.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

.. _rationale:

Rationale for decisions
The tests conducted do not have pass/fail/conditional-pass criteria. The test
is simply conducted and the results are reported.

.. _conclusions:

Conclusions and recommendations
The test results are stable. The vsperf CI jobs that were used to obtain the
results can be found at https://wiki.opnfv.org/wiki/vsperf_results.


- NFV - Network Function Virtualization
- Mbps - 1,000,000bps

Document change procedures and history
=============================================== ================= =============
             Document ID                            Author        Date Modified
=============================================== ================= =============
`OPNFV_vswitchperf_LTR_ver_1.0_Jan_15_CN_DRAFT` Christopher Nolan 23/01/2015
`OPNFV_vswitchperf_LTR_ver_1.1_Jan_15_CN_DRAFT` Christopher Nolan 28/01/2015
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