Test ID: {{ tests[0].ID }} -------------------------- Test Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is the environment that the test was performed in: * OS: {{tests[0].env.os}} * Kernel Version: {{tests[0].env.kernel}} * NIC(s):{% for nic in tests[0].env.nics %} * {{nic}}{% endfor %} * Board: {{tests[0].env.platform}} * CPU: {{tests[0].env.cpu}} * CPU cores: {{tests[0].env.cpu_cores}} * Memory: {{tests[0].env.memory}} * Virtual Switch Set-up: {{tests[0].deployment}} * vswitchperf: GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vsperf['git_tag']}} * Traffic Generator: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.traffic_gen['git_tag']}} * vSwitch: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vswitch['git_tag']}} {%- if 'dpdk' in tests[0].env %} * DPDK Version: {{tests[0].env.dpdk['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.dpdk['git_tag']}} {%- endif %} {%- if 'vnf' in tests[0].env %} * VNF: {{tests[0].env.vnf['name']}}, Version: {{tests[0].env.vnf['version']}}, GIT tag: {{tests[0].env.vnf['git_tag']}} * VM images:{% for guest_image in tests[0].env.guest_image %} * {{guest_image}}{% endfor %} * VM loopback apps:{% for loopback_app in tests[0].env.loopback_app %} * {{loopback_app['name']}}, Version: {{loopback_app['version']}}, GIT tag: {{loopback_app['git_tag']}}{% endfor %} {%- endif %} Below are test details: * Test ID: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].id) }} * Description: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].conf['Description']) }} * Deployment: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].deployment) }} * Traffic type: {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].result['type']) }} * Bidirectional : {{ "%s"|format(tests[0].conf['biDirectional']) }} {% for test in tests %} Test results for packet size: {{ "%s"|format(test.result['packet_size']) }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A detailed summary of the main results is outlined below. Results/Metrics Collected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following are the metrics obtained during this test: ========================== ================================== Metric Result ========================== ================================== {%- for item, value in test.result.items() %} {{ "%-30s %30s"|format(item,value)}} {%- endfor %} ========================== ================================== Statistics collected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following system statistics were collected during testcase execution: {% for process in test.stats %} ========================== ================================== Process: {{ '_'.join(process.split('_')[:-1]) }} ------------------------------------------------------------- Statistic Value ========================== ================================== {%- for item, value in test.stats[process].items() %} {{ "%-30s %30s"|format(item,value)}} {%- endfor %} ========================== ================================== {% endfor %}{% endfor %} Anomalies ~~~~~~~~~~ No anomalies were detected during the course of this test. Testing Activities/Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There were no significant testing activities for this test.