# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Task management helper functions and classes.

import select
import subprocess
import logging
import pexpect
import threading
import sys
import os
import locale
import time

from conf import settings
from tools import systeminfo

CMD_PREFIX = 'cmd : '

def _get_stdout():
    """Get stdout value for ``subprocess`` calls.
    stdout = None

    if settings.getValue('VERBOSITY') != 'debug':
        stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb')

    return stdout

def run_task(cmd, logger, msg=None, check_error=False):
    """Run task, report errors and log overall status.

    Run given task using ``subprocess.Popen``. Log the commands
    used and any errors generated. Prints stdout to screen if
    in verbose mode and returns it regardless. Prints stderr to
    screen always.

    :param cmd: Exact command to be executed
    :param logger: Logger to write details to
    :param msg: Message to be shown to user
    :param check_error: Throw exception on error

    :returns: (stdout, stderr)
    def handle_error(exception):
        """Handle errors by logging and optionally raising an exception.
            'Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: %(exception)s',
            {'cmd': ' '.join(cmd), 'exception': exception})
        if check_error:
            raise exception

    stdout = []
    stderr = []
    my_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]

    if msg:

    logger.debug('%s%s', CMD_PREFIX, ' '.join(cmd))

        proc = subprocess.Popen(map(os.path.expanduser, cmd),
                                stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0)

        while True:
            reads = [proc.stdout.fileno(), proc.stderr.fileno()]
            ret = select.select(reads, [], [])

            for file_d in ret[0]:
                if file_d == proc.stdout.fileno():
                    line = proc.stdout.readline()
                    if settings.getValue('VERBOSITY') == 'debug':
                if file_d == proc.stderr.fileno():
                    line = proc.stderr.readline()

            if proc.poll() is not None:
    except OSError as ex:
        if proc.returncode:
            ex = subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd, stderr)

    return ('\n'.join(sout.decode(my_encoding).strip() for sout in stdout),
            ('\n'.join(sout.decode(my_encoding).strip() for sout in stderr)))

def run_background_task(cmd, logger, msg):
    """Run task in background and log when started.

    Run given task using ``subprocess.Popen``. Log the command
    used. Print stdout to screen if in verbose mode. Prints stderr
    to screen always.

    :param cmd: Exact command to be executed
    :param logger: Logger to write details to
    :param msg: Message to be shown to user

    :returns: Process PID
    logger.debug('%s%s', CMD_PREFIX, ' '.join(cmd))

    proc = subprocess.Popen(map(os.path.expanduser, cmd), stdout=_get_stdout(), bufsize=0)

    return proc.pid

def run_interactive_task(cmd, logger, msg):
    """Run a task interactively and log when started.

    Run given task using ``pexpect.spawn``. Log the command used.
    Performs neither validation of the process - if the process
    successfully started or is still running - nor killing of the
    process. The user must do both.

    :param cmd: Exact command to be executed
    :param logger: Logger to write details to
    :param msg: Message to be shown to user

    :returns: ``pexpect.child`` object
    logger.debug('%s%s', CMD_PREFIX, cmd)
    child = pexpect.spawnu(cmd)

    if settings.getValue('VERBOSITY') == 'debug':
        child.logfile_read = sys.stdout

    return child

def terminate_task_subtree(pid, signal='-15', sleep=10, logger=None):
    """Terminate given process and all its children

    Function will sent given signal to the process. In case
    that process will not terminate within given sleep interval
    and signal was not SIGKILL, then process will be killed by SIGKILL.
    After that function will check if all children of the process
    are terminated and if not the same terminating procedure is applied
    on any living child (only one level of children is considered).

    :param pid: Process ID to terminate
    :param signal: Signal to be sent to the process
    :param sleep: Maximum delay in seconds after signal is sent
    :param logger: Logger to write details to
        output = subprocess.check_output("pgrep -P " + str(pid), shell=True).decode().rstrip('\n')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        output = ""

    terminate_task(pid, signal, sleep, logger)

    # just for case children were kept alive
    children = output.split('\n')
    for child in children:
        terminate_task(child, signal, sleep, logger)

def terminate_task(pid, signal='-15', sleep=10, logger=None):
    """Terminate process with given pid

    Function will sent given signal to the process. In case
    that process will not terminate within given sleep interval
    and signal was not SIGKILL, then process will be killed by SIGKILL.

    :param pid: Process ID to terminate
    :param signal: Signal to be sent to the process
    :param sleep: Maximum delay in seconds after signal is sent
    :param logger: Logger to write details to
    if systeminfo.pid_isalive(pid):
        run_task(['sudo', 'kill', signal, str(pid)], logger)
        logger.debug('Wait for process %s to terminate after signal %s', pid, signal)
        for dummy in range(sleep):
            if not systeminfo.pid_isalive(pid):

        if signal.lstrip('-').upper() not in ('9', 'KILL', 'SIGKILL') and systeminfo.pid_isalive(pid):
            terminate_task(pid, '-9', sleep, logger)

class Process(object):
    """Control an instance of a long-running process.

    This is basically a context-manager wrapper around the
    ``run_interactive_task`` function above (with some extra helper
    _cmd = None
    _child = None
    _logfile = None
    _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    _expect = None
    _timeout = -1
    _proc_name = 'unnamed process'
    _relinquish_thread = None

    # context manager

    def __enter__(self):
        """Start process instance using context manager.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
        """Shutdown process instance.

    # startup/shutdown

    def start(self):
        """Start process instance.
        if self._timeout > 0:

    def _start_process(self):
        """Start process instance.
        cmd = ' '.join(settings.getValue('SHELL_CMD') +
                       ['"%s"' % ' '.join(self._cmd)])

        self._child = run_interactive_task(cmd, self._logger,
                                           'Starting %s...' % self._proc_name)
        self._child.logfile = open(self._logfile, 'w')

    def expect(self, msg, timeout=None):
        """Expect string from process.

        Expect string and die if not received.

        :param msg: String to expect.
        :param timeout: Time to wait for string.

        :returns: None
        self._expect_process(msg, timeout)

    def _expect_process(self, msg=None, timeout=None):
        """Expect string from process.
        if not msg:
            msg = self._expect
        if not timeout:
            timeout = self._timeout

        # we use exceptions rather than catching conditions in ``expect`` list
        # as we want to fail catastrophically after handling; there is likely
        # little we can do from within the scripts to fix issues such as
        # hugepages not being mounted
            self._child.expect([msg], timeout=timeout)
        except pexpect.EOF as exc:
                'An error occurred. Please check the logs (%s) for more'
                ' information. Exiting...', self._logfile)
            raise exc
        except pexpect.TIMEOUT as exc:
                'Failed to execute in \'%d\' seconds. Please check the logs'
                ' (%s) for more information. Exiting...',
                timeout, self._logfile)
            raise exc
        except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as exc:
            self._logger.critical('General exception raised. Exiting...')
            raise exc

    def kill(self, signal='-15', sleep=10):
        """Kill process instance if it is alive.

        :param signal: signal to be sent to the process
        :param sleep: delay in seconds after signal is sent
        if self.is_running():
            terminate_task_subtree(self._child.pid, signal, sleep, self._logger)

            if self.is_relinquished():

            'Log available at %s', self._logfile)

    def is_relinquished(self):
        """Returns True if process is relinquished.

        If relinquished the process is no longer controllable and can
        only be killed.

        :returns: True if process is relinquished, else False.
        return self._relinquish_thread

    def is_running(self):
        """Returns True if process is running.

        :returns: True if process is running, else False
        return self._child and self._child.isalive()

    def _affinitize_pid(self, core, pid):
        """Affinitize a process with ``pid`` to ``core``.

        :param core: Core to affinitize process to.
        :param pid: Process ID to affinitize.

        :returns: None
        run_task(['sudo', 'taskset', '-c', '-p', str(core),

    def affinitize(self, core):
        """Affinitize process to a specific ``core``.

        :param core: Core to affinitize process to.

        :returns: None
        self._logger.info('Affinitizing process')

        if self.is_running():
            self._affinitize_pid(core, self._child.pid)

    class ContinueReadPrintLoop(threading.Thread):
        """Thread to read output from child and log.

        Taken from: https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/issues/90
        def __init__(self, child):
            self.child = child

        def run(self):
            while True:
                except (pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT):

    def relinquish(self):
        """Relinquish control of process.

        Give up control of application in order to ensure logging
        continues for the application. After relinquishing control it
        will no longer be possible to :func:`expect` anything.

        This works around an issue described here:


        It is hoped that future versions of pexpect will avoid this
        self._relinquish_thread = self.ContinueReadPrintLoop(self._child)

class CustomProcess(Process):
    """An sample implementation of ``Process``.

    This is essentially a more detailed version of the
    ``run_interactive_task`` function that checks for process execution
    and kills the process (assuming use of the context manager).
    def __init__(self, cmd, timeout, logfile, expect, name):
        """Initialise process state.

        :param cmd: Command to execute.
        :param timeout: Time to wait for ``expect``.
        :param logfile: Path to logfile.
        :param expect: String to expect indicating startup. This is a
            regex and should be escaped as such.
        :param name: Name of process to use in logs.

        :returns: None
        self._cmd = cmd
        self._logfile = logfile
        self._expect = expect
        self._proc_name = name
        self._timeout = timeout