})
+ self.register_non_admin_status_resource('flow_classifier')
+ def _create_patch(self, name, func=None):
+ patcher = mock.patch(name)
+ thing = patcher.start()
+ self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ return thing
+ def _mock_extension_loading(self):
+ ext_pkg = 'neutronclient.common.extension'
+ flow_classifier = self._create_patch(ext_pkg +
+ '._discover_via_entry_points')
+ flow_classifier.return_value = [("flow_classifier", fc)]
+ return flow_classifier
+ def test_ext_cmd_loaded(self):
+ shell.NeutronShell('2.0')
+ ext_cmd = {'flow-classifier-list': fc.FlowClassifierList,
+ 'flow-classifier-create': fc.FlowClassifierCreate,
+ 'flow-classifier-update': fc.FlowClassifierUpdate,
+ 'flow-classifier-delete': fc.FlowClassifierDelete,
+ 'flow-classifier-show': fc.FlowClassifierShow}
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(ext_cmd, shell.COMMANDS['2.0'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_mandatory_params(self):
+ """create flow-classifier: flow1."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ name = 'flow1'
+ ethertype = 'IPv4'
+ args = [name, '--ethertype', ethertype]
+ position_names = ['name', 'ethertype']
+ position_values = [name, ethertype]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_params(self):
+ """create flow-classifier: flow1."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ name = 'flow1'
+ protocol_name = 'TCP'
+ ethertype = 'IPv4'
+ source_port = '0:65535'
+ source_port_min = 0
+ source_port_max = 65535
+ destination_port = '1:65534'
+ destination_port_min = 1
+ destination_port_max = 65534
+ source_ip = ''
+ destination_ip = ''
+ logical_source_port = '4a334cd4-fe9c-4fae-af4b-321c5e2eb051'
+ logical_destination_port = '1278dcd4-459f-62ed-754b-87fc5e4a6751'
+ description = 'my-desc'
+ l7_param = "url=my_url"
+ l7_param_expected = {"url": "my_url"}
+ args = [name,
+ '--protocol', protocol_name,
+ '--ethertype', ethertype,
+ '--source-port', source_port,
+ '--destination-port', destination_port,
+ '--source-ip-prefix', source_ip,
+ '--destination-ip-prefix', destination_ip,
+ '--logical-source-port', logical_source_port,
+ '--logical-destination-port', logical_destination_port,
+ '--description', description,
+ '--l7-parameters', l7_param]
+ position_names = ['name', 'protocol', 'ethertype',
+ 'source_port_range_min', 'source_port_range_max',
+ 'destination_port_range_min',
+ 'destination_port_range_max',
+ 'source_ip_prefix', 'destination_ip_prefix',
+ 'logical_source_port', 'logical_destination_port',
+ 'description', 'l7_parameters']
+ position_values = [name, protocol_name, ethertype,
+ source_port_min, source_port_max,
+ destination_port_min, destination_port_max,
+ source_ip, destination_ip, logical_source_port,
+ logical_destination_port, description,
+ l7_param_expected]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_list_flow_classifier(self):
+ """List available flow-classifiers."""
+ resources = "flow_classifiers"
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
+ def test_list_flow_classifier_sort(self):
+ """flow_classifier-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
+ --sort-key desc
+ """
+ resources = "flow_classifiers"
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
+ sort_key=["name", "id"],
+ sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
+ def test_list_flow_classifier_limit(self):
+ """flow-classifier-list -P."""
+ resources = "flow_classifiers"
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
+ def test_show_flow_classifier_id(self):
+ """flow-classifier-show test_id."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierShow(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
+ self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
+ def test_show_flow_classifier_id_name(self):
+ """flow-classifier-show ."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierShow(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
+ self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
+ args, ['id', 'name'])
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_description(self):
+ """flow-classifier-update myid --name newname."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid, '--description', 'flow_classifier1', '--description',
+ 'flow_classifier2']
+ updatefields = {'description': 'flow_classifier2'}
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatefields)
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_name(self):
+ """flow-classifier-update myid --protocol any."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
+ ['myid', '--name', 'myname'],
+ {'name': 'myname'})
+ def test_delete_flow_classifer(self):
+ """flow-classifier-delete my-id."""
+ resource = 'flow_classifier'
+ cmd = fc.FlowClassifierDelete(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ my_id = 'myid1'
+ args = [my_id]
+ self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_chain.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_chain.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d834bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_chain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import sys
+import uuid
+import mock
+from neutronclient import shell
+from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_chain as pc
+FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+FAKE_port_pair_group2_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+FAKE_FC1_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+FAKE_FC2_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+FAKE_PARAM1_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+FAKE_PARAM2_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+class CLITestV20PortChainExtensionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_extension_loading()
+ super(CLITestV20PortChainExtensionJSON, self).setUp()
+ self.register_non_admin_status_resource('port_chain')
+ def _create_patch(self, name, func=None):
+ patcher = mock.patch(name)
+ thing = patcher.start()
+ self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ return thing
+ def _mock_extension_loading(self):
+ ext_pkg = 'neutronclient.common.extension'
+ port_chain = self._create_patch(ext_pkg +
+ '._discover_via_entry_points')
+ port_chain.return_value = [("port_chain", pc)]
+ return port_chain
+ def test_ext_cmd_loaded(self):
+ shell.NeutronShell('2.0')
+ ext_cmd = {'port-chain-list': pc.PortChainList,
+ 'port-chain-create': pc.PortChainCreate,
+ 'port-chain-update': pc.PortChainUpdate,
+ 'port-chain-delete': pc.PortChainDelete,
+ 'port-chain-show': pc.PortChainShow}
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(ext_cmd, shell.COMMANDS['2.0'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_mandatory_param(self):
+ """Create port_chain: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
+ None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair-group', FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pair_groups']
+ position_values = [name, [FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID]]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_multiple_port_pair_group(self):
+ """Create port_chain: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair-group', FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID,
+ '--port-pair-group', FAKE_port_pair_group2_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pair_groups']
+ position_values = [name, [FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID,
+ FAKE_port_pair_group2_UUID]]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_all_params(self):
+ """Create port_chain: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ desc = 'check port chain cli'
+ chain_parameter = "correlation=mpls"
+ chain_parameter_expected = {"correlation": "mpls"}
+ args = [name, '--description', desc, '--port-pair-group',
+ FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID, '--flow-classifier',
+ FAKE_FC1_UUID, '--chain-parameters', chain_parameter]
+ position_names = ['name', 'description', 'port_pair_groups',
+ 'flow_classifiers', 'chain_parameters']
+ position_values = [name, desc, [FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID],
+ [FAKE_FC1_UUID], chain_parameter_expected]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_single_classifier(self):
+ """Create port_chain: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair-group', FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID,
+ '--flow-classifier', FAKE_FC1_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pair_groups', 'flow_classifiers']
+ position_values = [name, [FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID], [FAKE_FC1_UUID]]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_multiple_classifiers(self):
+ """Create port_chain: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair-group', FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID,
+ '--flow-classifier', FAKE_FC1_UUID,
+ '--flow-classifier', FAKE_FC2_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pair_groups', 'flow_classifiers']
+ position_values = [name, [FAKE_port_pair_group1_UUID], [FAKE_FC1_UUID,
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_update_port_chain(self):
+ """Update port_chain: myid --name myname."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
+ ['myid', '--name', 'myname'],
+ {'name': 'myname'})
+ def test_update_port_chain_with_no_flow_classifier(self):
+ """Update port_chain: myid --name myname --no-flow-classifier None."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
+ ['myid', '--name', 'myname',
+ '--no-flow-classifier'],
+ {'name': 'myname',
+ 'flow_classifiers': []})
+ def test_delete_port_chain(self):
+ """Delete port-chain: myid."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainDelete(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid]
+ self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
+ def test_list_port_chain(self):
+ """List port_chain."""
+ resources = 'port_chains'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
+ def test_list_port_chains_sort(self):
+ """List port_chains: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
+ --sort-key desc
+ """
+ resources = "port_chains"
+ cmd = pc.PortChainList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
+ sort_key=["name", "id"],
+ sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
+ def test_show_port_chain(self):
+ """Show port-chain: --fields id --fields name myid."""
+ resource = 'port_chain'
+ cmd = pc.PortChainShow(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
+ self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
+ args, ['id', 'name'])
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a302e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import sys
+import uuid
+import mock
+from neutronclient import shell
+from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_pair as pp
+ingress_port_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+egress_port_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
+class CLITestV20PortPairExtensionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_extension_loading()
+ super(CLITestV20PortPairExtensionJSON, self).setUp()
+ self.register_non_admin_status_resource('port_pair')
+ def _create_patch(self, name, func=None):
+ patcher = mock.patch(name)
+ thing = patcher.start()
+ self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ return thing
+ def _mock_extension_loading(self):
+ ext_pkg = 'neutronclient.common.extension'
+ port_pair = self._create_patch(ext_pkg +
+ '._discover_via_entry_points')
+ port_pair.return_value = [("port_pair", pp)]
+ return port_pair
+ def test_ext_cmd_loaded(self):
+ shell.NeutronShell('2.0')
+ ext_cmd = {'port-pair-list': pp.PortPairList,
+ 'port-pair-create': pp.PortPairCreate,
+ 'port-pair-update': pp.PortPairUpdate,
+ 'port-pair-delete': pp.PortPairDelete,
+ 'port-pair-show': pp.PortPairShow}
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(ext_cmd, shell.COMMANDS['2.0'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_mandatory_param(self):
+ """Create port_pair: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--ingress', ingress_port_UUID,
+ '--egress', egress_port_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'ingress', 'egress']
+ position_values = [name, ingress_port_UUID, egress_port_UUID]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_group_with_bidirectional_port(self):
+ """Create port_pair: myname with bidirectional port."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--ingress', ingress_port_UUID,
+ '--egress', ingress_port_UUID]
+ position_names = ['name', 'ingress', 'egress']
+ position_values = [name, ingress_port_UUID, ingress_port_UUID]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_all_param(self):
+ """Create port_pair: myname with all parameter"""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
+ None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ desc = "my_port_pair"
+ service_fn_param = 'correlation=None'
+ service_fn_param_exp = {"correlation": "None"}
+ args = [name, '--ingress', ingress_port_UUID,
+ '--egress', egress_port_UUID, '--description', desc,
+ '--service-function-parameters', service_fn_param]
+ position_names = ['name', 'ingress', 'egress', 'description',
+ 'service_function_parameters']
+ position_values = [name, ingress_port_UUID, egress_port_UUID, desc,
+ service_fn_param_exp]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_update_port_pair_description(self):
+ """Update port_pair: myid --name myname."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ desc1 = "My_New_Port_Pair"
+ cmd = pp.PortPairUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
+ ['myid', '--description', desc1],
+ {'description': desc1})
+ def test_update_port_pair_name(self):
+ """Update port_pair: myid --name myname."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ my_name = "My_New_Port_Pair"
+ cmd = pp.PortPairUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
+ ['myid', '--name', my_name],
+ {'name': my_name})
+ def test_delete_port_pair(self):
+ """Delete port-pair: myid."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairDelete(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid]
+ self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
+ def test_list_port_pair(self):
+ """List port_pairs."""
+ resources = 'port_pairs'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
+ def test_list_port_pair_limit(self):
+ """size (1000) limited list: port-pair -P."""
+ resources = "port_pairs"
+ cmd = pp.PortPairList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
+ def test_list_port_pairs_sort(self):
+ """List port_pairs: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
+ --sort-key desc
+ """
+ resources = "port_pairs"
+ cmd = pp.PortPairList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
+ sort_key=["name", "id"],
+ sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
+ def test_show_port_pair(self):
+ """Show port-pairs: --fields id --fields name myid."""
+ resource = 'port_pair'
+ cmd = pp.PortPairShow(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
+ self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
+ args, ['id', 'name'])
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair_group.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f610ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/cli/test_port_pair_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
+# All Rights Reserved
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import sys
+import uuid
+import mock
+from neutronclient import shell
+from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
+from networking_sfc.cli import port_pair_group as pg
+pp1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
+pp2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
+pp3 = str(uuid.uuid4())
+pp4 = str(uuid.uuid4())
+class CLITestV20PortGroupExtensionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_extension_loading()
+ super(CLITestV20PortGroupExtensionJSON, self).setUp()
+ self.register_non_admin_status_resource('port_pair_group')
+ def _create_patch(self, name, func=None):
+ patcher = mock.patch(name)
+ thing = patcher.start()
+ self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ return thing
+ def _mock_extension_loading(self):
+ ext_pkg = 'neutronclient.common.extension'
+ port_pair_group = self._create_patch(ext_pkg +
+ '._discover_via_entry_points')
+ port_pair_group.return_value = [("port_pair_group", pg)]
+ return port_pair_group
+ def test_ext_cmd_loaded(self):
+ shell.NeutronShell('2.0')
+ ext_cmd = {'port-pair-group-list': pg.PortPairGroupList,
+ 'port-pair-group-create': pg.PortPairGroupCreate,
+ 'port-pair-group-update': pg.PortPairGroupUpdate,
+ 'port-pair-group-delete': pg.PortPairGroupDelete,
+ 'port-pair-group-show': pg.PortPairGroupShow}
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(ext_cmd, shell.COMMANDS['2.0'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_with_mandatory_args(self):
+ """Create port_pair_group: myname."""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair', pp1]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pairs']
+ position_values = [name, [pp1]]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_with_ingress_egress_port_group(self):
+ """Create port_pair_group: myname with multiple port pairs"""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupCreate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ name = 'myname'
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [name, '--port-pair', pp1, '--port-pair', pp2]
+ position_names = ['name', 'port_pairs']
+ position_values = [name, [pp1, pp2]]
+ self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
+ position_names, position_values)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group(self):
+ """Delete port_pair_group: myid."""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupDelete(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid]
+ self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
+ def test_update_port_group_only_port_pair(self):
+ """Update port_pair_group"""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid, '--port-pair', pp1,
+ '--port-pair', pp2]
+ updatefields = {'port_pairs': [pp1, pp2]}
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatefields)
+ def test_update_port_group_with_all_desc(self):
+ """Update port_pair_group and description"""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupUpdate(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ myid = 'myid'
+ args = [myid, '--port-pair', pp1,
+ '--port-pair', pp2, '--description', 'my_port_group',
+ '--description', 'my_port_pair_group']
+ updatefields = {'port_pairs': [pp1, pp2],
+ 'description': 'my_port_pair_group'}
+ self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatefields)
+ def test_list_port_pair_group(self):
+ """List port_pair_group."""
+ resources = 'port_pair_groups'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
+ def test_list_port_pair_group_limit(self):
+ """size (1000) limited list: port-pair-group -P."""
+ resources = "port_pair_groups"
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
+ def test_list_port_group_sort(self):
+ """List port_pair_group: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
+ --sort-key desc
+ """
+ resources = "port_pair_groups"
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupList(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
+ sort_key=["name", "id"],
+ sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
+ def test_show_port_group(self):
+ """Show port-chain: --fields id --fields name myid."""
+ resource = 'port_pair_group'
+ cmd = pg.PortPairGroupShow(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
+ args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
+ self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
+ args, ['id', 'name'])
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_flowclassifier_db.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_flowclassifier_db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c9af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_flowclassifier_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import contextlib
+import mock
+import six
+import webob.exc
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_utils import importutils
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.api import extensions as api_ext
+from neutron.common import config
+from neutron.common import constants as const
+import neutron.extensions as nextensions
+from networking_sfc.db import flowclassifier_db as fdb
+from networking_sfc import extensions
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as fc_ext
+from networking_sfc.tests import base
+ "networking_sfc.db.flowclassifier_db.FlowClassifierDbPlugin"
+extensions_path = ':'.join(extensions.__path__ + nextensions.__path__)
+class FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCaseBase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def _create_flow_classifier(
+ self, fmt, flow_classifier=None, expected_res_status=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ ctx = kwargs.get('context', None)
+ tenant_id = kwargs.get('tenant_id', self._tenant_id)
+ data = {'flow_classifier': flow_classifier or {}}
+ if ctx is None:
+ data['flow_classifier'].update({'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ req = self.new_create_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', data, fmt, context=ctx
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ if expected_res_status:
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, expected_res_status)
+ return res
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def flow_classifier(
+ self, fmt=None, flow_classifier=None, do_delete=True, **kwargs
+ ):
+ if not fmt:
+ fmt = self.fmt
+ res = self._create_flow_classifier(fmt, flow_classifier, **kwargs)
+ if res.status_int >= 400:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPClientError(code=res.status_int)
+ flow_classifier = self.deserialize(fmt or self.fmt, res)
+ yield flow_classifier
+ if do_delete:
+ self._delete('flow_classifiers',
+ flow_classifier['flow_classifier']['id'])
+ def _get_expected_flow_classifier(self, flow_classifier):
+ expected_flow_classifier = {
+ 'name': flow_classifier.get('name') or '',
+ 'description': flow_classifier.get('description') or '',
+ 'source_port_range_min': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'source_port_range_min'),
+ 'source_port_range_max': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'source_port_range_max'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'destination_port_range_min'),
+ 'destination_port_range_max': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'destination_port_range_max'),
+ 'ethertype': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'ethertype') or 'IPv4',
+ 'protocol': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'protocol'),
+ 'l7_parameters': flow_classifier.get(
+ 'l7_parameters') or {}
+ }
+ if (
+ 'source_ip_prefix' in flow_classifier and
+ flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix']
+ ):
+ expected_flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix'] = (
+ flow_classifier['source_ip_prefix'])
+ if (
+ 'destination_ip_prefix' in flow_classifier and
+ flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix']
+ ):
+ expected_flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix'] = (
+ flow_classifier['destination_ip_prefix'])
+ return expected_flow_classifier
+ def _test_create_flow_classifier(
+ self, flow_classifier, expected_flow_classifier=None
+ ):
+ if expected_flow_classifier is None:
+ expected_flow_classifier = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier)
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier=flow_classifier) as fc:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_flow_classifier):
+ self.assertIn(k, fc['flow_classifier'])
+ self.assertEqual(fc['flow_classifier'][k], v)
+class FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCase(
+ base.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase,
+ FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCaseBase
+ resource_prefix_map = dict(
+ for k in fc_ext.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.keys()
+ )
+ def setUp(self, core_plugin=None, flowclassifier_plugin=None,
+ ext_mgr=None):
+ mock_log_p = mock.patch.object(fdb, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log = mock_log_p.start()
+ cfg.CONF.register_opts(fc_ext.flow_classifier_quota_opts, 'QUOTAS')
+ if not flowclassifier_plugin:
+ flowclassifier_plugin = DB_FLOWCLASSIFIER_PLUGIN_CLASS
+ service_plugins = {
+ fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT: flowclassifier_plugin
+ }
+ fdb.FlowClassifierDbPlugin.supported_extension_aliases = [
+ fdb.FlowClassifierDbPlugin.path_prefix = (
+ )
+ super(FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCase, self).setUp(
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr,
+ plugin=core_plugin,
+ service_plugins=service_plugins
+ )
+ if not ext_mgr:
+ self.flowclassifier_plugin = importutils.import_object(
+ flowclassifier_plugin)
+ ext_mgr = api_ext.PluginAwareExtensionManager(
+ extensions_path,
+ {fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT: self.flowclassifier_plugin}
+ )
+ app = config.load_paste_app('extensions_test_app')
+ self.ext_api = api_ext.ExtensionMiddleware(app, ext_mgr=ext_mgr)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({})
+ def test_quota_create_flow_classifier(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_flow_classifier', 3, group='QUOTAS')
+ self._create_flow_classifier(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_flow_classifier(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_flow_classifier(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_flow_classifier(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=409)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_fields(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ethertype': const.IPv4,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP,
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 101,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 201,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'logical_source_port': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': None,
+ 'l7_parameters': {}
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_supported_ethertype(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'ethertype': None
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4'
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv6'
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_invalid_ethertype(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'ethertype': 'unsupported',
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_supported_protocol(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'protocol': None
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_UDP
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_ICMP
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_invalid_protocol(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'protocol': 'unsupported',
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_supported_port_protocol(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_port_range_min': '100',
+ 'source_port_range_max': '200',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': '100',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': '200',
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_UDP
+ }, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_UDP
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_invalid__port_protocol(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 'abc',
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_max': 'abc',
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 99,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 65536,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_max': 65536,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': -1,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_max': -1,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 'abc',
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 'abc',
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 99,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 65536,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 65536,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': -1,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_max': -1,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_TCP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_ICMP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 100
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 200
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_ICMP
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_supported_ip_prefix(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': ''
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_invalid_ip_prefix(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': ''
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_all_supported_l7_parameters(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'l7_parameters': None
+ })
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'l7_parameters': {}
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_invalid_l7_parameters(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'l7_parameters': {'abc': 'def'}
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_port_id(self):
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'logical_source_port': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': None,
+ })
+ with self.port(
+ name='test1'
+ ) as port:
+ self._test_create_flow_classifier({
+ 'logical_source_port': port['port']['id'],
+ 'logical_destination_port': port['port']['id'],
+ })
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_nouuid_port_id(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'logical_source_port': 'abc'
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'logical_destination_port': 'abc'
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_with_unknown_port_id(self):
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'logical_source_port': uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ },
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'logical_destination_port': uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ },
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_list_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as fc1, self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ }) as fc2:
+ fcs = [fc1, fc2]
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'flow_classifier', fcs
+ )
+ def test_list_flow_classifiers_with_params(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as fc1, self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ }) as fc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'flow_classifier', [fc1],
+ query_params='name=test1'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'flow_classifier', [fc2],
+ query_params='name=test2'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'flow_classifier', [],
+ query_params='name=test3'
+ )
+ def test_list_flow_classifiers_with_unknown_params(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as fc1, self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ }) as fc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'flow_classifier', [fc1, fc2],
+ query_params='hello=test3'
+ )
+ def test_show_flow_classifier(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as fc:
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(fc['flow_classifier']):
+ self.assertEqual(res['flow_classifier'][k], v)
+ def test_show_flow_classifier_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_update_flow_classifier(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1'
+ }) as fc:
+ updates = {
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'description': 'desc2',
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', {'flow_classifier': updates},
+ fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ expected = fc['flow_classifier']
+ expected.update(updates)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['flow_classifier'][k], v)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['flow_classifier'][k], v)
+ def _test_update_with_field(
+ self, fc, updates, expected_status_code
+ ):
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', {'flow_classifier': updates},
+ fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, expected_status_code)
+ def test_update_flow_classifer_unsupported_fields(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1'
+ }) as fc:
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'ethertype': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'protocol': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'source_port_range_min': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'source_port_range_max': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'destination_port_range_min': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'destination_port_range_max': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'source_ip_prefix': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'destination_ip_prefix': None}, 400)
+ self._test_update_with_field(
+ fc, {'l7_parameters': None}, 400)
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }, do_delete=False) as fc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_sfc_db.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_sfc_db.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d57e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/db/test_sfc_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import contextlib
+import mock
+import six
+import webob.exc
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_utils import importutils
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.api import extensions as api_ext
+from neutron.common import config
+import neutron.extensions as nextensions
+from networking_sfc.db import flowclassifier_db as fdb
+from networking_sfc.db import sfc_db
+from networking_sfc import extensions
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as fc_ext
+from networking_sfc.extensions import sfc
+from networking_sfc.tests import base
+from networking_sfc.tests.unit.db import test_flowclassifier_db
+ "networking_sfc.db.sfc_db.SfcDbPlugin"
+extensions_path = ':'.join(extensions.__path__ + nextensions.__path__)
+class SfcDbPluginTestCaseBase(
+ base.BaseTestCase
+ def _create_port_chain(
+ self, fmt, port_chain=None, expected_res_status=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ ctx = kwargs.get('context', None)
+ tenant_id = kwargs.get('tenant_id', self._tenant_id)
+ data = {'port_chain': port_chain or {}}
+ if ctx is None:
+ data['port_chain'].update({'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ req = self.new_create_request(
+ 'port_chains', data, fmt, context=ctx
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ if expected_res_status:
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, expected_res_status)
+ return res
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def port_chain(self, fmt=None, port_chain=None, do_delete=True, **kwargs):
+ if not fmt:
+ fmt = self.fmt
+ res = self._create_port_chain(fmt, port_chain, **kwargs)
+ if res.status_int >= 400:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPClientError(code=res.status_int)
+ port_chain = self.deserialize(fmt or self.fmt, res)
+ yield port_chain
+ if do_delete:
+ self._delete('port_chains', port_chain['port_chain']['id'])
+ def _create_port_pair_group(
+ self, fmt, port_pair_group=None, expected_res_status=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ ctx = kwargs.get('context', None)
+ tenant_id = kwargs.get('tenant_id', self._tenant_id)
+ data = {'port_pair_group': port_pair_group or {}}
+ if ctx is None:
+ data['port_pair_group'].update({'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ req = self.new_create_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', data, fmt, context=ctx
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ if expected_res_status:
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, expected_res_status)
+ return res
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def port_pair_group(
+ self, fmt=None, port_pair_group=None, do_delete=True, **kwargs
+ ):
+ if not fmt:
+ fmt = self.fmt
+ res = self._create_port_pair_group(fmt, port_pair_group, **kwargs)
+ if res.status_int >= 400:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPClientError(code=res.status_int)
+ port_pair_group = self.deserialize(fmt or self.fmt, res)
+ yield port_pair_group
+ if do_delete:
+ self._delete(
+ 'port_pair_groups',
+ port_pair_group['port_pair_group']['id'])
+ def _create_port_pair(
+ self, fmt, port_pair=None, expected_res_status=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ ctx = kwargs.get('context', None)
+ tenant_id = kwargs.get('tenant_id', self._tenant_id)
+ data = {'port_pair': port_pair or {}}
+ if ctx is None:
+ data['port_pair'].update({'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ req = self.new_create_request(
+ 'port_pairs', data, fmt, context=ctx
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ if expected_res_status:
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, expected_res_status)
+ return res
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def port_pair(self, fmt=None, port_pair=None, do_delete=True, **kwargs):
+ if not fmt:
+ fmt = self.fmt
+ res = self._create_port_pair(fmt, port_pair, **kwargs)
+ if res.status_int >= 400:
+ raise webob.exc.HTTPClientError(code=res.status_int)
+ port_pair = self.deserialize(fmt or self.fmt, res)
+ yield port_pair
+ if do_delete:
+ self._delete('port_pairs', port_pair['port_pair']['id'])
+ def _get_expected_port_pair(self, port_pair):
+ return {
+ 'name': port_pair.get('name') or '',
+ 'description': port_pair.get('description') or '',
+ 'egress': port_pair.get('egress'),
+ 'ingress': port_pair.get('ingress'),
+ 'service_function_parameters': port_pair.get(
+ 'service_function_parameters') or {'correlation': None}
+ }
+ def _test_create_port_pair(self, port_pair, expected_port_pair=None):
+ if expected_port_pair is None:
+ expected_port_pair = self._get_expected_port_pair(port_pair)
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair=port_pair) as pp:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_pair):
+ self.assertEqual(pp['port_pair'][k], v)
+ def _test_create_port_pairs(
+ self, port_pairs, expected_port_pairs=None
+ ):
+ if port_pairs:
+ port_pair = port_pairs.pop()
+ if expected_port_pairs:
+ expected_port_pair = expected_port_pairs.pop()
+ else:
+ expected_port_pair = self._get_expected_port_pair(port_pair)
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair=port_pair) as pp:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_pair):
+ self.assertEqual(pp['port_pair'][k], v)
+ def _get_expected_port_pair_group(self, port_pair_group):
+ return {
+ 'name': port_pair_group.get('name') or '',
+ 'description': port_pair_group.get('description') or '',
+ 'port_pairs': port_pair_group.get('port_pairs') or []
+ }
+ def _test_create_port_pair_group(
+ self, port_pair_group, expected_port_pair_group=None
+ ):
+ if expected_port_pair_group is None:
+ expected_port_pair_group = self._get_expected_port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group=port_pair_group) as pg:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_pair_group):
+ self.assertEqual(pg['port_pair_group'][k], v)
+ def _test_create_port_pair_groups(
+ self, port_pair_groups, expected_port_pair_groups=None
+ ):
+ if port_pair_groups:
+ port_pair_group = port_pair_groups.pop()
+ if expected_port_pair_groups:
+ expected_port_pair_group = expected_port_pair_groups.pop()
+ else:
+ expected_port_pair_group = self._get_expected_port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group=port_pair_group) as pg:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_pair_group):
+ self.assertEqual(pg['port_pair_group'][k], v)
+ def _get_expected_port_chain(self, port_chain):
+ return {
+ 'name': port_chain.get('name') or '',
+ 'description': port_chain.get('description') or '',
+ 'port_pair_groups': port_chain['port_pair_groups'],
+ 'flow_classifiers': port_chain.get('flow_classifiers') or [],
+ 'chain_parameters': port_chain.get(
+ 'chain_parameters') or {'correlation': 'mpls'}
+ }
+ def _test_create_port_chain(self, port_chain, expected_port_chain=None):
+ if expected_port_chain is None:
+ expected_port_chain = self._get_expected_port_chain(port_chain)
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain=port_chain) as pc:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_chain):
+ self.assertEqual(pc['port_chain'][k], v)
+ def _test_create_port_chains(
+ self, port_chains, expected_port_chains=None
+ ):
+ if port_chains:
+ port_chain = port_chains.pop()
+ if expected_port_chains:
+ expected_port_chain = expected_port_chains.pop()
+ else:
+ expected_port_chain = self._get_expected_port_chain(
+ port_chain)
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain=port_chain) as pc:
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected_port_chain):
+ self.assertEqual(pc['port_chain'][k], v)
+class SfcDbPluginTestCase(
+ base.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase,
+ test_flowclassifier_db.FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCaseBase,
+ SfcDbPluginTestCaseBase
+ resource_prefix_map = dict([
+ (k, sfc.SFC_PREFIX)
+ for k in sfc.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.keys()
+ ] + [
+ for k in fc_ext.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.keys()
+ ])
+ def setUp(self, core_plugin=None, sfc_plugin=None,
+ flowclassifier_plugin=None, ext_mgr=None):
+ mock_log_p = mock.patch.object(sfc_db, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log = mock_log_p.start()
+ cfg.CONF.register_opts(sfc.sfc_quota_opts, 'QUOTAS')
+ if not sfc_plugin:
+ sfc_plugin = DB_SFC_PLUGIN_CLASS
+ if not flowclassifier_plugin:
+ flowclassifier_plugin = (
+ test_flowclassifier_db.DB_FLOWCLASSIFIER_PLUGIN_CLASS)
+ service_plugins = {
+ sfc.SFC_EXT: sfc_plugin,
+ fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT: flowclassifier_plugin
+ }
+ sfc_db.SfcDbPlugin.supported_extension_aliases = [
+ "sfc"]
+ sfc_db.SfcDbPlugin.path_prefix = sfc.SFC_PREFIX
+ fdb.FlowClassifierDbPlugin.supported_extension_aliases = [
+ "flow_classifier"]
+ fdb.FlowClassifierDbPlugin.path_prefix = (
+ )
+ super(SfcDbPluginTestCase, self).setUp(
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr,
+ plugin=core_plugin,
+ service_plugins=service_plugins
+ )
+ if not ext_mgr:
+ self.sfc_plugin = importutils.import_object(sfc_plugin)
+ self.flowclassifier_plugin = importutils.import_object(
+ flowclassifier_plugin)
+ ext_mgr = api_ext.PluginAwareExtensionManager(
+ extensions_path,
+ {
+ sfc.SFC_EXT: self.sfc_plugin,
+ fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT: self.flowclassifier_plugin
+ }
+ )
+ app = config.load_paste_app('extensions_test_app')
+ self.ext_api = api_ext.ExtensionMiddleware(app, ext_mgr=ext_mgr)
+ def test_create_port_chain(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]})
+ def test_quota_create_port_chain(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_port_chain', 3, group='QUOTAS')
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}, do_delete=False
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}, do_delete=False
+ ) as pg2, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}, do_delete=False
+ ) as pg3, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}, do_delete=False
+ ) as pg4:
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg1['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg2['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg3['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg4['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=409)
+ def test_create_port_chain_all_fields(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']],
+ 'flow_classifiers': [],
+ 'name': 'abc',
+ 'description': 'def',
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': 'mpls'}
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_multi_port_pair_groups(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg2['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_shared_port_pair_groups(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg3:
+ self._test_create_port_chains([{
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg2['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ }, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg3['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ }])
+ def test_create_port_chain_shared_port_pair_groups_different_order(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ self._test_create_port_chains([{
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg2['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ }, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg2['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ }])
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_empty_chain_parameters(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'chain_parameters': {},
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_none_chain_parameters(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'chain_parameters': None,
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_default_chain_parameters(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': 'mpls'},
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_none_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'flow_classifiers': None,
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_empty_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'flow_classifiers': [],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={}) as fc:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'flow_classifiers': [fc['flow_classifier']['id']],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_multi_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier={}
+ ) as fc1, self.flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier={}
+ ) as fc2:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'flow_classifiers': [
+ fc1['flow_classifier']['id'],
+ fc2['flow_classifier']['id']
+ ],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_port_pairs(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp2:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'port_pairs': [
+ pp1['port_pair']['id']
+ ]
+ }) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'port_pairs': [
+ pp2['port_pair']['id']
+ ]
+ }) as pg2:
+ self._test_create_port_chain({
+ 'port_pair_groups': [
+ pg1['port_pair_group']['id'],
+ pg2['port_pair_group']['id']
+ ]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_empty_port_pair_groups(self):
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pair_groups': []},
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_nonuuid_port_pair_group_id(self):
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pair_groups': ['unknown']},
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_unknown_port_pair_group_id(self):
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pair_groups': [uuidutils.generate_uuid()]},
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_same_port_pair_groups(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(
+ port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }
+ ):
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=409
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_no_port_pair_groups(self):
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_with_invalid_chain_parameters(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': 'unknown'},
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_unknown_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'flow_classifiers': [uuidutils.generate_uuid()],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_create_port_chain_nouuid_flow_classifiers(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['unknown'],
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_list_port_chains(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg1['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc1, self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg2['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc2:
+ port_chains = [pc1, pc2]
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_chain', port_chains
+ )
+ def test_list_port_chains_with_params(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg1['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc1, self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg2['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_chain', [pc1],
+ query_params='name=test1'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_chain', [pc2],
+ query_params='name=test2'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_chain', [],
+ query_params='name=test3'
+ )
+ def test_list_port_chains_with_unknown_params(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg1['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc1, self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg2['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_chain', [pc1, pc2],
+ query_params='hello=test3'
+ )
+ def test_show_port_chain(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'portchain',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ expected = self._get_expected_port_chain(pc['port_chain'])
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_chain'][k], v)
+ def test_show_port_chain_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_chains', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_update_port_chain(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier={}
+ ) as fc1, self.flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier={}
+ ) as fc2:
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']],
+ 'flow_classifiers': [fc1['flow_classifier']['id']]
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'description': 'desc2',
+ 'flow_classifiers': [fc2['flow_classifier']['id']]
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_chains', {'port_chain': updates},
+ pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ expected = pc['port_chain']
+ expected.update(updates)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_chain'][k], v)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_chain'][k], v)
+ def test_update_port_chain_port_pair_groups(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg1, self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg2:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg1['port_pair_group']['id']],
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg2['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_chains', {'port_chain': updates},
+ pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ def test_update_port_chain_chain_parameters(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']],
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': 'mpls'}
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_chains', {'port_chain': updates},
+ pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ def test_delete_port_chain(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(
+ port_pair_group={}
+ ) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pg['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 200)
+ def test_delete_port_chain_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_chains', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier_port_chain_exist(self):
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ }) as fc:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ }) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']],
+ 'flow_classifiers': [fc['flow_classifier']['id']]
+ }):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 409)
+ def test_create_port_pair_group(self):
+ self._test_create_port_pair_group({})
+ def test_quota_create_port_pair_group_quota(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_port_pair_group', 3, group='QUOTAS')
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': []}, expected_res_status=201
+ )
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': []}, expected_res_status=201
+ )
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': []}, expected_res_status=201
+ )
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': []}, expected_res_status=409
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_all_fields(self):
+ self._test_create_port_pair_group({
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'port_pairs': []
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_with_port_pairs(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp2:
+ self._test_create_port_pair_group({
+ 'port_pairs': [
+ pp1['port_pair']['id'],
+ pp2['port_pair']['id']
+ ]
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_with_nouuid_port_pair_id(self):
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': ['unknown']},
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_with_unknown_port_pair_id(self):
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': [uuidutils.generate_uuid()]},
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_share_port_pair_id(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'port_pairs': [pp['port_pair']['id']]
+ }):
+ self._create_port_pair_group(
+ self.fmt, {'port_pairs': [pp['port_pair']['id']]},
+ expected_res_status=409
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pair_groups(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test2'
+ }) as pc2:
+ port_pair_groups = [pc1, pc2]
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair_group', port_pair_groups
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pair_groups_with_params(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test2'
+ }) as pc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair_group', [pc1],
+ query_params='name=test1'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair_group', [pc2],
+ query_params='name=test2'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair_group', [],
+ query_params='name=test3'
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pair_groups_with_unknown_params(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test2'
+ }) as pc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair_group', [pc1, pc2],
+ query_params='hello=test3'
+ )
+ def test_show_port_pair_group(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(pc['port_pair_group']):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair_group'][k], v)
+ def test_show_port_pair_group_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_update_port_pair_group(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp2:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'port_pairs': [pp1['port_pair']['id']]
+ }) as pg:
+ updates = {
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'description': 'desc2',
+ 'port_pairs': [pp2['port_pair']['id']]
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', {'port_pair_group': updates},
+ pg['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ expected = pg['port_pair_group']
+ expected.update(updates)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair_group'][k], v)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pg['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair_group'][k], v)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_port_chain_exist(self):
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pg['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 409)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_create_port_pair(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._test_create_port_pair({
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ })
+ def test_quota_create_port_pair_quota(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_port_pair', 3, group='QUOTAS')
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port1, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port1, self.port(
+ name='port3',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port2, self.port(
+ name='port4',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port2, self.port(
+ name='port5',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port3, self.port(
+ name='port6',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port3, self.port(
+ name='port7',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port4, self.port(
+ name='port8',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port4:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'ingress': src_port1['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port1['port']['id']
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'ingress': src_port2['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port2['port']['id']
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'ingress': src_port3['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port3['port']['id']
+ }, expected_res_status=201)
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt, {
+ 'ingress': src_port4['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port4['port']['id']
+ }, expected_res_status=409)
+ def test_create_port_pair_all_fields(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._test_create_port_pair({
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': {'correlation': None}
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_none_service_function_parameters(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._test_create_port_pair({
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': None
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_empty_service_function_parameters(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._test_create_port_pair({
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': {}
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_src_dst_same_port(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_dst_port:
+ self._test_create_port_pair({
+ 'ingress': src_dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_dst_port['port']['id']
+ })
+ def test_create_port_pair_empty_input(self):
+ self._create_port_pair(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=400)
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_no_ingress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_no_egress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_nouuid_ingress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': '1',
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_unknown_ingress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_nouuid_egress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': '1'
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_unkown_egress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+ },
+ expected_res_status=404
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_ingress_egress_different_hosts(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='device1'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='device2'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_with_invalid_service_function_parameters(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': {'abc': 'def'}
+ },
+ expected_res_status=400
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pairs(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc2:
+ port_pairs = [pc1, pc2]
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair', port_pairs
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pairs_with_params(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc2:
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair', [pc1],
+ query_params='name=test1'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair', [pc2],
+ query_params='name=test2'
+ )
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair', [],
+ query_params='name=test3'
+ )
+ def test_list_port_pairs_with_unknown_params(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc1, self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc2:
+ port_pairs = [pc1, pc2]
+ self._test_list_resources(
+ 'port_pair', port_pairs,
+ query_params='hello=test3'
+ )
+ def test_show_port_pair(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(pc['port_pair']):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair'][k], v)
+ def test_show_port_pair_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pairs', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_update_port_pair(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'name': 'test2',
+ 'description': 'desc2'
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': updates},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ expected = pc['port_pair']
+ expected.update(updates)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair'][k], v)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt, req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair'][k], v)
+ def test_update_port_pair_service_function_parameters(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'service_function_parameters': {
+ 'correlation': None
+ }
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': updates},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ def test_update_port_pair_ingress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'ingress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': updates},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ def test_update_port_pair_egress(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ updates = {
+ 'egress': src_port['port']['id']
+ }
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': updates},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
+ def test_delete_port_pair(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ req = self.new_show_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_noexist(self):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pairs', '1'
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_port_pair_group_exist(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pp:
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'port_pairs': [pp['port_pair']['id']]
+ }):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pp['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 409)
+ def test_delete_ingress_port_pair_exist(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'ports', src_port['port']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ def test_delete_egress_port_pair_exist(self):
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }):
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'ports', dst_port['port']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_flowclassifier.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_flowclassifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7026ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_flowclassifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import mock
+from webob import exc
+import webtest
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.api.v2 import resource as api_res_log
+from neutron.common import config
+from neutron import manager
+from neutron.notifiers import nova as nova_log
+from neutron.tests.unit.api.v2 import test_base as test_api_v2
+from neutron.tests.unit.extensions import base as test_api_v2_extension
+from networking_sfc.extensions import flowclassifier as fc_ext
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+_get_path = test_api_v2._get_path
+ fc_ext.FLOW_CLASSIFIER_EXT + 's')
+class FlowClassifierExtensionTestCase(
+ test_api_v2_extension.ExtensionTestCase
+ fmt = 'json'
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_unncessary_logging()
+ super(FlowClassifierExtensionTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self._setUpExtension(
+ 'networking_sfc.extensions.flowclassifier.'
+ 'FlowClassifierPluginBase',
+ fc_ext.Flowclassifier,
+ plural_mappings={}
+ )
+ def _mock_unncessary_logging(self):
+ mock_log_cfg_p = mock.patch.object(config, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_cfg = mock_log_cfg_p.start()
+ mock_log_manager_p = mock.patch.object(manager, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_manager = mock_log_manager_p.start()
+ mock_log_nova_p = mock.patch.object(nova_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_nova = mock_log_nova_p.start()
+ mock_log_api_res_log_p = mock.patch.object(api_res_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_api_res_log = mock_log_api_res_log_p.start()
+ def _get_expected_flow_classifier(self, data):
+ source_port_range_min = data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'source_port_range_min')
+ if source_port_range_min is not None:
+ source_port_range_min = int(source_port_range_min)
+ source_port_range_max = data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'source_port_range_max')
+ if source_port_range_max is not None:
+ source_port_range_max = int(source_port_range_max)
+ destination_port_range_min = data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'destination_port_range_min')
+ if destination_port_range_min is not None:
+ destination_port_range_min = int(destination_port_range_min)
+ destination_port_range_max = data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'destination_port_range_max')
+ if destination_port_range_max is not None:
+ destination_port_range_max = int(destination_port_range_max)
+ return {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'name': data['flow_classifier'].get('name') or '',
+ 'description': data['flow_classifier'].get('description') or '',
+ 'tenant_id': data['flow_classifier']['tenant_id'],
+ 'source_port_range_min': source_port_range_min,
+ 'source_port_range_max': source_port_range_max,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': destination_port_range_min,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': destination_port_range_max,
+ 'l7_parameters': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'l7_parameters') or {},
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'destination_ip_prefix'),
+ 'source_ip_prefix': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'source_ip_prefix'),
+ 'logical_source_port': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'logical_source_port'),
+ 'logical_destination_port': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'logical_destination_port'),
+ 'ethertype': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'ethertype') or 'IPv4',
+ 'protocol': data['flow_classifier'].get(
+ 'protocol')
+ }}
+ def _clean_expected_flow_classifier(self, expected_flow_classifier):
+ if 'logical_source_port' in expected_flow_classifier:
+ del expected_flow_classifier['logical_source_port']
+ if 'logical_destination_port' in expected_flow_classifier:
+ del expected_flow_classifier['logical_destination_port']
+ def test_create_flow_classifier(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_port_string(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_port_range_min': '100',
+ 'source_port_range_max': '200',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': '100',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': '200',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_ip_prefix_with_mask(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_non_l7_parameters(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'l7_parameters': None
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_default_ethertype(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4'
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_all_fields(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'description': 'desc',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'logical_source_port': _uuid(),
+ 'logical_destination_port': _uuid(),
+ 'ethertype': None,
+ 'protocol': None
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_flow_classifier(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['flow_classifier'])
+ return_value.update({'id': flowclassifier_id})
+ self._clean_expected_flow_classifier(return_value)
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flow_classifier=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_invalid_l7_parameters(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'l7_parameters': {'abc': 'def'},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_invalid_protocol(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'protocol': 'unknown',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_invalid_ethertype(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'ethertype': 'unknown',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_port_small(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_port_range_min': -1,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_port_large(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 65536,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_ip_prefix_no_cidr(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_ip_prefix_invalid_cidr(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_port_id_nouuid(self):
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'logical_source_port': 'unknown',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_list(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = [{
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': flowclassifier_id
+ }]
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_flow_classifiers.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_flow_classifiers.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ fields=mock.ANY,
+ filters=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifiers', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['flow_classifiers'], return_value)
+ def test_flow_classifier_get(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': flowclassifier_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(
+ _get_path(
+ id=flowclassifier_id, fmt=self.fmt
+ )
+ )
+ instance.get_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ flowclassifier_id,
+ fields=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_flow_classifier_update(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'name': 'new_name',
+ 'description': 'new_desc',
+ }}
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': flowclassifier_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.update_flow_classifier.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.put(
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data))
+ instance.update_flow_classifier.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY, flowclassifier_id,
+ flow_classifier=update_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['flow_classifier'], return_value)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_source_port_range_min(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_source_port_range_max(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_destination_port_range_min(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_destination_port_range_max(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_source_ip_prefix(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_destination_ip_prefix(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_logical_source_port(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'logical_source_port': _uuid(),
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_logical_destination_port(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'logical_destination_port': _uuid(),
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_ethertype(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'ethertype': None,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_protocol(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'protococol': None,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_update_l7_parameters(self):
+ flowclassifier_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'flow_classifier': {
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(FLOW_CLASSIFIER_PATH, id=flowclassifier_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_flow_classifier_delete(self):
+ self._test_entity_delete('flow_classifier')
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_sfc.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_sfc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b7d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/extensions/test_sfc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import mock
+from webob import exc
+import webtest
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+from neutron.api.v2 import resource as api_res_log
+from neutron.common import config as cfg
+from neutron import manager
+from neutron.notifiers import nova as nova_log
+from neutron.tests.unit.api.v2 import test_base as test_api_v2
+from neutron.tests.unit.extensions import base as test_api_v2_extension
+from networking_sfc.extensions import sfc as sfc_ext
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+_get_path = test_api_v2._get_path
+PORT_CHAIN_PATH = (sfc_ext.SFC_PREFIX[1:] + '/port_chains')
+PORT_PAIR_PATH = (sfc_ext.SFC_PREFIX[1:] + '/port_pairs')
+PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH = (sfc_ext.SFC_PREFIX[1:] + '/port_pair_groups')
+class SfcExtensionTestCase(test_api_v2_extension.ExtensionTestCase):
+ fmt = 'json'
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_unncessary_looging()
+ super(SfcExtensionTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self._setUpExtension(
+ 'networking_sfc.extensions.sfc.SfcPluginBase',
+ sfc_ext.SFC_EXT,
+ sfc_ext.Sfc,
+ sfc_ext.SFC_PREFIX[1:],
+ plural_mappings={}
+ )
+ def _mock_unncessary_looging(self):
+ mock_log_cfg_p = mock.patch.object(cfg, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_cfg = mock_log_cfg_p.start()
+ mock_log_manager_p = mock.patch.object(manager, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_manager = mock_log_manager_p.start()
+ mock_log_nova_p = mock.patch.object(nova_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_nova = mock_log_nova_p.start()
+ mock_log_api_res_log_p = mock.patch.object(api_res_log, 'LOG')
+ self.mock_log_api_res_log = mock_log_api_res_log_p.start()
+ def _get_expected_port_chain(self, data):
+ return {'port_chain': {
+ 'description': data['port_chain'].get('description') or '',
+ 'name': data['port_chain'].get('name') or '',
+ 'port_pair_groups': data['port_chain']['port_pair_groups'],
+ 'chain_parameters': data['port_chain'].get(
+ 'chain_parameters') or {'correlation': 'mpls'},
+ 'flow_classifiers': data['port_chain'].get(
+ 'flow_classifiers') or [],
+ 'tenant_id': data['port_chain']['tenant_id']
+ }}
+ def test_create_port_chain(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_chain(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_chain'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portchain_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_chain=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_chain'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_all_fields(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'description': 'desc',
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'chain_parameters': {'correlation': 'mpls'},
+ 'flow_classifiers': [],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_chain(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_chain'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portchain_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_chain=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_chain'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_none_chain_parameters(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'chain_parameters': None,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_chain(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_chain'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portchain_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_chain=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_chain'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_empty_chain_parameters(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'chain_parameters': {},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_chain(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_chain'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portchain_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_chain=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_chain'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_empty_port_pair_groups(self):
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_port_chain_nonuuid_port_pair_groups(self):
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': ['nouuid'],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_port_chain_nonuuid_flow_classifiers(self):
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['nouuid'],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_port_chain_invalid_chain_parameters(self):
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()],
+ 'chain_parameters': {'abc': 'def'},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_chain_list(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = [{
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portchain_id
+ }]
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_chains.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_chains.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ fields=mock.ANY,
+ filters=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chains', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_chains'], return_value)
+ def test_port_chain_get(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portchain_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH,
+ id=portchain_id, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ portchain_id,
+ fields=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_chain'])
+ def test_port_chain_update(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'name': 'new_name',
+ 'description': 'new_desc',
+ 'flow_classifiers': [_uuid()]
+ }}
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portchain_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.update_port_chain.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.put(_get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, id=portchain_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data))
+ instance.update_port_chain.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY, portchain_id,
+ port_chain=update_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_chain'], return_value)
+ def test_port_chain_update_nonuuid_flow_classifiers(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['nouuid'],
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, id=portchain_id, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_chain_update_port_pair_groups(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'port_pair_groups': [_uuid()]
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, id=portchain_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data)
+ )
+ def test_port_chain_update_chain_parameters(self):
+ portchain_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'port_chain': {
+ 'chain_parameters': {}
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_CHAIN_PATH, id=portchain_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data)
+ )
+ def test_port_chain_delete(self):
+ self._test_entity_delete('port_chain')
+ def _get_expected_port_pair_group(self, data):
+ return {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'description': data['port_pair_group'].get('description') or '',
+ 'name': data['port_pair_group'].get('name') or '',
+ 'port_pairs': data['port_pair_group'].get('port_pairs') or [],
+ 'tenant_id': data['port_pair_group']['tenant_id']
+ }}
+ def test_create_port_pair_group(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair_group(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair_group'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpairgroup_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair_group.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair_group.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair_group=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_all_fields(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'description': 'desc',
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pairs': [],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair_group(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair_group'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpairgroup_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair_group.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair_group.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair_group=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_nonuuid_port_pairs(self):
+ data = {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'port_pairs': ['nouuid'],
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_group_list(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = [{
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpairgroup_id
+ }]
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_pair_groups.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_pair_groups.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ fields=mock.ANY,
+ filters=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_groups', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair_groups'], return_value)
+ def test_port_pair_group_get(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpairgroup_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_pair_group.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH,
+ id=portpairgroup_id, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_pair_group.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ portpairgroup_id,
+ fields=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_port_pair_group_update(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'name': 'new_name',
+ 'description': 'new_desc',
+ 'port_pairs': [_uuid()]
+ }}
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpairgroup_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.update_port_pair_group.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.put(
+ _get_path(
+ PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, id=portpairgroup_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data))
+ instance.update_port_pair_group.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY, portpairgroup_id,
+ port_pair_group=update_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair_group'], return_value)
+ def test_port_pair_group_update_nonuuid_port_pairs(self):
+ portpairgroup_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair_group': {
+ 'port_pairs': ['nouuid']
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_GROUP_PATH, id=portpairgroup_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_group_delete(self):
+ self._test_entity_delete('port_pair_group')
+ def _get_expected_port_pair(self, data):
+ return {'port_pair': {
+ 'name': data['port_pair'].get('name') or '',
+ 'description': data['port_pair'].get('description') or '',
+ 'ingress': data['port_pair']['ingress'],
+ 'egress': data['port_pair']['egress'],
+ 'service_function_parameters': data['port_pair'].get(
+ 'service_function_parameters') or {'correlation': None},
+ 'tenant_id': data['port_pair']['tenant_id']
+ }}
+ def test_create_port_pair(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpair_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_all_fields(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'description': 'desc',
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'service_function_parameters': {'correlation': None},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpair_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_non_service_function_parameters(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'service_function_parameters': None,
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpair_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_empty_service_function_parameters(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'service_function_parameters': {},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ expected_data = self._get_expected_port_pair(data)
+ return_value = copy.copy(expected_data['port_pair'])
+ return_value.update({'id': portpair_id})
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.create_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.post(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ instance.create_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ port_pair=expected_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_invalid_service_function_parameters(self):
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'service_function_parameters': {'abc': 'def'},
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_port_pair_nouuid_ingress(self):
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': 'abc',
+ 'egress': _uuid(),
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_create_port_pair_nouuid_egress(self):
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'egress': 'abc',
+ 'ingress': _uuid(),
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.post,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_list(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = [{
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpair_id
+ }]
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_pairs.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_pairs.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ fields=mock.ANY,
+ filters=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pairs', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pairs'], return_value)
+ def test_port_pair_get(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpair_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.get(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH,
+ id=portpair_id, fmt=self.fmt))
+ instance.get_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY,
+ portpair_id,
+ fields=mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(return_value, res['port_pair'])
+ def test_port_pair_update(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ update_data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'name': 'new_name',
+ 'description': 'new_desc'
+ }}
+ return_value = {
+ 'tenant_id': _uuid(),
+ 'id': portpair_id
+ }
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.update_port_pair.return_value = return_value
+ res = self.api.put(_get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, id=portpair_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(update_data))
+ instance.update_port_pair.assert_called_with(
+ mock.ANY, portpair_id,
+ port_pair=update_data)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPOk.code)
+ res = self.deserialize(res)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(res['port_pair'], return_value)
+ def test_port_pair_update_service_function_parameters(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'service_function_parameters': None
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, id=portpair_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_update_ingress(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'ingress': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, id=portpair_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_update_egress(self):
+ portpair_id = _uuid()
+ data = {'port_pair': {
+ 'egress': _uuid()
+ }}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ webtest.app.AppError,
+ self.api.put,
+ _get_path(PORT_PAIR_PATH, id=portpair_id,
+ fmt=self.fmt),
+ self.serialize(data),
+ content_type='application/%s' % self.fmt)
+ def test_port_pair_delete(self):
+ self._test_entity_delete('port_pair')
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_driver_manager.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_driver_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56dd991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_driver_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import contextlib
+import mock
+import pkg_resources
+import six
+import stevedore
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from neutron.tests import base
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import config as fc_config
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import exceptions as fc_exc
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier import driver_manager as fc_driver
+class DriverManagerTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(DriverManagerTestCase, self).setUp()
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def driver_manager_context(self, drivers):
+ cfg.CONF.register_opts(fc_config.FLOWCLASSIFIER_DRIVER_OPTS,
+ 'flowclassifier')
+ backup_driver_names = cfg.CONF.flowclassifier.drivers
+ driver_names = [
+ driver_name for driver_name in six.iterkeys(drivers)
+ ]
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('drivers', driver_names, 'flowclassifier')
+ iter_entry_points = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points
+ find_entry_points = stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points = mock.Mock()
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points = mock.Mock()
+ driver_entry_points = []
+ for driver_name in driver_names:
+ driver_class = mock.Mock()
+ ep = mock.Mock()
+ ep.name = driver_name
+ ep.resolve.return_value = driver_class
+ driver_class.return_value = drivers[driver_name]
+ drivers[driver_name].native_bulk_support = True
+ driver_entry_points.append(ep)
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = driver_entry_points
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points.return_value = (
+ driver_entry_points
+ )
+ yield fc_driver.FlowClassifierDriverManager()
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('drivers', backup_driver_names, 'flowclassifier')
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points = iter_entry_points
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points = find_entry_points
+ def test_initialize_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ manager.initialize()
+ mock_driver1.initialize.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_driver2.initialize.assert_called_once_with()
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.create_flow_classifier(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.create_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError,
+ manager.create_flow_classifier, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.update_flow_classifier(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.update_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.update_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.update_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError,
+ manager.update_flow_classifier, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.delete_flow_classifier(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.delete_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.delete_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.delete_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError,
+ manager.delete_flow_classifier, mocked_context
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_plugin.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c814f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/flowclassifier/test_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import mock
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import context as fc_ctx
+from networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.common import exceptions as fc_exc
+from networking_sfc.tests.unit.db import test_flowclassifier_db
+ "networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier."
+ "plugin.FlowClassifierPlugin"
+class FlowClassifierPluginTestCase(
+ test_flowclassifier_db.FlowClassifierDbPluginTestCase
+ def setUp(
+ self, core_plugin=None, flowclassifier_plugin=None, ext_mgr=None
+ ):
+ if not flowclassifier_plugin:
+ flowclassifier_plugin = FLOWCLASSIFIER_PLUGIN_KLASS
+ self.driver_manager_p = mock.patch(
+ 'networking_sfc.services.flowclassifier.driver_manager.'
+ 'FlowClassifierDriverManager'
+ )
+ self.fake_driver_manager_class = self.driver_manager_p.start()
+ self.fake_driver_manager = mock.Mock()
+ self.fake_driver_manager_class.return_value = self.fake_driver_manager
+ self.plugin_context = None
+ super(FlowClassifierPluginTestCase, self).setUp(
+ core_plugin=core_plugin,
+ flowclassifier_plugin=flowclassifier_plugin,
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr
+ )
+ def _record_context(self, plugin_context):
+ self.plugin_context = plugin_context
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={}) as fc:
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.create_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', fc)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, fc['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_create_flow_classifier_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError(
+ method='create_flow_classifier'
+ )
+ )
+ self._create_flow_classifier(
+ self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=500)
+ self._test_list_resources('flow_classifier', [])
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={'name': 'test1'}) as fc:
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', {'flow_classifier': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.update_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', fc)
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', res)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, res['flow_classifier'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.original, fc['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_update_flow_classifier_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError(
+ method='update_flow_classifier'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as fc:
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', fc)
+ original_flow_classifier = fc['flow_classifier']
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', {'flow_classifier': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ updated_flow_classifier = copy.copy(original_flow_classifier)
+ updated_flow_classifier['name'] = 'test2'
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ res = self._list('flow_classifiers')
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifiers', res)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ res['flow_classifiers'], [updated_flow_classifier])
+ def test_delete_flow_classifer_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.flow_classifier(
+ flow_classifier={}, do_delete=False
+ ) as fc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_flow_classifier.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, fc_ctx.FlowClassifierContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('flow_classifier', fc)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, fc['flow_classifier'])
+ def test_delete_flow_classifier_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_flow_classifier = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=fc_exc.FlowClassifierDriverError(
+ method='delete_flow_classifier'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.flow_classifier(flow_classifier={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }, do_delete=False) as fc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'flow_classifiers', fc['flow_classifier']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ self._test_list_resources('flow_classifier', [fc])
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/test-agent.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/test-agent.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113c343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/test-agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4012 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Huawei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import mock
+import six
+from neutron.agent.common import ovs_lib
+from neutron.agent.common import utils
+from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc
+from neutron import context
+from neutron.tests import base
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import (
+ ovs_sfc_agent as agent)
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_int
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_phys
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.agent import br_tun
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+class OVSSfcAgentTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(OVSSfcAgentTestCase, self).setUp()
+ mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.agent.common.ovs_lib.OVSBridge.get_ports_attributes',
+ return_value=[]
+ ).start()
+ mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.agent.common.ovs_lib.BaseOVS.config',
+ new_callable=mock.PropertyMock,
+ return_value={}
+ ).start()
+ self.executed_cmds = []
+ self.node_flowrules = []
+ self.backup_plugin_rpc = agent.SfcPluginApi
+ self.plugin_rpc = mock.Mock()
+ self.plugin_rpc.get_flowrules_by_host_portid = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self.mock_get_flowrules_by_host_portid
+ )
+ self.plugin_rpc.get_all_src_node_flowrules = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self.mock_get_all_src_node_flowrules
+ )
+ agent.SfcPluginApi = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=self.plugin_rpc
+ )
+ self.create_consumers = mock.patch.object(
+ agent_rpc, "create_consumers",
+ self.mock_create_consumers
+ )
+ self.create_consumers.start()
+ self.execute = mock.patch.object(
+ utils, "execute", self.mock_execute,
+ spec=utils.execute)
+ self.execute.start()
+ self.added_flows = []
+ self.add_flow = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "add_flow", self.mock_add_flow
+ )
+ self.add_flow.start()
+ self.deleted_flows = []
+ self.delete_flows = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "delete_flows", self.mock_delete_flows
+ )
+ self.delete_flows.start()
+ self.int_patch = 1
+ self.tun_patch = 2
+ self.default_port_mapping = {
+ 'patch-int': {
+ 'ofport': self.int_patch
+ },
+ 'patch-tun': {
+ 'ofport': self.tun_patch
+ }
+ }
+ self.port_mapping = {}
+ self.get_vif_port_by_id = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "get_vif_port_by_id",
+ self.mock_get_vif_port_by_id
+ )
+ self.get_vif_port_by_id.start()
+ self.get_port_ofport = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "get_port_ofport",
+ self.mock_get_port_ofport
+ )
+ self.get_port_ofport.start()
+ self.set_secure_mode = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "set_secure_mode",
+ self.mock_set_secure_mode
+ )
+ self.set_secure_mode.start()
+ self.protocols = []
+ self.set_protocols = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "set_protocols",
+ self.mock_set_protocols
+ )
+ self.set_protocols.start()
+ self.del_controller = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "del_controller",
+ self.mock_del_controller
+ )
+ self.del_controller.start()
+ self.get_bridges = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.BaseOVS, "get_bridges",
+ self.mock_get_bridges
+ )
+ self.get_bridges.start()
+ self.get_vif_ports = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "get_vif_ports",
+ self.mock_get_vif_ports
+ )
+ self.get_vif_ports.start()
+ self.get_ports_attributes = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "get_ports_attributes",
+ self.mock_get_ports_attributes
+ )
+ self.get_ports_attributes.start()
+ self.delete_port = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "delete_port",
+ self.mock_delete_port
+ )
+ self.delete_port.start()
+ self.create = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "create",
+ self.mock_create
+ )
+ self.create.start()
+ self.add_port = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.OVSBridge, "add_port",
+ self.mock_add_port
+ )
+ self.add_port.start()
+ self.bridge_exists = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.BaseOVS, "bridge_exists",
+ self.mock_bridge_exists
+ )
+ self.bridge_exists.start()
+ self.port_exists = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.BaseOVS, "port_exists",
+ self.mock_port_exists
+ )
+ self.port_exists.start()
+ self.apply_flows = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_lib.DeferredOVSBridge, "apply_flows",
+ self.mock_apply_flows
+ )
+ self.apply_flows.start()
+ self.group_mapping = {}
+ self.deleted_groups = []
+ self.dump_group_for_id = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt, "dump_group_for_id",
+ self.mock_dump_group_for_id
+ )
+ self.dump_group_for_id.start()
+ self.add_group = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt, "add_group",
+ self.mock_add_group
+ )
+ self.add_group.start()
+ self.mod_group = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt, "mod_group",
+ self.mock_mod_group
+ )
+ self.mod_group.start()
+ self.delete_group = mock.patch.object(
+ ovs_ext_lib.OVSBridgeExt, "delete_group",
+ self.mock_delete_group
+ )
+ self.delete_group.start()
+ self.local_ip = ''
+ self.bridge_classes = {
+ 'br_int': br_int.OVSIntegrationBridge,
+ 'br_phys': br_phys.OVSPhysicalBridge,
+ 'br_tun': br_tun.OVSTunnelBridge,
+ }
+ self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+ self.init_agent()
+ def init_agent(self):
+ self.added_flows = []
+ self.deleted_flows = []
+ self.group_mapping = {}
+ self.deleted_groups = []
+ self.agent = agent.OVSSfcAgent(
+ self.bridge_classes,
+ 'br-int',
+ 'br-tun',
+ self.local_ip,
+ {},
+ 2,
+ tunnel_types=['gre', 'vxlan']
+ )
+ def mock_create_consumers(
+ self, endpoints, prefix, topic_details, start_listening=True
+ ):
+ self.added_flows = []
+ self.deleted_flows = []
+ return mock.Mock()
+ def mock_delete_group(self, group_id):
+ if group_id == 'all':
+ self.group_mapping = {}
+ else:
+ if group_id in self.group_mapping:
+ del self.group_mapping[group_id]
+ else:
+ self.deleted_groups.append(group_id)
+ def mock_mod_group(self, group_id, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['group_id'] = group_id
+ self.group_mapping[group_id] = kwargs
+ def mock_add_group(self, group_id, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['group_id'] = group_id
+ self.group_mapping[group_id] = kwargs
+ def mock_dump_group_for_id(self, group_id):
+ if group_id in self.group_mapping:
+ group_list = []
+ group = self.group_mapping[group_id]
+ for group_key, group_value in six.iteritems(group):
+ group_list.append('%s=%s' % (group_key, group_value))
+ return ' '.join(group_list)
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def mock_set_secure_mode(self):
+ pass
+ def mock_set_protocols(self, protocols):
+ self.protocols = protocols
+ def mock_del_controller(self):
+ pass
+ def mock_get_bridges(self):
+ return ['br-int', 'br-tun']
+ def mock_get_port_ofport(self, port_name):
+ for port_id, port_values in six.iteritems(self.port_mapping):
+ if port_values['port_name'] == port_name:
+ return port_values['ofport']
+ if port_name in self.default_port_mapping:
+ return self.default_port_mapping[port_name]['ofport']
+ return ovs_lib.INVALID_OFPORT
+ def mock_add_port(self, port_name, *interface_attr_tuples):
+ return self.mock_get_port_ofport(port_name)
+ def mock_bridge_exists(self, bridge_name):
+ return True
+ def mock_port_exists(self, port_name):
+ return True
+ def mock_apply_flows(self):
+ pass
+ def mock_get_vif_port_by_id(self, port_id):
+ if port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ port_values = self.port_mapping[port_id]
+ return ovs_lib.VifPort(
+ port_values['port_name'],
+ port_values['ofport'],
+ port_id,
+ port_values['vif_mac'],
+ self.agent.int_br
+ )
+ def mock_get_vif_ports(self):
+ vif_ports = []
+ for port_id, port_values in six.iteritems(self.port_mapping):
+ vif_ports.append(
+ ovs_lib.VifPort(
+ port_values['port_name'],
+ port_values['ofport'],
+ port_id,
+ port_values['vif_mac'],
+ self.agent.int_br
+ )
+ )
+ return vif_ports
+ def mock_get_ports_attributes(
+ self, table, columns=None, ports=None,
+ check_error=True, log_errors=True,
+ if_exists=False
+ ):
+ port_infos = []
+ for port_id, port_values in six.iteritems(self.port_mapping):
+ port_info = {}
+ if columns:
+ if 'name' in columns:
+ port_info['name'] = port_values['port_name']
+ if 'ofport' in columns:
+ port_info['ofport'] = port_values['ofport']
+ if 'extenal_ids' in columns:
+ port_info['extenal_ids'] = {
+ 'iface-id': port_id,
+ 'attached-mac': port_values['vif_mac']
+ }
+ if 'other_config' in columns:
+ port_info['other_config'] = {}
+ if 'tag' in columns:
+ port_info['tag'] = []
+ else:
+ port_info = {
+ 'name': port_values['port_name'],
+ 'ofport': port_values['ofport'],
+ 'extenal_ids': {
+ 'iface-id': port_id,
+ 'attached-mac': port_values['vif_mac']
+ },
+ 'other_config': {},
+ 'tag': []
+ }
+ if ports:
+ if port_values['port_name'] in ports:
+ port_infos.append(port_info)
+ else:
+ port_infos.append(port_info)
+ return port_infos
+ def mock_delete_port(self, port_name):
+ found_port_id = None
+ for port_id, port_values in six.iteritems(self.port_mapping):
+ if port_values['port_name'] == port_name:
+ found_port_id = port_id
+ if found_port_id:
+ del self.port_mapping[found_port_id]
+ def mock_create(self, secure_mode=False):
+ pass
+ def mock_add_flow(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs not in self.added_flows:
+ self.added_flows.append(kwargs)
+ def mock_delete_flows(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs not in self.deleted_flows:
+ self.deleted_flows.append(kwargs)
+ def mock_get_flowrules_by_host_portid(self, context, port_id):
+ return [
+ flowrule
+ for flowrule in self.node_flowrules
+ if (
+ flowrule['ingress'] == port_id or
+ flowrule['egress'] == port_id
+ )
+ ]
+ def mock_get_all_src_node_flowrules(self, context):
+ return [
+ flowrule
+ for flowrule in self.node_flowrules
+ if (
+ flowrule['node_type'] == 'src_node' and
+ flowrule['egress'] is None
+ )
+ ]
+ def mock_execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.executed_cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ agent.SfcPluginApi = self.backup_plugin_rpc
+ self.create_consumers.stop()
+ self.execute.stop()
+ self.add_flow.stop()
+ self.delete_flows.stop()
+ self.get_vif_port_by_id.stop()
+ self.get_port_ofport.stop()
+ self.set_secure_mode.stop()
+ self.set_protocols.stop()
+ self.del_controller.stop()
+ self.get_bridges.stop()
+ self.get_vif_ports.stop()
+ self.get_ports_attributes.stop()
+ self.delete_port.stop()
+ self.create.stop()
+ self.add_port.stop()
+ self.bridge_exists.stop()
+ self.port_exists.stop()
+ self.apply_flows.stop()
+ self.dump_group_for_id.stop()
+ self.add_group.stop()
+ self.mod_group.stop()
+ self.delete_group.stop()
+ self.node_flowrules = []
+ self.added_flows = []
+ self.deleted_flows = []
+ self.group_mapping = {}
+ self.deleted_groups = []
+ self.port_mapping = {}
+ super(OVSSfcAgentTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def test_update_empty_flow_rules(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ 'dd7374b9-a6ac-4a66-a4a6-7d3dee2a1579': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '2f1d2140-42ce-4979-9542-7ef25796e536': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.SF_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.FWD_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.GRP_SELECTOR,
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {}
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_port_pair(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ 'dd7374b9-a6ac-4a66-a4a6-7d3dee2a1579': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '2f1d2140-42ce-4979-9542-7ef25796e536': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'dd7374b9-a6ac-4a66-a4a6-7d3dee2a1579',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 75,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:fd:b2',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'2f1d2140-42ce-4979-9542-7ef25796e536',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'84c1411f-7a94-4b4f-9a8b-ad9607c67c76',
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.SF_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.FWD_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.GRP_SELECTOR,
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': agent.SF_SELECTOR
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {}
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_flow_classifiers(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:72:05',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': u'9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'8cba323e-5e67-4df0-a4b0-7e1ef486a656',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 400,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:c5:f3',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '8cba323e-5e67-4df0-a4b0-7e1ef486a656',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': 'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 200,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 400,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f8'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.SF_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.FWD_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.GRP_SELECTOR,
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': agent.SF_SELECTOR
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {}
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_flow_classifiers_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6': {
+ 'port_name': 'port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5': {
+ 'port_name': 'port2',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85': {
+ 'port_name': 'port3',
+ 'ofport': 60,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '93466f5d-252e-4552-afc6-5fb3f6019f76': {
+ 'port_name': 'port4',
+ 'ofport': 25,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:cf:23'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:ed:01',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': '73e97aad-8c0f-44e3-bee0-c0a641b00b66'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:a6:84',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'fa385d84-7d78-44e7-aa8d-7b4a279a14d7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:a6:84'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:cf:23',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '93466f5d-252e-4552-afc6-5fb3f6019f76',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': '07cc65a8-e99b-4175-a2f1-69b87eb8090a'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.SF_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.FWD_SELECTOR,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,%d)' % agent.GRP_SELECTOR,
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': agent.FWD_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 42,
+ 'nw_dst': u'',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': u'',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.GRP_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:60',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:09',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': agent.SF_SELECTOR
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:a6:84,'
+ 'set_field:33->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': u'',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': u'',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': agent.GRP_SELECTOR,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 25,
+ 'nw_dst': u'',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': u'',
+ 'priority': agent.PC_DEF_PRI,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': agent.SF_SELECTOR
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:cf:23,'
+ 'set_field:33->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_flow_classifiers_multi_port_groups(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef': {
+ 'port_name': 'port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040': {
+ 'port_name': 'port2',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '34032c43-5207-43bb-95cb-cf426266fa11': {
+ 'port_name': 'port3',
+ 'ofport': 60,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ 'eaeec782-4ee8-4c7f-8ecb-f759dab4c723': {
+ 'port_name': 'port4',
+ 'ofport': 25,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ 'f56df7aa-e521-41ce-9001-ed7bedb65c9e': {
+ 'port_name': 'port5',
+ 'ofport': 5,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ '15dc026d-0520-4f92-9841-1056e62fdcaa': {
+ 'port_name': 'port6',
+ 'ofport': 50,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ },
+ 'd98a48fe-4ef7-4aa6-89fa-02312e54c1bd': {
+ 'port_name': 'port7',
+ 'ofport': 4,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:13'
+ },
+ 'd412d042-d8bc-4dd9-b2be-b29c7e8b2c1b': {
+ 'port_name': 'port8',
+ 'ofport': 8,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:14'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '34032c43-5207-43bb-95cb-cf426266fa11',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:b0:88'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 37,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:74:91',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd0b48df7-47ab-4909-b864-9aae1a6ee6fb',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'bbb1e50c-ecbb-400c-a7e9-8aed8f36993f'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 251,
+ 'ingress': '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 37,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:b7:0d',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd0b48df7-47ab-4909-b864-9aae1a6ee6fb',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '1ebf82cf-s70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef')
+ }],
+ 'id': '7ed75c14-2283-484a-97b8-30e23fbf7457'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '34032c43-5207-43bb-95cb-cf426266fa11',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'f56df7aa-e521-41ce-9001-ed7bedb65c9e',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:b1:0d'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 37,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:b0:88',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'eaeec782-4ee8-4c7f-8ecb-f759dab4c723',
+ 'next_group_id': 2,
+ 'host_id': u'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'd0b48df7-47ab-4909-b864-9aae1a6ee6fb',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'f9fd9c7a-0100-43fb-aea9-30c67f2a731a'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': 'f56df7aa-e521-41ce-9001-ed7bedb65c9e',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': 'd98a48fe-4ef7-4aa6-89fa-02312e54c1bd',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:4e:dd'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 37,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:b1:0d',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'15dc026d-0520-4f92-9841-1056e62fdcaa',
+ 'next_group_id': 3,
+ 'host_id': u'test5',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'd0b48df7-47ab-4909-b864-9aae1a6ee6fb',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef')
+ }],
+ 'id': '62f4bb35-1b4a-4cc4-bf07-f40ed5c2d6a7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 252,
+ 'ingress': u'd98a48fe-4ef7-4aa6-89fa-02312e54c1bd',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:b7:0d'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 37,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:4e:dd',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'd412d042-d8bc-4dd9-b2be-b29c7e8b2c1b',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test7',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'd0b48df7-47ab-4909-b864-9aae1a6ee6fb',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '1ebf82cf-70f9-43fd-8b90-6546f7d13040'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '6331a00d-779b-462b-b0e4-6a65aa3164ef')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'a535e740-02cc-47ef-aab1-7bcb1594db9b'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 6,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:42'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:08',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65788,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 25,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:2',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:60'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:09',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65789,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:253,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 50,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:3',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65789,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:5'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:11',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:b7:0d,'
+ 'set_field:37->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65788,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65788,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:252,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 8,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:4'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:13',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65789,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:b0:88,'
+ 'set_field:37->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:b1:0d,'
+ 'set_field:37->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 2,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:4e:dd,'
+ 'set_field:37->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 3,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_flow_classifiers_multi_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4': {
+ 'port_name': 'port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853': {
+ 'port_name': 'port2',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '38266cfe-cd42-413e-80ff-d0d0c74ad260': {
+ 'port_name': 'port3',
+ 'ofport': 60,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '272be90c-b140-4e9d-8dd3-1993fbb3656c': {
+ 'port_name': 'port4',
+ 'ofport': 25,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ 'd1791c8d-a07a-4f35-bd52-b99395da0d76': {
+ 'port_name': 'port5',
+ 'ofport': 5,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ 'ed2804bd-d61a-49e7-9007-76d2540ae78a': {
+ 'port_name': 'port6',
+ 'ofport': 50,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ },
+ 'bdf4f759-ca35-4cf5-89ac-53da0d6b3fbf': {
+ 'port_name': 'port7',
+ 'ofport': 4,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:13'
+ },
+ 'a55b9062-d3fa-4dc2-a4df-bb8b2a908c19': {
+ 'port_name': 'port8',
+ 'ofport': 8,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:14'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'38266cfe-cd42-413e-80ff-d0d0c74ad260',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:74:c1'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'd1791c8d-a07a-4f35-bd52-b99395da0d76',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:4f:6e'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'bdf4f759-ca35-4cf5-89ac-53da0d6b3fbf',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:d5:66'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 51,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:9c:70',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': u'9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3dddbb0c-5ac4-437c-9b62-ed7ddf8df37f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '677dfe31-8566-4bd8-8a1e-5f8efd7a45eb'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': u'21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 51,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:67:cb',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3dddbb0c-5ac4-437c-9b62-ed7ddf8df37f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '4f275568-38cb-45a1-a162-e0d1d4ef335d'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'38266cfe-cd42-413e-80ff-d0d0c74ad260',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:67:cb'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 51,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:74:c1',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'272be90c-b140-4e9d-8dd3-1993fbb3656c',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3dddbb0c-5ac4-437c-9b62-ed7ddf8df37f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '48fd97b1-e166-4aff-906f-8096a48a7cb1'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'd1791c8d-a07a-4f35-bd52-b99395da0d76',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:67:cb'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 51,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:4f:6e',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'ed2804bd-d61a-49e7-9007-76d2540ae78a',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test5',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3dddbb0c-5ac4-437c-9b62-ed7ddf8df37f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '48fd97b1-e166-4aff-906f-8096a48a7cb1'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'bdf4f759-ca35-4cf5-89ac-53da0d6b3fbf',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:67:cb'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 51,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:d5:66',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'a55b9062-d3fa-4dc2-a4df-bb8b2a908c19',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test7',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3dddbb0c-5ac4-437c-9b62-ed7ddf8df37f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '21047d09-eaa7-4296-af56-b509e4a10853'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9864d8e8-0aff-486e-8b84-7a8d20c017d4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '48fd97b1-e166-4aff-906f-8096a48a7cb1'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 6,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:42'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:08',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:67:cb,'
+ 'set_field:51->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 25,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:60'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:09',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 50,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:5'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:11',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 8,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:4'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:13',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:74:c1,'
+ 'set_field:51->tun_id,output:[],'
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:4f:6e,'
+ 'set_field:51->tun_id,output:[],'
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:d5:66,'
+ 'set_field:51->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_flow_rules_multi_flow_classifiers(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '54abe601-6685-4c38-9b9d-0d8381a43d56': {
+ 'port_name': 'port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ 'c2de00c2-bd91-4f60-8a7d-5a3ea8f65e77': {
+ 'port_name': 'port2',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff': {
+ 'port_name': 'port3',
+ 'ofport': 60,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ 'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867': {
+ 'port_name': 'port4',
+ 'ofport': 25,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ '2656a373-a985-4940-90d1-cfe172951e0c': {
+ 'port_name': 'port5',
+ 'ofport': 5,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ 'a979a847-3014-43ea-b37d-5a3775a173c7': {
+ 'port_name': 'port6',
+ 'ofport': 50,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'2656a373-a985-4940-90d1-cfe172951e0c',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:5f:ea'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 58,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:b9:09',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': u'54abe601-6685-4c38-9b9d-0d8381a43d56',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3eefdf29-ea8f-4794-a36f-5e60ec7fe208',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '54abe601-6685-4c38-9b9d-0d8381a43d56')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'd2e675d3-739e-4451-95d5-a15e23c6eaac'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'2656a373-a985-4940-90d1-cfe172951e0c',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:5f:ea'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 58,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:4d:d1',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': u'c2de00c2-bd91-4f60-8a7d-5a3ea8f65e77',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': u'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3eefdf29-ea8f-4794-a36f-5e60ec7fe208',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'c2de00c2-bd91-4f60-8a7d-5a3ea8f65e77')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'd2e675d3-739e-4451-95d5-a15e23c6eaac'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': u'460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 58,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:fc:b8',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3eefdf29-ea8f-4794-a36f-5e60ec7fe208',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '54abe601-6685-4c38-9b9d-0d8381a43d56')
+ }],
+ 'id': '029823ae-8524-4e1c-8f5b-4ee7ec55f1bd'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': u'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 58,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:7b:15',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test4',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3eefdf29-ea8f-4794-a36f-5e60ec7fe208',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'c2de00c2-bd91-4f60-8a7d-5a3ea8f65e77')
+ }],
+ 'id': '029823ae-8524-4e1c-8f5b-4ee7ec55f1bd'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.update_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'2656a373-a985-4940-90d1-cfe172951e0c',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:fc:b8'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': u'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:7b:15'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 58,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:5f:ea',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'a979a847-3014-43ea-b37d-5a3775a173c7',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test5',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'3eefdf29-ea8f-4794-a36f-5e60ec7fe208',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '460a5875-b0c6-408e-ada4-0ef01d39bcff'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '54abe601-6685-4c38-9b9d-0d8381a43d56')
+ }, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b2b8a556-593b-4695-8812-cdd33a314867'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'c2de00c2-bd91-4f60-8a7d-5a3ea8f65e77')
+ }],
+ 'id': '983cfa51-f9e6-4e36-8f6c-0c84df915cd1'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:%d' % self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': self.int_patch,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 6,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 42,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:60'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:09',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:25'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:10',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:fc:b8,'
+ 'set_field:58->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:%d' % self.tun_patch
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 50,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:7b:15,'
+ 'set_field:58->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:5'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:11',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:5f:ea,'
+ 'set_field:58->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_delete_flow_rules_port_pair(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ 'dd7374b9-a6ac-4a66-a4a6-7d3dee2a1579': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '2f1d2140-42ce-4979-9542-7ef25796e536': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': u'dd7374b9-a6ac-4a66-a4a6-7d3dee2a1579',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 75,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:fd:b2',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': u'2f1d2140-42ce-4979-9542-7ef25796e536',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'84c1411f-7a94-4b4f-9a8b-ad9607c67c76',
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_flows, [{
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65791',
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65790',
+ 'table': 31
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_groups, [
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_delete_flow_rules_flow_classifiers(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': u'12:34:56:78:72:05',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': u'9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': u'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': u'8cba323e-5e67-4df0-a4b0-7e1ef486a656',
+ 'del_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:c5:f3',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '8cba323e-5e67-4df0-a4b0-7e1ef486a656',
+ 'del_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': 'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'e1229670-2a07-450d-bdc9-34e71c301206'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '9bedd01e-c216-4dfd-b48e-fbd5c8212ba4')
+ }],
+ 'id': '611bdc42-12b3-4639-8faf-83da4e6403f8'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_flows, [{
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 42,
+ 'nw_dst': u'',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': u'',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65791',
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65790',
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_groups, [1]
+ )
+ def test_delete_flow_rules_flow_classifiers_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6': {
+ 'port_name': 'port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5': {
+ 'port_name': 'port2',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85': {
+ 'port_name': 'port3',
+ 'ofport': 60,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '93466f5d-252e-4552-afc6-5fb3f6019f76': {
+ 'port_name': 'port4',
+ 'ofport': 25,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ }
+ }
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:cf:23'
+ }],
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:ed:01',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'del_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': '73e97aad-8c0f-44e3-bee0-c0a641b00b66'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:a6:84',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'del_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': 'fa385d84-7d78-44e7-aa8d-7b4a279a14d7'
+ }
+ )
+ self.agent.delete_flow_rules(
+ self.context, flowrule_entries={
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '8768d2b3-746d-4868-ae0e-e81861c2b4e6',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:a6:84'
+ }],
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 33,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:cf:23',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '93466f5d-252e-4552-afc6-5fb3f6019f76',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'b9570dc9-822b-41fc-a27c-d915a21a3fe8',
+ 'del_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': 100,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': '',
+ 'protocol': u'tcp',
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '82a575e0-6a6e-46ba-a5fc-692407839a85'),
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': 100,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': u'',
+ 'destination_port_range_min': 300,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'destination_port_range_max': 300,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '29e38fb2-a643-43b1-baa8-a86596461cd5')
+ }],
+ 'id': '07cc65a8-e99b-4175-a2f1-69b87eb8090a'
+ }
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.executed_cmds, [
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_flows, [{
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 42,
+ 'nw_dst': u'',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65791',
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:09',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65790',
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65791',
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 25,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_proto': 6,
+ 'nw_src': u'',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0x12c/0xffff',
+ 'tp_src': '0x64/0xffff'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': '65790',
+ 'table': 31
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.deleted_groups, [1]
+ )
+ def test_init_agent_empty_flowrules(self):
+ self.node_flowrules = []
+ self.init_agent()
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows,
+ [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(self.group_mapping, {})
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_portpairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '4f72c5fc-37e9-4e6f-8cd8-e8166c4b45c4': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '57f35c35-dceb-4934-9a78-b40a0a3e16b3': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '4f72c5fc-37e9-4e6f-8cd8-e8166c4b45c4',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 34,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:2d:f4',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '57f35c35-dceb-4934-9a78-b40a0a3e16b3',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0f604e43-c941-4f42-a96c-8bd027e5507d',
+ 'add_fcs': [],
+ 'id': 'b6ebb2c3-4e9c-4146-8a74-f3985173dc44'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows,
+ [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': agent.SF_SELECTOR
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(self.group_mapping, {})
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_flowclassifiers(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '5aa33c52-535a-48eb-a77c-e02329bb9eb7': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '079d214c-1aea-439d-bf3c-dad03db47dcb': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '5aa33c52-535a-48eb-a77c-e02329bb9eb7',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:ac:22',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd66efb47-f080-41da-8499-c6e89327ecc0',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '5aa33c52-535a-48eb-a77c-e02329bb9eb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '079d214c-1aea-439d-bf3c-dad03db47dcb'
+ }],
+ 'id': '9d8ec269-874a-42b2-825f-d25858341ec2'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 43,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:e3:b3',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '079d214c-1aea-439d-bf3c-dad03db47dcb',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd66efb47-f080-41da-8499-c6e89327ecc0',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '5aa33c52-535a-48eb-a77c-e02329bb9eb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '079d214c-1aea-439d-bf3c-dad03db47dcb'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'361811ed-2902-4d35-9fe4-a3a2b062ef37'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows,
+ [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(self.group_mapping, {})
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_flow_classifiers_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '5546e281-319b-4bdd-95c9-37fe4244aeb3': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ 'c45ccd73-46ad-4d91-b44d-68c15a822521': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress',
+ 'ofport': 43,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ 'd2ebbafb-500e-4926-9751-de73906a1e00': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 44,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 67,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:17:0c',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'cddb174c-9e50-4411-b844-41ecb9caf4c4',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': u'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': 'd2ebbafb-500e-4926-9751-de73906a1e00'
+ }],
+ 'id': '752ca419-6729-461f-993f-fbd44bbd0edb'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '5546e281-319b-4bdd-95c9-37fe4244aeb3',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:17:0c'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 67,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:ca:de',
+ 'network_type': u'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': 'c45ccd73-46ad-4d91-b44d-68c15a822521',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test4',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'cddb174c-9e50-4411-b844-41ecb9caf4c4',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': 'd2ebbafb-500e-4926-9751-de73906a1e00'
+ }],
+ 'id': 'f70d81ec-1b7c-4ab4-9cf3-da5375ad47e9'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '5546e281-319b-4bdd-95c9-37fe4244aeb3',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:ca:de'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 67,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:8c:68',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': 'd2ebbafb-500e-4926-9751-de73906a1e00',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'cddb174c-9e50-4411-b844-41ecb9caf4c4',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2881f577-3828-40f2-855d-2f86d63a4733'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': 'd2ebbafb-500e-4926-9751-de73906a1e00'
+ }],
+ 'id': 'f52624f0-81d9-4041-81cf-dfe151d3a949'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,'
+ 'output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 44,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:17:0c,'
+ 'set_field:67->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 43,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:42',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:08',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:ca:de,'
+ 'set_field:67->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_multi_port_groups_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '495d5bcf-f8ef-47d7-995a-5a8ef2e6d1ea': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '0dd212fb-1e0f-4b1a-abc2-a3a39bbab3ef': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress1',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 43,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '028c5816-7d4b-453e-8ec2-f3a084ae992f': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress2',
+ 'ofport': 44,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ '3e4e8d33-334b-4c67-8e04-143eeb6f8351': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress2',
+ 'ofport': 45,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ '73d1dbc7-ba46-4b16-85a0-73b106a96fa1': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 46,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ },
+ '1778085d-9f81-4e1e-9748-0bafece63344': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress3',
+ 'ofport': 47,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:13'
+ },
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress3',
+ 'ofport': 48,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:14'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '495d5bcf-f8ef-47d7-995a-5a8ef2e6d1ea',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'ingress': '73d1dbc7-ba46-4b16-85a0-73b106a96fa1',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:51:cc'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 7,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:1d:84',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '0dd212fb-1e0f-4b1a-abc2-a3a39bbab3ef',
+ 'next_group_id': 2,
+ 'host_id': 'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0aa6b9fe-6b5e-4b72-91aa-45bce6587ca7',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'1fe85cf2-41fb-4b30-80de-4ae35d3c2b1c'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '495d5bcf-f8ef-47d7-995a-5a8ef2e6d1ea',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:1d:84'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 7,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:45:d7',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0aa6b9fe-6b5e-4b72-91aa-45bce6587ca7',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217'
+ }],
+ 'id': '3c4b700b-e993-4378-b41a-95f609b3c799'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 252,
+ 'ingress': '028c5816-7d4b-453e-8ec2-f3a084ae992f',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:54:76'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 7,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:47:34',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '3e4e8d33-334b-4c67-8e04-143eeb6f8351',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test8',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0aa6b9fe-6b5e-4b72-91aa-45bce6587ca7',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': u'6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217'
+ }],
+ 'id': '05574d93-104e-425f-8a30-640721f2c749'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '73d1dbc7-ba46-4b16-85a0-73b106a96fa1',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '028c5816-7d4b-453e-8ec2-f3a084ae992f',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:47:34'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 7,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:51:cc',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '1778085d-9f81-4e1e-9748-0bafece63344',
+ 'next_group_id': 3,
+ 'host_id': 'test5',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0aa6b9fe-6b5e-4b72-91aa-45bce6587ca7',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'5038a916-93de-4734-a830-d88c9d65566c'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 251,
+ 'ingress': 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 7,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:54:76',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '0aa6b9fe-6b5e-4b72-91aa-45bce6587ca7',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'a47cbe65-ea3f-4faa-af27-8212a121c91f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '6d7aa494-7796-46ea-9cfe-52d2b0f84217'
+ }],
+ 'id': '42b8abe6-5bfa-47c5-a992-771e333dae52'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65789,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:253,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 47,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:3',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65789,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'pop_mpls:0x0800,'
+ 'output:46'
+ ),
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:12',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:54:76,'
+ 'set_field:7->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65788,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65788,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:252,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 45,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:44',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:10',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65789,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 43,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 42,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:2',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:48',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:14',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65788,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:1d:84,'
+ 'set_field:7->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:51:cc,'
+ 'set_field:7->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 2,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:47:34,'
+ 'set_field:7->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 3,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_port_group_multi_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '8849af69-117d-4db9-83fa-85329b0efbd6': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '51f58f0f-6870-4e75-9fd1-13cf3ce29b3e': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress1',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port',
+ 'ofport': 43,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '23d02749-7f2b-456d-b9f1-7869300375d4': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress2',
+ 'ofport': 44,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ 'c5dacf1c-f84a-43e0-8873-b2cba77970af': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress2',
+ 'ofport': 45,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port',
+ 'ofport': 46,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ },
+ 'b299c792-28c8-4f6a-84a0-589163a9b1d4': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress3',
+ 'ofport': 47,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:13'
+ },
+ '60d47d04-42c0-4478-9136-6247fd5d058d': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress3',
+ 'ofport': 48,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:14'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '8849af69-117d-4db9-83fa-85329b0efbd6',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:68:3a'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 68,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:fe:38',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '51f58f0f-6870-4e75-9fd1-13cf3ce29b3e',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test6',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '10f6a764-6963-4b8e-9ae4-a1e5e805915e',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'1409e7b8-ed6f-41ae-ba6b-8ef96bbb8da9'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': 'b299c792-28c8-4f6a-84a0-589163a9b1d4',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:58:ee'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '8849af69-117d-4db9-83fa-85329b0efbd6',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:fe:38'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '23d02749-7f2b-456d-b9f1-7869300375d4',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:32:30'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 68,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:e0:a9',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '10f6a764-6963-4b8e-9ae4-a1e5e805915e',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2')
+ }],
+ 'id': '6c686bd6-a064-4650-ace7-0bd34fa4238a'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '23d02749-7f2b-456d-b9f1-7869300375d4',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:68:3a'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 68,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:32:30',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': 'c5dacf1c-f84a-43e0-8873-b2cba77970af',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': u'test8',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '10f6a764-6963-4b8e-9ae4-a1e5e805915e',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2')
+ }],
+ 'id': u'1409e7b8-ed6f-41ae-ba6b-8ef96bbb8da9'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 68,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:68:3a',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '10f6a764-6963-4b8e-9ae4-a1e5e805915e',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2')
+ }],
+ 'id': '12a279c1-cf81-4c1b-bac3-e9690465aeaf'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': 'b299c792-28c8-4f6a-84a0-589163a9b1d4',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:68:3a'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 68,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:58:ee',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '60d47d04-42c0-4478-9136-6247fd5d058d',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test4',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': '10f6a764-6963-4b8e-9ae4-a1e5e805915e',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b17abfa-7afb-4e83-8e15-ad21a6044bb7'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': 'a57a8160-a202-477b-aca1-e7c006bc93a2'
+ }],
+ 'id': '1409e7b8-ed6f-41ae-ba6b-8ef96bbb8da9'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)'
+ }, {
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30,
+ 'actions': 'output:1'
+ }, {
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30,
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:68:3a,'
+ 'set_field:68->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0',
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'nw_src': ''
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'in_port': 42
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:6',
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'table': 5,
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'in_port': 45
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:44',
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'table': 5,
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'in_port': 48
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:47',
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'table': 5,
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:13'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'in_port': 43
+ }, {
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'actions': 'group:1'
+ }, {
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:46',
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'table': 5,
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:58:ee,'
+ 'set_field:68->tun_id,output:[],'
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:fe:38,'
+ 'set_field:68->tun_id,output:[],'
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:32:30,'
+ 'set_field:68->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def test_init_agent_portchain_multi_flow_classifiers_port_pairs(self):
+ self.port_mapping = {
+ '7b718ad7-c2cc-4de0-9ac0-d5f4b6e975aa': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port1',
+ 'ofport': 6,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:05:07'
+ },
+ '9ac01d29-797a-4904-97a0-eecc7661b2ad': {
+ 'port_name': 'ingress',
+ 'ofport': 42,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:08'
+ },
+ '02ebda8f-44e5-41ee-8d80-ec47b3c2732e': {
+ 'port_name': 'egress',
+ 'ofport': 43,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:09'
+ },
+ '32971131-e44c-4aad-85f9-7d9f10d07393': {
+ 'port_name': 'src_port2',
+ 'ofport': 44,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:10'
+ },
+ 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port1',
+ 'ofport': 45,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:11'
+ },
+ '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f': {
+ 'port_name': 'dst_port2',
+ 'ofport': 46,
+ 'vif_mac': '00:01:02:03:06:12'
+ }
+ }
+ self.node_flowrules = [{
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '9ac01d29-797a-4904-97a0-eecc7661b2ad',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:52:39'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 82,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:65:d7',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '7b718ad7-c2cc-4de0-9ac0-d5f4b6e975aa',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test3',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd92114e8-56df-4bd7-9cf2-fce5ac01c94f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '7b718ad7-c2cc-4de0-9ac0-d5f4b6e975aa'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'44c469bf-6c48-4f8f-bb4f-de87b44b02b6'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 254,
+ 'ingress': '9ac01d29-797a-4904-97a0-eecc7661b2ad',
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:36:e9'
+ }, {
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:51:9a'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 82,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:52:39',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'sf_node',
+ 'egress': '02ebda8f-44e5-41ee-8d80-ec47b3c2732e',
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test6',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd92114e8-56df-4bd7-9cf2-fce5ac01c94f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '32971131-e44c-4aad-85f9-7d9f10d07393'
+ }, {
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': '7b718ad7-c2cc-4de0-9ac0-d5f4b6e975aa'
+ }],
+ 'id': u'c065e0c3-a904-4bac-adf2-f038b717c9c2'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 255,
+ 'ingress': None,
+ 'next_hops': [{
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'ingress': '9ac01d29-797a-4904-97a0-eecc7661b2ad',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:52:39'
+ }],
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 82,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:41:cf',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'src_node',
+ 'egress': '32971131-e44c-4aad-85f9-7d9f10d07393',
+ 'next_group_id': 1,
+ 'host_id': 'test1',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd92114e8-56df-4bd7-9cf2-fce5ac01c94f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '32971131-e44c-4aad-85f9-7d9f10d07393')
+ }],
+ 'id': u'44c469bf-6c48-4f8f-bb4f-de87b44b02b6'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 82,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:36:e9',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': '',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test2',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd92114e8-56df-4bd7-9cf2-fce5ac01c94f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ 'b7c69625-9cde-48dd-8858-5d773b002e73'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '32971131-e44c-4aad-85f9-7d9f10d07393')
+ }],
+ 'id': '4a61e567-4210-41d9-af82-e01b9da47230'
+ }, {
+ 'nsi': 253,
+ 'ingress': '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f',
+ 'next_hops': None,
+ 'del_fcs': [],
+ 'segment_id': 82,
+ 'group_refcnt': 1,
+ 'mac_address': '12:34:56:78:51:9a',
+ 'network_type': 'gre',
+ 'local_endpoint': u'',
+ 'node_type': 'dst_node',
+ 'egress': None,
+ 'next_group_id': None,
+ 'host_id': 'test4',
+ 'nsp': 256,
+ 'portchain_id': 'd92114e8-56df-4bd7-9cf2-fce5ac01c94f',
+ 'add_fcs': [{
+ 'source_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'protocol': None,
+ 'ethertype': 'IPv4',
+ 'l7_parameters': {},
+ 'source_port_range_max': None,
+ 'source_ip_prefix': None,
+ 'logical_destination_port': (
+ '2b7e8e42-b35d-4d49-8397-62088efe144f'),
+ 'destination_port_range_min': None,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': None,
+ 'logical_source_port': (
+ '7b718ad7-c2cc-4de0-9ac0-d5f4b6e975aa')
+ }],
+ 'id': '4a61e567-4210-41d9-af82-e01b9da47230'
+ }]
+ self.init_agent()
+ for port_id in self.port_mapping:
+ self.agent.sfc_treat_devices_added_updated(port_id)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ self.added_flows, [{
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,5)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,30)',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'output:1',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'resubmit(,31)',
+ 'in_port': 1,
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 30
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 44,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'group:1',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:45',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:11',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:36:e9,'
+ 'set_field:82->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65790,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:254,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 43,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:51:9a,'
+ 'set_field:82->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'table': 31,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:42',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:08',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65791,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': 'pop_mpls:0x0800,output:46',
+ 'dl_dst': '00:01:02:03:06:12',
+ 'dl_type': 34887,
+ 'mpls_label': 65790,
+ 'priority': 1,
+ 'table': 5
+ }, {
+ 'actions': (
+ 'push_mpls:0x8847,'
+ 'set_mpls_label:65791,'
+ 'set_mpls_ttl:255,output:2'
+ ),
+ 'dl_type': 2048,
+ 'in_port': 6,
+ 'nw_dst': '',
+ 'nw_src': '',
+ 'priority': 10,
+ 'table': 0,
+ 'tp_dst': '0/0x0',
+ 'tp_src': '0/0x0'
+ }]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.group_mapping, {
+ 1: {
+ 'buckets': (
+ 'bucket=weight=1,'
+ 'mod_dl_dst:12:34:56:78:52:39,'
+ 'set_field:82->tun_id,output:[]'
+ ),
+ 'group_id': 1,
+ 'type': 'select'
+ }
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/test_ovs_ext_lib.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/test_ovs_ext_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e20cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/common/test_ovs_ext_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+from neutron.tests import base
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import ovs_ext_lib
+class GetPortMaskTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(GetPortMaskTestCase, self).setUp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(GetPortMaskTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def test_single_port(self):
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(100, 100)
+ self.assertEqual(masks, ['0x64/0xffff'])
+ def test_invalid_min_port(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exceptions.InvalidInput,
+ ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask,
+ 0, 100
+ )
+ def test_invalid_max_port(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exceptions.InvalidInput,
+ ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask,
+ 100, 65536
+ )
+ def test_invalid_port_range(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exceptions.InvalidInput,
+ ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask,
+ 100, 99
+ )
+ def test_one_port_mask(self):
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(100, 101)
+ self.assertEqual(masks, ['0x64/0xfffe'])
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(100, 103)
+ self.assertEqual(masks, ['0x64/0xfffc'])
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(32768, 65535)
+ self.assertEqual(masks, ['0x8000/0x8000'])
+ def test_multi_port_masks(self):
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(101, 102)
+ self.assertEqual(masks, ['0x65/0xffff', '0x66/0xffff'])
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(101, 104)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ masks,
+ ['0x65/0xffff', '0x66/0xfffe', '0x68/0xffff']
+ )
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(1, 65535)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ masks, [
+ '0x1/0xffff',
+ '0x2/0xfffe',
+ '0x4/0xfffc',
+ '0x8/0xfff8',
+ '0x10/0xfff0',
+ '0x20/0xffe0',
+ '0x40/0xffc0',
+ '0x80/0xff80',
+ '0x100/0xff00',
+ '0x200/0xfe00',
+ '0x400/0xfc00',
+ '0x800/0xf800',
+ '0x1000/0xf000',
+ '0x2000/0xe000',
+ '0x4000/0xc000',
+ '0x8000/0x8000'
+ ]
+ )
+ masks = ovs_ext_lib.get_port_mask(32767, 65535)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ masks, ['0x7fff/0xffff', '0x8000/0x8000']
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/drivers/ovs/__init__.py
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_driver_manager.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_driver_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c247bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_driver_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import contextlib
+import mock
+import pkg_resources
+import six
+import stevedore
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from neutron.tests import base
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import config as sfc_config
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import exceptions as sfc_exc
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc import driver_manager as sfc_driver
+class DriverManagerTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(DriverManagerTestCase, self).setUp()
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def driver_manager_context(self, drivers):
+ cfg.CONF.register_opts(sfc_config.SFC_DRIVER_OPTS, 'sfc')
+ backup_driver_names = cfg.CONF.sfc.drivers
+ driver_names = [
+ driver_name for driver_name in six.iterkeys(drivers)
+ ]
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('drivers', driver_names, 'sfc')
+ iter_entry_points = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points
+ find_entry_points = stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points = mock.Mock()
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points = mock.Mock()
+ driver_entry_points = []
+ for driver_name in driver_names:
+ driver_class = mock.Mock()
+ ep = mock.Mock()
+ ep.name = driver_name
+ ep.resolve.return_value = driver_class
+ driver_class.return_value = drivers[driver_name]
+ drivers[driver_name].native_bulk_support = True
+ driver_entry_points.append(ep)
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points.return_value = driver_entry_points
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points.return_value = (
+ driver_entry_points
+ )
+ yield sfc_driver.SfcDriverManager()
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('drivers', backup_driver_names, 'sfc')
+ pkg_resources.iter_entry_points = iter_entry_points
+ stevedore.ExtensionManager._find_entry_points = find_entry_points
+ def test_initialize_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ manager.initialize()
+ mock_driver1.initialize.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_driver2.initialize.assert_called_once_with()
+ def test_create_port_chain_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.create_port_chain(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.create_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.create_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_create_port_chain_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.create_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.create_port_chain, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_update_port_chain_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.update_port_chain(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.update_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.update_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_update_port_chain_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.update_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.update_port_chain, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_delete_port_chain_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.delete_port_chain(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.delete_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.delete_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_delete_port_chain_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.delete_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.delete_port_chain, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.create_port_pair_group(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.create_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.create_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.create_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.create_port_pair_group, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_update_port_pair_group_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.update_port_pair_group(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.update_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.update_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_update_port_pair_group_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.update_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.update_port_pair_group, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.delete_port_pair_group(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.delete_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.delete_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.delete_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.delete_port_pair_group, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_create_port_pair_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.create_port_pair(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.create_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.create_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_create_port_pair_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.create_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.create_port_pair, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_update_port_pair_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.update_port_pair(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.update_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.update_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_update_port_pair_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.update_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.update_port_pair, mocked_context
+ )
+ def test_delete_port_pair_called(self):
+ mock_driver1 = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver2 = mock.Mock()
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy1': mock_driver1,
+ 'dummy2': mock_driver2
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ manager.delete_port_pair(mocked_context)
+ mock_driver1.delete_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ mock_driver2.delete_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mocked_context)
+ def test_delete_port_pair_exception(self):
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.delete_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcException
+ )
+ with self.driver_manager_context({
+ 'dummy': mock_driver,
+ }) as manager:
+ mocked_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.assertRaises(
+ sfc_exc.SfcDriverError,
+ manager.delete_port_pair, mocked_context
+ )
diff --git a/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_plugin.py b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d265838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/test_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Futurewei. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import mock
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import context as sfc_ctx
+from networking_sfc.services.sfc.common import exceptions as sfc_exc
+from networking_sfc.tests.unit.db import test_sfc_db
+ "networking_sfc.services.sfc.plugin.SfcPlugin"
+class SfcPluginTestCase(test_sfc_db.SfcDbPluginTestCase):
+ def setUp(self, core_plugin=None, sfc_plugin=None, ext_mgr=None):
+ if not sfc_plugin:
+ sfc_plugin = SFC_PLUGIN_KLASS
+ self.driver_manager_p = mock.patch(
+ 'networking_sfc.services.sfc.driver_manager.SfcDriverManager'
+ )
+ self.fake_driver_manager_class = self.driver_manager_p.start()
+ self.fake_driver_manager = mock.Mock()
+ self.fake_driver_manager_class.return_value = self.fake_driver_manager
+ self.plugin_context = None
+ super(SfcPluginTestCase, self).setUp(
+ core_plugin=core_plugin, sfc_plugin=sfc_plugin,
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr
+ )
+ def _record_context(self, plugin_context):
+ self.plugin_context = plugin_context
+ def test_create_port_chain_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc:
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.create_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortChainContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_chain'])
+ def test_create_port_chain_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='create_port_chain'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ self._create_port_chain(
+ self.fmt,
+ {'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]},
+ expected_res_status=500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_chain', [])
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ def test_update_port_chain_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_chains', {'port_chain': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.update_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortChainContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', pc)
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', res)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, res['port_chain'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.original, pc['port_chain'])
+ def test_update_port_chain_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='update_port_chain'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }) as pc:
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', pc)
+ original_port_chain = pc['port_chain']
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_chains', {'port_chain': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ updated_port_chain = copy.copy(original_port_chain)
+ updated_port_chain['name'] = 'test2'
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ res = self._list('port_chains')
+ self.assertIn('port_chains', res)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ res['port_chains'], [updated_port_chain])
+ def test_delete_port_chain_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_port_chain.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortChainContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_chain', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_chain'])
+ def test_delete_port_chain_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_chain = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='delete_port_chain'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ }, do_delete=False) as pg:
+ with self.port_chain(port_chain={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'port_pair_groups': [pg['port_pair_group']['id']]
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_chains', pc['port_chain']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_chain', [pc])
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={}) as pc:
+ fake_driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ fake_driver_manager.create_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_group_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='create_port_pair_group'
+ )
+ )
+ self._create_port_pair_group(self.fmt, {}, expected_res_status=500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_pair_group', [])
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ def test_update_port_pair_group_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', {'port_pair_group': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.update_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', pc)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', res)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, res['port_pair_group'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.original, pc['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_update_port_pair_group_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='update_port_pair_group'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }) as pc:
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', pc)
+ original_port_pair_group = pc['port_pair_group']
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', {'port_pair_group': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ updated_port_pair_group = copy.copy(original_port_pair_group)
+ updated_port_pair_group['name'] = 'test2'
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ res = self._list('port_pair_groups')
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_groups', res)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ res['port_pair_groups'], [updated_port_pair_group])
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_port_pair_group.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairGroupContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair_group', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_pair_group'])
+ def test_delete_port_pair_group_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_pair_group = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='delete_port_pair_group'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port_pair_group(port_pair_group={
+ 'name': 'test1'
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pair_groups', pc['port_pair_group']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_pair_group', [pc])
+ def test_create_port_pair_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.create_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_pair'])
+ def test_create_port_pair_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.create_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='create_port_pair'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ self._create_port_pair(
+ self.fmt,
+ {
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ },
+ expected_res_status=500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_pair', [])
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.delete_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ def test_update_port_pair_driver_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = self.deserialize(
+ self.fmt,
+ req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ )
+ driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ driver_manager.update_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', pc)
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', res)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.current, res['port_pair'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.plugin_context.original, pc['port_pair'])
+ def test_update_port_pair_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.update_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='update_port_pair'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }) as pc:
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', pc)
+ original_port_pair = pc['port_pair']
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'port_pairs', {'port_pair': {'name': 'test2'}},
+ pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ updated_port_pair = copy.copy(original_port_pair)
+ updated_port_pair['name'] = 'test2'
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ res = self._list('port_pairs')
+ self.assertIn('port_pairs', res)
+ self.assertItemsEqual(res['port_pairs'], [updated_port_pair])
+ def test_delete_port_pair_manager_called(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=self._record_context)
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 204)
+ fake_driver_manager = self.fake_driver_manager
+ fake_driver_manager.delete_port_pair.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ self.plugin_context, sfc_ctx.PortPairContext
+ )
+ self.assertIn('port_pair', pc)
+ self.assertEqual(self.plugin_context.current, pc['port_pair'])
+ def test_delete_port_pair_driver_manager_exception(self):
+ self.fake_driver_manager.delete_port_pair = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=sfc_exc.SfcDriverError(
+ method='delete_port_pair'
+ )
+ )
+ with self.port(
+ name='port1',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as src_port, self.port(
+ name='port2',
+ device_id='default'
+ ) as dst_port:
+ with self.port_pair(port_pair={
+ 'name': 'test1',
+ 'ingress': src_port['port']['id'],
+ 'egress': dst_port['port']['id']
+ }, do_delete=False) as pc:
+ req = self.new_delete_request(
+ 'port_pairs', pc['port_pair']['id']
+ )
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 500)
+ self._test_list_resources('port_pair', [pc])