# Copyright 2015-2016 Intel Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """VSPERF VSwitch implementation using DPDK and vhost ports """ import logging from conf import settings from vswitches.vswitch import IVSwitch from src.ovs import VSwitchd, OFBridge from src.dpdk import dpdk _VSWITCHD_CONST_ARGS = ['--', '--pidfile', '--log-file'] class OvsDpdkVhost(IVSwitch): """VSwitch implementation using DPDK and vhost ports Generic OVS wrapper functionality in src.ovs is maximally used. This class wraps DPDK system configuration along with DPDK specific OVS parameters The method docstrings document only considerations specific to this implementation. For generic information of the nature of the methods, see the interface. """ _logger = logging.getLogger() def __init__(self): vswitchd_args = ['--dpdk'] vswitchd_args += settings.getValue('VSWITCHD_DPDK_ARGS') vswitchd_args += _VSWITCHD_CONST_ARGS if settings.getValue('VNF').endswith('Cuse'): self._logger.info("Inserting VHOST Cuse modules into kernel...") dpdk.insert_vhost_modules() self._vswitchd = VSwitchd(vswitchd_args=vswitchd_args, expected_cmd= r'EAL: Master l*core \d+ is ready') self._bridges = {} def start(self): """See IVswitch for general description Activates DPDK kernel modules, ovsdb and vswitchd. """ dpdk.init() self._vswitchd.start() def stop(self): """See IVswitch for general description Kills ovsdb and vswitchd and removes DPDK kernel modules. """ self._vswitchd.kill() dpdk.cleanup() dpdk.remove_vhost_modules() def add_switch(self, switch_name, params=None): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = OFBridge(switch_name) if params is None: bridge.create(['--', 'set', 'bridge', switch_name, 'datapath_type=netdev']) else: bridge.create(['--', 'set', 'bridge', switch_name, 'datapath_type=netdev'] + params) bridge.set_db_attribute('Open_vSwitch', '.', 'other_config:max-idle', settings.getValue('VSWITCH_FLOW_TIMEOUT')) if settings.getValue('VSWITCH_AFFINITIZATION_ON') == 1: # Sets the PMD core mask to VSWITCH_PMD_CPU_MASK # for CPU core affinitization bridge.set_db_attribute('Open_vSwitch', '.', 'other_config:pmd-cpu-mask', settings.getValue('VSWITCH_PMD_CPU_MASK')) self._bridges[switch_name] = bridge def del_switch(self, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] self._bridges.pop(switch_name) bridge.destroy() def add_phy_port(self, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description Creates a port of type dpdk. The new port is named dpdk<n> where n is an integer starting from 0. """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] dpdk_count = self._get_port_count('type=dpdk') port_name = 'dpdk' + str(dpdk_count) params = ['--', 'set', 'Interface', port_name, 'type=dpdk'] of_port = bridge.add_port(port_name, params) return (port_name, of_port) def add_vport(self, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description Creates a port of type dpdkvhost The new port is named dpdkvhost<n> where n is an integer starting from 0 """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] # Changed dpdkvhost to dpdkvhostuser to be able to run in Qemu 2.2 if settings.getValue('VNF').endswith('Cuse'): vhost_count = self._get_port_count('type=dpdkvhostcuse') port_name = 'dpdkvhostcuse' + str(vhost_count) params = ['--', 'set', 'Interface', port_name, 'type=dpdkvhostcuse'] else: vhost_count = self._get_port_count('type=dpdkvhostuser') port_name = 'dpdkvhostuser' + str(vhost_count) params = ['--', 'set', 'Interface', port_name, 'type=dpdkvhostuser'] of_port = bridge.add_port(port_name, params) return (port_name, of_port) def add_tunnel_port(self, switch_name, remote_ip, tunnel_type='vxlan', params=None): """Creates tunneling port """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] pcount = str(self._get_port_count('type=' + tunnel_type)) port_name = tunnel_type + pcount local_params = ['--', 'set', 'Interface', port_name, 'type=' + tunnel_type, 'options:remote_ip=' + remote_ip] if params is not None: local_params = local_params + params of_port = bridge.add_port(port_name, local_params) return (port_name, of_port) def get_ports(self, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] ports = list(bridge.get_ports().items()) return [(name, of_port) for (name, (of_port, _)) in ports] def del_port(self, switch_name, port_name): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.del_port(port_name) def add_flow(self, switch_name, flow, cache='off'): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.add_flow(flow, cache=cache) def del_flow(self, switch_name, flow=None): """See IVswitch for general description """ flow = flow or {} bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.del_flow(flow) def dump_flows(self, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.dump_flows() def add_route(self, switch_name, network, destination): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.add_route(network, destination) def set_tunnel_arp(self, ip_addr, mac_addr, switch_name): """See IVswitch for general description """ bridge = self._bridges[switch_name] bridge.set_tunnel_arp(ip_addr, mac_addr, switch_name) def _get_port_count(self, param): """Returns the number of ports having a certain parameter :param bridge: The src.ovs.ofctl.OFBridge on which to operate :param param: The parameter to search for :returns: Count of matches """ cnt = 0 for k in self._bridges: pparams = [c for (_, (_, c)) in list(self._bridges[k].get_ports().items())] phits = [i for i in pparams if param in i] cnt += len(phits) if cnt is None: cnt = 0 return cnt